Heat the Pig Liver

Chapter 15: 5

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Chapter 5 – The World is Gradually Changing


Hortis’ funeral was attended not only by the members of the royal family, but also by Nott, the leader of the Liberation Army.


The Golden Sanctuary was restored by the person who destroyed it, and the beautiful afternoon sunlight shone through the stained glass windows in primary colors.  Although Nott and Markus didn’t smile towards each other in the quiet space where the calming incense smoke floated, at least they didn’t glare at each other.


Hortis’ shocking death had a significant impact on Mestria’s governing.


King Markus pardoned Nott and the other officers of the Liberation Army, and they also forgave the king.  The alliance between the royal dynasty and the Liberation Army was realized in the truest sense.  Shulavis had been chosen as the two’s mediator to carry out reforms, and slowly but surely, changes were beginning to take place.


As the first step, the royal dynasty announced a new law across all of Mestria that Yesmas were not allowed to be killed.


This doesn’t reform the underlying foundation, and I think it’ll take quite some time to thoroughly abolish this unreasonable, antiquated structure, but just the existence of this law that should have been there to begin with was a big step forward.





It was nighttime.  After the extravagant dinner party, Jess and I were alone.  There were no more fights.  The surreptitious sorcerer was neutralized and sealed away in the innermost part of the capital for the time being.  We could finally breathe a sigh of relief.


We walked down the torch-lit stone corridor towards Jess’ room.


Jess made a “Fwah” sound as she stretched before giving me a smile.


“I may have eaten a bit too much.”


After everything that has happened, I was relieved to see her doing just fine.  It’s good to have a healthy appetite.  I hope she’ll continue to grow healthily.


“Where do you think you’re referring to?”


I hurriedly corrected Jess, who read my monologue and was covering her chest with her hands in discontent.


(No, look, I’m talking about your entire body.  It’s not like your boobs will grow any further unless you use magic or something.  I’m not perverted enough to be talking about breast size here, and if anything, I prefer them modestly sized…)


Jess hmphed and faced forward as she spoke.


“I’m terribly sorry, but I don’t have the skill to change my breast size to Mister Pig’s tastes, and I don’t plan on learning that kind of dirty magic either.”


My pig ears drooped after being coldly told off.


“…If possible, I want Mister Pig to like my breasts as they are now.”


Hearing her quietly append this, I couldn’t help but oink from excitement.


(You don’t have to force yourself to say those kind of tsundere-like lines…)



>TL Note: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsundere


(Never mind, don’t worry about it.)


While chatting like this, we arrived at a fork in the hallway.  To the left was the bedroom, to the right was the bathroom.


“Since it’s been a while, Mister Pig, would you like to take a bath together?”


Her sudden invitation made this virgin babble incoherently.


(Eeh?  Wha-, that might not, um, how should I put it, uh…)


“I’ll wrap a towel around myself, that should be fine then, right?  Please come with me, Mr. Shitty Virgin.”


As she finished, Jess turned to the right.  She sure is giving me a lot of service today.


Jess undressed in the cute dressing room with pastel colored wallpaper.  I closed my eyes and turned my tail towards Jess so I wouldn’t accidentally see her, but I could still hear the rustling of her clothes.  When she said “I’m ready,” I opened my eyes and saw the figure of Jess wrapped in a thin linen towel from her chest down through the corner of my eyes.


(Am I allowed to look?)


When I directed the question behind me, Jess nodded.


“It’s fine to even stare, because I made sure to wrap myself properly.”


Hearing that, I looked at Jess.  The fuzz-less towel hung gently along the fine lines of Jess’ body.  It was still very stimulating.


(Is that going to be alright when it gets wet?)


When I confirmed it with Jess, she smiled mischievously.


“Let’s test it out inside.”


She then walked into the bathroom.


I followed her inside the warm bathroom while trying my best to avoid looking at her butt.


The spacious bathroom decorated with blue tiles was constantly supplied with steam from the large circular bathtub set in the center.  Normally, my poor eyesight or foggy lenses would interfere with my vision, but my pig eyes that were optimized by Jess’ magic allowed me to see my surroundings without any problems.  This is bad.


Jess beckoned, and I followed her.  She sat down on a small stool and poured hot water on me from the bathtub.  I relaxed as I felt like I was being shabu-shabu’d.

>TL Note: Shabu-shabu is a hotpot dish where you dip thin slices of meat into the hot stock for only a few seconds before eating.


“Mister Pig, can I talk about something serious?”


Seeing her beautiful brown eyes stare at me, I nodded.


“I’m thinking of breaking off the engagement.”


I remained quiet, so Jess poured hot water on me again and gently brushed my back.


“Although Mr. Shulavis himself doesn’t know, he’s my cousin.  Cousins can’t marry.”


Resisting the comfort from her brushing, I conveyed to her.


(In my country, cousins can legally get married.  Isn’t cousin marriage pretty moe and good?)


The hand that was brushing me stopped.


“Please take this seriously.”


Jess gave me a saddened look.


“Do you really want me to marry Mr. Shulavis no matter what, Mister Pig?”


I nodded without hesitation.


(The blood of Mestria’s royal family has meaning only if there’s just one lineage.  While currently only you and I know the secret of your birth, it’ll surely be revealed someday.  When that time comes, it’s highly likely that Markus will see you as an eyesore.  But as long as you get married, you’ll be safe.)


Besides his deceased daughter, the king’s younger brother, Hortis, also had another child.  That’s Jess – Shulavis’ fiancé.  This was the greatest secret of the royal family.  At present, only Jess and I, who already knew Ys and Jess were sisters, have noticed.  However, the royal family’s records, the names written on Jess’ mother’s tombstone, and how exactly we acquired the Spear of Destruction – with these puzzles in place, sooner or later the truth will be revealed.


If the engagement is broken off, Jess would become the daughter of the royal family’s branch family that shouldn’t have existed.  She would become a troublesome existence to the royal family, who relies on their identity as the strongest and only lineage with the blood of god.  But if she married into the main family, then she won’t have to worry about that.


“Although you say that everything will be fine as long as I get married, Mister Pig, does my marriage really have to be so calculated?”


Jess brushed my back a little harder.


“The cousin talk was an excuse.  Please don’t dodge the subject and listen to me.”


She looked straight at me.


“I only have Mister Pig in my heart.”




(You know I’m just a pig, Jess.)


“I know.”


(Even if I look like this, will you still love me?)


The brush fell to the floor, and Jess placed her hand on my back.


“Of course.”


It was a strong tone.  Looks like I have to strengthen my heart.


(Then, what if I’m actually a girl, Jess?)


“Eeeh?!  You’re a girl…?”


Jess tried to peek under my belly.  No, that’s not what I meant.


(No, I meant that as an example.  What if I was a woman?  Let’s say, what if I wasn’t really a human, and was just a pig that was as smart as a human?  What if I was a completely different race?  Would you still love me, Jess?)


Jess appeared to be imagining those scenarios as she pondered for a bit before nodding.


“Of course.”


It was the answer I wanted.


(Right?  It’s not that Jess wants to marry me.  There’s no reason to specifically choose me as your marriage partner in this situation when marriage with the opposite sex is valued.  Even if we’re not married, we’re most definitely friends.  Isn’t that fine?)


Towards the beyond ideal girl, I attempted to refuse the first proposal I’ve ever received.


Jess froze with a face that looked like she was about to cry at any moment.


(At the very least, I’m not someone worthy of swearing a lifelong vow with the princess of a country.)


Jess’ mouth remained shut as tears streamed from the corners of her eyes.


(…Can you give up on this?)


Lightly, then much more forcefully, Jess shook her head.






“Because I don’t want to.”


I pretended to be calm as I desperately tried my best to suppress my pig heart that was about to shatter.


Jess forcefully held my cheeks.


“Mister Pig… do you not like me anymore?”


Seeing her expression that looked like the picture of despair, I couldn’t help but deny it.


(Of course not.  Even now, I li… likgh…)


I tried to convey my heart by frantically goading my resisting brain.


But Jess didn’t seem convinced.


“Then please kiss me.”


The outlandish response made me involuntarily question back.




“If you still like me, then as proof, please kiss me.”


Jess’ expression was extremely serious.  So much so, I didn’t feel like teasing her.


“…Okay.  Hold out your hand.”


“On the hand is not enough.”


(How about your cheek?)


Jess shook her head.


“Please kiss my lips.”


I was at a loss for words.


(Uh, isn’t it weird to be kissing a pig?)


“Whether it’s weird or not is for me to decide…  Of course, if Mister Pig doesn’t like it, then I won’t do it.”


Only the sound of running hot water echoed.


Please hold on a minute.  I’m a scrawny four-eyed shitty virgin.  I’m not used to being approached like this, or rather, I should say I have zero experience with this.  Anyway, just give me a moment.


First of all, the fact that there’s a cute girl wearing only a towel in front of me was already a special alert emergency level situation.  And naturally, I would love for this kind of girl to take my first kiss.  But isn’t this the type of thing you would normally do only after dating?  No, no, she’s a princess.  It’s not even a question of relationship order.  How can a livestock like me that belongs to the royal family-


Jess suddenly leaned forward, and her brown eyes neared mine very much.  My head, which was held firmly by Jess’ hands, couldn’t escape.



“You don’t dislike this, right?”


Seeing her tears drip, I had no choice but to nod.


“This is just a ritual to confirm Mister Pig’s feelings.  Please forget about it after it’s over.”


I involuntarily closed my eyes as Jess’ face was nearing an incredibly close distance.  There was an amazingly soft feeling on my lips.  Wait, is she seriously-  Even though I’m a pig?


Just as my mind went blank, I felt something enter between my teeth.  Don’t tell me–


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I opened my mouth thinking that it would be bad if I bit her.  Then something soft touched my pig tongue–




Hearing Jess make a sound that I had never heard before, I opened my eyes in surprise.  Beyond my nose, Jess had her eyes close.  The towel that had been wrapped around her was untied, and underneath were two–


(Stop, stop!  Hold it!)


I pulled back and distanced myself from Jess.


Jess, still in her immodest state, slowly opened her eyes.


“Mister Pig… you stopped liking me after all.”


Unable to look directly at the scene before me, I averted my gaze.


(No…  That’s not it…  It was just a little too intense, so I was surprised.)




Jess’ voice seemed to have deflated.  She really is an airhead, I thought honestly.


I kept my eyes down towards the tiled floor and explained to her in a virgin guy’s way.


(Normally, you don’t suddenly stick your tongue in like that…  You’ve read too many naughty books.)


There was a moment of silence.  Even from the edge of my vision, I could see Jess’ face completely flushed.


Jess hurriedly rewrapped her towel.


“Mi… Mister Pig, you idiot!  I don’t care about you anymore!”


Right after that, the hot water in the bathtub twirled up like a serpent from magic and rushed at my face like a torrent.




Still blushing and upset, Jess returned to her bedroom without saying much to me.


After closing the door and turning off the light, Jess immediately got into bed.  Not knowing what to do, I curled up on the floor.  I could see the starry sky through the gap between the curtains.


I couldn’t even hear the hot water from here.  It was a quiet night.


“…Are you not coming?”


I heard a small voice and raised my ears.




“I’m asking if you would like to sleep with me.”


Her lonely voice made me get up.  Just as Jess stated earlier, let’s treat what happened earlier as water under the bridge – or rather, hot water from the bathtub, and have it be washed it away.


I was a bit worried and stopped.


(…You won’t do anything naughty, right?)


“I-I won’t…!”


I felt relieved.


I stepped onto the chair that Jess had placed at the foot of the bed for me and alley-ooped onto the bedding.  Jess made room for me next to herself.


(Are you sure?)


I asked prudently, before hearing Jess’ nodding sound.


“After washing with that much hot water, it’s fine.”


Was that really the problem here…?


I hesitantly crawled next to Jess, folded my legs, and laid down.  Jess pulled the quilt over me.  The fluffy, premium duvet was soft and comfortable.  And the cute blonde girl’s scent that attacked my nostrils not only came from Jess herself, but also from the pillow and quilt that wrapped me.  I could feel the slight warmth of a person coming from where Jess was.


There was a rustling noise, and then I realized it was Jess wrapping her arm around my back.


“…I also understand that this is a difficult matter.”


Jess muttered seemingly to herself, as she stuck her other hand underneath my head.


“But I feel that this world is gradually becoming better.  It’s all thanks to you, Mister Pig.  It wasn’t until I met you that I could have imagined such changes happening to me, and to Mestria.”


(Right.  It was Jess’ earnest wish that changed this world.)


Something hard hit my shoulder loin.  Jess was pressing her forehead against me.


“The ones who helped change this world are the Mister Pigs.  I’ve learned from all of you that there’s really no wish in this world that anyone should give up on.”


(I see.  I’m glad to hear that…  All the effort was worth it.)


Jess nodded.


“That’s why I won’t give up.”


Jess’ hand tightly gripped the fat on my back.


(…On Mestria?)


“No…  Well, of course on Mestria as well, but…”


Jess spoke in a lower, but more firm voice.


“What I won’t give up on is Mister Pig.”




“Mestria has definitely become peaceful.  I’ll be studying a lot from now on.  I’m sure there’ll be an answer.  An answer that’ll allow Mister Pig and I to stay together forever.”


(…Perhaps so.)


The petite girl, the girl with a great lineage, pressed her entire body against me.


“That’s why, Mister Pig, from now on, let’s figure out that answer together.”




Jess, who at first was holding me tightly, was now sprawled out asleep in the middle of the night.


After staring at Jess’ sleeping face for some time, I snuck out of the room.


I had something I wanted to confirm.


Why did Hortis make us solve those crass riddles?  I had a hypothesis that I was going to verify.


There were no signs of people in the capital at midnight, and the autumn night wind was chilly even for a pig.  I walked through the labyrinthian city relying on my memories, and headed towards that place.


The spring on the cliff where Hortis made us draw its water.


I went towards the bottom of that cliff via the flower plaza where the colorless flowers bloomed.  There must be something there.


It wasn’t possible to miss the towering cliff.  I strode freely along the sleeping streets and reached the base of the cliff.


There was a small square with a statue of a woman at the center.  The beautiful lady was looking at the starry sky with her hands to her chest.  Though she was not as realistic as the other statues, there was something familiar about her small nose.




It was carved in small letters beside her feet.  It was Jess’ mother’s name.  It was as I expected.


The reasoning was simple.  The starting point was the question “Why did Hortis make us take a detour to draw the water from the spring?”  Taking a detour meant not traveling the shortest route.  And there’s no way Hortis wanted us to take a boob tour.  So why?


It’s because he didn’t want us to take the shorter route.


The quickest route to get to the top of this cliff was to go through this square just below the cliff.  However, Hortis wanted us to avoid passing through this place.  He didn’t want us to find this statue of Yris.


In the first place, we went to draw water from the spring to break the seal on Hortis’ anklet that sealed his magic power.  So why did he choose this spring on top of a cliff that was difficult to reach to unseal his anklet?  That’s because this cliff was an important place for Hortis.  As for why, if you factor in this statue of Yris and think about it, you’ll understand.


This cliff was where Yris committed suicide by jumping off.


Hortis sealed his own magic power in the spring on top of this cliff and decided to leave the capital.


If we had found this statue, we might have realized the connection between the statue below the cliff, and the fountain on top of the cliff.  Hortis wanted to avoid that at all costs.  In an attempt to hide the fact that Jess was his daughter, he made us take a detour by asking us to solve a crass riddle.


The reason why he sniffed at Jess’ feet, and the reason why he fooled us with his crass riddles, was all to keep one secret.


It was all in order to protect his beloved daughter, the secret princess, from the strict rules of the royal dynasty that doesn’t allow a collateral family.


I really am no match for this man named Hortis.


All this time, we’ve been made to dance on the palm of that wise man who pretended to be a pervert.


I climbed up the rugged stairs, heading for the top of the cliff.  I recalled how I climbed the stairs on the other side with Jess, and couldn’t help but want to turn back.  But I mustn’t.


Listen up everyone.  There’s always a fine line that determines the propriety of any and everything.


It’s as Jess said, Mestria is definitely becoming better.


The mastermind behind the Northern Forces, the surreptitious sorcerer, has not only been incapacitated, but also sealed.  He’s not dead yet, but he’s no longer a threat.


And with Hortis’ death, the royal dynasty and Liberation Army have reconciled, and the treatment of Yesmas have gradually begun improving.  Under Jess and Shulavis’ rule, this country will surely become peaceful.


The history of Mestria’s royal dynasty has reached a turning point.


─The bond between your world and Mestria is as unstable as a bubble.  If your pig dies, I’m afraid there won’t be a next time.  Furthermore, should you stay here for too long, the two worlds will separate, and you will have no choice but to die here as a pig.


─O brave young man, until that critical moment comes, cherish your life; and when that critical moment arrives, go back.


I remembered the words of Evis, the greatest mage in Mestria who was extremely foresighted.


Right now was “that critical moment.”


It’s time to leave the princess who holds the fate of Mestria and return to where I came.


The days I spent with Jess involuntarily came to mind.


Lecturing Jess, whom I had just met, at the Quiltlin mansion.  Meeting Jess again at the farm underneath the beautiful stars.  Carrying Jess on my back in the dark forest.  Getting jealous when Jess lent her chest to Nott.  Desperately fleeing from the Yesma hunters in the Forest of Needles.  Hearing Jess’s confession atop the capital.


Reuniting with Jess who had lost her memories.  Jess’ explosive flames at the coastal cave.  The fact that Jess took over the curse I received at the mountain castle.  Inserting the key into the small box at the request of Jess, who had regained her memories.  Jess showing off the magic she learned at the lab.


Looking at the shelf of naughty books together at the library.  Lying in bed and studying the history book.  Jess not willing to listen to me when we were heading towards the Cave of Oaths.  Discovering the Wedge of Contracts together.  Facing off against the large army of Orgs at the Send-Off Island with me like an OP heroine.  Obtaining the Spear of Destruction from the crumbling Golden Sanctuary.  My first kiss.


In short, every day was frantic, but I was happy I could spend them with Jess.


For the first time in my life, I was able to receive such kindness and love.


It’s actually Jess who saved this lonely guy from the darkness of life.


The raw pig liver that start it all, I know my terrible friends never ate any of it.


I also knew that the friends I studied with were trying to harass me because I was the only one to pass the exam.  However, the fact that these people who were my friends had suddenly turned against me with malicious intent made me feel hopeless and self-destructive.  That’s why I did something as stupid as eating raw pig liver.


I felt alone all that time.  To be honest, I even nearly lost sight of my reason for living.


It was then that the princess saved me.


For these past few months, Jess has been my everything.  I’ve done everything I could to make Jess happy for the love she has given me.  It was fun living frantically like that.


But that also ends here and now.


Jess was no longer a weak girl.  She can already live without me.  On the contrary, if I’m around, Jess won’t be able to choose other happinesses.  My value as a human being isn’t worth that much.


Well no, I’m not even a human.


I shouldn’t run away, and should find a way to be happy in my original world.  If I stay in Mestria like this, I’ll be causing trouble for Hiropon, who tricked her family into helping us transfer here.


All stories have to end.  I have to go home.


I finally climbed to the top of the stairs.  The trickling spring water sounded lonesome.  The grass was cold.


Listen carefully everyone.  The third time’s always the charm.  I’ll say this no matter how many times it takes.


─Heat the pig liver.


If I had properly heated it, I wouldn’t have known there was such a beautiful world.


And I definitely wouldn’t have met such a wonderful girl.


A clear wind blew through the capital.


I was a pig, standing on the edge of the cliff of destiny.  The story began here with Jess’ mother committing suicide, and now, I will bring that story to a close here.


I looked up at the night sky, wishing that this world will always be filled with happiness.


But because of my tears, I couldn’t see the stars at all.



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