Chapter 19: Chapter 19. Quarterfinals

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   Announcer-" Now ladies and gentleman are you ready? That's right people, it's time for the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament!

   Okay, here are the matches for the tournaments first round!"

   Announcer- " The first match is Nam vs Kashi. The second match is Bacterian vs Ranfan. The Third match is Chi-Chi vs Giran. The final match of the first round is between Yamcha, and Goku. Both students of the famous Master Roshi!"

   As Master Roshi stood for the crowd I felt Bulma lean against me. Turning my head to the right, I saw her Lacing her fingers around mine. No words needed to be said as I wrapped my arm around her and looked at her and she smiled back, she leaned in closer letting me kiss her atop her head as she got comfortable against my chest with my arm around her for the matches to come.

   Announcer-" Fighting in the orange and fusia robe, the ever silent Nam!"

   Annoumcer-" To my left wearing the dark orange Gi of the Turtle school is the blue eyed beauty, Kashi!"

   Horny-male-crowd-" KASHI!, KASHI, KASHI, KASHI, KASHI!"

   Announcer-" Let the third match of the tournament begin!"

   The crowd goes silent as they watch the match, while Nam crosses his arms in anticipation.

   Kashi-" You did well to make it this far Nam. I don't know what gives you the determination you have. However, I'll have to break it here today."

   With Kashi's statement finished she starts walking towards Nam and she begins to form afterimages that walk beside her all giggling together in a chorus that sounds haunting. Like some kind of horror film the laughter echoing from the various afterimages simultaneously is unnerving. Soon they near Nam, and started to encircle him, at this point he is rather freaked out, by the atmosphere itself, and very jumpy. So when a forth afterimage behind him whispers boo! Into his ears close enough to feel her breath, he jumps wildly in a panic extremely high in the air.

    Kashi-" Boo."


    Announcer-" Wow, Nam has jumped high into the sky out of fright! Will he land inside the arena folks."

    As Nam reached the apex of his jump, he regained his composer and began his dive attack."

    Nam-"I was warned that people in the city would try to trick me. But, I swore that I wouldn't let anything stand in the way of saving the lives of my people!"

    Announcer-" Uh, oh. Nam's temper is rising. I say he is preparing for a big attack!"

    Kashi-" So a virtuous fighter, fighting for others. That's your source of determination. I'll test it now Nam.

    I watched as Nam neared my sis. The attack is simply too predictable, and he is moving too slow. With nothing stopping my sister from a counterattack she does so, allowing Nam to hit the ground before she retaliated.

    Announcer-"Nam, narrowly missed Kashi with that devastating attack!"

    Kashi-" Checkmate!"

    Nam-" Urgh!"

  I watch as Nam gets kicked clear out of the ring but softly enough to not be hurt badly or slammed against the nearby wall.

    Announcer-"Ring-out! Kashi has won the match, by kicking Nam out of the ring!

    Bulma-"I don't know what that was, but, good job Kashi, Woo-hoo!"

    What an exciting match folks, the Turtle school is making an early showing in the first round, now let's get the next match started!"

    Ryan-" Kashi has always had great speed. Still, doing such a well done afterimage, and to use it for physiological warfare like she did was a clear showing of skill."

   GG-" Yes, indeed. She could use that for her sound based magic hypnotism as well. It would become a deadly technique. I imagine it's what she was training it for."

   Announcer-" The second match is between Bacterian, the man in the soiled brown briefs, and a distinctive odor vs Ranfan the women in-"

   Ranfar-" I quit!"

   Announcer-" Excuse me?"

   Ranfan-" I said, I quit! If the rules don't enforce a basic level of hygiene in its competitors what's to stops some gross biohazard like him from abusing them?"

   Announcer-" Uh."

   Ranfan-" Exactly."

   We all watched Ranfan give up in a well justified fit from the general consensus of the audience and our noses.

   Announcer-" Bacterian is the winner!"


   Announcer-" Moving on.. ehem, in the third match we have Chi-Chi vs Giran. We will be starting the match in ten minutes, take this time to gather refreshments."

   After the first two matches completed in record time the announcer was having a tough time with the crowd. Goodluck for him that the next fight should be far more entertaining.

  Bulma-" I'm going to get a beer, you want one?"

  Ryan-" have I told you lately how perfect you are?"

  Bulma-" Only every morning."

  Ryan-" Well a beer does sound nice I would appreciate it."

  Bulma-" Be back in a minute."

  As Bulma was gone I thought about the cascading changes my presence has caused. Kashi is by far the biggest change. As well as a far smarter and self aware Goku. No Oolong, can't say I regret that at all. Yamcha seems much more humble, but still has confidence. This is likely due to being around so many strong people, and not living like a king among ants in the city. Although the biggest factor has got to be Kashi and the training with Roshi itself. Chi-Chi training with Roshi is completely new. So is her and Goku actually dating so early. I wonder if Chi-Chi will get that big family she wanted.


   Announcer-" Welcome back, for the second half of the Quarterfinals. On the left we have Chi-Chi the Princess of fire mountain, the daughter of the Ox king and yet another student of Master Roshi.

   On the right we have Giran the leader of the Giras.

    Let the third match of the quarter finals begin!"

    Giran-" You better give up before I pound you into the dirt little Princess."

   Bulma-" Don't let him talk to you like that Chi-Chi. Kick his ass!"

   Giran-" Too scared to talk little girl?hahaha! I'll end this in one blow just stay there."

    I watched as Giran walked up to the defiant Chi-Chi, and she began to recite something, is it a recipe?

    Giran-" What are you saying little girl?

    Chi-Chi-" You would make an excellent dish for my Goku's dinner. I should start by tenderizing the meat."

    Giran-" You, want to eat me!?"

    Chi-Chi-" No, I want to cook you for my boyfriend. Tell me do you have a high fat and protein diet? Lots of milk perhaps? And some lean white meat? I bet you have great marbling if that's the case. The perfect dino tail steak. I might actually try a taste now that i think about it. I could reverse sear the meat, but maybe a slow cooked roast would be the best. Hey, Giran. Whats the best way to cook one of your kind?

     Announcer-" Chi-Chi launches the first attack by weakening her opponents mind!"

     Giran-" Little girl I think you are crazy!"

     Giran moves to attack with simple tail swing, Chi-Chi responds by blocking to his surprise, and attacking in turn, slowly her hands start to heat up, leaving burn marks all over Giran.

     Announcer-" look at this fierce exchange, ladies and gentleman. Chi-Chi is pushing Giran back! And now, Giran has taken to the sky on his wings to avoid Chi-Chi's fearsome attacks!

    Giran-" What is this, what did you do?!"

    As Giran is in the air still burning from contact with Chi-Chi's fists. He reassess the threat before him.

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    Announcer-" The Princess of Fire Mountain, is living up to her name by landing a series of fiery blows on Giran, how will he respond?"

    Giran-" TRY THIS! RAWR!"

    I watch as Giran launches his attack towards Chi-Chi from up high, he is too far away for the focused Chi-Chi to get caught.

    Announcer-" Giran Spits out his signature Merry go Round Gum attack, attempting to bind his opponent, but misses."

    Ryan-"While he did miss, it changes the terrain of the ring, this could be a problem for Chi-Chi."

    GG-" We will see soon enough."

    Giran-" Nice dodge kid, but can you keep it up? Rawr, Rawr, Rawr, Rawr.

    Announcer-" Giran is using his position in the air to launch multiple attacks down on Chi-Chi!, and hit!"

    Bulma-" Chi-Chi!"

    Giran-" Hahaha! Now you are finished!"

    As Giran flies down he lands and continues to mock the bound Chi-Chi by not taking this seriously.

   Giran-" How do you like my Merry go Round Gum? That's right go ahead and struggle Princess. The harder you do the more it tightens. Face it, you are stuck."

    Bulma-" You better get out of there and beat his ass Chi-Chi!"

    Kashi-" Remembered how we cooked when we made lunch without a stove Chi-Chi!"

    That seemed to remind the young Chi-Chi of something as instead of struggling she started smoking and then she was on fire, burning the Merry go Gum binding her and her martial arts Gi off. She was now only wearing only her thin woven metal Bikini underneath. Freeing herself and raising the temperature in the ring

    Ryan-" So thats why she wore that outfit."

    Giran" Hot!, Hot!, Hot!"

    Announcer-" Look at this! Chi-Chi is on fire! Causing on inferno in the ring, freeing herself of Girans Merry Go Gum."

    Giran tried to take off again, but Chi-Chi didn't let him, 

    Chi-Chi-" Kiai!

    Giran-" Ahhhh!"

    SFX- CRASH!, thud.

    Announcer-" Chi-Chi is the winner! Giran had been knocked out of the ring! And knocked out, please let the medics through."

    Chi-Chi used the basic kiai to push him into a far wall just beside the crowd out of the ring. To the loud applause of the audience.


   An embarrassed bikini clad Chi-chi, runs off stage after her win and I see Goku giving her his gi while he puts a new blue gi on.

   Bulma-" Isn't that cute, how sweet of Goku."

   Announcer-" What an exciting match folks. Next we start the forth and final match with Yamcha, in the dark orange, and Goku in the blue. Both of them are students of the famous Master Roshi. We can expect a good fight. Who will triumph? Let's find out, begin!"

   As soon as the the match began they both met each other in the middle of the ring. Matching each other punch, for punch.

    Sfx-" Crash, slam, boom!"

    With each hit they were shaking the ground. I can feel the ground of the arena is saturated with ki, they are both using it to keep themselves in place. To an untrained eye,  it may look like a simple high speed crazy strong fistfight. It's so much more than that, though. The subtle battle of ki in the ground is one example. Goku is focusing on Yamcha's legs to cut his connection, to disrupt his leverage, to take strength away from Yamcha's hits. This is why I learned flying so soon. It's crucial in gaining proper leverage.

     Announcer-" And the fight is off to a stunning start, no mind games here folks."

     Sfx-" Boom, boom, rattle.

     Announcer-" the hits are so strong the ring is shaking!"

     Yamcha tries to end the stalemate, using his signature Wolf Fang Fist combo.

     Yamcha-" Wolf Fang Fist!"

     The combo begins with an overhead swipe that passes by a dodging Goku's cheek leaving a small cut, followed by many more sharp attacks, threatening to cut Goku. At first he barely dodges but slowly he gains the advantage. By the time the extended combo comes to an end Yamcha is exhausted and Goku looks a little rough with a few small cuts to himself and his clothes, however he is unfazed and doesn't give Yamcha much time to rest before he begins his own offensive.

     Chi-Chi-" Get him Goku!"

     Kashi-" You can do it Yamcha!"

     Announcer-" What an amazing show of skill from both of them. Yamcha's Wolf Fang Fist threatened to end the match for Goku, but he dodged it all in a Supreme show of reflexes and training."

      Goku starts his attack with an afterimage that Yamcha, still tired succesfully blocks, and then another afterimage, followed by another, each time he blocks. Goku makes another until Yamcha falls for triple afterimage letting Goku get a hit on Yamcha

    Goku-"Gotcha. Huh?"

 or so Goku thought but all he hit was air as Yamcha did his own afterimage.

    Yamcha-" Take this!"

    Goku-" ah!"

giving Goku an overhead slam smashing Goku into the ring and bouncing him up for Yamcha to kick him away, the second strike failed though as Goku caught Yamcha's leg with his tail.

    Announcer-" Yamcha slams young Goku into the ring breaking the arena floor! Wait, Goku escapes more punishment by using his tail to catch Yamcha's leg!"

    Goku-" Thundershock special!"

    With those words said I knew the match was over.

    Yamcha-" Agh!"

    Goku only hit him with it for a second and Yamcha dropped smoking to the ground.


     Kashi-" Get up Yamcha!"

     Announcer-"7...8...9...10! Knockout! Goku wins! Using a special technique he has won the match."

      While the crowd cheers on a happy Goku, Kashi chases after a still sleeping Yamcha, who is being carried off

      Ryan-" Yamcha did better than i thought he would. Did you teach him the afterimage Roshi?

      Roshi-" No, He must have learned it from the spars with Goku and Kashi. I didn't expect him to use it here though."

      Announcer-" The Quarterfinals have finished! The Semifinals will begin shortly. The first Match will be Bacterian vs Kashi. The second match will be Chi-Chi vs Goku. These four fighters have come a long way. Who, will advance to finals? Let me remind the audience that half a million Zenny is being offered as a prize this year. While we take a break from the fights, let us get a word from the competitors who have made it this far."

      While the announcer was doing his job, interviewing the semifinalists. Bulma, had other ideas and we went out for some more beer, as did the old timers.

      Roshi-" I'm going to find that Nam guy. He has a story I wouldn't mind listening to."

      GG-" I'll come with, Kashi was correct that he was fighting for a cause. Sometimes though, there are better paths one could take."

      As the two old men went to do their good deed, Bulma pulled me around the various food stalls. I swear as long as it's a salty snack she could eat as much as Goku. By the time we made it to our seats the old men were back already, and the interviews were over.

     Announcer-" The first match of the second round is between the deadly beauty Kashi in the dark orange, and deadly stank of Bacterian in the soiled shorts. Let the Semifinals begin!"


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