Head Patting in Marvel

Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Night raid and Mess. 

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The backup had a gentle looking face, a pulled back hairline and was wearing a black suit. He entered the clinic after a long search. Phil Coulson, a seventh level agent of SHIELD, arrived to check on his teammates.

He received her emergency signal and knew something wrong had happened in her mission. He tried to track her but the signal cut off. He notified the headquarters about it, in which the director asked him to pull back from the operation. 

After losing Barbara's position for a while, the Director already gave up hope. Coulson tried to roam around the area where the signal cuts off, looking for clues of her whereabouts. He almost gives up the search after he found none. 

Then, he got a call from an unknown number and finally found her! 

Upon entering the clinic, Coulson saw that Barbara was sitting in a wheelchair. By her side was a doctor that is currently taking off his white coat and seemed to be going home. 

Kai noticed who the backup was as his face was familiar. Now, he knew exactly who these guys were. 

‘The novice village chief in the movie, Agent Phil Coulson.’ He kept maintaining a poker face when Coulson stared at him. ‘It seems like I got entangled in the Snake Shields business.’ 

The agent checked on the badly beaten woman and asked her. "Are you okay? What's going on?"

He didn’t know what the mission was and he was only there because he was in the vicinity.

"He… saved me,” Barbara told him everything that happened in the alley, but not her mission as she received a direct order from the director for this. 

Coulson nodded in understanding. He approached Kai and said, "Thank you for your help doctor. I'll take it from here."

He held out his hand for a handshake, but Kai handed him a piece of paper to his hanging hand instead. 

"This is my medical evaluation of her. She needs to go to the hospital for treatment immediately. And the next page is the bills for the surgery." He emphasised the treatment, but he didn’t bother much with the payments. 

He'd be more polite, but he wanted to go home now. He didn’t mind getting involved in SHIELD’s business for now as he didn't do anything wrong. ‘Even if they want to say he killed someone, Where's the body? It had already turned into ashes.’

Coulson took the document, and was trying to say [we have a few questions about the attack] but couldn't even start as the glass walls of the clinic were shattered by a few black figures breaking into the clinic. Shards of sharp glass fell all over the clinic floor, becoming a hazard for the people there.

A figure lunged straight to Barbara, put his hand on her neck and held her up high while choking her. Coulson prepared to shoot, but Kai was faster. 

Before the figure could finish his word,  "Did you think…. " 

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three shots fired at him. Two to his torso, one to his head. His last words [Did you think you can escape] couldn't even be finished. 

Barbara plopped down on the wheelchair again, trying to catch her breath. She could only do so as the hands that were holding her had turned into ashes.  

The other vampire at the door was  looking at the doctor. An angry vein popped out on Kai's forehead as he was very angry. "Do you know that if the glass break I couldn't open the clinic tomorrow you fu**ing bastards!" 

Coulson looked at Kai with a weird expression on his face."Is this really what you're gonna focus on now?" he retorted.

Seeing that Kai could handle himself, he went to cover Barbara who was incapacitated. 

When backup came, she allowed her guard down – only because of the meds. She passed out on the wheelchair as her body went into shock. Coulson pulled Barbara behind the receptionist desk for cover. 

The five vampires attacked Kai first as they thought he was the biggest threat. They weren’t mistaken.

He had to avoid many punches, claw attacks, kicks, but he did it all agilely. ‘It is hard to shoot while dodging, I need to upgrade my gunfighting skills.’

Coulson looked at Kai in disbelief. Kai bent his knee to allow a vampire’s hand over his shoulder, and broke the vampire’s elbow by hitting it with his palm. 


“Shut up!” Kai kicked the screaming vampire in the stomach, smashing him into the others and creating a distance between them, but he couldn’t aim his gun before another came punching. 

He noticed that Coulson was behind the receptionist desk and was shooting at the vampire to provide him cover. As Coulson used a normal gun, he wasn’t a threat to the creatures. 

"You could give me a warning about the vampires!" He scolded the unconscious woman. 

This only happened because of the problem in Shield. Always with the secrets. His gun was useless in the battle. While he was thinking about what to do and how to help,he heard Kai calling him. 

"Hey baldy, there's a light switch under the receptionist desk. Press it.” Kai said urgently. Although he is strong, the fight in front of him was giving him a difficult challenge. He could win, but it would destroy his clinic and he didn’t want that. 

Coulson quickly searched for the switch and pressed it without much thought. 

After he pressed it, the UV lamp that Kai used to sterilise the room was turned on. The vampires screamed as they were burned by the UV light – one of their weaknesses.

Kai took advantage of the confusion to kill 3 vampires while they were screaming in pain. The UV couldn’t kill the vampires in a short time as it wasn’t concentrated UV.

 2 vampires had already escaped the light range and retreated outside the clinic. 

"Oh no you DON’T!" 

He's not going to let them run away. Quickly he aimed at one of them that was retreating in a different direction than the other one.


 The running vampires turned into ashes.  He ran to the next one, and barely catched up with it before it left.  "This is for my glass wall you bastards…” 

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After unloading the rain of bullets, he felt a bit better now. The situation escalated quickly and finished quickly. Coulson turned off the UV lamp when he saw Kai returned to the clinic.

 "Are you okay?" Coulson was relieved when he saw the doctor was fine. 

“Yeah. How’s she?”

Looking at Kai's condition, he noticed the doctor is unscathed although he was besieged by a number of vampires in a small space. Kai earned Coulson's respect without even knowing about it. 

Kai checked Barbara closely while Coulson was standing at the side in worry.

“By the way…the bill for the glass door is on you.”

He left after checking up on her and left the village chief standing stunned there.  

"Luckily her condition didn't deteriorate,” Kai informed. 

Coulson was feeling the urgency, he wanted to move the environment in case more vampires came to knock on the door. They are now defenceless in a broken clinic. 

Kai noticed Coulson was restless. "If you are worrying about the vampires, they wouldn't come.”

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Coulson's eyes widened as his thoughts were guessed correctly. 

"How do you know? " Coulson asked inquisitively, as if he was in awe of the vampire slaying doctor.

"It's almost daybreak," Kai said while pointing at the sky. The black sky now showed signs of orange hue, signalling that the night is over. 

"I assume that the vampire wants to finish her off for whatever reason. You should take her away in a safe place now. As the vampire could find where she is, they might have tracked her by smelling her blood." 

That was actually true. A vampire found traces of blood and ashes in an alleyway, then used it to find Barbara.

"You seem to know a lot about vampires." Coulson said. The doctor is full of mysteries.

Kai smiled. "Maybe vampires are rare for Americans, but in Latveria, it is normal to know how to fight vampires. It's even taught in school." 

Coulson wanted to ask more but the day already arrived.  The crisis is over for now.

Kai looked sadly at the door, feeling helpless of its condition. After saving Barbara, now the quest was at (9/10). He only needed one more to finish the quest! 

But the clinic was a mess. Who knows how long it's going to take for the clinic to reopen. Coulson knew what Kai was thinking as he remembered what Kai was mad about when the vampires attacked.

He offered, "I will be responsible for the reconstruction of the clinic, you can put your mind at ease."

After hearing that, Kai's mood brightened.  "I'll appreciate it."

He held out his hand and made the belated introduction. "Kai Vera." 

Coulson took Kai's hand and said. "Phil Coulson." 

Kai let Coulson deal with the aftermath. A few agents arrived and sealed the surrounding area. They also dealt with possible witnesses of the incident, but they weren’t any. 

As the clinic isn't gonna open today. Kai has a rare day of rest. He went home and plopped on his bed. Seconds later, he entered dreamland. 

In a certain shield underground base. 

Barbara was lying on a bed in the medical ward before Phil Coulson and a one-eyed pirate named Nick Fury came in. 

"Director.” Barbara saluted. 

Nick Fury asked about the information she learned. 

"The vampires are preparing for something called the Blood God ceremony." She explained. Nick Fury became solemn after hearing the information. He asked her to recover well, and gave her 3 months off from being on duty. 

Fury turned to Phil and asked after they moved away from her. 

 "What about the doctor, how much did you find out about him?"

Phil took out a file and said, " Kai Vera, 31 years old, an immigrant doctor from Latveria. His family was dead during the previous dictator's reign, so he came to America."

"There's a record of him serving in the Latveria military before, and is a surgical specialist. He opened the clinic 4 months ago, giving treatment to people of Hell's Kitchen. "

"How about his fighting skill?" Nick Fury asked.

"He can hold his own under attack from 5 vampires, he can move extremely agile and better overall compared to our best agent. He is a sharpshooter, all his shots are on target… But I don't think that is the most surprising thing about him, Director.”

Fury allowed Phil to continue by nodding his head as this part wasn’t in the information he asked him to gather. 

"His surgical expertise is top notch. He could finish complicated surgery in under 30 minutes. Without any helpers. He could make the best decision at a critical time. If he didn't, Barbara would've died." 

"The man is also obsessed with treating people as he opens his clinic for 20 hours a day. Every single day. In the four months of business, the store had only closed down 2 times. " 

From the records, he thought that Kai has an obsession about medical treatment. 

There's also a record that Kai frequented  people's houses to help them out. He has a near obsessive compulsive tendency in his actions.

"Are you planning to ask him to join SHIELD? " Phil knew that people with compulsive behaviour were more likely to reject SHIELD’s invitations, but Kai's skill is extremely desirable for any organisation.

"If needed to.  I do hope it won't come to that." Fury replied solemnly. If the blood ceremony wasn’t stopped,  then an imminent war between human and vampire will be unleashed. 

Returning to his office, Fury makes a phone call to a certain sunglasses-wearing half-vampire to discuss the defensive plan. 

Ryan or Kai couldn’t care less about the aftermath. 

Kai has a rare day's off in which he spent some time with Skye. They went shopping, watched a movie, bought some books and some stuff for Skye and ended with her being tormented by Kai on the matter of her hygiene. 

"If you don't floss, no more candy. How could you have never flossed before?" He stood by her side and watched her do it properly. 

Skye was bereft of her fun going out for the day, and now has teary eyes while she flossed. 

Kai enjoyed Skye's misery and he checked on the ongoing quest at the same time. The planting trees quest was already completed. Saving people is at (9/10). He only has one more to go. 

And the last quest was actually a revised quest from RetiredMechanic. Originally the mechanic asked him to make an Iron Man suit. But after some persuasion, he changed his quest to; 

[Retired Mechanics quest : make your own invention using knowledge from the trading site. You can reference blueprints or items in functionality, but you can't copy them.] 

Props: none 

Reward :basic power armour technology (Halo 5)

As the main body was busy with the tree's serum and experiment, Kai was responsible for thinking and listing the ideas for it.

The doctor made a surgical tool using a carbon-nanotube that could help in treating vascular blockage as his first invention.

Ryan submitted the invention to the mechanic and got an [OKAY] grade. 

The clone also submitted it to the World Health Organisation, in which his status in the medical community shot up.

The main body took over in creating the rest of the inventions. Ryan was going to finish it in a few weeks after he finished with his modified seeds experiments. 


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