Heat the Pig Liver

Chapter 8: 3

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Chapter 3 – You Never Know What’ll Happen in Life


Niabel is a black stone city.  Stone fortresses lined its coast, and during the evening, sailboats of all sizes crowded the dark sea.  The port houses, mottled by the sea breeze, were built using dark grey stones.  A labyrinth of stone-paved roads ran between these houses, and the lanterns hanging from their eaves began glowing a warm color.  The cool sea breeze stung our bodies, which were exhausted from the journey.


It was a large city, but there weren’t many people relative to its size.



A strange party comprised of a loli, a pig, a black pig, and a dog finally arrived at their destination – Niabel, after a three-day journey.  Celes let the black pig smell the black panties that she was holding.



“…How is it?”


─Smells ni-, I mean, the street has the same smell, but it’s not a straight path, so it’s difficult to narrow down.


Sanon conveyed while sniffing the pair of panties.  No matter how you look at it, he’s being a pervert, but there’s a good reason for this.  We found several clues in the basement of the Sleeping Foal Inn.  From those, Sanon identified the possessions of Nott’s most trusted allies.  They were a pair of socks and panties that belonged to a woman named Itsune, and a pillowcase which belonged to her younger brother Josh.  I’m not a shameless pig, so when we decided that the three of us should divide the smell-searching task, I chose the young man’s pillowcase first.  Sanon then said “Well, I guess I don’t have a choice,” and chose the panties.  Leaving Rossi in charge of the remaining socks.  No one asked why Sanon chose the panties instead of the socks.


Next to the perverted panties-sniffing black pig and perverted socks-sniffing dog, I sniffed the pillowcase.  It smelled like a high school boy’s pillow with an added citrus scent to it.  It was just as Sanon had said, the scent could be found on the streets here, but the smell would sometimes break off or diverge – it wasn’t a straight line, so it’s difficult to determine where the owner of the smell is.


If they had a place they used as their base, it wouldn’t be strange for their scent to gather near the surroundings of that location, but for some reason, there wasn’t such a place.


The sun was setting.  As we racked our brains and wandered the streets, the black pig suddenly began sniffing a restaurant’s terrace seats.  The smell of seafood wafting in the air made my stomach tighten.


─Mr. Lolipo, come over here.


I headed over there after being requested.


(Did you find something?)


After sniffing the chair again, the black pig looked at me.


─I can smell Tsune-tan’s butt from the seat of this chair.


(Oh, okay…)


─I was right to have chosen the smell of her panties.  Tsune-tan seems to have visited this store.


That makes sense.  Because one would sit on a chair with their butt, it’s not a bad idea to use the panties’ smell as a clue for pinpointing the places they’ve stayed at for a lengthy period of time.  I felt like he was trying to justify his peculiar tastes after the fact, but the stakes are high right now, so I should give it some serious thought.  For the time being, I brought my nose to the foot of the chair.


This is…


(It’s the smell of tar.  And it’s quite strong.)


There was also that citrusy smell.  The strong tar smell seemed to overlap with it.




Celes doesn’t appear to be familiar with it, so I explained.


(I’m referring to a viscous liquid that is produced when wood is isolated from air and heated.  It’s often used as an antiseptic or as an insect repellant… but for this city, I suspect it’s used for waterproofing.)


This would also explain why we couldn’t find the location that was their base in this city.


Large quantities of tar is used to waterproof ships.  The Liberation Army officers, the siblings Itsune and Josh, have a high probability of using a ship as their base.




The Broken Collar is a large wood sailing ship.  Its black hull swayed gently on the calm waves, and the folded white sails reflected the bewitching reddish purple hue of the post-sunset sky.  The faint smell of gunpowder drifted over from beyond the smell of the sea and tar.  On the hull were the words “Broken Collar” in Mestria’s language – it was in white and appears to have been painted recently.


Finding the ship was easy.  We went to the most guarded pier, found a swordsmith who was acquainted with Celes and Sanon, and were soon able to meet the officers.  As we had speculated, the core members of the Liberation Army were in the Broken Collar.  There were around 30 warriors on board, and about 10 times as many comrades were said to be lurking around the streets of Niabel.


When we were guided to board the ship, Celes appeared hesitant.


(What’s wrong, Celes?)


At my question, Celes looked up at the ship nervously.


“Nothing, um, it’s just my first time boarding a ship…”


Hearing that reminded me that, according to the royal dynasty’s laws, Yesmas are punishable by death for riding any form of transportation, and those who allow them to ride it are sentenced similarly.


As Celes wavered, the black pig used his snout to push Celes’ small buttocks forward, urging her to board the ship.


─If the royal dynasty enforced their laws, everyone in the Liberation Army would’ve been sentenced to death by now.  They understand that if they forcibly punish us, there’ll be strong backlash from their citizens, so they won’t carelessly interfere.  We’ve come this far already, there’s no other choice but to get on.


I was a bit reluctant to listen to a guy who was burying his nose in a loli’s ass, but in the end, we trusted Sanon and boarded the Broken Collar.


We were immediately welcomed into the captain’s cabin.


“Ah hah, so you’re that sleazy pig Nott talked about.”


The interim captain, Itsune, was a tall woman around the same age as me, with black hair tied in a ponytail.  She’s characterized by her tanned skin and sharp, aggressive eyes.  She also carried a greataxe on her back that could chop a pig in half.  She was sitting boldly on a wooden crate with her legs open, leaning forward slightly, and resting her hands on her knees.  Her chest was slovenly bare, revealing a sight that, had Nott been around, he would’ve been happy to see.


Celes gave me a discontented look.  Why's that?


A girl with long braided hair placed a plate of water in front of me, Sanon, and Rossi.  She wore a simple green dress, and because she had a silver collar, I could tell she was a Yesma.


“It’s fine, Litis.  You don’t need to care about those animals.”


Itsune asserted before beckoning to the girl called Litis.  “Ehehe,” Litis smiled with her freckled cheeks and sat down between Itsune’s legs.  A pair of tanned arms wrapped around Litis’ belly from behind.




“Anyway, I’m surprised you found us, Sanon.  For future reference, tell me how you figured it out.”


Itsune asked after placing her chin on Litis’ shoulder.


With Celes’ help in relaying, Sanon answered.


─It was through smell.  We asked Mr. Cloyt from the Sleeping Foal Inn to let us search the room in his basement.


“The Foal Inn?”


Itsune’s black eyes turned towards Celes before focusing on the black panties Celes was holding.  Celes quickly hid it behind her back, but it was too late.




Itsune’s face flushed bright red.  And seemingly sensing something, Litis quickly got up.


“Oy, Sanon.  It seems I better lop off that nose of yours which smelled a lady’s panties.”


Itsune took out a yellow rista from her waist pouch and clicked it into the greataxe on her back.


─I-It’s a misunderstand, Tsune-tan.  Ro-kun was the one who smelled your panties…


The black pig panicked.


But when Itsune glared at Rossi, the dog slowly shook his head.



The lie was exposed.  Guilty.


Itsune stood up and readied her large axe.  Electricity crackled around the axe, and the peculiar smell of ozone drifted towards here.  Is this woman’s axe an electric-type weapon?  Upon closer inspection, I noticed that a part of the handle seem to be made of bone, just like Nott’s twin daggers.


It was then that the captain’s cabin door, which had been left open, was knocked on.


“Calm down, sis.  You’re the one who forgot to collect your belongings.  It’s your fault for being so messy.”


A black-haired and fair-skinned young man walked in while commenting.  He appeared to be the same age as Nott.  Though his long bangs covered his eyes, his well-defined nose and narrow chin implied he had a good-looking face.  He was carrying a very long crossbow on his back, and as if to reinforce the wooden frame, two bones were set on it perpendicular to each other.



“Quit your nagging.  We had to leave in a rush, so there was nothing I could’ve done.”


Despite grumbling, Itsune put away her axe and sat back down on the crate.


As the bangs-covered guy passed by, a citrusy scent entered my nose, and it dawned on me.  Judging by the fact that he called Itsune “sis,” no doubt this young man was Josh.


“It’s been a while.  How have you been, Celes?”


Celes bowed politely in response to Josh’s smile.


“Um… Yes, I’ve been doing well.  Thank you.”


“Good.  By the way, I heard something about Sanon…”


As he said that, Josh looked down at the two pigs.


“Huh?  Just when I thought you had disappeared; did you split into two, Sanon?”


(No, no, you’re mistaken.  I’m the scrawny four-eyed shitty virgin.)


When I introduced myself as such, Josh raised his chin with an “Ahh.”


“So you’re that sleazy pig.  I’ve heard about you from Nott.”


I feel like they’ve been calling me a sleazy pig for a while now.  What exactly did Nott say about me?  Why does it sound like the information they were told was extremely biased?  I’m not sleazy at all, y’know?


“…Are you familiar with the royal dynasty’s internal situation?”


His black sanpaku eyes emerged from underneath his bangs, and peered at me piercingly.


(S-sorry, but… I don’t remember much about it.  My memories might’ve been erased.)


After I conveyed that to Josh, he turned towards Litis.  Litis, who was once again in Itsune’s arms, nodded with a smile.


“I see.  Well, you probably have your own reasons, so I won’t probe you any further.”


Josh shook his head lightly and adjusted his bangs.


“Anyway, sis, it looks like we’ll be able to arrange for the remaining ships.  We should be ready by tomorrow morning.  Let’s depart at sunrise.”


Itsune frowned while fiddling with Litis’ braid.


“Morning?  Won’t Nott be arriving soon?  He won’t be happy about needing to wait.”


Celes immediately looked at Itsune.


“Mr. Nott will be arriving soon?”


“Yeah.  I’m glad you rushed over here, Celes.  We were planning on leaving the port and setting off to the south as soon as Nott arrived.”


Celes’ large eyes appeared to be shining brightly.


It seems the Liberation Army intended to leave via the sea immediately after joining up with Nott.  It felt like we just barely made it in time, so I could only consider us lucky.


Josh sighed.


“You say that, but we haven’t gotten all our supplies yet, sis.  Even if we were to mobilize everyone on the streets, we still wouldn’t be leaving until late at night.  We don’t want to cause a disturbance and draw people’s attention.”


“If it’s the middle of the night, then the middle of the night it is.  Don’t say something as naïve as leaving in the morning.  We need to get ready as soon as possible.”




“Go on then.  Litis, go help assign a hammock to Celes.”


Itsune promptly gave out orders.  Josh looked at her, somewhat irked, when he heard the name “Litis.”


We walked down the stairs to the floor below, and Sanon spoke to the braided Yesma girl guiding us ahead.


─Is your name Litis?


The freckled girl turned around and smiled.


“It is currently, yes.”


Perplexed, the black pig tilted his head.


─Did you have another name before this?


“Sorry… I lost my memories half a month ago, and when I was wandering around, Ms. Itsune and the others picked me up…  I don’t remember my previous name.  That’s why Ms. Itsune gave me this wonderful name – Litis.”


─I see.  So that’s what happened.  Thank you.


The girl called Litis gave Celes a hammock with ample space in the corner so that us animals could sleep together, and trotted back towards the captain’s cabin.


(Mr. Sanon, why did you ask to confirm that girl’s name?)


When I asked that, the black pig gave me a strange look.


─The Yesma known as Litis is already dead.


The hair on my pig skin stood on end.




─You saw the bones on Tsune-tan and Josh-kun’s weapons, right?  That’s Litis.


I thought back to their greataxe and crossbow.  They seemed heavy, but the two of them still kept it with them while on board the ship.  It was just like how Nott always carried his twin daggers made from Ys’ bones.


(The Yesma connected to those two, huh…)


─Yeah.  It seems the two of them came from a family of high-ranking members from the royal army.  That’s why their martial arts abilities are so outstanding.  However, Litis, who served their family, was unreasonably executed…  At that moment, they defected from the royal dynasty and would later become No-kun’s companions.


Celes skillfully sat on the hammock and quietly watched us while swaying.  She would look around restlessly from time to time, perhaps because she couldn’t wait for Nott to arrive.


Despite seeing Celes blush from reading my monologue, I continued the conversation.


(So Itsune decided to call the girl they picked up by another, already dead girl’s name…?)


This grotesque reality made my pig stomach churn.


─Yeah, it seems like it…  It’s a little unsettling, but that just goes to show how strong Tsune-tan’s feelings are.  If you watch her fight, you’ll understand.


(Watch her fight?)


─Tsune-tan’s greataxe becomes wrapped in a fierce electric shock that will knock down an Org in one blow, no matter how heavily armored they are.  After that, the next swing is guaranteed to behead them.  As for Josh-kun, the arrows he use on his crossbow gain a special wind protection which lets him accurately pierce their hearts from hundreds of meters away.  Both display results that are beyond the magic power contained in their ristas.  If the soul of the wielder and the soul of the bones aren’t completely in tune, it’s impossible for this to be actualized.


I recalled the flames from Nott’s twin daggers.  Their shockwaves could be used to slash at enemies in the distance, or boost himself into the air with the recoil.  I always thought of them as very convenient weapons, but…


(I see.  Does that mean the strength of a weapon made with a Yesma’s bones is directly linked to the bond between the wielder and the deceased Yesma?)


─I believe so.  Only those who have lost a loved one are able to wield the most powerful weapons…  It’s ironic really, but that’s also the Liberation Army’s strength.


A memory was resurrected.


─Are you okay with Jess being killed by those Yesma hunters?  Do you plan on retrieving her collar and making another blade with her bones?


It was something I said back in Bapsas to convince Nott to become our companion.  At the time, I provoked him with the intention of making him lose his cool so the negotiations would go well, but I definitely said something I shouldn’t have – I reflected on it.  One of the reasons why a countryside huntsman like him became a hero was because he held such strong feelings for Ys.


I quickly turned to look at Celes.  The girl in love was looking down at the black wooden floor.  As soon as the black pig noticed her behavior, he fled to somewhere else while saying he suddenly remembered he had something to take care of.


Even though we were finally able to meet Nott, I thought about some unnecessary things and ruined Celes’ mood.  What should I say at a time like thi-


“Um, Mr. Shitty Virgin…  Please don’t worry about me too much.  I’m totally fine.”


Celes smiled powerlessly.  Yesmas have a bad tendency to insist that things are okay, even when they aren’t so.


(Hey, Celes, there aren’t many in this world who can read other people’s minds.  If you don’t properly speak up and say you’re not okay when that’s the case, you’ll only make it harder on yourself by keeping it all in.)


Celes’ large eyes looked at me.  As I returned her gaze, she spoke.


“I’m actually… a little scared.”


(I see.  What are you scared of?)


“I’m worried Mr. Nott’s already forgotten me…”




(Why would he forget?  It’s not like you’re the heroine of an amnesia story.)


“I didn’t mean it like that…  Mr. Nott is currently facing an adversity that I can’t even imagine, and putting forth effort that I could never have dreamed of.  During all of this, how much of a presence do I hold to him?  Is it a nuisance that a little girl like me decided to meddle in his affairs?”


Celes, who had come this far only to be hesitating now, has surpassed being pitiful and was now incomprehensible to me.


(Even if Celes’ presence isn’t big, it definitely shouldn’t be small.  I’m sure Nott would be pleased to see an old familiar face coming all the way here.)


“Do you really think so?”


(Of course.  You haven’t even met yet, so don’t worry unnecessarily.  If you always shy away, you’ll remain small for the rest of your life.  If you’re afraid of being forgotten, then don’t let him forget.  Just like how you gave it your all to find Nott and get here, do your best to be by his side.  I’m sure over time, Celes will become a big presence in Nott’s life.)


Celes seemed conflicted as she pondered for some time before speaking.


“But… I don’t want to hinder Mr. Nott’s actions.  I’m scared of being forgotten, but I don’t want to be too pushy either…  As long as I can support Mr. Nott from behind…”


You didn’t have to phrase it like what a conventional idol otaku would say…


(It wasn’t easy getting here, so don’t say things like supporting him from behind.  Celes, you’re able to use your power of heart and prayer to assist Nott, so just stick by his side and help him however you can.  In doing so, some day he’ll definitely look your way.)


Slowly, Celes nodded.


“Thank you…  You’re right, what’s important is that I do everything I can to help.”


As I nodded in agreement, Celes smiled cheerfully.




Some time later, Sanon returned.  And for some reason, he was carrying a glasses-like metal frame in his mouth.


─Cele-tan, I brought you an item that will cheer you up.


Celes tilted her as she received the glasses-like object from the black pig’s mouth.


“What’s this?”


─It’s a model of something we call glasses, which I requested from Al-kun a long time ago.  Without getting my hopes up, I asked him through the braided girl just now, and it seems he actually made it and kept it for me.  Here, open it and hook the curved part onto your ears.


Celes did as Sanon asked and curiously put on the fake glasses.


“Is this alright?”


The glasses-wearing Celes looked at us.


Oink!  I oinked honestly!  This girl definitely looks good in glasses!


I was just thinking about why it was so noisy, it turns out the black pig beside me was breathing heavily.  What an outrageously perverted pig.


The fact that my own nose was snorting was probably just my imagination.


─That’s great, Cele-tan!  It fits you perfectly!  Try facing us while slightly lifting it with your hands!


Celes lightly lifted her glasses as Sanon requested.  Woah, this was definitely…


The black pig stomped his feet beside me, expressing his emotions with his whole body.  Jeez, I can’t take this pervert.  Good grief.


─Go on, Mr. Lolipo.  Don’t you have any requests?


I thought about it after Sanon’s inquiry.  Yeah, alright, this is a rare opportunity after all, I might as well ask her to say a line.


(Celes, try saying this to me…)


After I conveyed the contents to her, Celes, despite her extreme embarrassment, spoke in a small voice.


“N-… naughty Mister Pigs will be punished.”




(Omega good job, Mr. Sanon.)


—I know, right?  Ever since I first met her, I’ve always thought that it would suit her.  The intellectual silver rim tightens the contours of her youthful round cheeks!  She’s the ultimate glasses loli!




Seriously now, this pervert’s a lost cause.  When I’m next to him, I feel like I’ll catch his perversion.


(Oh right, Celes, how about this?)


Celes was a bit puzzled by my suggestion, but she did it anyway.


With her upturned eyes looking at me…








Have any of you ever been called “onii-chan” by a thirteen-year-old, glasses-wearing, blonde cute girl?  No?  What a pity!  Sucks to be you!  You didn’t do enough good deeds in your past life!


Seeing us oink excitedly, Celes shyly smiled.


“Um…  Is this metal accessory really that good?”


—It’s the best!


Due to his overexcitement, a disgusting otaku-like laugh spilled out from the black pig’s mouth.

>TL Note: フォカヌポウ is an internet onomatopoeia for an otaku’s disgusting laughter.


“But… when I put this on, what good does it do specifically…?”


The black pig stiffened.  Certainly, if someone asked what’s good about glasses…  That’s quite hard to explain.  Would you be able to describe the beauty of glasses with words?


After pondering, Sanon carefully began his explanation.


—Glasses, Cele-tan, are meant to correct your eyesight, and are often used when reading or studying, so they carry an air of intelligence.  Moreover, the glasses are located where your eyes are, and since eyes play a big role in the impression you give to others, not only do they append an intellectual image, they can also act as a tool for changing the atmosphere – and even create a gap moe.  This is what I believe makes them good.


“Gap moe…?”


Celes thought about it for a bit, and after seemingly regaining some of her spirit, she said, “Then I’ll keep it on until Mr. Nott arrives!”




We fell asleep from the exhaustion of the journey, but were woken up by Rossi’s barking.  In my half-asleep, eyes-half-open state, I saw a white body zip up the stairs like a bullet.  The next second, I understood what had happened.


I can only think of two things that would excite Rossi this much: Jess’ bare legs, and his master.


Either one is important to me, so I quickly followed Rossi.  The glasses-wearing Celes and black pig also came running from behind me.


The sky had grown completely dark.  Rossi wagged his white tail forcefully on the deck, as if he was trying to smash it, and was on top of someone while licking their face.  Josh held a lantern, and next to him stood an unfamiliar, honest-looking boy that seemed to be near the same age as Celes.  The boy wore drab and loose clothes, and looked confused by the sudden appearance of a party of animals.


“Calm down, I get it…”


I felt nostalgic when I heard a handsome-sounding-guy’s voice.


It was Nott.  But when he got up from underneath Rossi, I was shocked.


Tattered clothes.  Sunken cheeks.  A limply dangling left arm.  A blackened bruise around his larynx.  A large cut wound that ran from his right cheek to the side of his head.  And long, wild blonde hair. – How should I put this?  He’s completely different from how I remember him.  His change was akin to a certain genius high school student’s after having stumbled across a notebook.


His gaze first turned towards Itsune, who ran here from the captain’s cabin.


“You seem to be doing alright, that’s good.”


Itsune let out a sigh of relief.


“I really thought we wouldn’t be able to see you again.”


“Don’t be stupid.  There’s no way I’d die.”


As he said that, Nott patted Itsune’s shoulder with his right hand.  Itsune then gestured with her head at the boy behind Nott.


“Who’s the kid?”


“He’s Bart.  He looked after me while I was in the arena.  A lot of things happened, so I brought him with me.”


“Hm, so his name’s Bart.  That’s a nice name.  Are you going to make him your apprentice?”


The boy’s eyes gleamed with anticipation as he looked up at Nott.


“Maybe someday.”


After that, the wound-covered huntsman finally turned to face us.


“Celes, so you came.”


Nott walked over.  Celes replied with an excited “Yes!” but Nott’s stern expression remained unchanged.


“It’s going to be a dangerous journey.  If you ever want to go home, just let me know.”


“…Um… Er… Thank you.”


This guy…  You have no idea what kind of feeling Celes held to make it this far.


When I snorted in anger, Nott looked down at me.  I instinctively recoiled.  His eyes were no longer the eyes of the pure-hearted, breast-loving huntsman I knew of.


“It’s been a while, you sleazy pig bastard.  I heard from Josh.”


After a slight pause, he asked in a low voice, “Is Jess alive?”


I looked at Celes.  Despite the fact that her eyes were moist underneath her fake glasses, she nodded lightly.


With Celes’ help in relaying, I conveyed, (Yeah, she should be doing well – inside the capital, of course.)


Nott’s expression still didn’t change.  He appeared to be thinking about something for a while before responding.


“I see, good job.”


Without asking anything further, Nott then crouched down in front of the black pig and started chatting with Sanon.




From the dark deck, we entered the bright captain’s cabin.  Inside, the girl called Litis was waiting nervously.


Nott, who was discussing his plans with Sanon, immediately froze when he saw her face.  His expression finally changed as his eyes widened in surprise.


“You…  Aren’t you supposed to be dead…?”


The girl tilted her head with a smile that indicated her confusion.


Nott acted.  With his right hand, he pulled out one of his twin daggers, and in that same breath, he approached Litis.  His blade flashed bright red and drew a beautiful arc right towards the girl’s neck.




A metallic sound echoed.  Everyone froze at that moment, but Nott calmly put away his dagger and used his arm to support the girl whose knees had buckled.  His handsome face moved near her neck.  It looks like he was scrutinizing the part of her collar that his dagger had hit.


“It’s real?  …Sorry, guess I made a mistake.”


Nott shook his head and let the girl sit down.  If it’s a real Yesma collar, it can’t be damaged in any way.  From that, he must have determined that this girl was a real Yesma.


Itsune hastily ran over there and pushed Nott away.


“What are you doing all of a sudden?!”


“My bad.  She just looked kind of like the Yesma who helped me escape from the north…  So who is she?”


“She’s Litis.”


“Litis…?”  Nott asked back doubtfully.


Josh then clarified, “She lost all her memories up until recently and was wandering around this area.  Although she has a northern-like accent, she’s a genuine Yesma, so we took her in.  We didn’t know her name, so sis called her Litis.”


“That so?  …Man, it’s just been one crazy thing after another.”


Nott sat down on a nearby wooden crate before suddenly turning back towards Celes.


“Celes, is it true that Bapsas burned down?”


Hearing Nott’s question, Celes answered immediately.


“Yes.  We were attacked by the Northern army three days ago in the morning…”


“So there were Orgs?”


Celes nodded.  Nott averted his eyes from Celes and sighed.


“Looks like it’s my fault Bapsas was burned down.  I’m really sorry.”


Silence.  Feeling concerned, I interjected.


(What do you mean by “it’s my fault”?)


His cloudy eyes looked over here.


“Remember that big guy we met at the Forest of Needles?”


(I believe he was called En the Dismemberer?)


“Right.  It seems he had some kind of deep ties with the new Northern king’s personal torturer, and since I killed him, that torturer held a bitter grudge against me.  I was tortured without being interrogated, and even Bapsas, which is related to me, was…  Those guys from the north are still after me.  I seem to be treated like a thorn in their side.”


Torturer…?  Does he mean to say that the grudge of a mere torturer was able to mobilize the Northern army?


While I was concerning myself with the details, Celes placed her hands on her chest and loudly asked, “You were tortured?”


Nott glanced at Celes.


“Don’t worry, there won’t be any long-term effects.  My torture was interrupted half-way because a wild boar was rampaging in a govern camp and a Yesma escaped or something.”


“But it must have been painful.”


“Don’t underestimate me.  Compared to the pain I suffered five years ago, physical pain doesn’t…”


“Oh… um… s-sorry…”


Celes’ voice instantly wilted.


I contemplated.  We already know why Bapsas was singled out and targeted.  It’s because the village is closely related to the Liberation Army’s leader, Nott, and they deeply resent him.  However, how was it possible for the Northern Forces to only attack Bapsas with pinpoint accuracy without damaging any of the cities north of Bapsas?  And one other question remains.  Was it really a coincidence that Bapsas was attacked the morning after we were transferred to Mestria again?


While I worried about that, Josh walked in-between us and handed something to Nott.


“Since Celes took the effort to come here, Nott, take this and use it.”


In his hand was a black hexagonal column – it’s the source of magic power, a rista.




Nott laid down on the wooden floor.  Celes knelt beside him, held the black rista with both hands, and pressed it firmly against her forehead.  She closed her eyes tightly.


When a Yesma prays with a black rista, they are able to perform miracles that only mages can do.  The most notable example is healing injuries and illnesses.


The cut on the side of Nott’s head steadily disappeared in no time.


We watched them from a distance.


Josh whispered towards Sanon and me.


“I’m jealous of Nott.  With Celes around, no matter how serious the injuries are, they’ll be healed.”


I had the girl Litis act as my relay and asked Josh.


(What do you mean?  Is Celes good at healing?)


“It’s not like that…  What’s the best way to put it?  Sanon, please explain.”


—A Yesma’s ability to heal a person through their prayer depends heavily on the intensity of their feelings.  It’s not a matter of knowledge or skill.  If the person is a complete stranger, they might not even be able to heal a hangnail.  Only when they’re healing someone important to them will the prayer have a great effect.  When it comes to No-kun, Cele-tan’s feelings are strong enough to heal wounds as severe as those.


I was reminded of what Sanon said to Martha back at the Sleeping Foal Inn.


—When it comes to the ability to heal Nott-kun, Celes-chan is by far the best at it.  She’s a necessary existence for the Liberation Army.


I was then spontaneously reminded of the Yesma girl who healed me when I was stabbed at the Quiltlin family’s farm.  The pig, which had been injured so badly that it almost died from blood loss, made a full recovery.  That was how much Jess cared for and needed me.


And yet, I…


Maybe that was why Brace had given up on her life.  I thought that, as long as we had a rista, Jess might’ve been able to heal the wound on Brace’s abdomen.  But that wasn’t the case.


I took it for granted and misunderstood the Yesmas’ abilities.  I self-servingly assumed that, no matter the injury, it would be straightforward to heal.  However, that wasn’t so.


I shook my head and pushed aside these unnecessary thoughts.  Seriously, what am I thinking about over here?


After a few minutes, the prayer was finished.  Nott got up and rotated both arms.  Though the bruise-like mark on his throat hasn’t disappeared, everything else seems to have healed up.


“Thanks, Celes.  You must be tired.  Go and get some rest downstairs.”


Celes stretched her hand out towards Nott, but then withdrew it after thinking about something.


“Um… Can’t I stay here with you?”


Nott frowned, appearing puzzled.


“Well… I appreciate the sentiment, Celes, but your help isn’t really needed while we’re preparing for departure.  You only need to come and help relay the conversation when I need to talk to Sanon or the sleazy pig about our plans.  You must’ve had a long journey, so rest up until your next task.”


“R-right, I understand…”


Whoa, whoa, whoa.  What are you, a fucking thickheaded light novel protagonist?  This definitely got on my nerves.


Celes rushed over here and gave me and the black pig a smile.


“…That looks to be it, so let’s get some rest downstairs for the time being.  Mr. Sanon and Mr. Shitty Virgin must be tired after walking all this time.”


The fake glasses hanging above her clumsy smile, which were never mentioned in the end, gleamed in vain.




“He didn’t seem to like it very much,” Celes remarked with a forced smile.  And after taking off the fake glasses, she laid face down on the hammock.  However, she didn’t sleep and helped relay the conversation between me and Sanon.


—What happens from here on out is important, Mr. Lolipo.  We were able to safely reunite with No-kun and the others, but this is only the first step.  We must now do our best to lend them our knowledge and change this world.


There was no trace of that happy lolicon otaku in the voice that reached my mind.


—Let’s focus on defeating those despicable bunches, the Northern Forces, first.  Though we don’t share the royal dynasty’s ideals, we may eventually need to fight alongside them in order to accomplish this.  When that time comes, Mr. Lolipo, as the only one who has had contact with the royal dynasty, you will become a key person-, or rather, a key pig.  You understand, right?


(Of course.  Leave it to me.)


—After defeating the Northern Forces, our next objective, naturally, will be liberating the Yesmas.  As of now, I have no idea how we’ll tackle the root of the problem – the royal dynasty; but even so, Mr. Lolipo remains a key pig for being close to the royal dynasty.  Worst case scenario, you might end up on the side of the royal dynasty, and I on the side of the Liberation Army; it’s possible that we’ll be pulled into their conflict.  But our goal remains the same – it’s to save those unfortunate girls.  Please let me confirm that with you again.


(Right.  There’s no doubt about that.  Let’s do our best.)


I then deliberated over things.  The liberation of Yesmas – this goal, which is Nott’s earnest wish, is of course mine as well.  There’s no way I can just say “it can’t be helped” to those girls who are tormented and killed like Brace was.


That being said, however…  The maintenance mechanism which uses Yesmas can also be said to be the linchpin of the royal dynasty’s policies to prevent the return of the Dark Ages.  And Jess is now a member of the royal dynasty.  If I, by any chance, was forced to weigh the liberation of Yesmas against Jess’ happiness, would I really be able to choose to free the Yesmas?


I was the one to ask Jess to live as a member of the royal dynasty.  Do I really have the right to say something like “I’m going to destroy the royal dynasty after all”?  When Nott’s wish is fulfilled, will I be able to make sure Jess can happy once we’re on the other side of the world that I destroyed…?


The black pig snorted.  Was my hesitation transmitted to him?


—Mr. Lolipo, can I ask you a question?


In response to his serious tone, I replied earnestly.




—Why do you think the Yesma girls wholeheartedly express their thoughts towards Mr. Lolipo and me?


I was expecting to be admonished for my hesitation, so I was relieved.


(That’s… probably because we’re always snuggling up to them?)


—No, that’s not why.


(Erm… then what do you think, Mr. Sanon?)


—It’s because we’re pigs.


The black pig appeared surreal and somewhat terrifying as he stood still and stared at me.


(Because we’re pigs…?)


—Yes.  The reason why the Yesma girls open their hearts towards us absolute creeps is not because we’re reliable nice guys.  It’s because we’re pigs.  We’re the only ones that they, who are at the bottom, can trust, because we’re existences that aren't even qualified to be at the bottom.


I was caught off guard.  Jess, Celes, and Brace… they shared their sincerest feelings with me.  Even though we had just met, they would cry and hug me…  As if the floodgates had been opened, they would tell me about their sufferings and desires.  It wasn’t because they concluded I was trustworthy.  It was because they had no one else to talk to – no one but a pig.


Because I was the first existence that was lesser than they were.


I'm sure it's the same for everyone.  Those girls who supported society without any complaints must have suffered to the extent of having given up, but they had no one to confide in, and lived only to be exploited and killed.


“T-that’s not true.”


Celes raised her head and interjected.


“Mr. Sanon and Mr. Shitty Virgin are both wonderful people.  It definitely wasn’t because you two are pigs.  I never thought of it like that…”


The black pig’s eyes remained bored into me.  His message was clear.


Consider why we’re pigs.  That’s why we came to Mestria.  It’s the worth of our existence, as well as our mission-




Midnight.  Rocked by the gentle waves, I was sound asleep on the ship when Celes poked me awake.  I passed by the black pig that was curled up sleeping and followed her to the deck.  The cool sea breeze blew away the smell of tar, and the gentle sound of waves echoed rhythmically.


Josh sat cross-legged and was dozing off on the lookout point at the main mast (crow’s nest).  Looks like the preparations for the Broken Collar were pretty much done, and now they’re just waiting for the other ships to be ready for departure.  Celes sat behind a temporarily placed wooden crate with her hands over her knees so that Josh wouldn’t be able to see her, and invited me to sit beside her.


—I’m sorry for waking you up while you’re resting.


(It’s fine.  Did you want to consult me about something?)


—Um… half so, half not so.


(Anything is fine, go ahead.)


—What Mr. Sanon said earlier…  It might have been true.  If Mr. Shitty Virgin wasn’t a pig, I don’t think I would have confided in you about Mr. Nott that night three months ago.


(Yeah, I think so too.  I didn’t misunderstand anything about that, so don’t worry.)


—But Ms. Jess was different.


Celes’ large eyes locked onto me.


—I didn’t tell you at the time, but… Ms. Jess likes you.  It’s similar to the feelings I have for Mr. Nott.  It definitely wasn’t because Mr. Shitty Virgin was a pig that she trusted you.  I just really needed to let you know this…


Her large eyes watered, and she turned away from me.


—To be honest, I’m really, really envious.  To think that there’s two people who could reciprocate each other’s love like that…  To think that there’s someone who’s willing to be by her side no matter what…  I’m really jealous of Ms. Jess…  That’s why, even though I don’t know why you two separated, I hope that one day you’ll be able to return to where Ms. Jess is.  Because I believe Mr. Shitty Virgin belongs by her side.


Celes’ small hands were tightly clenched in front of her shins.


—Um…  Sorry I didn’t say it very well…


(Thank you.  I got what you wanted to say.)


And I knew exactly what I needed to say to her.


(The other half is consulting about Nott, right?)




Celes didn’t seem to have any intention of looking at me.


(Mr. Sanon’s a kind guy, but his vision’s too grand, so it’s probably hard to confide in him.)


Celes shook her head vaguely.  Though that guy’s a serious lolicon, at his core, he’s still a person with a sense of responsibility.  Rather than Celes’ feelings, he’s someone that cares more about future of Nott and the Liberation Army.  So I doubt she can ask Sanon for any personal advice.


(Nott… that guy really is a bastard.  Even though such a cute and dedicated girl in glasses came to see him, how dare he treat her so coldly?)


—Um, I’m not cute at all…


(Nonsense.  Your cuteness is only second to Jess.)


Celes smiled a little and conveyed a thank you.


—I’m fine with this.  Mr. Nott is only looking ahead now…  I know he can’t afford to look at me.  As long as I can stay by his side and be helpful to him, that’s enough for me.


Tears fell from Celes’ eyes onto her knees.


—But, it’s still really painful…  What can I do to get rid of this pain?


(Who said Nott won’t look at you, Celes?)


As I conveyed that, Celes turned to me with a resigned look.


—It’s obvious to anyone that looks at us.  We don’t match at all.  Mr. Nott is a hero that’s loved by everyone, whereas I’m just a small countryside maid…  Besides, I don’t have any breasts to speak of…


(Come on now, what’s a thirteen-year-old girl saying?  It could grow bigger in the future.)


—Does it look like it will…?


Well, I certainly can’t imagine a Celes with big boobs.




Um, that was my monologue…


(But let me say this.  I don’t think Nott likes women with big boobs, he just likes big boobs.)


I felt like I just said a very philosophical sentence.


—Why do you believe that?


(After all, the girl he liked – Ys, her boobs weren’t that big, right?)


—Erm…  How are you so sure of that…?


(It’s simple.  Martha and Nott both said that Jess and Ys look alike.)




Huh?  Did I say something weird?


Celes giggled.


—If you say that, won’t you be scolded by Ms. Jess?


Though it took some sophistry, nothing beats having her laugh like this.


(It’ll be fine.  No one other than Celes is listening.)


—Really now?


Suddenly, a different voice resonated in my head.


When I looked around in surprise, I spotted someone in a black robe crouched behind Celes.  The figure was wearing a hood, so I couldn’t see its face.  It quickly covered Celes’ mouth.  She jerked for a moment before she closed her eyes and her head went limp.  Her hands loosened around her knees.


What.  Don’t tell me…


“Snort!  Snoort!”


I hurriedly cried, before the suspicious, robed individual jumped in front of me and held my nose with both hands.


The face hidden beneath the hood was now visible.  It had a sculpture-like chiseled face, and curly blonde hair.


It was the king’s grandson, Shulavis.


—Please be quiet.  I don’t want to be discovered.  The girl’s fine.


After letting go of me, Shulavis gently hugged Celes, who was about to lose her balance, and laid her down on the deck.  Confused, I couldn’t move.


That’s when I heard a whistling sound before something hit Shulavis’ back.  Did he have iron plates underneath his robe?  Because that “something” bounced off with a clink.


I looked at what fell on the floor.  It was a crossbow arrow.


Shulavis quickly stood up, and without looking, he held his hand towards the direction the arrow came from.  A bluish white electricity shot out from the tip of his fingers and hit the crow’s nest.  I watched as Josh collapsed on the spot.


The next moment, a thunderbolt-like flash and explosion noise occurred, and part of the deck was torn apart.  Amidst the wood splinters, a figure jumped up from the floor below with a greataxe in hand.


With the dark sky as the background, I could see the axe was enveloped in electricity.  The figure that leapt up into the air spun and used that momentum to line up the blade of the axe with Shulavis-


Watch out!


—Get back.


Shulavis’ voice echoed in my mind, and I took a step back to protect Celes.




The greataxe’s blade landed firmly onto Shulavis’ arms, which were crossed in front of his face, but it was repelled as it gave off an intense spark explosion.


Despite not being injured, Shulavis staggered and took a few steps back due to the impact.


Flames flashed from the corner of my eyes, and a figure leapt behind Shulavis.


It was Nott.  He was already behind Shulavis.  He had his arm around Shulavis’ neck, and pointed a glowing red dagger at Shulavis’ throat.


“Surrender now, and give us your name.”


Threatened by Nott, Shulavis remained still.  Itsune regained her posture after her attack was repelled and pointed the tip of her greataxe at Shulavis.


It was a perfectly executed teamwork of wave attack.  Josh diverts their attention, Itsune uses a big move to break their balance, and Nott slips in.  Naturally, any normal human being would’ve died three times over by now.


“Sorry, but I won’t be giving you my name, nor will I be surrendering.”


It was a calm voice.


“To be able to knock aside a greataxe, you must not be human.  Are you a mage?”  Itsune questioned.


“And if I said yes?”


“I’ll kill you.”  Nott answered immediately.


“Can you kill me?  Think about the situation you’re in.”


Shulavis pushed aside the dagger at his throat and stepped away from Nott.  Nott was frozen in his posture from where he stood behind Shulavis.  He appeared immobile.


Clad in his black robe, Shulavis controlled the scene with an overwhelming presence.


“Sorry for the disturbance.  I have no intentions of fighting you all.  The girl and the archer on the crow’s nest are simply unconscious.  I don’t intend to fault you for letting a Yesma on board your ship, nor do I intend to inform the royal army about this ship.  All I ask for is this pig.”


Before I knew it, I was pulled by an invisible force and floated in the air.


“Perhaps we’ll never be able to understand each other completely, but I hope that one day, we’ll be able to make Mestria a better place together.”


After plainly saying that, Shulavis walked over to the edge of the boat, and jumped over the railing into the sea.  My body also moved to follow suit.  About ten meters below, on the surface of the sea, Shulavis was waiting on a boat next to the ship as a matter-of-factly.


During my float down to the surface of the sea, I honestly thought I was going to piss myself.


“Let’s go.”


After I boarded, the boat began to glide on the surface of the sea like a jet ski.




Shulavis brought me to a coastal fort that was said to be managed by the royal dynasty.  A row of soldiers from the royal army stood lined up at the entrance gate with guns and spears.


The stone-built fort was a rectangular, horizontal structure that was built as if to hug the Niabel coastline, which was a cliff.  Its interiors were also just exposed, rugged grey stones with torches dotted everywhere to light its long and dark corridors.  Through the corridors’ barred windows, you could look down and see the pitch-black sea.


“I must’ve been imagining things, but were you talking about the size of Jess’ breasts earlier?”


While speed walking through the empty corridor, Shulavis asked that as if he was suddenly reminded of the subject.


(No, of course not…  I wouldn’t dare talk about the future queen’s boobs like that…)


Shulavis shrugged as I tried to fool him.


“Forget it.  In exchange, answer me this: why did you return?”


He asked without looking at me.


“Why,” you ask…


“Is it because you can’t give up on Jess?”




I immediately denied that.


“Is it because you can’t forgive Grandfather’s policy – the way the Yesmas are treated?”


(…What would you do if I said yes?)


“I’m not the one who needs to think about that.”


Shulavis stopped and opened the door to his right.


Don’t tell me…, I thought, as I peeked into the other side only to find it was just an empty room.


“Jess isn’t here.  She’s on stand-by in another room.”


Hearing that, my heart skipped a beat.  Blood rushed through my body, and I felt my liver beginning to heat up.  Jess is here in Niabel?


“The situation’s a bit complicated.  If you accept my terms, I’ll let you meet Jess.”


Shulavis stated as he sat down in the chair placed near the wall.  And behind me, the door closed on its own.




I asked while calming my breathing down.


“I have three conditions.  First, become my ally.”


It was then that Shulavis finally removed his hood, revealing his fair skin and western-sculpturesque chiseled features.  His thick brows furrowed forcefully, further reinforcing his seriousness.


(You want this kind of powerless pig as an ally?)


Without nodding, Shulavis continued.


“There are times where even I want to rely on a pig for help.  The situation in the royal dynasty has changed.  Grandfather – King Evis, was cursed by someone and is currently bedridden in the capital.  The next in line to command is my father, Markus.”


(Wait, the king was cursed?  By who?)


“If we knew, we wouldn’t be having such a hard time.  One thing I can say for certain is that Grandfather doesn’t have long to live.”


Shulavis spoke indifferently.


“Although Father is a man of conviction, he’s also ruthless and not as thoughtful as Grandfather.  If the politics are left to him, Mestria will definitely change for the worse.  I can’t ignore this, so I want you to cooperate with me.”


(Is your father that unreasonable?)


“He’s short-tempered and very extreme.  He was the one to burn down the entire Bapsas monastery.  Even now, after disobeying Grandfather’s orders and burning down the Northern royal castle, he’s currently flying around without any clues on the Northern army’s location.  Grandfather clearly told him not to attack until after we’ve figured out their chain of commands…”


Hold on, hold on.  Shulavis’ father was responsible for burning down the monastery?  And he also burned down the Northern royal castle?  What is he, an arson specialist performer?


After organizing my thoughts, I conveyed, (I understand that you have some qualms about your father’s reign.  I have no objections to your viewpoints so far, but what can I do as a pig?)


“That’s the second condition.  I want you to act as our intermediary with the Liberation Army.”


(Intermediary…  Couldn’t you do that yourself?)


“You already saw what happened.  The Liberation Army hates us enough to want us dead, since the royal dynasty is the root cause of the Yesma system.  In fact, they almost succeeded in killing me…  I honestly thought I was going to die.”


(Really…?  You seemed to have fended them off with ease.)


“If it wasn’t for this robe that Grandfather made, I would’ve died for sure.  If that fire-wielding swordsman had stabbed my throat in one go, I would’ve been finished there.  I’m-, the royal dynasty is not in a position to negotiate directly with them.  That’s why I want you to play that role.”


(I see.  I should be able to do that if that’s the case.  But I don’t know what you plan on negotiating with the Liberation Army.  Do you think it’ll go well, fighting alongside people who don’t get along with you?)


“That…  To be honest, I don’t know yet.  But one thing’s for certain – if things continue the way they are now, neither the royal dynasty, nor the Liberation Army will survive.  While we’re confronting each other, the threat from the north looms.  They’re an unidentified, powerful foe, and no matter how many times we defeat them, another military force springs up.  At this rate, we’ll both be annihilated; even though we both share the same desire to make this country a better place…  For the future of Mestria, I believe there’s a better path than the current situation.  I hope that you can find it with me.”


On closer inspection, Shulavis’ seemingly calm eyes were filled with anxiety.  Unforeseen events must’ve happened one after another.  That’s why he turned to this pig for help.

You are reading story Heat the Pig Liver at novel35.com


(Understood.  So what’s the third condition?)


When I asked, Shulavis averted his eyes from me and pondered briefly before answering.


“This might be the hardest thing for you, but…”


Shulavis’ eyes were staring straight at me.


“Grandfather has completely sealed away Jess’ memories – from the time she left the house she served up to when you left.  Naturally, she doesn’t remember you at all.  I want you to pretend that tonight is your first time meeting Jess, and that you’ll never reveal your true identity.”




“Grandfather seems to have his own plans, and even I’ve been forbidden from touching upon the blank areas of Jess’ memories.  I hope you’re able to respect the king’s wish.  If you can’t abide by it, I can’t let you meet Jess.”


My mind went blank for a moment, but I calmed down and reconsidered.


Isn’t this convenient for me as well?


I wanted to see Jess, but I’m also someone that once withdrew from her life.  And since she’s now a relative of the king, Jess is in a position where she’s guaranteed a future.  To be frank, I didn’t know what kind of face I should put on if I were to meet her.


Isn’t the perfect answer already prepared for me here?  Right?  Don’t you all think so too?


I’ll be able to see Jess again without getting in the way of her life-


(I’m in.  Alright.  I just have to become your ally, act as the intermediary with the Liberation Army, and pretend to be meeting Jess for the first time, right?  It’s more interesting than I expected, so let me help.)


Perhaps my over-enthusiasm caused him to be suspicious, Shulavis cautiously spoke.


“Great.  But can I ask you one more thing?”




“Even though it’s currently in name only, Jess is supposed to be my fiancé.  And I know how you think of Jess.  That’s why I want to ask: don’t you hate me?”


…Hate?  Did he really think I would hold those kind of feelings?


(Are you misunderstanding something?  I don’t like Jess.  Jess is simply my oshi.  A good otaku is someone that silently supports their oshi.  By no means will they ever reach out to their oshi, nor will they ever become jealous over their oshi.  They simply root for their oshi from behind and wish for their oshi’s happiness.)

>TL Note: 推し is commonly used to describe an idol that someone actively supports.  A more suitable English equivalent here would be waifu, but that sounded too weird here.  For more context: https://japanoscope.com/oshi-meaning-%E6%8E%A8%E3%81%97%E3%81%A8%E3%81%AF/


You guys are like that too, right?  A virtuous otaku is someone that will never fall wholeheartedly in love with their oshi.


Shulavis watched me for some time, but before long, he smiled as if he had understood something.


“…I see.  Then let’s treat it like that’s the case.  I can trust you, right?”


(Of course.  If I break my promise, I don’t mind if you boil me, grill me, or eat me raw.)


“No, I’m not stupid.  I won’t eat a pig raw…”


Oh, alright.


(Then it’s decided.  If you’re convinced, let me meet my oshi.)




I walked silently down the dark corridor.  My pig heart wouldn’t stop thumping.  After all, I was about to meet my oshi.


I looked out a window and spotted a large ship with its sails extended out, about to leave the port.  It was the Broken Collar.  Looks like they’re finally ready.  Since they were discovered by someone from the royal dynasty, they were probably feeling uncomfortable and looking to leave Niabel as soon as possible.


Niabel’s port was between two promontories which protruded out like the jaws of a stag beetle.  The dark ocean extended beyond the promontories.  Where will the Broken Collar take Nott, Celes, and Sanon?




What’s this uneasiness?  Is it because I’m about to meet a cute blonde girl?  No, this bad feeling is more like…


I recalled Nott’s words.


—Those guys from the north are still after me.  I seem to be treated like a thorn in their side.


And then there’s what Shulavis said earlier.


—Even now, after disobeying Grandfather’s orders and burning down the Northern royal castle, he’s currently flying around without any clues on the Northern army’s location.


Am I overthinking this?  It seems that the Northern army, which placed killing Nott as their top priority, is no longer near the capital, and is nowhere to be found.  I doubt that huntsman is accustomed to the sea.  I just hope they don’t encounter the Northern army while they’re at sea…


I then remembered how, when the Northern army attacked Bapsas, there was the smell of the sea drifting from their direction, and the monsters called Orgs had webbed things on their limbs…


Finally, there’s the question I had while on the ship.


—How was it possible for the Northern Forces to only attack Bapsas with pinpoint accuracy without damaging any of the cities north of Bapsas?


It can’t be explained if they were advancing on land.  But what about from the sea?  Aren’t those webbing-like structures on the Orgs’ suitable for traversing through the sea?


(You know what, hold on.)


When I called out, Shulavis stopped.  He placed a finger against his lips and thought hard about something.


“I’ve heard your conjectures.  I was reminded of something that Grandfather found mystifying.  Despite its size, the Northern army is rarely spotted by the hecklepons’ surveillance network.  This is on top of the fact that the hecklepons are currently concentrated on the north side.  Why do you think that is?”


(…Because there are no hecklepons in the sea?)


“Yeah, that possibility seems very likely.”


Shulavis looked towards the sea.  The fleet led by the Broken Collar appeared ready for departure.


“It’ll be bad if this continues.  If they’re surrounded in the sea, the Liberation Army might even be annihilated.”


(Then you should hurry up and warn them.  The ship might’ve already set sail.)


After thinking about it for a while, Shulavis spoke.


“…Understood.  I’ll deliver the message to them quickly.  Jess is in the room at the end of this hallway.  Please wait there with her.”


As he was about to leave, he turned around again.


“Make sure you don’t forget about your promise.”


Shulavis put on his hood and ran back through the corridor he just came from.




I looked at the end of the stone corridor where there was an old-looking wooden door.  The door was made from glossy amber-colored wood.  I averted my eyes.  On the black sea in the distance, the ship began slowly moving.


Well, I can’t just stand here.  Shulavis already left.  If I don’t have someone I can communicate with, I’m just an ordinary pig.  Yeah.  I have no choice but to open that door.


The pig’s heart – my heart, wouldn’t stop pounding.  I slowly walked forward.


I reached the end.  The door handle was too high.  I can’t reach it with my feet.


The last time I was this nervous about opening a door was probably when my high school homeroom teacher told me to “come to the staff room later.”  I was so worried at the time, because I thought they had caught on to the fact that I was reading an erotic light novel during class.


No, no.  What am I thinking?  Hurry up already.


Taking the plunge, I slammed the door with my snout.  Bam!  The door rattled.


“…Mr. Shulavis?”


A nostalgic voice came from inside.  No, I can’t.  I can’t do this.  I’m still not-


The door opened.  An unbelievably cute girl was standing there.






Our eyes met.


“Oh, what’s wrong?  What are you doing here?”




“Did you get separated from your owner?”


The girl crouched.  Her knees were defenselessly open, and a white…




This won’t do.  She can see through all my monologues.


“Mister Pig…”


Her brown eyes peered at me.


“Are you crying?”


Hearing that, I realized cold drops of water were running down my cheeks.  No, these are…


“Um…  By any chance, is Mister Pig able to understand what I’m saying?”


(T-that’s right, oink!  I’m actually a pig fairy, oink!)


“Eeeeeeh?!  You’re a fairy?!”


You really bought that?  What are you, an innocent light novel heroine?


“…Light novel?”


Puzzled, the cute girl tilted her head.  Wait, no.  That’s not what I wanted to talk about.


(E-erm, to answer your question from earlier, pork!  The reason why I’m shedding tears is not because I’m happy or sad, pork!  If a foreign object gets into your eyes, tears will reflexively come out to try and wash it away, pork!)


“Your sentence ender changed…?”


Oh no.  I was too shaken, so I messed up my character.


“Um, you don’t have to force yourself.  Besides, real pigs don’t make sounds such as oink or pork…”


True.  I’ll pursue realism from now on and end my lines by snorting.


“What a strange Mister Pig.”


The cute girl giggled.




“Speaking of which, why did you come here?”


That’s right.  I didn’t come here to admire a cute girl’s panties.


After an “Ah,” Jess quickly stood up and lightly pressed against her skirt with her hands.


“I-I’m sorry for showing you something so unsightly…”


A white blouse and a navy blue skirt.  They were clothes I felt like I had seen before.


(Shulavis brought me here.  He told me to wait here until he returns.)


“I see!  In that case, please come in.  It’ll be difficult to talk here.”


Jess led me inside the room.  It appeared to be a living room.  Two chairs were facing each other with papers spread across the small wooden table in-between them.


She must have spent time with Shulavis here.  Probably just the two of them together.


Jess sat down in one of the chairs and looked directly at me.


“Um… do you happen to know me, Mister Pig?”


(Eh?  No, I don’t know you at all…)


I’m just your loosely acquainted person B.


“Oh, I see.  You seemed to know my name, so I thought…”


(I heard it from Shulavis.  He said that his fiancé, Jess, is in this room, and that we should wait here together.)


“Mr. Shulavis said that…?”


Jess tilted her head.  Did I say something strange?


“No, you didn’t.  It’s just that, Mr. Shulavis never once asserted that I was his fiancé before…”


(I see.  By the way, I would be glad if you could pretend to not hear my monologues, and only respond to those with parentheses in them.)


“Parentheses…  Okay, I understand.”


Great.  Now I don’t need to worry about being asked the subject regarding Shulavis mentioning Jess’ breast size.


Jess’ cheeks instantly flushed red.  She placed her hand on her chest as if she minded, and turned away.  However, she didn’t broach the subject of my monologue.  It really helps that she’s so understanding.


“How… how are you able to understand what I’m saying, Mister Pig?  Were you originally a human?”


Jess tried to steer the conversation away.


(That’s right.  I was born and raised in another country, but after eating raw pig liver, I fainted and somehow became a pig in Mestria.  Sounds kinda stupid, doesn’t it?)


“So that’s what happened…  I was taught that pork shouldn’t be eaten raw.  I don’t know how it was in the country you came from, Mister Pig, but it might be best to heat it up before eating from now on.”


Jess turned to face me and smiled awkwardly.


“Though I don’t think this is something I should be saying to Mister Pig…”


It can’t be helped since Jess already said it.  Did everyone get that?  Heat the pig liver.


If it was properly cooked, I wouldn’t have had to experience these kinds of emotions.


“Um, Mister Pig, if you have something in your eyes, would you like me to get some water for you to wash them?”


(It’s fine.  Don’t worry about it.)


I closed my eyes and shook my head to shake off the tears.  I’m not good at dealing with amnesia.


(…How are things lately?  Doing well?)


“Eh?  Are you asking me…?”


(No, sorry, that’s not what I meant.  Why would I care about you?  I’m talking about Shulavis.)


“Oh, sorry… you were asking about Mr. Shulavis, right?  He seems quite healthy.”


(I heard that the royal dynasty is having a rough time.  Including you, everyone must be very busy.)


“Yeah, erm…”


Jess hesitated.  Well, that’s no surprise.  It’s not like she can just talk about the internal affairs of the royal dynasty with an unknown pig.


(Well, I’m sure there are some things you can’t talk about, but I’m on good terms with Shulavis, so I have a relatively good idea of the royal dynasty’s internal affairs.  I even heard about Evis being cursed, and that Markus is searching everywhere for the Northern army.  You can tell me with confidence.  When Shulavis comes back, you can check with him, and if what I said was wrong, feel free to sashimi or grill me.)


“I don’t think eating you raw is a good idea, but… what you said makes sense.”


With a convinced look, Jess started speaking without any prompt.


“Everyone seems to be busy due to the war…  But I’ve only been learning magic, so it hasn’t been particularly hard on me.”


(I see!  So you’ve learned how to use magic?)




Jess responded questioningly.


(Oops, sorry.  It’s because I heard you were a Yesma up until three months ago, so I was surprised to see that you’re already able to use magic so soon, that’s all.)


“Oh, so that’s what you meant.  Naturally, I still can’t use any powerful magic.  It’s only to the extent of being able to start a fire…  It’s completely useless in battle, and I feel really sorry for letting everyone down.”


(I see.  So you’re not participating in battles, and are here instead to assist Shulavis?)


“You can say that.  But even if you call it assisting, it’s more like being a burden…  I was interested in the outside world, so I asked them to let me leave the capital.”


(You’re interested in the outside world?  That’s a good thing.)


“Is it…?”


Towards Jess, who had lowered her head in disheartenment, I conveyed.


(There are a lot of people in this world who are only interested in themselves.  It’s commendable for a ruler to try and understand the world, even when it means putting themselves at risk.)


“Ah, no…  It’s not for the sake of the world or anything like that…”


(Oh, really?)


“Yes.  To be honest, my precious memories from when I left the house I was serving up until I entered the capital were sealed away by Evis-sama…  But I’m still really curious about them…”


Her pure eyes were directed at me.


“Mister Pig, do you know of a person called Mr. Nott?”




(Yeah, I know him well.  He’s a friend, and the Liberation Army’s leader.)


“I see…  Um, I heard that Mr. Nott started coming into prominence around the same time I entered the capital…  I think that might not have been a coincidence, and I may have been helped by him…  Perhaps something happened while Mr. Nott was sending me to the capital, which led to him being pursued by the Northern Forces…  This matter bothered me, so… I asked to be allowed to accompany Mr. Shulavis on this surveillance mission regarding Mr. Nott.”


What incredible perceptiveness.  Are you a high school detective?


(So that’s how it is.  Well?  What did you think when you saw Nott?)


“Actually, I didn’t get a good look at him yet.  I‘ve been waiting here in Niabel.  When Mr. Nott arrived, I approached the Liberation Army’s ship with Mr. Shulavis, but Mr. Shulavis noticed something and brought me back here…  Then, while I was waiting here, Mister Pig showed up.”


I see.  I got a grasp on the situation.


“Um, Mister Pig.  You know Mr. Nott, right?  What kind of person is he like?  Could you please tell me?”


Jess asked enthusiastically, and somewhat clingingly.  Are her past memories that important?


(He’s a good guy.  Strong, brave, handsome, and hates Yesma hunters more than anyone else…  He’s also someone that likes big boobs.)




Jess looked down.  I think I might’ve included some unnecessary information out of personal feelings.


“Erm, what part was out of personal feelings?”


Jess didn’t let that escape her ears.


(Never mind, it’s nothing.  Speaking of which, you seem to care a great deal about your sealed memories.)


“Yes, well…  Um, I know what I’m about to say is strange, but I feel like I’m forgetting something very important…”


(How can you tell?)


“By the bookmark.”




“If all my memories are like a book, my current state feels like the pages, from when I left the house to when I started living in the capital, are all wet and stuck together.  But there’s a bookmark firmly placed inside, and only the feeling that I must revisit it remains…”


Jess blushed suddenly and shook her head.


“This isn’t right, I shouldn’t keep blabbing about such personal matters…  I wonder why?  I feel like I can talk about anything if it’s with Mister Pig.”


(Perhaps you still have your habits from when you were still a Yesma.  You once lived as a human of the lowest class, so if the other party is a person, you aren’t able to discard the impression that they’re superior and probably didn’t open up to them.  Because of this, it’s understandable that you would confide in non-human beings.)


“I see…  That certainly makes sense.”


After saying that with interest, Jess hurriedly corrected herself.


“Oh, but I don’t think Mister Pig is inferior in the slightest!  I just think that you’re someone who’s easy to become intimate with…”


(I understand, don’t worry.  I’d be happy if you could just think of me as a pig fairy and get along with me easily.  Snort.)


Jess giggled.


Even though I intended on rendezvousing with Nott, the situation suddenly became like this.


When it comes to fate, it really is hard to know what’ll happen.




As Jess and I started to worry about Shulavis, who never returned, a large explosion occurred at the sea.  The loud noise drew our attention towards the flames burning at the port.


“A ship’s on fire…”


Jess peered into the telescope and informed me.


Don’t tell me… he didn’t make it in time?


No, they still have Sanon.  If Shulavis had properly informed them of the danger, the Liberation Army wouldn’t have set off into the sea like that.  Something must’ve happened.


(Please explain the situation to me in more detail.)


“Okay…  A large ship is falling apart and burning…  It looks like some of their other ships are also being affected.  A lot of sailing ships are coming from the other side-.  Oh.”


(What’s wrong?)


Jess peered into the telescope so intently that I was worried it would dig into her eye socket.


“Those aren’t sailing ships coming from the other side…  They’re strangely shaped… and seem to be moving towards us at an incredible speed.”


At that instant, rays of light burst all across the open sea, and in less than a second, explosions occurred all over the streets of Niabel.  Are we being bombarded from the sea?  Does that mean it’s the Northern army?  Are they here already?  Does this mean Nott’s location was already exposed…?


Jess left the window, pressed her hand against her chest, and anxiously looked over here.


“W-what do we do…?”


(It’ll be alright.  They’ve already been warned in advance.  The Liberation Army and Shulavis should have had some time to prepare for a counterattack.)


By the time I conveyed that, the shelling from Niabel’s side had begun.  Pillars of water rose up from the sea after the roars of cannon fires.


(What’s happening now?)


Jess did her best to look through the telescope and inform me of the situation.


“Because the burning ships are blocking them, the oddly-shaped ships don’t appear to have entered the port yet.”


I see, so they intentionally set fire to their ships.  They likely blew up those ships with no one on board to purposefully entangle the enemies into it, and delay the enemies’ invasion of the port.


Once the battle gets to this stage, there’s not much left that Jess and I can do.  It’s best that we try and find a safe place to hide.


(Is this place safe?)


“Um… I don’t know.  Although it’s not possible for people other than those from the royal dynasty or royal army to enter, I’m not sure how many attacks from the sea it can withstand…”


While we dawdled in worry, an explosion rang.  Nearby, the sound of structures collapsing reverberated.


Not good.  It looks like this fort is also under attack.


(Let’s evacuate to somewhere that’s least likely to be bombarded.  Jess, do you have something like that max defense robe?)


“Eh?”  After a brief confusion, Jess brought over the black robe hanging on the wall.


“Do you mean this?  Evis-sama’s robe?”


(Yeah.  Put it on, and let’s get out of here.)




Jess wore the max defense robe over her clothes.


(Pull up your hood as well.  We don’t know when we’ll be hit.)


“Right, but Mister Pig doesn't…”


(Don’t worry about me.  Let’s go, quickly now.)


After urging Jess, I left the room and spotted the dark and long stone corridor was wrecked about 50 meters ahead.


“Mister Pig, this way.”


Jess headed towards the stairs leading down.  If we head this way, won’t we end up in the sea?  Are we going to be alright?


“There’s a coastal cave ahead.  We shouldn’t be hit there.”


After reading my monologue without permission, Jess descended the stairs.  I frantically chased after her.


We dug through some rocks and squeezed through a narrow passageway like moles before eventually reaching a large open space.  It was a wide cave.  The cave’s wide mouth was open towards the sea, with even the pale moonlight reaching inside.  The innermost part where we stood consisted of a waterfront formed out of pebbles, and a stranded, battered boat facing us.


Is it alright for the fort to have this kind of backdoor?  As I wondered that, Jess smiled and looked back.  To my surprise, I could no longer find the passageway exit we just came from.  Only a black rockface remained.


“Only those who know the method are able to enter from the outside.  It’s a secret backdoor.”


(I see.  Then we should be fine for now.)


In the unlikely event that we’re spotted from the outside, we just need to go back the way we came before they catch us.  Once we’re in the passageway, they won’t be able to pursue any further.


This kind of thinking was too naïve.


As I noticed something was moving underneath the distant waters, it approached us at a terrifying speed and leapt into the air like a flying fish.  It was a huge body that was at least three meters tall-


Without hesitation, Jess and I dove in the same direction to dodge the attack.


“It’s an Org!”


The same time Jess shouted, the Org collided into the place we were standing – the rockface that was the fort’s exit.  And shockingly, like a shounen manga, the rock collapsed.


The Org slowly got up.  Its silhouette seemed to be twice the size of a body builder’s.  Its dark grey skin was wet with seawater, and it had long fingers with sturdy-looking webbings on them.


I was convinced after seeing its swimming speed.  By using these guys to pull their ships, the Northern army acquired mobility that can escape even the royal dynasty’s pursuits.


While I held these out-of-place thoughts, the Org turned to face us.  Though it had a male human’s face, its entire body was terrifyingly swelled up.


“Ug… Dah…?”


A deep growl came from the gaps of its jagged teeth.


I looked at Jess.  Her face was pale, and she was slowly backing up.  Shit, I’m out of options.  But Jess has her max defense robe on.  Maybe I can act as bait and hope that she’ll be willing to escape in the meantime?


—Don’t.  Please come over here.  I’ll do everything that I can.


Although Jess’ eyes were filled with fear, she looked straight at the Org’s face.


I backed off and ran towards Jess’ side.  She spread her arms out and quickly twisted her wrists in the direction of the Org.  Splash.  I heard a large amount of liquid being spilled.


When I turned around, I saw the Org, which was about to attack us, had suddenly stopped.  A smell – like the inside of a car when it’s being refueled – drifted here aggressively.


I recalled.


—Naturally, I still can’t use any powerful magic.  It’s only to the extent of being able to start a fire…


Sensing what Jess was about to do, I immediately pushed her down and covered her petite body in an attempt to shield her.  The next moment, a bright light enveloped my vision, accompanied by a violent explosion.


That smell just now was very much like gasoline.  It’s a volatile fuel that, when ignited, not only burns where the liquid is located at, but its surrounding area as well.


It’s gonna be heated thoroughly for sure this time – As I had this stupid thought, I noticed a pair of slender arms tightly hugging my head.  It wasn’t hot.


Jess had quickly covered me with her max defense robe.  The tip of my nose was stuck between her breasts.  I’d love to describe the feeling in detail, but now’s not the time for that.


After the explosion subsided, I rolled off of Jess and stayed vigilant of where the Org was.


The Org, still wrapped in flames, was thrashing around the water’s edge until it stopped moving.


(…Are you alright, Jess?)


“Yes.  And you, Mister Pig?”


(I’m fine.)


“I see, that’s good…  Sorry, I’m still inexperienced…”


(No, that’s fine…  But isn’t your magic power strange?)


Jess, sitting upright, was dumbfounded.


“…You mean it was too weak?”


(Why are you saying something that a protagonist from another world would say?  What I meant was that it was too powerful.  It’s dangerous if you don’t control it.  In this scenario, there was no reason for you to use volatile fuel.  Not to mention in such an enclosed space.  We could’ve ran out of oxygen, and I was almost turned into a roast pig.)


“You’re right, I’m sorry…”


(Well, it’s fine.  Thanks for protecting me.  This place has become dangerous, let’s find an opportunity to use the boat and escape.)


The boat appeared to be specially made as it moved forward just from Jess touching its rim.  We abandoned it at a nearby shore and fled into the pine forest that stretched across the coastline.


Just as I figured we should be fine after making it this far, there was a clanging sound as something bounced off of Jess’ robe.  I heard the sound of twigs being trampled on.  At a glance, there were three men looking at us.  One held a crossbow, and the other two each carried a spear.  They were wearing dirty leather armor, and didn’t appear to be soldiers from the royal army.


“What are you doing in a place like this, missy?”

—Let’s run away.

As Jess telepathically convey that to me, she turned her back on the three men and ran.  Another clang filled the air as the robe blocked another arrow from the crossbow.  I followed Jess into the dark pine forest.


The three men laughed scornfully while chasing us, and Jess, panting, continued to desperately run away.


I’ll never forgive them for pointing their deadly weapons at Jess-taso.  And so, I made a suggestion to Jess.


(This is an open space.  How about you use that move from earlier towards those guys behind us?)


—But they’re humans…


(You’re not able to burn humans?)




(You don’t have to apologize.  Not being able to kill people is a good thing.  I’ll go disrupt them and make them stop so you can start a fire between yourself and them.  Make a wall of fire to block them.  It’s a pine forest, so it should burn easily.)




Without giving Jess a chance to stop me, I turned around.


I locked onto the oncoming pursuers and charged with all my might.


“Snort, snort, snort!”


I dashed forward while snorting loudly.  Our pursuers paused in surprise, and I used that opportunity to slip by them and disappear under the cover of darkness.  Mission complete.  I stopped them in their tracks.  All that’s left now is to take a detour to avoid getting entangled, and return to my owner.  As I ran through the pine forest, I conveyed to Jess.


(Don’t look at the flames.  Your eyes take time to adjust to the darkness.)


—Okay.  Here I go!


Sploosh.  I heard the sound of a larger than expected amount of liquid being spilled.


The next moment, I heard an ear-splitting explosion and instantly shut my eyes.  The hot air blew on my back, and when I opened my eyes, there was a huge mushroom cloud that rose up as if to pierce the heavens.


I finally joined up with Jess again.


(You know…)


When I conveyed that, Jess, with sweat on her forehead, responded with a worried look.


“Um… Did I do something wrong again?”


Are you sure you’re not the protagonist of an otherworldly story?


(No, it’s fine.  I just don’t think it needed to be that extreme.  In fact, if you start a fire that big on a dark night like this, it’ll end up drawing people’s attention, even from far away.)


“Y-you’re right…”


(Let’s move quickly.  Nothing good will come from drawing people’s attention.)


It looks like we already lost our pursuers.  Or rather, it wouldn’t surprise me if they were accidentally roasted.  Well, it’s their punishment for attacking Jess-taso.


“Um… what’s -taso?”


Jess inquired while dripping with sweat.


(It’s like an honorific, don’t worry about my monologues.  …By the way, are you feeling alright?)


“Erm… sorry, I’m okay.”


We continued running.  I looked at Jess – she was running with her left hand on her chest and a desperate expression on her face.


(Let’s stop for now.)


As soon as I suggested that, Jess immediately stopped and sat down at the root of a pine tree.  She didn’t seem alright.


(What’s wrong?  Are you not feeling well?)


“No, I’m okay…  I’m doing fine!”


Jess clenched her hands tightly and made a small guts pose as if to say “I can do this!”  Her face was covered in sweat during this cool night – she certainly didn’t seem to be doing fine.


(Hey, how about riding on my back?)




(You must be tired from not being accustomed to using magic.  Just sit on my back.  I can carry you.)


“But won’t that…”


(I’ve carried someone on my back once before.  As long as you don’t make a mistake with your riding posture, it’ll be fine.  It won’t be that much of a burden on me either.  C’mon.)


“In that case…” Jess obediently straddled my back.


(Sit towards the back, and tightly squeeze against me with your legs.  Put your weight on your hands…  Just like that.)


I tried walking.  I didn’t hear any inappropriate sounds like “Nn.”  Judging by that, it was probably fine, and I dashed through the pine forest in the direction opposite from the coast.


(How is it?  Comfortable?)




Jess’ vague reply made me glance at her.  She was frowning, seemingly in pain.


(Are you not feeling well?)


“No, it’s nothing of the sort…  I just have this strange feeling…”


I panickingly stopped.  Did I rub against somewhere that I shouldn’t have?


“That’s not it.  It’s just, why…?”


I could feel Jess’ hands faintly trembling on my back.


“…Why am I crying?”



Jess cried silently.  You’re asking me?  That’s what I want to know.


(Did something get in your eyes?)


After casually making that joke, I regretted it and corrected myself.


(You’re probably feeling insecure.  Don’t worry, I’m here by your side.  Let’s get through tonight and return to the capital.)




I kept running.  I honestly didn’t know where I should be headed towards.  My only mission was to get this girl to a safe place, no matter what kind of danger approaches-


“Oogh… Aaauuugh.”


I heard a low growl.  Not again.  I didn’t even have time to think about it before an Org sprinted at us.  However, probably because they’re adapted to the water, its steps were clunky in the pine forest.


The Org’s end was upwind.  Beyond its unpleasant stench also drifted the smell of multiple humans and gunpowder.  This is bad.


I turned and ran away from the Org, towards the center of Niabel.


(Jess, leave the front to me.  Can you aim at that Org?)


—I’ll try.


Avoiding the pine trees, I ran in a zigzag pattern.  I heard the sound of several large masses of liquid bursting, and each time, my olfactory epithelium was stimulated by the strong smell of gasoline.


—Sorry, I’m not able to hit it…


(That’s fine, don’t be hasty.  And don’t light the fire yet.)


Crap.  We’re downwind.  If we ignite it now, it might serve as a distraction to some extent, but we’ll definitely be caught up in it as well.


My center of balance suddenly shifted, and just as I was wondering what happened, Jess slipped off of my back.  You’ve got to be kidding me right now.  I stopped to look at Jess, her pale face illuminated by the moonlight.  Although sweat was pouring out of her, Jess had peacefully closed her eyes.  She was still breathing, so she seemed to have just fainted.


The Org was quickly closing the gap that we had worked hard to build.  This isn’t good.  We’re screwed.


I lifted Jess with my snout and turned her over, laying her on her stomach.  She seemed to be having trouble breathing, so I turned her head slightly to the side and covered up her pretty face with her hood.  This might be my last chance to see Jess’ face.  But that’s okay.  Just being able to see her again and know that she’s doing well is good enough for me.  Even if this pig disappears from the world tonight, I’m sure Jess will be fine.  I’m sure she’ll grow up splendidly as an oblivious maxed-out cheat mage.


Bring it on.


I turned and rushed at the approaching Org.  I rammed into its right leg to kill its momentum, and spun around to bite its left Achilles tendon.  It was a lot tougher than I imagined.  It was like biting on lumber.


Even if that didn’t do much damage, I still managed to draw its attention.  I ran in the opposite direction of Jess while snorting, and the Org chased after me.  It helps that it’s so simple-minded.


Ahead, six armed men were running towards this direction.  As I had surmised from the smell of gunpowder, one of them had a gun.


I was surrounded by the heavy smell of gasoline.  It looks like I reached the place where Jess was randomly throwing out fuel earlier.


I would like to believe that in Mestria, the basic rules regarding fuel haven’t permeated to the masses yet.  For example, you shouldn’t light a fire in a place that smells of volatile fuel…


“Snort snort snooort!”


Shouting as loudly as I could, I charged at them and crashed into a spear-wielding man who was running next to the person with the gun.  The man lost his balance and fell onto the ground.


“What’s with this pig?!”


I heard someone curse.


“Snort heh.”


I snorted at them like they were idiots and ran back towards the approaching Org.  I was sandwiched between the men and the Org.




I turned towards the man with the gun and snorted provocatively.  To which he pointed his gun at me, as if he had had enough.


“Die, you fucking pig!”


I darted away from the Org and the men.  Time to put the pedal to the metal.  Pigs are able to run as fast as athlete sprinters.  I can definitely escape from them.  I’ll make a headlong dash!




A gunshot rang.  At that moment, my vision turned white and I felt my body float in mid-air.  I wasn’t sure if it was the sound or the wind pressure that made my eardrums feel like they had burst.  I was blown away by the blast and fell onto the ground.


Thanks to the soft, needle-like pine leaves piled on the ground, my bones didn’t seem to have taken any damage.  However, my butt was struck by a literal searing pain.  Looks like I got burned.


I turned around and saw that the surrounding area had been burnt to crisps.  Neither the Org, nor the men’s figures could be seen.  I mean, from where they were standing, I doubt they could’ve survived.  That was more than just a barbeque.


Thankful for still being alive, I rushed back to where I had left Jess.  Searching for a girl covered by a black robe in the woods was a daunting task, but in the end, my nose helped solve the problem.  There’s no way I would miss such a nice scent.  I wonder what kind of soap she uses.


The wind changed directions, so the fire wasn’t blown towards us.  I flipped the cute girl’s body over with my snout.


(Are you alright?)


No response.  I placed my ear close to her face.  She was still breathing.  What caused her to faint like this?  I hope she’s not sick.


Did she overuse her magic?  She did throw around a lot of fuel after all…


“Oh, aren’t you a cute young lady?”


When I came to my senses, I spotted a tall man in a dirt-colored robe walking towards us.  He was holding a billhook-like blade.  This was a battlefield.  Even if she isn’t a Yesma, who knows what he’ll do to such a cute girl who’s collapsed on her own…


Give me a break.  I’ve ran out of cards to play here.


“Sorry piggy, but I’ll be taking your owner.”


I hurriedly lifted Jess up to try and put her on my back.  Despite her being a slender cute girl, it was too difficult to carry her lifeless body.  I could try throwing my body at him, but if he uses that dangerous-looking blade, I’ll just end up as meat cubes.  I’m not able to move my hind legs that well either.


But I’ve got to do this.  Even if I were to die, as long as there’s a chance for Jess to survive-


Just then, what looked like a giant raptor swooped down from the sky and slammed into the robed man.  He received a powerful blow to the head and was sent flying.  After landing, he stopped moving.  His head was twisted in a crazy angle.


“It appears I was late.  Welcome back, brave young man.  I shall acknowledge your courage.”


I looked at the voice.  What I thought was a raptor was actually a man on his knees.  Large bird wings grew from his back.


When he stretched his black hand towards me, I could feel the pain in my butt subside.  Is he a mage…?


He wore a purple robe with gold embroidery.  I recognized that face which turned to look at me.  He was an old man with white hair, and a long beard.  His face may be covered in a mysterious black mesh pattern, but he was unmistakably the king of Mestria, Evis.


“Jess experienced ecydessa and fainted.  She won’t be waking up for some time.”


As I was overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events, Evis directed his hand towards Jess.  What was he saying about ecdysone?  Is he going to heal Jess?


“No.  I’m redoing the seal on Jess’ memories.”


Evis retracted his hand, but Jess didn’t move.  Is it that important to be sealing her memories at a time like this?


(Um, Evis-sama, what should I be…)


“Just because she won’t wake up doesn’t mean you can play around with her.  Wait here for a while.  If you run into any trouble, snort your nose.  I’ll be back soon.”


As he said that, Evis staggered to his feet, flapped against the air with his wings, and clumsily took off.


I mean, there’s no way I’d play around with Jess-taso…


Come to think of it… wasn’t Evis cursed and supposed to be bedridden?  Is that black pattern on his face what that’s about?  Don’t tell me he flew all the way here from the capital in that state.


With everything happening so suddenly, I was thrown for a loop.  As I sniffed Jess’ neck to calm down for the time being, I saw a nuclear-bomb-like bright flash as an explosion occurred in the direction of the port.  The incredibly bright light penetrated the pine forest, creating black and white stripes on the ground.


After about ten seconds, the light faded, and shortly after that, a person fell in front of me.




Rather than calling it a landing, it was more like a crash.  It was the figure of a weakened king covered in pine needles.


“Don’t worry.  I’ve annihilated the Northern army’s main force.  The Northern army, which has invaded Niabel, will now have no choice but to retreat.”


In just that moment?  This isn’t just on the level of you being overpowered now, is it?


“This is Mestria’s greatest mage’s, Evis’, technique.  Let them tell tales of it.”


Evis, still in his crashed posture, weakly laid there with his back to the ground.


(Um, Evis-sama, are you…)


“Do I look fine?”


Evis responded, still looking at the sky.  I moved close to his face.


(Sorry.  Is… is there anything I can do to help?)


“You saved Jess.  That alone is enough, but… ah yes.  Brave young man, are you willing to send me off?”




(I don’t quite understand what you’re saying.)



“I’ve already exhausted all my strength.  I no longer have the magic power to suppress this curse.  It’s an irreversible, lethal curse to begin with, and it looks like it’s progressed to the stage where it can finally fulfill its purpose.”


Evis’ face and hands were covered by a horrific black mesh pattern.


(So you were cursed.  Who-)


“I don’t know.  This mage hides a fairly strong obsession…  It’s a curse from a surreptitious sorcerer – someone not from the royal dynasty, and who we have no idea of.”


Isn’t the king’s family the only mages whose magic powers aren’t being restricted?  Isn’t that why there’s been no conflicts, and how the royal dynasty has been able to maintain its overwhelming dominance?


“Mestria is on the verge of facing its greatest turmoil since the end of the Dark Ages.  The surreptitious sorcerer, the Northern rebellion, the formation of the Liberation Army, and the appearance of you otherworlders – the more I think about it, all of this is perhaps the royal dynasty paying the price for creating this unsightly hierarchy that is the Yesmas.”


(I believe that’s the case.)


Evis’ chest lightly rose and fell.  He seemed like he wanted to laugh.


“Brave young man, you certainly have the guts.  Can I put my faith in that spirit of yours?”


(What do you mean by that?)


“I wish to change course in these last moments.”


Evis took a deep breath, which sounded like wind blowing through a crevice, and spoke.


“You may have heard from Shulavis already, but my son, Markus, is an extreme man.  If he becomes the king like this, he might get out of control.  Even though I told him to only keep an eye on the Northern dynasty and not interfere, he broke his promise and burned down their castle.  He’s wallowing in power and believes that power can solve everything.  But look at the results.  The Northern army still remains, and we don’t know who their central figure is or where to attack.”


(So how do you plan on changing course?)


“I’ve given up on sending you back to your world.  I want you to remain with the royal dynasty to support Shulavis and Jess.  Please guide them in the direction you believe is right.”




“There’s definitely a reason for why you all have once again returned to Mestria at this point in time.  Surprisingly, it seems the power of that innocent girl’s wish still persists.  I wish to believe in that power.”


I pondered.  Jess’ wish still persists, making it possible for glasses otakus to be transferred from modern-day Japan to Mestria.  It didn’t just call upon me once.


And then there’s my transfer destination this time around.  Why did I transfer to Celes instead of Jess?  Now that I think about it, is it because that’s the best way to save Mestria…?


I tried thinking about what would’ve happened if I was sent directly to Jess.  I would have never seen the Northern army in Bapsas, nor would I have heard about the Northern Forces’ situation from Nott on the Broken Collar.  As a result, I wouldn’t have been able to predict the Northern army’s attack that just occurred and relay it to Shulavis.  Under those circumstances, the Liberation Army could have actually been wiped out from this battle.


—At the time, Mister Pig had no choice but to go to the capital with me in order to turn back into a human, right?  I’m not smart, so I didn’t think much about it when I was praying, but I realized it after we decided to go to the capital together.  If Mister Pig was a human, you would have had the option of not accompanying me.  But you weren’t.  The reason why you became a pig instead of a human was because my wish came true.


I recalled those words that were once spoken.


Jess’ wish was clearly beyond the scope of her understanding, and it worked out very well.  So it might not be that crazy of an idea to go along with it.


(Understood.  From my standpoint, I’d be happy to be able to protect Jess and her fiancé.)


It’s just…


(Can I ask you a question?)


“Ask anything you’d like.  I’ll answer them until I die.”


(Evis-sama, you referred to the pigs as “you all.”  That means you are aware of those besides me, correct?)


“That’s correct.  Analysis and prediction magic is my specialty, so I am able to observe substantial magic surges.  There have been a total of seven otherworldly transfers since yours, and there now seems to be three pigs in total that are able to think.”


So it’s as I had expected.


(There’s me, the black pig with the Liberation Army, and one more – that last one, might it be the wild boar near the Northern ruler?)


“I’m not certain to that extent, but I do know it’s in the north.  Why do you think that?”


(The three of us tried to transfer here again at the same time, but one of us was missing.  That guy was transferred to the north last time, so I figured that might’ve happened this time as well.)


I recalled something that was incomprehensible to me before.


—And one other question remains.  Was it really a coincidence that Bapsas was attacked the morning after we were transferred to Mestria again?


The attack was too well-timed, and there was something about Nott’s words which caught my attention.


—My torture was interrupted half-way because a wild boar was rampaging in a govern camp and a Yesma escaped or something.


Pigs are domesticated wild boars.  As you can tell from the fact that boar-pig hybrids exist, the two are capable of crossbreeding and are quite similar animals.  A wild boar rampaged and let a Yesma escape?  Could it be that the other glasses otaku, Kento, is that wild boar?


Kento, who was transferred to the north the same time we were transferred, immediately caused a ruckus to let a Yesma escape.  But because of this, he was captured by the Northern leader and spilled the name of the village, which was connected to Nott and where the other pigs might have been transferred to.  The Northern Forces then hurriedly dispatched their army, which was in the open sea, towards Bapsas.  Since the other party halted the torturing of their hated Nott to devote all their attention to this matter, they must have been in quite the rush.  And then the day after our transfer, their troops arrived at Bapsas.


“That sounds quite right.  I believe your deduction is not far from the truth.”


An ominous sound, like that of a frog’s croaking, began mixing into Evis’ breathing noise.


“It looks like my time is nearly up.  I’ve already told the royal family everything that needs to be said.  You may interrogate me until my last breath.”


(Don’t say that…  Evis-sama, do you have anything you want to say to me?)


“If I had to say… it would be about Jess.”


(Jess…  Is it about her memories?)


“Yes.  The reason why I sealed Jess’ memories was, of course, because your existence was a political hindrance.  She was so depressed that she became useless.  That’s why I sealed those memories away. – Although it’s correct to say that, it’s also quite a misleading explanation.”


(Did you have another purpose?)


“That’s correct.  My primary goal was to develop Jess’ magic power.”


(Magic power?)


“Magic is an unfathomable thing, and its driving force, above all else, is one’s desires.  Jess cares greatly for her sealed memories, and her desire to regain those memories is very strong.  Thus, in order for her to recover her memories, she must break through my magic.  What do you think will happen then?”


(Her magic power will grow because of her desire to make her magic stronger.)


“That’s correct.  Jess was born with the potential to become the greatest mage since Vatis-sama.  Her efforts to regain her memories by her own strength will be the first step.  I would like for you to understand my intentions and to never reveal your secret until she regains her memories on her own.”




(Conversely, does that mean it’s possible for Jess to recover her memories?)


“It’s plenty possible.  And it may happen much sooner than I expected.”


Evis turned his face towards me.  With his face covered by the repulsive patterns, he looked past the pig and gently gazed in Jess’ direction.


“Even if I may be the greatest mage in Mestria, I have absolutely no idea what will become of this country in the future.  In such a situation, I wish to entrust the future to Jess’ earnest prayer, and to you, whom the prayer has summoned.”




“I have one last thing to tell you.”


I held my breath and waited for him to continue.  Evis then said in a whisper-like voice, “The bond between your world and Mestria is as unstable as a bubble.  If your pig dies, I’m afraid there won’t be a next time.  Furthermore, should you stay here for too long, the two worlds will separate, and you will have no choice but to die here as a pig.”


Evis looked at me.


“O brave young man, until that critical moment comes, cherish your life; and when that critical moment arrives, go back.”


I see.


(Understood.  I will engrave your words into my heart.)




Evis finally stopped moving his mouth and conveyed his thoughts directly into my head.


—How ironic, young man, that I’ll be parting from you using the same magic as when we parted the first time.


Evis’ eyes closed.  His right hand moved weakly to rest on his chest.


—I leave this country in your hands.


These were the last words of the man who was the source of those girls’ misfortune.



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