Heat the Pig Liver

Chapter 14: 4

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Chapter 4 – Protect What You Love Even If It Kills You


“What’s your name?”


It was a quiet night outside the ship.  Hortis, whose hands were wrapped in bandages, called out to the person through the cage’s bars.


Inside the ship’s heavily guarded prison, an old man with his hands and feet bound looked back with his golden eyes.  The skin exposed from the grey robe was so pale it didn’t make him seem alive at all, but it was also charred black and in tatters.  His current state might as well be considered a mummy.



“Name?  I’ve already forgotten it.”


Whether it was out of exhaustion or despair, the old man’s voice lacked vigor.


“There’s no worth in providing you with a name either.  Call me whatever you want, youngster.”


The defeated old man sat obediently on the floor, watching us from inside the cage.  Shulavis was next to me.  Hortis was on my other side, and further over on that side were Nott, Itsune, and Josh.  Behind me were a black pig and boar.  Jess and Celes were in the captain’s quarters – both had removed their curses and were asleep.


Inside the slowly swaying ship, we were about to start our interrogation of the surreptitious sorcerer, who had been incapacitated by Celes’ collar.


“Then, old man, please make it succinct.  Tell us why you’re attacking the people of Mestria and trying to destroy the royal family?”


Hortis’ question made the old man’s shoulders quiver as he laughed silently.


“The ancestor that you all worship so much, in other words, the woman named Vatis, was a truly cruel mage.  She slaughtered many innocent people in the name of peace.  Among them were my mentor and close friend.  In order to settle that debt, I kept myself alive to this day.”


Hortis sighed in displeasure.


“I also understand that Vatis was an irredeemable woman.  However, she’s already dead.  Do you enjoy killing her descendants and other innocent people?”




The old man questioned back in an intimidating voice.


“Even if her body has died, do her deeds still not remain?  Using your overwhelming magic power as a shield, you grew up comfortably in the capital while putting collars on the other mages, enslaving them.  Vatis didn’t end the conflict.  She merely hid the fact that there were winners and losers, and continued to win this quiet war.  I cannot stand this false peace.  That’s why I’ve been accumulating power to destroy it.  To defeat you all.”


Nott interjected from the side.


“Putting collars on the other mages?”


The old man grinned.


“See?  Even the representative of the foolish people don’t know the truth.  Why don’t I tell you?  Yesmas are nothing more than mages bound to obedience.  The reason why the royal dynasty neglects their cruel fate is to circulate these convenient mages as slaves while also preventing their numbers from increasing too much.”


“Oi, what’s the meaning of this?”


Itsune glared at Hortis, who was looking down.  Confusion and anger was flashing through her eyes.


“Does that mean Yesmas are killed for your guys’ convenience?”


With his long drooping hair covering his eyes, Hortis raised his voice.


“Itsune-kun.  The people killing the Yesmas are those from the underworld – in other words, this old man and his allies.  However, it’s true that the structure of the royal dynasty was built on that premise.  To change that rotten system into something peaceful, is that not what all of us here are trying to do?”


Without saying a word, Nott glared at Hortis with a terrifying gaze that I have never seen from him before.


After observing Nott for a few moments, the surreptitious sorcerer, with sparkling eyes, opened his grey mouth.


“We’re the ones killing the Yesmas, you say?  That’s a funny way of saying things.  We’re simply picking up the trash the royal dynasty made and putting it to good use.  Think about who’s creating the trash, youngster.  Which side is forcing them to embark on a death journey as soon as they turn sixteen?  Who’s the one that tried to burn the Yesmas who refused the journey and stayed inside the monastery?”


The old man’s meaningful words made Nott’s eyes widen as he questioned.


“What do you mean by that?  Speak.”


Like a fish to water, the old man began talking gleefully.


“I also remember that monastery’s incident which you were thinking back to.  I had eavesdropped on a part of the royal dynasty’s surveillance network, so I know about it.  Five years ago, the monastery in that small village was burned down by a mage from the royal dynasty.  It was done by this man, or his relative.”


Hortis kept his mouth tightly shut, but he made no attempts to interrupt the old man.


“Go on,” Nott sharply ordered the smiling old man.


“Because I knew a mage was targeting the monastery, I sent Yesma hunters there ahead of time to hunt down all the Yesmas that escaped.  It’s not us who dispose of the trash that you should hate, youngster.  It should be the royal dynasty mages who treat those girls that seek a peaceful life like trash.”


Nott immediately turned around and grabbed Hortis’ chest.


“You knew.  You showed up five years ago, right after the monastery was burned down and Ys was killed.  You said you couldn’t stand your brother’s way of doing things.  You knew I was chasing after a Yesma whom your brother tried to kill.  That’s why you came to me, am I right?”


Hortis’ mouth, which had been tightly shut for some time, opened as if it had lost all strength.


“That’s right.  I’m sorry for keeping that from you…  I didn’t want you all holding a needless grudge.”




Josh muttered as if speaking to himself, “Whether it’s needless or not is up to us to decide.”


In this tense atmosphere that was almost about to burst, Josh’ sanpaku eyes glared at Hortis.


“I don’t hate you, Hortis, because I know you’ve been doing your best for us.  But I still can’t forgive the royal dynasty.  Even if these feelings are wrong, I didn’t want to hear you say that they’re needless.”


The surreptitious sorcerer showed a content smile.  Despite being incapacitated, the old man still managed to turn a blade against the royal dynasty.  He fueled the Liberation Army’s hatred, deepening their divide with the royal dynasty.


Even though we were returning from a victorious battle, the three officers of the Liberation Army looked as if their parents had been murdered.  Hortis hung his head, and Shulavis couldn’t say anything.


There was nothing us three animals could do about this situation.


Hortis slowly spoke.


“The royal dynasty has certainly made mistakes to this day, and we are still making them now.  But if you’re trying settle the past, you’ll become no different from this pitiful old man over here.  The past is important, but the future is even more important.  I’m begging you all, please maintain your composures.”


A single tear streamed down from Hortis’ eyes.


“All I can do is ask this of you, but please don’t ever forget.  It’s always kindness that saves a country.”




Jess and Celes woke up at about the same time.  It was just as mainland Mestria began to poke its head out from the horizon, and as the other horizon started to glow a faint red.


Inside the captain’s quarters where the two girls were sleeping, I was next to Jess, while Nott and Sanon were watching over Celes.  Shulavis was looking out the window alone.


Through the small window in the wooden wall, I could see the calm surface of the water illuminated by the faint light of dawn.


Just as the half-asleep Jess mumbled something, Nott’s voice broke the air.






Jess jumped while making a funny sound, and immediately blushed as soon as she grasped the situation.


(Are you up?)


I peered at Jess’ face from the side and saw her covering her mouth in embarrassment while nodding.


I turned my attention to Celes and Nott.  Celes slowly raised her upper body in front of Nott.


“Huh?  I’m… still alive…?”


Without delay, Nott hugged Celes tightly from the front.  It happened so suddenly that Celes simply rested her chin on Nott’s shoulder like that, and blinked in surprise.


“Mr. Nott, erm… why…”


“Why did you try and throw away your life to take my place?  You did something so stupid.”


“I’m sorry for selfishly…”


Nott let go of the confused Celes, placed his hands on her shoulders, and faced her.


“You fell in love with the wrong person.  A scumbag like me doesn’t have any worth.”


The black pig next to him nodded, as if to say “I agree.”  Oi.


Celes, on the other hand, shook her head as hard as she could in denial.


“It’s my choice to decide for myself what has worth.”


No longer wearing a collar, Celes proudly looked back at Nott.


“Um, I don’t regret it.  Because I came all the way here hoping to be of some use to you, Mr. Nott…  And it’s been my dream to entrust you with my first time.”


For a moment there, the temperature felt like it had dropped.  Well, we all know that’s not what she meant.


I inadvertently looked to my side, and saw Jess staring intently at those two with an envious expression.


Did she notice my monologue?  Jess hurriedly looked down.


The atmosphere in the captain’s quarters was completely dominated by the romance of those two.  Nott awkwardly averted his eyes from Celes and looked over here.


“Anyway, I’m glad that both Celes and Jess are okay.  That’s one thing settled for now.”


After I nodded, Nott alternated between looking at me and Shulavis.


“I want to confirm one thing with you guys, is that alright?”


(What is it?)  I responded through Jess.


“Even though you knew Yesmas are mages, you didn’t tell us.  Why was that?”


Shulavis was the first to answer.


“You know the history of mages, right?  If it became known that Yesmas are mages, it’s not difficult to imagine how they would be feared and treated with hostility.  It’s conceivable that Mestria would descend into chaos that no one wishes for.”


“It’s not because you support the system that enslaves mages by putting collars on them, right?”


(Of course not.)


I then asserted.


(Ultimately, the reason why we protected the royal dynasty’s secret was to maintain Mestria’s peace.  I have no reason to protect the Yesma system.  The same goes for Sanon.)


The black pig nodded.


─I promised Mr. Lolipo that I would protect the royal dynasty’s secret after all.  Even if No-kun and the others were to learn of the truth, there was nothing to be gained, so I also kept quiet about it.


“I see.”


Nott muttered with a serious expression.


(Hey Nott.)


Concerned, I couldn’t help but ask.


(Even after learning the truth, you’ll still aim to bring peace alongside us, right Nott?)


“…Well, who knows?  It might depend on the attitudes of the great mages.”


Stared at by Nott, Shulavis sat up and straightened his back.


“After I become king, I’ll make sure to change this world.  So please don’t fight any further.  It’s always the weak that bears the brunt of war.”


Shulavis turned towards Celes.  Nott also looked at Celes.  Celes looked around with a bewildered expression.


“That so?”


Nott replied, and looked at Shulavis with a piercing gaze.


“I can trust you, right?”


The prince nodded firmly and deeply.


“I promise.”


The two virgins exchanged a passionate gaze.  Nott took a deep sigh.


“Alright.  I’ll continue to cooperate with the royal dynasty.  So long as they don’t betray us, that is.”


Thud – the sound of our ship arriving at the pier reverberated.


It looks like we’re finally back at the port of Niabel.




At the east-facing Niabel, the light fog of dawn was illuminated by the warm morning sun, creating a magical atmosphere.  After disembarking the ship, we were faced with a person standing fiercely on the pier in the fog.


Immediately, I noticed the expressions on the three officers of the Liberation Army shift rapidly.


“Why didn’t you contact me, Hortis?  You better not tell me you botched it.”


King Markus had personally come to pick us up at the port.  His hair was combed back neatly, and he wore a highly formal attire with dark purple as its base color.


“Elder Brother…”


Hortis, who should have stayed up all night watching over the surreptitious sorcerer, faced the king with a tired face.


“As promised, the Northern Army on the Send-Off Island has been annihilated.  I didn’t botch it.”


“What about the surreptitious sorcerer?”


After a moment of silence, Hortis answered.


“We captured him.”


“Captured?  What do you mean?”


When Hortis raised his hand, a square cage slowly floated here from the ship.  Hortis carefully moved his hand, guiding the cage, and placed it next to Markus.  An old man with a blackened silver collar was lying inside, sleeping.


“I lost the Wedge of Contracts, so I had no choice but to seal him with a Yesma collar instead.  I’ve finished interrogating him with what needed to be asked, so I put him to sleep with poison for now.”


Whether it was because of the wind, or the result of something else, the fog around us cleared.  Markus’ eyes alone were incredibly menacing, and there was an unbearable tension in the air.


“Why isn’t he dead?  What happened to the Wedge of Contracts?”


Unfortunately, Bart had just stepped off the ship.  Noticing that we had stopped on the pier, he also stopped moving.


Markus looked at Bart with cold eyes, then turned to Nott, and then Celes.


There was a pause.


“Let’s boil it down to the key points.”


Markus’ anger was carried by his low voice, which sounded like a rumbling roar.


“Although you took the Wedge of Contracts to kill the surreptitious sorcerer, you used the great treasure for the sake of that insignificant little girl; as a result, the key sorcerer wasn’t killed, and is sleeping here.  Did I get everything?”


“Insignificant little girl?”


Nott placed his hands on his twin daggers and stepped forward.


“Fool, I will mercilessly kill anyone that dares point their blade at me.”


Markus glared at Nott with his grey eyes shining brightly in the morning sun, and continued.


“This is different from what we agreed upon.  You didn’t fulfill your duty.  I can only ask that you all take responsibility.”


“Elder Brother, this is all my fault-”


“You removing the Yesma’s collar is a separate matter to be settled.”


When Markus quickly extended his right hand forward, Bart and Celes floated as if they were being grabbed by their necks, and were brought before him.  The powerless boy and girl were roughly dropped onto the floor, and they fell on their buttocks.


It happened so suddenly that we couldn’t react to it at all.


“So this boy stabbed this Yesma with the wedge.  I’ll formally execute these two.”




Shulavis stepped forward and stood in front of those two as if to protect them.


“What’s the point in executing them?  This is absolutely ridiculous-”


Markus grabbed Shulavis tightly by the neck and forced him to shut up.


“Ridiculous?  Are you telling me to overlook their crime of arbitrarily consuming the key weapon for this battle, which was also Mestria’s last great treasure, making it now impossible to kill the surreptitious sorcerer?”


Before Markus, who was absolutely furious, the blood in Shulavis’ face slowly became congested.  His neck was being tightly strangled.  This unexpected turn of events made Hortis freeze.


(Markus-sama, Shulavis didn’t-)


As I tried to convey to Markus, I received a strong blow to my side and was knocked away.


“Mister Pig!”


Jess threw herself out to catch me.  But she couldn’t support a pig’s weight, and we both fell into the sea.


While I was struggling in the seawater, Jess held me tightly and floated to the surface.


We soon poked our heads out onto the surface of the sea.


“Are you hurt, Mister Pig?”


It felt like I had broken a few bones, but for some reason they no longer hurt.


(I’m fine.  What about you, Jess?)


“That’s good… I’m also completely fine.”


A smile appeared across Jess’ drenched face.  Under the buoyancy of sea water and support from magic, we could stick only our heads above the surface.  The pier was slightly elevated, so we couldn’t see anything from where we were.


There was the sound of someone falling over, and Shulavis’ coughing could be heard.


(Celes and the others are in danger, let’s hurry up-)


As I was conveying to Jess, Shulavis crawled to the edge of the pier and peered at us.


─Don’t come here.  It’s dangerous right now.


Shulavis looked in pain as he held his neck and stood up.  I could only see his butt now.


Nott’s voice came from the pier.


“Celes took over my curse in order to save me, and Bart snatched the Wedge of Contracts from me in order to save Celes.  I’m the one who created a reason for the Wedge of Contracts to be used, and the one who failed to fulfill his role of protecting the Wedge of Contracts.  If you want to kill someone, it should be me.”




Markus’ voice responded, and the conversation proceeded.  I exchanged glances with Jess.  She had an anxious-looking, troubled face.  For the time being, it’s probably best to follow Shulavis’ advice and stay here obediently.


I heard Hortis’ desperate plea.


“Please reconsider, Elder Brother.  I was the one who took off Celes’ collar.  I knew this would happen, but I still made that decision.  Let me make it up to you.”


“Make it up to me?  Can you kill the surreptitious sorcerer?”


“Yeah, I can.”


Even just from hearing their voices, I could tell the atmosphere had changed.  I held my breath and listened while Jess pressed her chest against me in the water.


“Tell me how.”


“It’s the Spear of Destruction.  I’ll hand over the Spear of Destruction, so please spare Nott-kun and the others.”


There was a pause, as if Markus was thinking.


“So you were the one who took the Spear of Destruction?”


Markus’ statement puzzled me.  How’s that poss- no, I should let Hortis handle this.


“That’s right.  Shulavis wasn’t able to retrieve it after attempting to, right?  Obviously, that’s because I’ve already taken it out and stored it elsewhere.”




“It’s somewhere safe, inside the capital.  I’m willing to hand over the Spear of Destruction, so please overlook this incident.  If you’re still not satisfied, I’ll bear all the punishments.  How’s that?  There’s no loss for you, right?”


“Tell me where it is.”


Hortis temporarily didn’t answer Markus’ cold voice.


“Where is it?  I’m asking you to tell me where you hid it.”


“…I can’t do that.”


It felt like even the sea was refraining from making tidal sounds due to Markus’ imposing aura.


“Why not?”


“Because I casted magic on it that only allows me to retrieve it.  If Elder Brother forgives Nott-kun, I will make sure to personally deliver the Spear of Destruction to you.”


After a brief pause, Markus spoke slowly.


“Then let’s make a trade.  You will bring the Spear of Destruction to the Golden Sanctuary by noon today, and I will return this swordsman alive.  If you’re late, he’ll be executed.”




Jess and I were pulled up to the pier by Shualvis’ magic.  Markus had taken the surreptitious sorcerer and Nott away, and the others were walking back towards the ship.  Only the three of us were left.


I shook my body to shake off the seawater.  Jess was also wringing her hair.


“What a disaster.  I’m terribly sorry about my bad-tempered father.”


Shulavis was blushing lightly and looking away from us as he spoke.


As I was wondering why, I looked at Jess and found that her seawater-soaked clothes were clinging to her body, clearly revealing her modest body curves.




Jess hid her breasts in shame, but it was no use.  The translucent fabric of her white blouse glittered in the morning sun, revealing the color of Jess’ skin everywhere I looked.  Her skirt accentuated the curves from her waist to her thighs; her hips especially-


“It must be nice to always be so carefree.”


Shulavis, still looking at the ship, remarked dumbfoundedly.


“We’re returning to the ship for a strategy meeting.  Uncle will be heading towards the capital next, and it seems he wants to borrow your strength.”


After saying that, he went on ahead.  Jess also started walking towards the ship, and I hurriedly followed.


I pretended not to have seen the light green see-through cloth underneath Jess’ left sleeve, which normally covered her forearm.


Hortis, Itsune, Josh, Celes, the black pig, Nuris, and the boar were waiting for us inside the captain’s quarters.  Upon seeing our arrival, Hortis smiled and spread his arms.


“I’m sorry about my brother.  It must feel uncomfortable, with the seawater being sticky.”


The cold disappeared from my body’s surface, letting me know the seawater had been removed by his magic.  Jess’ clothes were also restored to their original state.  What a shame.


“Oh, sorry.  Does Virgin-kun prefer clothes that are see-through?”


I shook my head seriously at the grinning Hortis.


(What are you saying at a time like this? I’m not that perverted.)


Jess and Shulavis gave me cold stares.


(Putting that aside, are you sure you’ll be fine?)


When I conveyed that, Hortis came towards us and closed the door to the captain’s quarters.


“You’re asking about the Spear of Destruction, right?”


Itsune, with her arms still crossed, looked at Hortis.


“Don’t tell me you were bluffing.”


“No, the Spear of Destruction is in my hands.  That much is true.”


Was that really the case?  I asked what was on my mind.


(Then why did you deliberately choose to use the Wedge of Contracts, Mr. Hortis?)


Hortis didn’t answer.


(If we had the Spear of Destruction, then there would have been no need for us to go out of our way to find the Wedge of Contracts.  We could have used the Spear of Destruction as a bargaining chip, and simply killed the surreptitious sorcerer with it.)


Josh also looked at Hortis suspiciously.


“That’s right.  Explain.  Our comrade’s neck is on the line here.”


A tired-looking Hortis rested his hand on his forehead.


“There were various circumstances.  It’s a very complicated situation.  I know how to acquire the Spear of Destruction.  I certainly know how, but in order to do so, I need to enter the capital and follow some steps.  Depending on the situation, it may be necessary to negotiate with Elder Brother.”


Appearing annoyed, Itsune questioned.


“Will that shitty bastard really agree to negotiate?  Is there any guarantee that Nott’s life will be saved even if we hand over the Spear of Destruction?”


“Of course.  Despite how he seems, he’s actually an understanding guy once you get to chat with him.  He was a serious and outstanding man in the past.”


Shulavis looked at Hortis with an expressionless face.


“Elder Brother’s changed.  His powerful magic that can forcibly solve everything, and the burdensome work of being a prince, has changed him.  He only thinks about the fastest way to solve a problem, and has lost his human heart.  However, that doesn’t mean he’s become irrational.  If we’re able to present a better solution, I’m sure Elder Brother will agree to it.”


Hortis looked over this way.


“Shulavis and I will be going to negotiate.  Jess and Virgin-kun, will you be coming along as well?”


“Of course I’ll be going!”


Jess was the first to answer; and hearing that, I also nodded.


“Hold it, what about us?”


The one who intervened was Josh.  Seemingly disgruntled, his arms were folded and his brows were furrowed behind his black bangs.


“Sis and I have a responsibility to protect our leader.  As long as we have the prince’s permission, we can enter the royal dynasty, right?  You better not be intending to leave us behind here, Hortis.”


“Your brother said he’s going to kill Nott.  We’re going too.”


Hortis looked at the two of them and hummed.


“I see…  That’s true.  I can’t just leave you guys behind.”


“Um, if you two are going, then I would also like to…”


Celes took a step forward.


“If Mr. Nott is injured, I can heal him.  With Mr. Sanon around, we might be able to split up and act separately.  Please let me come with as well.”


Hortis nodded.


“Alright, Celes-kun can come as well.  Same goes for Sanon-kun.  Now, Liti- no, Nuris-kun, what about you and Kento-kun?”




Itsune rejected immediately.


“I don’t want to endanger Lit- Nuris.  If we bring too many people, it’ll inconvenient our actions too.  Just us and Celes will be enough.”


Nuris nodded.


“I don’t think I’ll be of much help either… so I’ll wait here.”


─Then I’ll remain here with Nuris as well.


Kento looked at Hortis with the boar’s little black eyes.


“Okay, I understand.  Then everyone other than Nuris-kun and Kento-kun, let’s hurry towards the capital.  We’re going to save Nott-kun.”


Under Hortis’ guidance, our party boarded a small boat that was used to land on the Send-Off Island.  We were told he was going to use magic to fly this to the capital.


After we got on, the small boat slowly floated into the air.  It then gradually accelerated forward until finally, it was flying just above the trees with the momentum of a jet ski.


“I’m sorry I can’t tell you the whole plan.  I don’t know what’ll happen in the capital.  We’re counting on you two, Jess, Virgin-kun.”


Hortis’ long hair was flowing in the icy morning wind as he said this to us.


“Counting on… us?”


Hortis nodded in affirmation towards Jess’ uneasy-sounding murmur.


“The Spear of Destruction must be retrieved in secrecy no matter what.  To that end, it’s essential that you two, who have not been marked by Elder Brother, assist me.  It’s not an exaggeration to say that Nott-kun’s life hinges on you two.”


Jess swallowed nervously.


The stakes were high.  Leaving Jess aside, what can a pig like me do?


“Think about it.”


Did he read my monologue?  Hortis stared at me.


“If I hadn’t taken the form of a dog, do you think I could’ve become Nott’s partner?”


As I was wondering what he was talking about, Hortis shook his head.


“No.  The answer is no.”


He took a breather, and then continued.


“Virgin-kun was able to enter the royal dynasty because you were a pig.  Sanon-kun was also earnestly trusted by the officers of the Liberation Army because he was a pig.  Even Kento-kun wasn’t killed by the surreptitious sorcerer because he took the form of a boar.  It’s precisely because we’ve been underestimated that we’re able to witness an important moment such as this.  Never forget this.  Those who change history in the truest sense are those who have been overlooked by history.”




For the time being, the small boat landed on the ground in the Forest of Needles, stopping just before the sheer cliffs surrounding the capital.


“We’ll proceed on foot from here.”


When Shulavis gestured his hand towards the cliff, the rocks crumbled, opening wide the entrance to the capital.  The nostalgic scene made Jess and I involuntarily look at each other.


“It reminds me of that night, doesn’t it?”


Seeing Jess smile like that reminded me of when she helped washed my body.


─In order to not be disrespectful to the king, I will properly wash us both.  During this time, you’re not allowed to look away.


“N-no!  That’s not what I meant…!”


Jess blushed.


(Sorry, I unconsciously…)


Obviously, what Jess was referring to was when we were on the verge of death, we opened up the path to the capital together and passed through this cliff like right now.  At the time, I thought I could achieve happiness with Jess.  We entered the capital so that we could be saved and attain happiness.  But this time it’s different.  We’re entering the capital to save Nott and help them realize their happiness.


We climbed the dark stairs surrounded by rocks.  Neither Josh nor Itsune spoke a word, and they were expressionless.  Celes was looking around anxiously, and followed behind me and Jess with the black pig.


Hortis, who led the way, spoke as if carefully choosing his every word.


“We’ll be heading to the Golden Sanctuary now.  I will talk to Elder Brother.  Everyone from the Liberation Army, please keep watch from the sidelines.  Shulavis will join me.  As for Virgin-kun-”


Hortis looked at me with a meaningful gaze, and continued.


“Absolutely do not leave Jess’ side, and do what you think is right.”


What do you mean by that?  You still want me to solve a riddle during a time like this?


That being said, my purpose here was to use my brain.  So I’ll accept that level of challenge.


(Understood.  You have a reason for requesting this of me, right?)


“…Of course.  Please use your intellect to uncover the greatest secret of Mestria’s royal family.  I’m sorry, but I’m not qualified to talk about it.”


The greatest secret of Mestria’s royal family…?


Hortis didn’t appear to have any intention of elaborating as he continued walking ahead.


The road up to the inside of the capital was as maze-like as an ant’s nest.  As we climbed up the winding underground passageway, I would occasionally look out the small windows and find we were in several mysterious spaces.  After passing through a number of ancient doors, we finally arrived at the Golden Sanctuary.


The sky was crowded with literal dark clouds, with thunders rumbling and flashing.  While it wasn’t raining, cold wind was blowing, making it seem like a storm could hit at any moment.


The giant sanctuary was made of black stones.  Detailed golden decorations were installed everywhere, indicating that this was an extraordinary place.  The rulers of past royalty generations rested in this building, and any important visits or ceremonies were held here.  This was also where Evis personally sent me back to modern-day Japan.


The heavy bronze doors were tightly shut.  Hortis gently stopped us with his hand before slowly opening the doors.


A large gold throne sat directly in front of us on the geometric-patterned floor.  Markus was seated there, waiting.  There was not a single bit of disorderliness with his majestic attire.


“You’re here early.  There’s still three o’clocks until noon.”


Hortis lightly pushed Jess’ back and let her enter the sanctuary first.  I followed behind her.  The air inside the sanctuary was stiff and cold.


Nott sat on the floor beside Markus.  His twin daggers remained attached to his waist, but his hands and feet were bound.  Nott looked at us emotionlessly.


Hortis and Shulavis stepped into the sanctuary, after which the members of the Liberation Army entered behind them.


“Now, where’s the Spear of Destruction?”


In response to Markus’ question, Hortis responded elusively.


“What happened to the surreptitious sorcerer?  I hope you properly locked him up in a secure place.”


Annoyed, Markus tapped the floor with the tip of his shoe.


“He’s been imprisoned in a room deep underground where no one can enter it.  Answer my question.  What about the Spear of Destruction?”


“I’m not handing it over just yet.  That comes after we have our talk.”


The tyrant’s body swelled with anger.


“Talk?  There’s no room for talk.  Hurry up and hand over the spear, or else I’ll kill this traitor.”


Nott’s body was violently suspended into the air with his bound hands and feet dangling loosely.


Celes looked like she wanted to take a step forward, but then dismissed the notion.


“Calm down, Elder Brother.  There are only like-minded people here.  I just want to have a chat.  We still have some time until noon.  Let’s head outside to cool our heads and calm ourselves down.”


I heard a tongue click, as if an arrow had been released from a bow.


“Outside?  Don’t waste my time.  If you really want to talk, do it here.”


You are reading story Heat the Pig Liver at novel35.com

Nott was still hanging in midair, clenching his teeth and enduring.


“Let’s go outside.  We and Shulavis can talk while getting some fresh air.”


Why is Hortis so insistent on going outside?  Is there something he doesn’t want us to hear?


…Just as I was pondering.


The same time lightning thundered outside, Itsune pulled out the greataxe she was carrying and swung it forcefully.


It was an instantaneous smooth motion without a shred of hesitation.


As if lightning had entered the sanctuary, electricity struck through the air.  I immediately closed my eyes.  I was certain that I heard a faint whistling sound amidst the roar.  It was a familiar sound.  It was the sound of Josh’s arrow.


When I opened my eyes, Josh was re-aiming his crossbow at Markus’ face.


Itsune, who jumped high with the first blow, waved her axe again, swinging it down on top of Markus’ head.  Nott, who appeared to have had the rope around his hands cut by Josh’s first arrow, pulled out a twin dagger and slid his body towards Markus’ feet using the pushback from his fire shockwave.  An arrow was released from Josh’s crossbow.


It happened so fast, my closed eyelids didn’t even have time to fully open.  Aside from the three people who suddenly acted, no one was able to react and reach out to stop them.


The sound of wind being pierced.  A strong electric strike.  Flames rising upwards. – A giant mass of hatred was converted into magic via Yesma bones and directed at the throne.


Even for the strongest mage, there’s no way he could have survived this. – Just as I thought this, the attack from the three of them had already ended.


It was absolutely over.


“I’m pretty sure I said I would mercilessly kill anyone that dares point their blade at me.”


The arrow was bent and had fallen onto the floor; the blade of the greataxe was cracked and chipped; the blade of the twin dagger was bent from its handle.  Markus sat unharmed.  It was like he had steel skin.


“Elder Brother!”


Hortis’ shout was to no avail, and a deafening explosion rang.  Jess and I, who were nearly blown away by the blast, fell down onto the floor.


The tranquil sanctuary was instantly covered in dust, and I started hearing the sound of wind blowing.


(Jess, are you okay?)


“I’m fine.  Mister Pig…?”


Covered in dust, we looked at each other.  Neither of us were injured.


“Is everyone else okay…?”




(Let’s take a look at the situation first.)


After the dust was swept away by the wind, a shocking scene unfolded before my eyes.


The front wall that we entered from had been completely blown away.  There were no heavy stone masonry, thick doors, or splendid stained glasses; only the dark sky that had just begun to rain was visible.


Markus walked slowly on the ground that had been dug up to expose the rock foundation.


I heard a snort next to me and turned to look.  Celes and the black pig were covered in dust just like us.


─I’m so sorry.  I should have been able to predict that those kids would act like this.


The black pig looked remorseful from the bottom of his heart, and Celes twisted her expression beside him.


“Mr. Nott’s…  He’s…”


(Get a hold of yourself.  It’s not like we saw his corpse.)


After conveying that to Celes, I looked at the black pig.


(Anyway, let’s check out the situation.)


After we managed to traverse the rubble and exit the sanctuary, the cold rain was preparing to drench the freshly dug up dry ground that used to be a plaza.  Markus, not covered in even a speck of dust, was looking down at the plaza about 10 meters below himself.  Hortis stood in the plaza, and behind him, Shulavis was covering for the three wounded people further back.


“Mr. Nott!”


Even as Celes elatedly raised her voice, the quietly furious king stepped forward sternly.


“Are you going to protect those criminals who defied your father, Shulavis?”


Markus was so intimidating, his voice was like thunder booming through the clouds.


“I will not support a wrong judgement, even if it’s made by a great king, or my beloved father.”


This overly serious reply made the king’s temple twitch, and Markus extended his right hand towards Shulavis.


Hortis immediately opened his hand, and a white light appeared in front of Shulavis’ neck before quickly disappearing.  Hortis intervened and prevented the magic that was trying to strangle Shulavis’ neck.


“Don’t hit your son, Elder Brother.  Wies will be saddened.”


“What son?  These rebels are criminals for trying to put their hands on the king.  Those who protect these criminals, including you, will not be forgiven.”


Several intense-light-emitting balls appeared around Markus like Raijin’s drums.

>TL Note: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raijin


“Get back!”


Hortis screamed.  Behind him, Shulavis retreated from the plaza while protecting the three.  Conversely, Hortis jumped straight at his angry brother.


At the same time, Markus let loose a ball of light.  Hortis waved his left hand in response, and several huge masses of metal appeared in the air.  The metal masses collided with the light bullet and were all destroyed.


“We haven’t had a brotherly quarrel in quite some time, I hope you’ll go easy on me.”


Markus responded to Hortis’ jest with eye-dizzying explosions of fire.  Hortis wrapped his body in a veil of water to endure them.  We were nearly caught in it, and retreated towards the shadows of the sanctuary rubble.


(Let’s join up with Shulavis and the others.  We need to get those three out of here first.)


I conveyed this to Jess, Celes, and Sanon.


We walked through the cemetery beside the sanctuary and down the narrow stairs to where Shulavis and the others had disappeared to.  Inside the small circular plaza with a dried-up fountain, four people stood under an eave to take shelter from the rain.  Shulavis was supporting Nott’s shoulder, and Josh was supporting his sister’s shoulder.  The three members of the Liberation Army appear to have had their lives saved by some kind of magic, but they still seem to have taken the blast head-on, as they were bleeding from everywhere.


“Mr. Nott!”


Celes rushed to Nott’s side in a flash and hugged his chest without caring about what the others thought.


Feeling awkward, Shulavis moved away from Nott.  We also caught up to Celes.


(Are you guys alright?)


The three members of the Liberation Army didn’t answer.  The black pig snorted furiously.


─You all did something stupid.  This time alone, I can’t claim that the tyrannical king is at fault.  Those who attempt to take the lives of others must be prepared to be killed in return.  This coup was absolutely childish and reckless.


Nott glared fiercely at the black pig.


“I’m more than ready to sacrifice my life for this.  Sanon, you should know that as long as this king still lives, there’s no future where Yesmas can be happy.  If we, who were robbed of someone important in our lives, don’t bet our lives on the line, then who will?”


“You can’t, Mr. Nott.  I don’t want you to die…”


Nott pushed her shoulders back, slowly distancing Celes, who was hugging him tightly, away from himself.


“Sorry, but this is my way of living.”


Nott smiled at Celes and continued.


“If I had another life, I would’ve wanted to stay by your side, Celes.”


Nott’s injuries had been fully healed.  He politely stroked the head of the pitiful girl who had healed him.  And after he pulled out his unbent dagger, he stepped out into the rain.


Flashes and explosions occurred nearby.  It looked like they would reach here at any moment.


Shulavis calmly patted Nott on the shoulder.


“Hold it, Nott.  We can only wait for the situation to settle down right now.  Father can’t be stopped when he’s in his battle state unless we acquire the Spear of Destruction.  Let’s retreat for now.  No one has any objections, right?”


As he said that, a basketball-sized fireball that Hortis failed to block fell from overhead and hit the fountain at the center of the plaza.  The stone sculpture was pulverized like it was a fake.


Nott wasn’t fazed at all, and shielded his face with his sleeve.


“It’s as the prince said.  Let’s retreat for now.”


We moved along the narrow alleys in the rain, looking for a place to hide.  Instead of Josh, who was also injured himself, Shulavis supported Itsune’s shoulder.


“Why are you being so kind to us?  We clearly tried to kill your father.  Do you have some kind of ulterior motive?”


Shulavis carefully shifted his flank where Itsune’s plump breast was touching to move aside.


“How could I have an ulterior motive?  I told you already.  I sincerely hope to make Mestria a better place with free-thinking people like you.”


“It would be great if it could become a better place.”


Josh muttered while holding his bleeding arm.  Though it sounded like he was implicitly saying “Though I doubt that’s possible.”


Jess and I acted as the rearguards, keeping an eye on our backs and following the path Shulavis chose.  The capital was a stone labyrinth-like city built on a steep slope.  I had no idea where we were headed.


The black pig who was walking side by side with Celes turned to look at us.


─Mr. Lolipo, we need the Spear of Destruction for the negotiation.  Do you know what Mr. Hortis meant when he mentioned “the greatest secret of Mestria’s royal family”?


I shook my head.


(No, not at all…  But it sounded like he was telling me and Jess to get the Spear of Destruction.)


─Yeah, it sounded like that to me too.


I looked up at Jess, but she didn’t seem to have a clue either.


“If it’s not in Vatis-sama’s coffin, where else could the spear be hidden?”


I was mystified.


─There were various circumstances.  It’s a very complicated situation.  I know how to acquire the Spear of Destruction.  I certainly know how, but in order to do so, I need to enter the capital and follow some steps.


Hortis said he knew how to acquire the spear, but he didn’t reveal it to us and expected us to retrieve it.  What’s that about?  What does the greatest secret of the royal family have to do with this?


At present, it seems like the only way to break through this absolute worst situation is to deliver the Spear of Destruction to Markus and hope it will appease his anger.  The future of Mestria may depend on the performance of this pig’s small brain.


(What if-)


I conveyed to Jess.


(What if the Spear of Destruction is still in the Golden Sanctuary?  Hortis knew how to get the spear out, but Markus was inside the Golden Sanctuary, so he had to lure Markus outside the sanctuary first to create an opportunity to retrieve it.  This would explain Hortis’ actions earlier.)


“But wouldn’t it have been fine to take it out there with Markus-sama present?  Why do we have to take it out secretly?”


Does that have to do with the greatest secret of the royal family?


As I was thinking about this, I noticed the black pig was looking at me probingly.


(What’s wrong?)


When asked, the black pig flapped his ears.


─Please do your best to acquire the spear, because that’s the only way to achieve peace.


Not far from us, a crazy collapsing sound reached my ears.  It sounded like a part of the capital had crumbled.  Under the dim sky, white dust rose in the air.




When Shulavis turned his head worriedly, a woman’s voice called out to him from the front.


“Shulavis!  What exactly is going on?”


It was Wies.  When I looked, I could see a splendid white palace nearby – the building with Wies’ study entered my sights.  Shulavis went to his mother for help.


“Mother…  Father is worked up and currently fighting Uncle.  It’s not a fight that anyone can step in to break apart.  I was trying to figure out whether there’s a way to calm the situation down…”


Wies ran over to us with short steps across the white, stone-paved square.


“And these kids are?”


Wies’ eyes turned to the Liberation Army trio whose tattered clothes were soaked in the rain.


“They provoked Father and are being hunted.  Can you hide them in a safe place?”


After thinking for some time, Wies nodded.


“It can’t be helped.  There’s a large cave behind this palace.  It was created during Vatis-sama’s time and is protected by strong magic.  That place should be safe for now.  Please take refuge there.”


Wies’ hand pointed at the road that ran to the side of the palace.


“Sorry about this.”


Nott apologized, and the members of the Liberation Army walked in that direction.  Celes and Sanon followed suit.


In front of the palace, only Wies, Shulavis, Jess, and I were left.


Without caring about getting drenched from the rain, Wies looked at us with tired eyes.


“Did the alliance between the Liberation Army and the royal dynasty break down?”


“I’m sorry Mother, I wasn’t capable enough…”


Shulavis let his curly hair drip with water and self-reproached with a miserable expression.


“No, you and Mister Pig have both done your best.  Just being able to create a wave this big is remarkable.  From here on out, let’s figure out a way to settle things down peacefully.”


With a joke-like timing, just as Wies finished speaking, something crashed onto the cobblestone square.  It was a middle-aged man in a white robe.  It was Hortis.


The force was so strong that if he was an ordinary person, he would have been turned into an octopus rice cracker; but Hortis looked like he had simply fallen off his bed and was in some pain as he was about to get up.  However, countless black arms sprouted from the white stone pavement, pressing Hortis’ limbs down to the ground.  A black hand also wrapped itself around Hortis’ neck and began to tighten.


Markus slowly descended from the sky.


“Well, well, well.  Is the brotherly quarrel over already?  You really are weak.”


Hortis was sprawled on the ground, bounded by countless black hands.


“That’s hard to say.  I can still use magic, even without moving my hands.”


With his hand, Markus gestured towards the palace with a look of tedium.  From inside, a metal ring broke through the glass window and flew out.  It was a Yesma collar.  Markus motioned towards his brother, and the collar clasped around Hortis’ neck like a preying shark.


Markus walked over to his brother and stomped forcefully on his chest.  The collar glowed white, and Hortis spat out a mixture of blood and saliva.


“Now you won’t be able to use magic.”


Still trampling his brother, Markus turned to face Shulavis.


“See this, Shulavis?  I don’t care if you want to defy me next time, but you’ll end up like this as well.”


Was it because he couldn’t use magic anymore?  Hortis’ neck tightened, and his mouth opened and closed seemingly in pain.  Shulavis placed his hands on his knee in vexation.  Wies also seemed too frightened to make a sound.


“Where’s the criminals?  Fess up, Shulavis.”


When Shulavis remained silent, Markus’ cold eyes turned towards me and Jess.  Just when I thought everything was over, I heard a hoarse voice.




It was the muffled voice of Hortis, who was being strangled.  Hortis’ voice echoed in my head.


─Listen to me.  Please, Elder Brother.


Markus dropped his gaze to his foot.




─…Those kids… Please don’t take their lives.  They had their precious friend… their lover, killed by the royal dynasty.  They acted foolishly because of that resentment… As long as you apologize from the bottom of your heart and are willing to forgive them, Elder Brother… everything should end well.


Markus frowned, looking at him in incomprehension.


“Ridiculous.  Why should I have to apologize?  It’s them who should be apologizing and begging for their lives.  You as well, Hortis.”


I watched Hortis’ face gradually become more and more congested as I listened to the cold voice.  Markus was serious about killing his brother.  Shulavis was shaking violently, seemingly unable to do anything.


─I don’t mind if you want to kill me.  But please… forgive them.


Markus tilted his head, puzzled.


“Why do you go to such lengths to protect those commoners?  Why is that swordsman so important to you?”


Hortis most definitely glanced my way with his red, bloodshot eyes.


─Because he was the man who loved my dead daughter dearly.


It felt like time had stopped.  In an instant, all the mysteries had been revealed.


The black hands holding down Hortis melted away.


“You… had a child…?”


The voice Markus directed at his brother sounded more surprised than angry.


“There must be no branching in god’s lineage.  You should have known fully well that this alone was enough to deserve death.”


I felt the air and ground shake with dreadful rage.


(Jess, let’s go.)


I hurriedly conveyed to Jess, who hadn’t seemed to have organized her thoughts yet.


(Let’s get away from here.)


Jess nodded and we began our sprint.  At almost the same time, Markus’ wife and son were trying to stop him, who was attempting to strangle Hortis with his own bare hands.


Luckily, Markus showed no interest in us, and we managed to run down the stone steps to begin making our way back.


“Mister Pig, where are we going?”


As I ran with my pig hooves and almost slipped, I looked at the soaking wet Jess.


(That goes without saying.  It’s to the Golden Sanctuary, of course.  Let’s hurry up and grab the Spear of Destruction.)


“But how…?”


The sudden and hard-to-accept truth must have thrown Jess into confusion.


After choosing my words carefully, I told her the greatest secret of the royal family.


(Hortis is your father, Jess.  You’re his illegitimate child.)


Jess was dumbfounded and didn’t say anything.


It was a simple and straightforward answer.  All the questions up until now looked like they could be attributed to this secret.


(You heard what Hortis said earlier.  Ys, Nott’s beloved, is his daughter.  When Markus burned down the monastery, his daughter Ys died, and he lost his wife when she found out, leading to him abandoning the royal dynasty.  He then changed into a dog and stayed by Nott’s side for these past five years.  The husband’s name on your mother’s grave was Hortis’ pseudonym.)


“Eh…?  But that’s…”


Pressing a hand against her chest, Jess looked at me.


(The Spear of Destruction is still sealed inside Vatis’ coffin.  It’s just that Shulavis couldn’t break the seal.  As for why, the reason’s simple.  Shulavis isn’t the youngest descendent of the royal dynasty’s ancestor, Vatis.  The rightful heir to the dynasty is you, Jess.)


Her magic aptitude, which she was unaware of, even made Evis state that she had “the potential to become the greatest mage since Vatis-sama.”  Her rate of ecydessa also surpassed even that of the prince.  And most importantly, her power of prayer that distorted the principles of the world to the point of pulling over a glasses-wearing otaku from another world.


All of this was thanks to the Vatis’ lineage, also known as god’s blood.


“I have the royal family’s blood…”


I explained while running.


(Hortis didn’t want to reveal the truth, since he was forbidden from having children.  There was also the possibility that Jess would be killed in order to crush any chance of a branch family.  That’s why he went to retrieve the Wedge of Contracts, instead of the Spear of Destruction, which could have exposed you as someone with royal blood.)


“But… isn’t it strange?  Mr. Hortis was, um… sniffing at my legs and such…  I can’t imagine anyone doing that to their own daughter…”


That’s what’s clever about that man.


(Hortis was just playing that type of clown.  You wouldn’t expect there to be a father who would be excited about smelling his own daughter’s bare legs, right?  He utilized the reverse of that preconception and kept sniffing at your bare legs.  It was all calculated by him.)


In a state of confusion, Jess’ eyes swam as she spoke.


“Erm, then is Mister Pig actually… my older brother…?”


(No, I’m simply excited by Jess’ bare legs.)


“Oh, I see…  That’s a relief.”


I don’t think you should be relieved about that though…


(I think Hortis was hoping for the scenario where I would realize your secret, and you would take out the Spear of Destruction after he took Markus outside the Golden Sanctuary.  In fact, if it hadn’t been for those three’s assassination plot, I probably would have realized his intentions when you and I would be left behind inside the sanctuary.)


“So we’re going to redo Mr. Hortis’ scenario, right?”


(That’s right.  We’ll acquire the Spear of Destruction to compensate for using the Wedge of Contracts so that everything can be resolved peacefully.  Once Markus finds a way to kill the surreptitious sorcerer, he’ll regain his composure and likely won’t continue to try and kill his own brother.)




Jess and I ran through the rainy capital.  The wind and rain were cold, but my pig heart was thumping and my pig liver was heating up from the hot blood.  Together, we’ll save this country.


We arrived at the ruined Golden Sanctuary.  From the cratered plaza, Jess and I stepped into the gaping sanctuary.  Located in the far back was the altar dedicated to Vatis.  At the bottom of it was a large sarcophagus.  We slipped our feet onto the marble and headed over there.


Arriving at the altar, Jess caught her breath and looked at the statue of Vatis.  It was a statue of a woman with her left hand on her chest, and her right hand held straight up.  Although I’ve seen her figure many times before, she looked completely different now.


She was Jess’ not-so-distant ancestor.


(I believe you have to touch the lid of this sarcophagus while wishing for the Spear of Destruction.)


“Right, let’s hurry.”


Jess bowed deeply towards the statue, took a deep breath, and touched the lid of the sarcophagus.


Rumble – it was the sound of the lid trembling.  Rumble, rumble, rumble – the vibration sound continued until it suddenly stopped.  Although there was no sound, an ornately decorated black stick-shaped weapon emerged from the surface of the sarcophagus lid with slippery smoothness.


It was the Spear of Destruction.


Jess carefully picked up the item on the lid.  The handle was decorated with gold and silver on a black base.  The intricate spearhead had a spiral wound around it, and firmly fitted at the center of it was a transparent tetrahedron-shaped crystal that resembled a Wedge of Contracts – or rather, it looked like it was an actual Wedge of Contracts.  It was as if a transparent pistil was hidden inside a spiral bud.


“Is this… the Wedge of Contracts inside?”


Picking up the Spear of Destruction, Jess tilted her head questioningly.


(Looks like it.  It appears to be set up so that when you thrust with the spear, it stabs your opponent with the Wedge of Contracts.)


“But why…?”


It was then that I spotted a helpless figure running towards us from the gaping hole at the front of the sanctuary.


“Ms. Jess!  Mr. Shitty Virgin… please help…”


It was a brave, trembling voice.  It was Celes.


“Ms. Celes!  What’s wrong?”


Jess and I ran towards her.  Perhaps Celes ran out of strength, as she suddenly collapsed on the spot.


What happened to Sanon?  Where’s Nott?


Sensing that this was an unusual situation, I ran straight towards Celes.


We rushed over and Jess hugged Celes’ shoulders.  I sniffed Celes’ legs.  She’s the real person.


“What’s wrong, Ms. Celes?  Get a hold…”


Celes, who was drenched by the rain, was trembling miserably, and her eyes were filled with tears.


“I’m so sorry…”


As Celes said that, she took a small metal object the size of an acorn – a bullet shaped like a wasp’s abdomen with a stinger attached, and stabbed the back of Jess’ hand with it.


I was stunned by her unbelievable action.




Nott’s voice came from behind.


Nott promptly flipped his coat and snatched the Spear of Destruction from Jess’ hands.  I understood their intentions in an instant.  They were going to use the Spear of Destruction not to settle the war peacefully, but to finish the war.  Nott was intending to kill Markus with the Spear of Destruction.


(No, wait Nott!)


I tried to rush in and interfere with Nott, but a large black body jumped in from the side and knocked me away.


I hit my head, and stars appeared before my eyes.


(Mr. Sanon…?)


When I tried to get up, the black pig bared his teeth, growling, and bit my neck.


An electric shock that seemed to penetrate my spine made my body quiver.  I looked up at the black pig from the floor.


─My apologies, but please leave the rest to us.  If we don’t complete the coup d'état, everything will fall apart.  Since No-kun and the others have acted, the only way to save them is to kill the tyrannical king.


Without waiting for a reply, Sanon turned around and followed Nott out the sanctuary.


I urged my paralyzed body to move towards Jess.  It doesn’t look like the paralysis lasts very long.


(Are you okay, Jess?)


“…Yes, I’m fine.”


As she responded, Jess pulled out the metal stuck to the back of her hand.  Blood flowed profusely from her fair skin.


(Wait, but you’re still bleeding.)


“I’m letting it bleed on purpose.  I’m manipulating my blood flow to prevent the anesthetic poison from circulating.”


Celes cried while hiccupping.


“I’b sho sowwy Mish Jess, I…”


Jess gently hugged Celes, who was trying to kowtow while sobbing.  She gently caressed Celes’ head with her bleeding hand.


“They told you that if you didn’t do this, Mr. Nott will be killed, right?  I would have done the same thing to you, Ms. Celes, if it was for Mister Pig’s sake.”


Celes hugged Jess and sobbed while trembling all over.


Who tricked Celes and told her Nott would die without the Spear of Destruction?   Sorry to say this, but I don’t think Nott is good at this kind of deception.  It must’ve been Sanon.  He instigated Celes to help them steal the Spear of Destruction from us.  We were betrayed.


In that case, wouldn’t staying here with Celes be playing right into that black pig’s plan?


(Jess, we need to hurry up and stop Nott.)




Jess stood up after replying and lent her shoulder to Celes.


“Ms. Celes, will you be coming as well?”


Celes nodded while heaving with sobs.


Jess and I ran back to the palace from the way we came.  Celes followed from behind.  What happened over there?  Has Hortis been forgiven?  What about Shulavis?  What’s Markus doing?  How much time is there until Nott reaches them?


The rain-soaked royal capital was grey, and the masonry here and there had collapsed.  Whether it was because the citizens of the capital were taking shelter from the rain or were aware of the emergency, there was absolutely no one out on the streets.


(Jess, are you still able to run?)


Still facing forward, Jess did a guts pose with one hand.


“I can run.  What about you, Mister Pig?”


(Of course.  Who do you think I am?)


With a smile, Jess turned slightly towards me.


“Mr. Scrawny Four-Eyed Shitty Virgin, right?”




We climbed the stairs to reach the square in front of the palace.  King Markus was still standing unharmed.  Hortis, wearing the collar, was prostrating on the ground pleading something.  Shulavis and Wies were watching over them from the side.  Nott wasn’t here yet.  We can still prevent the attack.


“Mr. Shulavis, please stop Mr. Nott!” Jess cried.


Right as Shulavis reacted, Nott appeared at a different staircase from us.  Shulavis ran towards Nott with the speed of a carnivorous beast, and fired a piercing electric shock at Nott’s chest.


One of Nott’s twin daggers glowed red, repelling the electric shock.


By the time I realized it, it was too late.  Nott didn’t have the Spear of Destruction.  He was a diversion.  In the shadows of the palace on the opposite side, Josh was holding his crossbow.  A black-glowing spear was clumsily placed where the arrow should have been.  Don’t tell me…


There was an immediate bang, and the Spear of Destruction disappeared from the crossbow.  With a rista’s power, it was accelerated to an ordinarily impossible speed.


Markus remained standing.  At a glance, the Spear of Destruction looked to have stopped in midair and continued to only rotate sideways.


“Did you really think you could defeat the strongest mage in Mestria with your sneak attack?”


Markus extended his hand towards the spear that carried on rotating in the air several dozen meters away, but nothing happened.  Instead, the spear appeared to be inching forward little by little.




The spear began to gradually accelerate while scattering black electricity.


“Elder Brother, that’s the Spear of Destruction…!” cried Hortis.


A spear that can take any life.  It seemed like it was imbued with some kind of special magic as it resisted Markus’ magic and tried to push forward.


When Markus jumped to the side to avoid it, the Spear of Destruction turned like a compass and pointed in that direction.  Even Josh, who fired the spear, looked surprised.  The spear accelerated steadily.  Markus abandoned the thought of escaping and faced the spear.  His face contorted as he aimed his hands at it.


The air vibrated, and light crackled in the air.  All the stone slabs between Markus and the spear were split apart.  Countless thunders ran between the dark clouds as if they were being goaded, and the ominous noise incessantly roared.


Although the spear slowed down for a brief moment, it began accelerating again while releasing black electricity.  Markus’ face was distorted in a way I had never seen before as he fought with all his might against the high-speed-rotating-in-midair spear’s magic.


However, the outcome was obvious.


The spear’s acceleration didn’t stop, and it headed straight towards Markus’ chest.


Bam!  A huge one meter thick metal plate protruded from the ground and stood in front of the spear.  However, the spear melted the metal plate with ease and broke through.


The surrounding people could only watch as if time had stopped as the Spear of Destruction approached Markus.


There were only a few meters left.  The constant white light and black electricity exploding in the air was like the finale of a firework display.  The sense of urgency, as if the air was going to fissure, surged again and again, with my pork meat cowering and tightening each time.


When everyone had been convinced that the spear would pierce Markus’ chest…


A white cloth fluttered in the air and jumped into the bosom of Markus.


It was Hortis.


He extended his thin, muscular right arm and held it out in front of his brother’s chest.


The spear pierced Hortis’ arm.


Immediately, the exploding lights converged as if they were being sucked in.




“Aren’t you the peerless tyrant?  I’m amazed you never considered using your family as a shield.”


The king’s younger brother grinned as he pushed his older brother away.


There was a bubbling sound, and Hortis’ forearm shattered into pieces.  The Spear of Destruction fell to the ground with his right hand, but its core – the-Wedge-of-Contracts-like crystal – was missing.


“It’s so weak that it’s hard to imagine it being ancient magic.  What a joke of a Spear of Destruction.”


Hortis looked at his right arm.  The tetrahedron-shaped light that pierced his hand steadily made its way towards the center of his chest.  The flesh where the light passed through would turn into some kind of sticky substance that looked like blood or pieces of flesh, and fall to the white ground.


Markus watched his brother disintegrate from a distance.  His face was as rigid as stone.


“…Why did you protect me?”


“If Elder Brother were to die, then there won’t be anyone left who’s able to free the Yesmas.”


Hortis shook his head, swaying his collar.  As he did so, the blinding light shattered Hortis’ elbow and headed straight for his heart.


“Listen carefully, everyone.”


Hortis, whose arm was ravaged, stood proudly with his chest out.  He let the water drip from his long hair that was stuck to his face, and spoke in a loud voice.


“You must never forget this singular, most important belief.”


Hortis looked at the faces of everyone in the plaza one by one.  I also made firm eye contact with him.  He was smiling.  It felt like when he looked at Jess, who was next to me, he lingered just a bit longer.


“Protect what you love even if it kills you, but don’t try to rob others of what they love.”


Hortis turned to face Markus, who was standing closest to him.


“Elder Brother, this looks to be farewell.”


Even Markus lost his composure at this unforeseen event, and he appeared to only be able to look at his crumbling brother in silence.  The blinding light shattered Hortis’ shoulder.  His bone burst out, and fresh blood wet Hortis’ face.


Hortis suddenly smiled as if he had relaxed his strength.


“I love everyone here – forever more.”


The sharp light finally reached Hortis’ chest, and in an instant, his entire body was mercilessly splattered apart.  The smile that was just there a few seconds ago was nowhere to be seen.


Only the sound of cold rain echoed, and the grotesque lumps of blood and flesh were diluted by the rain at Markus’ feet.


No one said anything.  Jess placed her hand on my back.  She was crying.





Markus muttered, and fell to his knees as if he had collapsed.


There lies the remnants of the younger brother who risked his life to save his older brother – a pool of blood and flesh without any consciousness.  Markus tried to scoop it up with his trembling hands, but his hands were shaking so badly that his sleeves were simply soaking in the blood.


His slicked-back hair was disheveled by the rain, and his clothes were miserably soaked with rain and blood.  The tyrannical king’s figure was no longer anywhere to be seen.


Kneeling in the pool of blood was a lonely and weak man who had just lost someone who was willing to love him.



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