Heat the Pig Liver

Chapter 7: 2

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Chapter 2 – Don’t Miss Your One Chance


The barking sound of a dog woke me up.  On the other end of the bed, which Celes was sleeping on, a dim red light poured in from the window.  It was probably the sunrise.


As I snorted drowsily, I could hear the barking gradually coming closer.  What’s this all about?


The bedroom door made a loud banging noise, and woofing could be heard from the other side.  Sanon and I jumped, and we watched the door knob clatter.  Celes sleepily murmured “Nn…?”



Click.  The door opened.  What flew inside was a white-



A large dog leapt into Celes’ bed and began mercilessly licking her half-asleep face.  The intensity of it was unmatched, even when up against Sanon’s.


“Ah, Mr. Rossi… I get it, I get it already…”


Celes raised her upper body and hugged Rossi.  Rossi is Nott’s partner, and is a large dog.


(Did Nott return…?)


As I asked that, Celes answered while trying to escape the rampaging dog.


“No.  When Mr. Nott was captured, only Mr. Rossi escaped and returned to Bapsas…  Ah, stop… that’s too much…”


I see.  Then why did Rossi suddenly come and attack Celes…?


─Mr. Lolipo.


Sanon conveyed to me in a serious tone through Celes.  Prompted to look outside, I realized that the red light was definitely not from the sunrise – the forest was on fire.


There was a whistling sound, followed by an explosion nearby.  The red glow intensified.  This is…


(Celes, let’s get out of here!)


We rushed out into the pub and spotted Martha removing the silver coat of arms – a magic-like item made from a silver collar and two swords – from the wall.


“The village is being attacked!  I’ll use a horse, so you should run away first, Celes!”


“But, Martha-sama…”


Celes’ eyes wandered in confusion.


“Don’t worry, let’s meet at Munires.  Go visit Cloyt from the Sleeping Foal Inn.”


Martha disassembled the silver coat of arms and placed it in a leather bag.  Outside the window, something fell and exploded from across the road.  There was a loud noise as the pub’s glass windows shattered.


I immediately went to protect Celes, but Sanon and Rossi were already shielding her.


Martha, who had been thrown onto her bottom, waved her hand as if to drive us away.


“Hurry up and leave!  I’ll be out soon as well!”


We two pigs nodded, and Rossi dashed out as if he had understood her words.


─Let’s go.  Follow after Ro-kun.


Sanon conveyed that towards me while nudging the crouched Celes’ back with his snout.


Celes stood up as if she was being dragged by us.  Rossi was waiting for us at the turn corner, and we followed him out the inn through the backdoor.


The inn wasn’t burning yet, but the trees surrounding it were already ablaze.  Even if there was some distance between them, depending on the direction of the wind, it could prove dangerous to be in this building.  The black pig saw the fire and stopped as if he had a flash of inspiration.


(What are you doing Mr. Sanon?  We need to hurry up and get away from here.)


The black pig slowly turned towards us.


─Sorry, I just remembered there’s something I need to take care of.  Please take Cele-tan to a safe place, Mr. Lolipo.


(Eh…?  Why are you saying something that’s like a death flag from a mystery novel?  You need to escape with us, Mr. Sanon.  I don’t know when we’ll be able to meet again if we get separated.)


─Then please wait for me at the stream a little further ahead.


After conveying those thoughts, Sanon turned around and ran towards the flames.


What’s going on?  At a time like this, what’s worth prioritizing over escaping…?  Did he suddenly want to become a roast pig…?


However, I can’t dawdle here and let Celes become a roasted loli.


(Celes, do you know the direction of the stream that Sanon mentioned?)


“Yes.  The stream, right?  Let’s go.”


Rossi, who was looking at me, started running in reaction to Celes’ words.  Celes and I followed.




I suddenly realized a certain possibility and stopped.  Don’t tell me Sanon is-


Turning my head around and squinting, I saw the scene I was expecting.


The black pig was using his mouth to drag along a tree branch, full of burning leaves, that was twice the size of himself.


And the direction he was moving towards was Martha’s inn, which hadn’t caught fire yet.




The stream water flowed between the rocks without any disturbance.  Due to its rocky surroundings, the fire hadn’t spread near the stream.  As we patiently waited, the black pig came running back from the inn.


─Thanks for waiting.  Let’s head out.


(You didn’t get burned, did you?)


In response to my discreet questioning, Sanon carefully nodded.


─I didn’t get burned.  I accomplished what needed to be done.


We stared at each other.  This was for Celes’ sake.  If it were me, I definitely wouldn’t have done that, but… I could sense Sanon’s level of commitment through the black pig’s gaze.


The entire forest was ablaze.  The roaring gusts of wind and the crackling of the trees were unbearably loud.  If we’re not careful, the smoke will get into our eyes.  I don’t know what’s attacking the village, but we better escape quickly.  I have a bad feeling about this.


Rossi pricked up his ears and looked around nervously.  Unlike before, he didn’t immediately dash ahead.  His nose was constantly twitching.


(What’s up with Rossi?)


When I asked that, Celes placed a trembling hand on Rossi’s back and answered.


“He appears to be on guard… it looks like it’s something bad…”


I also tried sniffing the wind.  A pig’s sense of smell is as keen as a dog’s.  Since Rossi can smell something, I might be able to figure something out as well.


…I could smell the sea.  It smelled like a fish market, and like a beach.  There was an unpleasant, sweaty odor, and the smell of alcohol.  There were many slightly varying odors mixed together, so I would imagine that there are many sources to those smells.


I felt like I could hear clattering noises from beyond the roar of the burning forest.


(There’s a group coming from upwind.)


─This place is under the rule of the royal dynasty.  If it’s their army, they would never carry out this kind of scorched earth tactic.  I can only imagine that the Northern Forces’ army has arrived.


(But why would they suddenly choose to target this southern village?)


Is it a coincidence that Bapsas was attacked after we had arrived?


─We can figure out their motives later.  This is war, Mr. Lolipo.  Let’s get out of here first.


As the black pig conveyed that to me, he nudged Rossi and urged the dog forward.  However, Rossi didn’t move.


─What’s happened to him…?  He’s normally quite eager to find the way, but now…


Seemingly on edge, Rossi turned and looked everywhere.  It’s not that he won’t move, he probably can’t move.  Under the dawnlight, no matter where we look across the 360 degrees, the sky was covered in black smoke.


(We’re practically surrounded by flames.  If we want to avoid the fire, I’m afraid the only way out of the village is in the direction of the group approaching us.  No matter where we go, danger awaits us.)


“How can that be…?”


Celes let out a sad and feeble voice.


Think, pig.  There’s no way you can let a delicate girl like her die here.  And it’s not like you have time to obediently become a roasted pig here.  There’s still the capital…


I shook my head and collected my thoughts.


If we’re surrounded on all sides, the only escape routes I can think of are… above or below.  But it’s not like we can fly out of here.  If it’s below, however…


(Celes, you mentioned that the monastery has an entrance to the underground passageway that leads to the village, right?)




(Do you know where that underground passage’s exit is?)


Celes suddenly raised her head.


“Erm…  It’s near Martha-sama’s inn, but it’s no longer in use, so I don’t know what the situation inside is like…”


(The monastery is located outside the village on the mountainside, so it’s unlikely for the fire to spread that far.  If we take the underground passage to there, we might be able to avoid the flames.)


“I see!”


The black pig also nodded.


─Since it’s decided, let’s get going.  It looks like the army is just around the corner.


A girl, a dog, and two pigs.  This strange group rushed back towards the inn.  Along the way, I turned my head towards the approaching noise and spotted something terrifying beyond the trees.


A giant humanoid monster that looked to be three meters tall was walking along the village’s main street.  It was extremely muscular, its entire body was covered in a thick, rhinoceros-like grey skin, and it held a log-like spear.


─That monster is called an Org.


Sanon informed me that they’re said to be powerful soldiers used by the Northern Forces.  It didn’t look like an opponent that a pig or an ordinary person could contend with.  Its hands and feet were unusually large, and had a webbing-like structure to them.


We lowered ourselves and ran through the woods to avoid being detected by the army.


Martha’s inn was completely engulfed in flames.  Seeing that, Celes’ eyes widened slightly.


─Cele-tan, where’s the entrance to the passageway?


Sanon asked as if to draw her attention away, and Celes pointed at the cliff behind her.  Several battered planks were blocking the hole in the rock face.


This was not the time to be hesitating.  I charged forward and smashed the planks into pieces.




I was surprised to find that it didn’t hurt very much.  The hopeless exhaustion was the only thing that pressed me against the ground inside this prison cell.


The torturer was an unusually tall old man.  His bony hands were adorned with several rings, and his fierce, gleaming, golden eyes made me shudder.  I felt an unusual aura from him, and wondered why this person was a torturer.  However, I only had those first ten seconds to think about such superfluous thoughts.


I was tied to the torture chair with my body arched backwards and forced to endure an unbearable amount of pain for a long time without involving any interrogation.  The torturer stood nearby and silently observed as I groaned.


“How unsightly.”


I heard a female voice.  I shifted my head and looked up to find a skinny Yesma with emotionless eyes standing just outside the golden cell – it was Nuris, who had taken me to the castle.  Her tattered underwear was visible from the hems of her dirty clothes.


“Are you pent up?”


I’m inside a prison.  I would prefer if she could at least overlook these vulgar thoughts that won’t ever happen.


“What is it?” I squeezed out.


“Don’t you want some water after being tortured?  Or do you prefer raping a Yesma?”


I didn’t realize it until I was told, but Nuris was holding a leather mug.


“Don’t underestimate me.  What do you take yourself for?”


“A slave.  An obedient slave that was born for the convenience of others.”


Nuris’ indifferent assertion without any changes in her facial expression angered me, and I raised my upper body.


“That’s why-”


I pressed against the ground with my elbows and lifted my head with my right hand.


“That’s why you people will be like that for the rest of your lives.  Is that what you’re saying?”




Nuris responded apathetically.


“Whether it’s for this or that, the role of Yesmas does not change.  Just like how livestock exist to be eaten.”


I couldn’t think of an immediate rebuttal.


“…Since you brought it over, could you please hand me the water?”


Nuris didn’t move in the slightest.


“I am a slave.  If you want to ask a slave for something, try ordering me in a befitting way.”


What’s wrong with her?  I thought.  It’s like she’s trying to distort my convictions.


“In that case, I’m also a slave – a death row prisoner whose life is being toyed with.  Why don’t you try giving me water in a manner that’s suitable towards slaves?”


She quickly walked over towards the cell and slipped a bony leg through the gap.  She then pressed the leather mug against her thigh.


“Then drink the water from my leg.”


As she said that, she tilted the mug and started pouring water down her leg.  Without hesitation, I placed my face against Nuris’ inner thigh and let the water pour into my mouth.  It relieved my parched throat.





“Don’t you feel any shame?”


Nuris asked after the cup was emptied.


“I have my hands full just from trying to survive.  There’s no point in acting cool when you’re the only one watching.”


There was a brief silence.


“Why do you go to such lengths to survive?”


“…That’s because I have something I want to accomplish.”


“What is it?”


“I’m going to annihilate those bastards that earn money off of killing Yesmas, and then destroy the very system that brought about the Yesmas’ misfortune.”


Ys’ smile involuntarily came to mind.  The clever, mischievous, and kind Ys.  Ys, who was kidnapped, raped, and then beheaded.


“Ys.  In the end, it’s still a matter of personal obsession.”


“So what?  Isn’t it because a lot of people respond to this kind of obsession that I received this type of special treatment?”


Nuris stepped back slightly and looked at the gold cage.


“You certainly seem to be under an extra strict confinement.  The interrogation must have been rough.”


“It was nothing like that.  I was just being tortured in silence.”


“They didn’t ask you anything?”


“That’s right.”


“Then why were you released from being tortured and sent back to this underground prison?”


Hearing that, I recalled something.  It’s a fragmentary memory, but…


─The escapee from the govern camp…


─A wild boar rampaged…


─Bring that captured Yesma over here…


I heard this voice come from the throne room adjacent to me, interrupting the torturing.  I couldn’t remember anything after that.  I probably fainted.


“I see.  So the Yesma I passed by while carrying you was an escapee from the govern camp.”


Nuris muttered while reading my thoughts without my permission.


I was probably brought back to the arena’s basement by Nuris after I had lost consciousness.


“She had bruises all over her face and her back had welts.  She looked wretched.  That one doesn’t have long to live.”


Nuris took a few steps back while talking like it was someone else’s problem.


“Excuse me, I shall take my leave.”


She left the scene.  Even though all I did was drink some water, for some reason, I felt a little less tired.




The underground passageway had cave-ins here and there, but we managed to pass through thanks to the two pigs’ digging abilities.  After reaching the monastery, we had Rossi guide us north along the mountain paths and arrived at the Valley of Oil, just north of Bapsas.  The sun was high in the sky now.


The Valley of Oil is a white rock canyon that’s nearly 100 meters deep.  Although there was a large suspension bridge built over the canyon, Rossi walked in the opposite direction from it without any hesitation and descended a steep slope down to the bottom of the valley.


─The name of this place comes from a battle during the Dark Ages.  I heard it had a cute name in the past, but after thousands of people died in the battle that took place here, the valley was dyed in their blood and looked as if oil was flowing through it.  That’s why it’s called the Valley of Oil now.


A nostalgic voice resurrected in my mind.


Sensing Celes’ gaze, I shook my head and appended parentheses.


(We should be fine now that we’ve walked this far.)


“We shouldn’t let our guard down, but I think so too.”


(We’ve been walking non-stop for a while, so let’s take a quick break.)


At my suggestion, we stopped between some bushes in the middle of the slope to rest our feet.


─It sure helps to have Ro-kun around.  His escape routes are solid.  What a clever boy.


The black pig drew near Rossi, and his snout was licked by Rossi.


(Did Rossi stay in Bapsas the entire time?  Even after Nott was gone?)


When I asked that, Celes, who was wiping her muddy face with her hands, dutifully explained.


“Yes.  He appeared to have been captured alongside Mr. Nott, and they were taken quite far north.  But along the way, Mr. Rossi managed to escape…  He’s always been around to protect me since then.”


─Ro-kun was standing guard outside earlier, right?


“Yes.  He’s a little dirty and isn’t wearing any visible equipment so that in case a bad guy spots him, they’ll think he’s just a wild dog.”


That certainly seems to be the case, but then…


(What about the metal bracelet on Rossi’s foreleg?)


I have a bad habit of worrying about the details.  I feel like Rossi also wore that back when we were traveling with Jess.  It’s a metal ring that’s tightly wrapped around the end of his left foreleg.  It isn’t rusted black, so I wonder if it’s made of silver.


“That, I’m not sure about.  From what I was told, he had it even before he met Mr. Nott.”


(Met?  He wasn’t raised as a puppy?)


I figured he was raised by Nott because he was so well disciplined and trained.


“I heard they met five years ago while Mr. Nott was journeying to rescue Ms. Ys.  It’s a bit of a strange story, isn’t it?”


─The fact that No-kun is so reliable and good at hunting must means his previous owner was likely a skilled hunter as well.


I see, that sounds reasonable.


(Oh, just one more thing.)




(You said Rossi “isn’t wearing any visible equipment.”  Does that mean he has something that’s not obviously visible?)


“Yes.  Please take a look at this.”


Celes opened Rossi’s mouth to reveal his teeth.  His sharp canine teeth glistened in the moonlight, and I spotted a metal dental-appliance-looking thing attached to them.


“Three small ristas are stored on the roof of his mouth.  When Mr. Rossi bites something, the rista’s magic will provide it with an additional effect.  Fire fang, which burns; ice fang, which freezes-”


Hm?  Where have I…?


“And thunder fang, which shocks and paralyzes.”


I see.  It’s devised to be effective against various opponents.


With that said, it’s quite an amazing invention.  If you’re able to pour the magic power onto your tongue instead of your fangs, wouldn’t you be able to numb your opponent via some no-good licking?!  I want one too!


“Um… I don’t think that’s a good idea…”


Celes was taken aback and placed her hand on the back of the black pig who was sniffing her like mad.  Personally, I think it’s better to be more wary of the pig over there…


Anyway, now’s probably not the time to be idly talking.


The black pig wagged his tail and looked at me.


─Now then, Mr. Lolipo, let’s figure out what our next move is.  After all, I didn’t expect this to happen as soon as we got here.


(Yeah.  In order to save Nott, we’ll have to head north and find his comrades.  Martha said to meet up at the Sleeping Foal Inn at Munires, but…)


Munires is a large commercial city that’s about a day’s walk north of Bapsas.  Jess and I also stopped by it the night after Nott joined us as a traveling companion in Bapsas.


Celes explained while stroking Rossi, who was sniffing her legs.  “Munires is a key location in the south, so it should be well protected by the royal army.  I think it’ll be safe.  I also heard that a considerable number of the remaining Liberation Army members that were led by Mr. Nott are hiding there.”


─Hang on, Cele-tan.  Then where did the soldiers that just attacked Bapsas come from?


Sanon points out.


That’s true.


(Assuming the army came from the north…  There’s no guarantee that the area north of here will have remained the same.  We don’t know what might’ve happened to Munires.)


─Right.  It doesn’t make sense for them to suddenly attack Bapsas only.  It’s just a small village.  I think it’s best to assume the places north of here have been invaded.


Celes appeared uneasy, but she spoke firmly.


“But… Munires is a large city.  If it was attacked, there should have been some kind of news, and I’m sure people would have fled past here.  Yet, up until Bapsas was attacked, it’s been very peaceful around here…”


─Yeah…  Something just doesn’t add up.


It’s certainly hair-raising, but it’s not like we can keep oinking around here either.  So I conveyed to these two, (For the time being, let’s head north while keeping an eye on the situation.  If we don’t rendezvous with Martha or the Liberation Army members, Celes won’t have anyone to rely on.)


─You’re right.  No-kun is also located somewhere north, so I’d like to avoid moving south.  Let’s take a short break before we cross the river and head towards Munires.


Sanon earnestly conveyed that while copying Rossi’s actions and sniffed Celes’ legs.


“Um… do my legs smell that much?”


Celes asked curiously, to which the black pig snorted and panicked at.


─No, that’s not it, Cele-tan.  Rather than saying it smells, it’s more apt to say it’s fragrant…


Officer!  This guy right here!


Celes tilted her head.


“Come to think of it, Mr. Shitty Virgin used to stare at my legs as well…  Is there something wrong with them?”


On second thought, give us a moment, Officer!


(No, uh, there’s nothing wrong with them…  I just happened to look at them…)


At my inarticulation, Celes, with her face full of innocent curiosity, drove another nail in my coffin.


“If there’s nothing wrong, then why were you interested in my legs…?”


Does this girl specialize in pressing guys to explain things that are difficult for them to do so, or what?  Do you think you’d be able to spell out why you’re interested in a girl’s legs?


In a panic, I turned towards Sanon for help.


The black pig’s sparkling eyes looked up at Celes.


─You know, Cele-tan, a person’s skin is an important indicator of health.  If it’s pale, it means their blood circulation is poor; if it’s flushed, it means their blood is circulating more than usual.  How much they sweat is also a good point of reference.  That’s why it’s very important to pay attention to the parts of your leg where your skin is exposed in order to understand your physical condition.


Celes lightly placed a finger over her lips and responded, “Then… couldn’t you just look at my face?”


Sanon was left speechless.  We had no excuses left to hide behind.  It’s our loss.


Even while Sanon was make excuses towards Celes, Rossi mercilessly sniffed her bare legs.  Please don’t misunderstand me, everyone.  It’s not like I’m jealous of that dog or anything.


I averted my eyes and gazed down at the river at the bottom of the valley.  Now’s not the time for me to be sniffing Celes’ legs.


─Mister Pig sure is fickle.


─That’s alright, I don’t mind.  Please feel free to look at what you like.


Just remembering her voice made my heart ache.


Nott’s plight, Celes’ dearest wish, and this twisted world – it’s obvious that these are the problems I need to be concerned about, but there’s someone I can’t forget about above all else.




If we can meet again, how should I face her?  After parting like that, would a simple “I’m back” resolve everything?  To begin with, am I even in a position where I’m allowed to see her…?  In fact, is it even possible for me to meet her?


Someone suddenly touched my back, startling me.  It was Celes, who had escaped from the perverted dog’s attacks and came right next to me.


“It seems like there are various circumstances around this, but… I hope Mr. Shitty Virgin’s wish comes true.”


She smiled an awkward but gentle smile.


I should probably tell her what “shitty virgin” means.




“…ter …aster …Master!  Don’t tell me…  Master didn’t kick the bucket, did he?”


I slept on the prison floor like a dead man and was woken up by Bart’s voice.  It was dark, as usual, so I didn’t know what time it was.


“I’m not gonna die.”


When I turned to face him, I spotted the innocent kid laughing in relief.


“That’s right!  You’re the indomitable hero that stands back up no matter how many times it takes.”


Bart handed me a rotten apple through the gaps between the bars.  This seems to be today’s meal.


I thanked him and accepted it.  I leaned against the cage and bit into the apple.  I felt like I was being revived.


“Hey, Bart.”




“How are Yesmas treated in the govern camps around this region?”


Bart’s face tightened.


Govern camps.  The secret to the north’s ability to expand its power lies in this scheme.  By confining the vulnerable people, such as women, children, and elderlies, in these places called govern camps, they become hostages and turn the remaining people into puppets.  Naturally, if anyone resists, cruel death awaits the hostages related to them.


Maintaining control of the govern camps is essential for the Northern Forces.  However, managing a large number of hostages requires a lot of effort, and if the hostages die, it will inevitably lead to those who have lost their loved ones rebelling.  As a result, they use the slave-class Yesmas to maintain the camps.  Since they’re of a lower status than the hostages, Yesmas also seem to help keep the hostages’ mind at ease.


“Well… it’s terrible.  The govern camp here is very big, so there’s naturally going to be a lot of male hostages.  Therefore… yeah, you know.”


The pain in my chest was unbearable.  Nuris said that a Yesma escaped from a govern camp and was then caught.  I recall her saying the girl was whipped and bruised.  What did that girl do wrong?


“…Hey, Bart.  Don’t you think it’s rotten?”


“Huh?  The apple?  Sorry, that’s all I got…”


“No, I meant this world.  Don’t you want to tear it all down?”


“O-oh.  Well, yeah, but…”


He didn’t seem opposed to it.  While he may act cheerful in front of me, Bart must have family members held hostage as well.  That’s why he’s been working to feed the prisoners in the basement of this arena.


“Hey, if I disappear… can you promise me this?  You don’t have to act on it, but I want you to never throw away your feelings of unrighteousness in this world…  Can you do that?”


This boy’s the only person I can entrust my wishes to while I’m in this prison.  He’s the only person I’m able to relay to that this world should be destroyed.


While deep in thought, I turned towards Bart and saw him standing still in the darkness as if he was terrified.


“Whether he can fulfill that promise will be up to you.”


A hoarse voice that was like a ghost came from the darkness.


Bart appeared to be grabbed by the scruff of his neck.


That torturer – the shadowy old man, was approaching this golden cage.


“How are you doing, young man?  You seem awfully fine even after going through that torturing.”


“What are you doing?  Let go of that kid.”


“That I cannot do.  This one’s an important stage prop after all.”


What is he saying?


“What business does the king’s torturer have for him to come to such a bloody place?”


“No need to rush, I’ll tell you.  After all, I came all the way here to make you despair.”


It was a chilling voice.  The torturer’s golden eyes, as if they were the only things emitting light, shot at me from underneath the darkness of his hood.


“Let’s start with the good news.  This morning, we burned down the village that you used to visit often when you were a hunter.”


I felt the blood drain from my face.  Bapsas was…?


“That’s right, it was Bapsas.  However, it seems the Yesma that you cared for managed to escape.”


I was thrown into disarray.  Was he talking about Celes?  How does this guy know about Celes?  …No, wait, calm down.


“…Don’t lie.  Bapsas is a village south of Munires.  The territory you control hasn’t reached that far yet.”


“Even if it’s not near any territory we control, there are ways to dispatch soldiers there.  But rest assured, that Celes whatever should still be alive.  Naturally, we’ll kill her as soon as we find her.”


The old man appeared to be laughing as his shoulders shook.  Bart was stiff and didn’t move.


“…What the hell are you trying to do?  Why did you attack Bapsas?”


“I’ve been searching for the best way to kill you.  Swordfights and torturing won’t do.”


“Why don’t you just feed me to some beasts?”


“That would be too lenient.  Even if you perish, your heart won’t have died.  I want you to die amidst despair.  You’ve killed someone important to me in the Forest of Needles.  I’m sure you haven’t forgotten… the man called En.  Do you know how it feels to have something precious stolen from you?”


Who do you think you’re asking?  I thought.  On the other hand, there was something that puzzled me.  Wasn’t I going to be executed as the head of the Liberation Army?  Why does my execution involve a torturer’s personal grudge against me?


“You’ve got a good intuition, kid.  It’s probably not a good idea to say too much, so I’ll keep it concise and tell you the bad news next.”


I was wondering where the clacking noise was coming from before noticing Bart’s teeth were chattering.


“I thought of something interesting, so we’re going to have a special performance this afternoon.”


I had such a bad feeling about this that I couldn’t even open my mouth.


You are reading story Heat the Pig Liver at novel35.com

“I’m going to make you and this Bart kid have a swordfight.  Only one of you will survive.  If you delay it until there’s a tie, you’ll both be publicly executed.”


I had goosebumps.  How can this be…?


“Why, isn’t that a nice reaction?  Worry your heart out.  If you want to live, you’ll have to kill this kid.  If you want the kid to live, then you’ll have to die.  How’s that for suffering?”


Even if I wanted to retort, I had no words to say.


The old man took the helpless Bart away and disappeared into the darkness.


The feeling of despair enveloped my body.  I still wanted to live a little longer.  I still had a lot I wanted to do.


But I can’t let the boy die.  I have no choice but to take my own life first.


As I thought about the person I once loved, I felt my tears flow silently.




─Something… just doesn’t seem right.


Sanon relayed to me while eating grass from the roadside.


(Yeah.  It doesn’t look like it was attacked, but the tense atmosphere is probably due to Bapsas going up in flames.)


It was evening.  After a careful reconnaissance, we entered the city of Munires.  It’s a large-scale commercial city with pastel-colored buildings lining the large cobbled main street.  However, it didn’t carry the same unrestrained liveliness as when I came here before.  Instead, soldiers in red leather armor and armed with sharp, polished spears roamed the streets.  According to Celes, they’re the royal army.


“I’m a little worried that so many soldiers are out and about, because the members of the Liberation Army who are in hiding will find it difficult to stay here…”


Celes looked around anxiously, and Rossi stuck to her bare legs while he walked.  Sanon and I watched the rear and followed while pretending to be pigs – or rather, we were already pigs.


Celes mentioned she visited the Sleeping Foal Inn once before, so she led us there.  After arriving, it dawned upon me that this was the inn in which Jess, Nott, and I stayed at in the past.  It was a tidy building with decorative flowers on its light brown exterior walls, and it had a pub just like Martha’s inn.


Upon entering the pub, I spotted a silver coat of arms on the wall – a Yesma collar decorated with two swords crossing the center of it.  It’s protected by a special magic and serves as proof the owner is a Yesma guardian.


“Ah, thank goodness!  You’re Celes, right?”


The one who spoke and walked towards us was a countryside-looking old man with a grey beard.  His hair was covered by some cloth, and his glittering eyes carried smiling wrinkles as they spotted Celes’ figure.


As I was wondering who was barking, Rossi pounced onto the old man and started licking his face after he kneeled down.  It looks like this old man is quite close to Rossi.  Although, three months ago when we stayed here with Jess, they didn’t seem that close…


Celes bowed and greeted him.


“It’s Mr. Cloyt, right?  Good evening.”


“You’re safe.  Phew, that’s a relief.”


Cloyt smiled at Celes while wiping his saliva-covered face with his sleeves.


“Yes… we somehow managed to escape.”


“I see, I see.  That’s good.”


He breathed a sigh of relief before tightening his expression.


“Celes, it’s about Martha…”




“Come with me.”


Cloyt invited Celes to the back as he spoke.  Rossi accompanied them, and Sanon and I followed suit.  Whatever was waiting for us ahead wasn’t going to be something good.


We were led in front of a guest room.  When Cloyt knocked, a hoarse voice came from inside saying “Come in.”


When the door was opened, I spotted someone lying down in bed.  There was a burnt smell coming from somewhere.


“Martha-sama!  Are you alright?!”


Celes exclaimed as she ran towards the bed.


“I managed to save my life and the collar.”


The person in bed was Martha.  Her gaze was directed at the leather bag near her bedside.  It was the bag with Ys’ collar.


“Your life, and…”


Celes stiffened as she looked at Martha.  On closer inspection, Martha’s hair was shorten to a hideous extent.  It was burnt.  And everywhere around her face was red and blistered.


“How foolish of me.  I tried to cross the flames with a horse and ended up getting severely burned.  I pushed on desperately and was somehow able to arrive at Munires.”


“How can this be…?”


A weak voice spilled from Celes.


Cloyt offered something to the crestfallen girl.


“You don’t need to pay for it.  Go ahead and use this.”


Celes received a black rista – it’s a source of magic power for prayers, which only Yesmas can use.


“Hold it.  Cloyt, we can’t accept this.  Give it back to him, Celes.”


Celes handed the rista back as instructed by Martha, but Cloyt crossed his arms behind his back.


“I happened to be given that rista for free today.  I don’t have a Yesma in my house, and even if I did, there’s nothing to use it on.  Go ahead, take it and treat Martha quickly.”


For free?  Ristas should be fairly expensive, so is that even possible?  That said, if he doesn’t have a Yesma, he has no reason to keep a black rista that only Yesmas can use.  Hm.


Celes turned towards Martha.  Martha smiled and nodded.


“Then let’s accept his kind gesture.  I’ll repay the favor someday.”


As soon as she heard that, Celes approached the bedside and kneeled on the floor.  She wrapped her hands around the rista and pressed it against her forehead.  Her large eyes slowly closed.




After a while, Celes’ eyes opened and Martha lifted her upper body.  While Martha’s hair remained burnt, before we knew it, the burn traces on her face were nearly gone.  Only a bit of redness remained, but since Martha originally had a red face anyway, it wasn’t very noticeable.


Martha stroked Celes’ head.


“Thank you.  That was really well done.  Thanks to you, I’m all good now.”


“I’m glad.  It’s because Martha-sama has been kind to me…”


Celes looked back at Cloyt, who was leaning against the entrance.


“Thank you so much, Mr. Cloyt.  Thanks to you, I was able to heal Martha-sama.”


“That’s alright.  The rista’s yours, Celes, so use the remaining magic power however you want.”


Cloyt responded while grinning and prepared to leave the room.  However, as if he had just remembered something, he turned back around to face Celes.


“Come to think of it, I have some good news.  Have you hear about it, Celes?”




“You already knew Nott was captured, right?  Well, it sounds like he managed to escape from the arena this noon.”


“Eeeeeh?!  Mr. Nott escaped?!”


Celes’ voice squeaked in surprise.  Sanon and I glanced at each other.  This was shocking news.


“I just heard about it from the streets.  Although people don’t dare say it out loud, it’s made a big commotion behind the scenes.  After all, the Munires merchants favor the Liberation Army.”


Is that so?  Our transmigration, the attack on Bapsas, and Nott’s escape – it’s hard to imagine this series of events all being coincidences.  I’m not able to wrap my head around everything, but this is definitely good news.


I truly think he’s a tenacious guy.  His flames are still burning.


“Um, where is Mr. Nott right now?”


Celes leaned forward and asked.  To which Cloyt, seemingly bewildered, responded.


“I’m not quite sure…  Rumor has it that Nott suddenly disappeared from the arena, and no one knows his whereabouts.  It makes me wonder what he’ll do in the future.”


Celes could be seen clenching her small fists.


Cloyt continued, “Even so, we citizens can only continue on with our normal lives here.  But this is definitely a joyous event.  Now then, time to get back to work.  I still have to clean up the basement too.  Celes, please stay here and take care of Martha.”


The old man glanced at the three docile animals and readied himself to leave.


Hold on a minute – I thought.


“Oink oink oink oink!”


When I cried out loudly, Cloyt looked back in surprise.


“Oh my, what’s the matter Mr. Pig?”


(Celes, I want to talk to this old man.  Can you help with the relaying?)


─Erm… Understood.


After Celes revealed us pigs’ true identities, I got straight to the point.


(Can you please tell us where the remnants of the Liberation Army are headed towards?)


Cloyt look at me with an expression that was a mixture of surprise and bafflement.


“Wait, wait.  What are you talking about?”


(Mr. Cloyt, you were hiding people from the Liberation Army in your basement, weren’t you?)


He stared at me suspiciously.


He seemed to be wondering how I knew, but it’s something that could be inferred just by piecing together a few bits of information.  According to Celes, it seems certain that the remnants of the Liberation Army are – or perhaps were – hiding in this city.  And Rossi, who wasn’t so familiar with Cloyt when he last came with me here, was very attached to Cloyt when they met today.  This implies that during the three months after I left Mestria up till my return, Rossi, or more specifically his owner, Nott, had met Cloyt many times.


And then there’s what Cloyt said.


─I happened to be given that rista for free today.


First of all, it’s not possible for an expensive rista to just fall from the sky.  And since he doesn’t have a Yesma, there was no reason for him to buy one.  In that case, it’s possible that he received it as compensation for something.  So who could have given it to him?  What happened today?


─Now then, time to get back to work.  I still have to clean up the basement too.


Think about why he has to “clean up the basement” at this time.  What if he was hiding people from the Liberation Army in his basement, and they set off in a hurry after hearing the news about Nott’s escape?  The royal dynasty has their eyes set on the Liberation Army, so in order to destroy the evidence, he needs to clean up the basement as soon as possible.


Sanon oinked with his nose.


─Please.  Celes-chan wishes to meet with Nott-kun.  We’ll take any leads you got that could let us get in contact with the people from the Liberation Army.


Appearing troubled, Cloyt bit his lips under his grey beard.  My instincts told me we just needed another push to make it work.


Then, the bed creaked and Martha turned to face us.


“Sanon, shouldn’t you be asking me, Celes’ master, about this first before requesting that?”


It was a gentle, reproachful tone that was difficult to tell whether it was supportive or opposing.


─You’re right.  Ms. Martha, by all means, please agree to this.


“I believe I’ve said that I can’t allow Celes to travel far away.”


Celes casted her eyes down.  Beside her, the black pig resolutely stared at Martha.


─That was when Celes still had her workplace, the inn.  However, due to the recent attack, the inn has burned down.


Sanon’s brazen and proud assertion carried such intensity that it was hard to imagine he was a pig.


“Indeed, that is correct.  But I hope you didn’t forget what happened last time after I allowed you to take Celes to join the Liberation Army’s battles.  Not only did Celes not provide much help, she was almost killed during the battle at the Rocklands.”


─No, Celes-chan was helpful.  The Yesma girls, who are able to relay thoughts remotely and heal people through prayers, are very important existences as logistical support in battles.  In order to be able to work closely together, it can be said that no many how many Yesmas there are, it’s never enough.  And when it comes to the ability to heal Nott-kun, Celes-chan is by far the best at it.  She’s a necessary existence for the Liberation Army.


Hm?  What does he mean by Celes having by far the best ability to heal Nott?


I looked at Celes and noticed her cheeks were dyed pink for some reason.


Martha kept silent for some time, but eventually called out, “Celes.”


“Do you really want to go?”


Celes looked at Martha and nodded affirmatively.


“You might die, you know?  And based on the current situation, if you’re caught by the Northerners, it wouldn’t be strange if you were raped to the point of losing your mind, or if your stomach was sliced open without anesthesia.  Even so, do you wish to go?”


“…Yes.  It’s much better than sitting here waiting.”


Martha raised her eyebrows in resignation.


“Is that so?  …The house seems to have burned down anyway, and I can’t let you stay with a homeless person like this forever.  Nott and the others are doing something very noble.  If Celes can become their strength, then that’s something worth being proud of.”


“Then, Martha-sama…”


“Yeah, go ahead.  Cloyt, tell these kids where to go.”


Cloyt’s grey brows furrowed, seemingly troubled.


“Well in that case, I’d love to help…  It’s true that I hid them in my basement.  But even though I support those children, I’m just like Martha – an ordinary citizen who lives a quiet life under the rule of the royal dynasty.  I may have secretly taken care of them… but I know next to nothing about their activities.  I haven’t heard where they’re headed either.”


Sanon enthusiastically appealed.


─But you’ve been in contact with them, no?  It’s clear that the people of the Liberation Army have left to rendezvous with Nott-kun.  Do you have any ideas as to which direction they might be headed towards?


Cloyt shook his head.


“Those children have gotten very cautious these days.  It seems like their information is shared only to a small group of people.  I was only told ‘Thank you for taking care of us.’  After they left in a hurry, I heard rumors of Nott’s escape a little later before finally realizing what was going on.  If it’s them, I suspect they’re already quite far away by now.”


It sounded like he was admonishing us and saying: just give up and live your life peacefully here.


Celes dejectedly dropped her shoulders.


“Is that so? …I guess there’s nothing we can do then.”


Well, it’s clear as day that Celes would be safer here.




I recalled when I visited Martha’s inn with Jess.  Celes wanted Nott to stay, but for the sake of Jess, I half-tricked Celes into letting Nott accompany us.  At the time, she accepted my proposal and saw us off with a smile.


─I hope your wish comes true as well, Mister Pig.


I thought back to Celes’ words.


Now it’s my turn to grant Celes’ wish.


(Mr. Cloyt, could you please show us where the people from the Liberation Army were staying?)




“It’s already empty,” Cloyt remarked as he guided us to the back door leading to the basement.


The spacious area had long since been vacated.  Six wooden triple-bunk beds were tucked against the wall side by side, and a few tattered sofas were strewn across the place.  In the center was a large square table.


Leaving the party of a girl and three animals behind, Cloyt went back to work.


(Alright, it’s time to solve this mystery.)


I motivated myself.


“Mystery…  Are you saying you’re going to figure out where the members of the Liberation Army have gone?”


(That’s right, Celes.  And I’m absolutely confident about this.)


When I said that, Sanon looked at me.


─Why… do you claim that?


(It’s the smell.  We just need to roughly guess their location, and the rest can be handled by the smell of their beddings.)


─I see!


Sanon caught on, but Celes was drawing a blank, so let me explain.


(Celes, dogs and pigs have a very sharp sense of smell.  A human’s nose can’t compare to it.  They can perceive odors that are infinitesimal faint, and are good at differentiating varying scents.  For example, if Celes were to leave here, even if you were to walk for a whole day, we would still be able to get to you by following the faint smell left on the ground.  We’re also able to tell where and what you ate, and know exactly where you picked flowers.)

>TL Note: Some Japanese girls use “picking flowers” as a metaphor for going to the toilet.


Celes’ expression hardened.  Oops, I let that accidentally slip from my mouth.


“Mr. Sanon, at that time, you really were…”


─N-no, Cele-tan.  I just happened to sniff it…


The black pig started panicking.  I don’t know what had happened, but once we return to Japan, the first thing I need to do is turn this lolicon in to the police.


(Anyway, what we need to do here is get a rough idea of where the Liberation Army is headed, and collect as many things that carry their smell as possible.  Should be simple.)


As I conveyed that, I walked around the room.


(Hm, this string was cut…)


I found a piece of cut-off linen string on the ground that was knotted and had traces of having been used, so I tried sniffing it.


(Celes, do you use birds for communicating in Mestria?)


“…Yes.  Especially if it’s urgent.”


(This string smells of a bird.  It was probably used to tie the paper that delivered the news of Nott’s escape to the bird’s feet.)




The black pig approached and sniffed the string I had smelled.


─It really does smell of a bird.


Celes smiled wryly while pressing her hands between her legs.  Seriously, what happened?


Rossi came towards us while wagging his tail and mimicked us sniffing the string.  He left soon after and began sniffing around the room.


I was astonished, because this was exactly what I was planning to do.  If we look for same smell as this, we might find a clue.  If Rossi acted knowing this, his thinking abilities are far beyond that of normal dog.




Rossi barked and brought over a small scrap of paper with his mouth.  I looked at it as he placed on the ground.  It was a piece of paper that was slightly larger than a postage stamp, and had creases from having been rolled up.  Only a double circle was drawn on the center.


I quickly sniffed the paper.  Was it parchment?  It had a strong animal odor to it.  But beyond that, I could definitely smell a burnt scent, and the smell of something like a birdhouse.


(Celes!  Mr. Sanon!  Look at this!)


I called the two over, and Celes picked up the piece of paper.


“This is…”


As Celes said that, Rossi brought over another similar piece of paper.  A double circle was also drawn on it.


─This is a code that No-kun and the others use a lot.  It means “convene.”


I thought about it.


(There seems to be a lot of the same piece of paper.  They probably used several birds at the same time to send them to multiple people.  Whether it was because it’s an urgent matter, or because they wanted to make sure it was delivered, we can assume both.  Considering the remnants of the Liberation Army left in a hurry on the same day Nott escaped, we can speculate that this means “convene where Nott is ASAP.”)


─It looks like they purposefully charred the parchment instead of using ink.


Sanon noticed.


Is that what the burnt smell was?


“Mr. Nott probably scorched it with the flames from his twin daggers.”


We two pigs nodded in agreement at Celes’ remark.  Sanon then pondered.


─So now we need to figure out where this place is, and we only have the double circle to work with.


(Let’s look at it from the other way around.  The remnants of the Liberation Army determined their destination based on the double circle only.  It’s extremely risky to transmit the destination via birds, so where’s the most reasonable place the scattered remnants from various places will gather at based on this message? – It should be fine to think along these lines.)


─I see.  Then let’s think about it rationally.


I nodded.


(First of all, Nott should be wanting to get out of the area controlled by the north as soon as possible.  Naturally, he’ll prefer to flee to a place with more Liberation Army members and supporters.)


“With regards to the capital, which is located at the center of Mestria, the people supporting the Liberation Army are concentrated southeast of there.  Since there’s no reason for them to head west, they should be headed somewhere further east from the Forest of Needles which surrounds the royal dynasty.  How does that sound?”


(Nice one, Celes.  Speaking of which, what’s the current situation regarding the borders between the areas controlled by the Northern Forces, and the areas controlled by the royal dynasty?)


“I heard the royal army recaptured a large port city in the east called Niabel very recently.  When it was captured, I was told it was a geographically isolated place, so…  I believe the frontlines are located near Matto, a mountain village located a little further north of Niabel.”


I was impressed by how informed Celes was.  It means she was just that concerned about the world outside.


(For the Liberation Army, their priority should be meeting up with Nott as soon as they can outside the areas under the Northern Forces’ control.  However, the frontlines is dangerous because the royal army is concentrated there.)


That was my hunch.  Sanon seemed to agree with me and nodded in my direction.


─For a “convene” message…  If a lot of people are going to appear, it would be better to choose a big city, right?


“In other words…”


Celes’ large eyes looked over here.


(Yeah.  We should head towards Niabel.)




Martha sat on her bed with a serious gaze.


“Celes, are you really going?”


“Yes… I’m very sorry.”


Celes frowned apologetically.


After a brief moment of silence, Martha spoke.


“It’s a pity I won’t be able to accompany you with this body.”




“Take care of your life.”


“I will.”


“As for the Mister Pigs over there.”


At Martha’s beckoning, the black pig and I trotted to her side.


“Pork dishes are my specialty.  If Celes doesn’t come back safely, you know what’ll happen, right?”




(I will risk my life to protect her.)


Following my lead, Sanon also conveyed.


─Me too.  I won’t take my eyes off Celes-chan for even a second.


Is that alright…?




It was OK’d?!


Since the sun had already set, we decided to set off for Niabel tomorrow at sunrise.  If Celes rode on the pigs’ back, we should be able to arrive in about three days.


On the day of departure, dark ominous clouds loomed over the clear blue sky.




It was Nuris who came to pick me up.  She held a pair of daggers – the set of daggers made from Ys’ bones.  I will use Ys’ burning flames to return to her side.


─There’s no time, so I’ll make it simple.  Don’t look at me.


I could hear Nuris’ indifferent voice in my mind.


─These two daggers are equipped with special ristas.  Just one is enough to release a large amount of magic power at once.


Nuris expressionlessly restrained me.  I looked at the daggers.  The ristas were red in the center, and clear around the peripherals.


─By swinging either dagger towards the ground, you’ll be able to fly high into the sky.  It should have just enough magic power to be able to handle taking that boy named Bart as well.  When you land, swing the other dagger towards the ground.  It should cancel out the speed from falling and allow you to land without dying.


We headed towards the lift that led to the stage.  I couldn’t believe it.  I was going to escape.


─Thanks, I owe you.


─Failure is not allowed.




We arrived in front of the lift.  A prison guard was holding a small knife.  I wondered why.


Nuris, who had removed my shackles, reacted with a twitch and looked at the guard.  The guard grinned underneath the helmet covering his face, threw Nuris and me together into the elevator, and tossed the knife he was holding next to Nuris.


The chains rang, and the lift raised the two of us onto the stage.


Their message was clear.  They won’t let me take the easy way out and have it end with just me committing suicide.  Only one person will be allowed to survive.  Even if I die, either Bart or Nuris will have to die.  Perhaps it was for this cruel act that they were stationed around me.


However, that’s not the problem.  It’s that this rista only has enough power to barely allow me and Bart to fly.


That means one person will be left behind in this arena.


The lift inevitably neared the sand-covered stage, and I squinted.


It’s sunny.  The wind was strong.  Dust clouds were being kicked up.  The sunlight from above was reflecting off of the sand.


The circular arena was filled with thousands of spectators.  The audience seats surrounding the elliptical stage were like rising walls, towering over us.


These faceless citizens – were they forced to watch, or did they come here seeking bloodshed?  Do they wish for my death, or do they wish for my cruel victory?  No one was speaking towards me – all that entered my ears were unintelligible yelling, cursing, and cheering.


When the lift stopped, Nuris emotionlessly picked up the knife and walked away from me.  She spoke with her back turned.


─Leave me.


I bit my lips.  There’s no way I could do such a thing.  What should I do?  How can I save everyone?


Sanon’s figure appeared in my mind.  That guy never gave up, no matter how unfavorable the situation was.  He saved me.  In the end, he staked his life so that Celes and the others could escape.


Think.  Think!


─You should stop that boy first.


Nuris’ voice resounded in my mind.


The arena was wrapped in cruel cheers.  On the other side of the dust cloud, the opposing elevator gradually rose, and Bart, standing in a daze, appeared on stage.  The blade he held in his small hands glowed faintly.


It didn’t take long for me to interpret Nuris’ message.  Under the enthusiastic gaze of the audience, I ran straight towards Bart.  He slowly raised his thin arms, and thrusted the blade against his neck.




I screamed as I neared him.  I grabbed Bart’s blade by the hilt and twisted, pulling it away from his neck.  I then thrusted the blade towards the ground, and Bart fell forward as his posture broke.  With my elbow on his shoulder, I picked up the blade.  Bart then fell on the ground.


I threw Bart’s blade far away.  Though the stage is covered in sand, there are wooden boards underneath, and the blade stabbed beautifully into the ground.


I could hear jeering.  They probably wanted me to kill him.


“Don’t worry, Bart.  We’re escaping from here.”


I tried informing him without moving my mouth as much as possible.  Bart’s eyes, which were filled with tears, widened.  I raised the corner of my mouth and smiled at Bart, who had fallen unsightly onto the ground.  I’ve told him that it’s alright now, and that I’ll save him.


All that’s left is to figure out what to do so the three of us can escape.


No, wrong.


I realized then – when it was too late – just what kind of race the Yesmas are.


I quickly turned around and spotted Nuris’ body suddenly collapsing.  A knife was stuck in her abdomen.  Even from a distance, I could see the blood spread across her ragged clothes.  She had stabbed herself.  On the other end of the dust cloud, a Yesma had lost her life.  The cheering and cursing faded away, and it felt like time had stopped.


The girl’s body fell face down, and after that, she stopped moving.


The arena was enveloped in a storm of jeers.  As I suppressed my anger and despair, tears began flowing.  Are you watching, you senile old torturer?  This is what you wanted to see.


But there was no time for me to grieve.  Unsheathing a dagger, I held it in my right and looked up at the sky.  It was a blue sky.  The gateway to the future.




For a moment there, a strange shadow appeared in the blue sky.  It had large wings and a long tail.  Don’t tell me…


The next second, the sound of stone masonry collapsing could be heard from the outer parts of the arena.  Something roared.  Its body color, which was the color of the sky, gradually returned to jet black, revealing its true identity.  Its gigantic appearance was unmistakable.


It’s a legendary creature that I have only seen in book illustrations.  It’s a dragon, a tyrannical monster that breathes fire.


Its huge mouth, which looked like it could swallow a human whole, was densely lined with sharp fangs.  It had a large, narrow body that was covered in hard scales.  It had broad wings, and a long tail covered in spikes.


The jeers in the arena turned into screams.


The dragon stopped at the edge of the arena and opened its mouth wide.




I immediately pulled Bart to my side and tried to dodge.  No, it’s too late.  At this rate, we’re going to be hit by the flames directly.  We had no choice but to escape to the sky.


“We’re gonna fly, hold tight.”


Saying that, I hugged Bart tightly.


Bart, who had a dumbstruck look on his face, also hurriedly wrapped his hands around my neck.  I held Bart with my crippled left hand and swung the dagger in my right.


Along with hearing the sound of the wooden floor being ripped apart, I felt as if my internal organs were being pulled against.  Bart and I cut through the wind at an incredible speed and began rising towards the sky.  Suddenly, my field of vision was dyed black.  What happened?


The black stuff disappeared.  Looking down, I saw the entire arena shrouded in black smoke.  The dragon must have spewed out black smoke instead of flames.  But why wasn’t it flames?  Only the mages from the royal dynasty are capable of controlling a legendary creature such as a dragon.  The royal dynasty should be trying to kill me, yet the dragon spat out smoke that was incapable of killing.  Why was that?  In fact, why did a dragon come here?


We flew diagonally, tracing an arc and crossing the outer edge of the arena.  It was more than enough height.  With this, I might have even been able to take Nuris with us…


But it was too late now.  We started descending.  I returned the dagger in my right hand into its scabbard and pulled out the other dagger.  We were going to land in the forest.  The direction was calculated.  The trees were approaching.


I swung my dagger before hitting the branches.  My body was wrapped in a strong repulsive force.  I squinted at the pain that followed.


I writhed in a whirlpool of shock that resulted in me being unable to tell up from down.


We rolled on the ground and seemed to have hit a tree trunk.  I opened my eyes and saw that we were inside the forest.


“Bart, are you alright?”


I tore away my arm that was clutching his neck and got up, only to see the boy on the ground rubbing his eyes.


“That was crazy.  What was that just now?”


I breathed a sigh of relief.


“I used a special rista to escape from the arena through the sky.  Is your body fine?”


“Yeah.  I’m fine, but…”


As Bart got up, he looked at me in the eyes with a strange expression.


“Why is Master crying?”



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