Chapter 18: Chapter 18, Dragon

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     Shenron has a sense of humor.

After meeting whatever requirement I did to gain the information I now had, I understood things much better. 

     Quicksilver has two parts, one representing my ki and the other magic. The weapon aspect is my ki, and the passive skin, is some kind of magic defense and healing. The stronger I get in either art the stronger they are. They also evolve and adapt when damaged or destroyed. When I combine them I grow into what eventually is a half-dragon, the further i push the transformation. The first step isn't scales either, it's the horns. Bright ivory colored horns grow out of my head from above my ears. They grow up and curve forward ending above my forehead. This part of the transformation has me wishing to kiss Shenron. 

     The horns allow me to Manifest ki, and more importantly Elements in large quantites instantly for an albeit steep magic cost. The only other change when I sprout these horns is that I'm just a bit stronger in my PL. Just a small 10% increase. However i can maintain it for hours already, and it doesn't take most of the limited volume of quicksilver to activate.

     If I go further, then dark green scales appear on my skin, and my physique changes. My bones grow denser, and broader, my teeth sharpen, the nails on my now scale covered hands turn black growing into claws. My nose flattens and my ears grow longer, pointed, closer to my head. I end up at six and half feet tall.

     That is as far as I can maintain the transformation, but I have to say that I look intimidating. Even if I'm left exhausted a minute after activating it. My power level doubles compounding with the 10% initial putting me at just under a PL of 300 for a minute. However I'm left with much less quicksilver in exchange. And lose the magic barrier entirely in favor of the actual scales and the boost.

     The next step sprouts a tail, and the one after that is wings. I have no idea what other forms I have or the boosts I'll receive. If the theme stays the same it's 10%, 100%, 1000%, 10,000%. And this would be compounding each transformation. At my current strength of 129, if I add 10% I'm at 142, add 100% and I'm at 284 add 1,000% and i get to 3,124. Add the final 10,000% transformation and my power level would Ballon in size to a massive 315.5k

     To be safe on Namek with these figures I need a personal power of atleast 50,000 and access to all the forms. That is to only match final form Frieza. To do this by Namek is going to be tough. I'll need the Kiaoken, and Guru, maybe even the divine water. I haven't the intention of trying any of the other transformations anytime soon. For the next year, I intend to use Goku's idea of getting used to the strain and holding my horns out permanently. Much to Bulma's displeasure.

     Bulma-" Try this!"

     Ryan-" There are talking dinosaurs in the city. Why do I have to cover up my horns?"

     Bulma-" Because you look like a demon!"

     Ryan-" And that's bad why? Wouldn't it keep other girls away?"

     Bulma-" Oh hell no, teenage girls are attracted to dangerous boys, like flies to shit. It's why we are finding you a hat to keep them covered."

     I think of hiding my horns from sight and to my surprise they fade from view.

     Ryan-" Neat!"

     Bulma-" Good enough, lets go. Didn't you say you wanted to try that indoor snowboarding?"

     After Bulma and I went out on yet another date. I begin to formulate my training. I remind myself to give Goku the mission of finding the Dragonballs after the tournament. I think I'll allow things to go without my interference with the Red Ribbon army. Cell is an important milestone, and as much as I'd like to end him early, I fear we wouldn't be ready for Buu, Babidi, or Dabura, let alone the tournament of power. He has to happen.

    With any luck Goku either learns how to fly, or more likely has Nimbus. Then the same general events should happen. This gives me until the Piccolo saga to train if I remember correctly. I'm not sure if Kashi's absence from Android 8, and the doctors life changes things, but someone else likely replaced her unfortunately.



    Training this last seven months has been a learning experience. I have leaned to fly, I'm slow and the technique is costly but I can do it. Its all about expelling ki. I re-created a couple techniques from other anime shows, where I could, since nobody like GG is here to question my actions. And I have been practicing my telekinesis by adding resistance to my movements, which in turn trained my strength. I have never once allowed my horns to recede in nearly six months, although I haven't tried to go further either, just training while in this form with various weapons to fit my new attack style. 

     The horns have changed the way i do magic and use Ki. No more do I use my hands, They are completely free for my weapons. I can harness both Ki and magic from my horns with but a thought. I also stopped shaping Earth to attack. I can now create solid materials of various cost in the shape I want out of pure magic. I can fire them at an absolutely insane speeds depending on the type, size, and amount of material I make.

    This alone makes me an insanely dangerous opponent in both long and close range. I can do the same with ki, but the problem is I'm not strong enough to do much more than control a handful of small ki blasts midair. Creating a few dozen small bullet sized iron balls with my magic and firing them at what Bulma calls fuck everything in that direction speed is just much more effective for me right now. Instead, I have tried to learn magic enhanced Ki attacks.

    The best and only real success so far makes my ki attacks much faster and stronger. I accomplish this with the aid of my telekinesis. By compressing the ki structure to abnormal levels for my strength, I can make truly dangerous ki blasts given enough time. The only magic I add to this technique is heat magic to make it far hotter than normal.

     What I ended up with is a technique that looks like a small brown dwarf star floating infront of my horns. Firing it, is as simple as letting a small gap form in both my telekinetic hold and my ki structure, letting compresed jets of magic enhanced ki fire erupt out the choke point until it's depleted or I close the gap allowing for multiple attack uses. It's an incredibly taxing attack for me to use, but is far deadlier than my power level would claim. I gave it a name I find fitting, CERO.

      Bulma hasn't returned to school at all. She took an interest in biology after messing with my blood and other fluids. While she didn't find the answers she wanted, she did create some medicine from my enhanced blood using the new tech, giving me my cut making me filthy rich.

     Personally, I think she did it just to make me not have to work ever again but I'm not complaining. Her actions did wreck the pharmaceutical industry though. The drug she made from my blood cures nearly everything aside from genetic conditions which she is working on now. Her actions saved many people including Videl's mother, should she contract the heart virus like in the original.

     Not to be outdone, Dr. Briefs has started building a space elevator with the knowledge Bulma brought home. It will be done in only a few years. Bulma, and him have big plans for the Moon. Lets hope it doesn't get blown up.

     I walk over to Bulma's room and find her messing with another bike.

     Ryan-" Tomorrow is may seventh Bulma. Are you coming with me?"

     Bulma-" It's been 8 months already? 

     Ryan-" Time flies when having fun Bulma. Can I get the radar? I want to see if they popped back up yet."

     Bulma-"Sure, it's in that drawer over there."

     Bulma-" And yes, of course I'll come with you. I miss Kashi, and want to see how that girl Chi-Chi handled her."

     Ryan-" I'm more curious how they handled Roshi."

     Bulma-" I'm going to get my bag packed, are you going to wear that new gi?"

     Ryan-"I think I am, it fits my style."

     Bulma-" I didn't know my boyfriend was so edgy."

     Ryan-" I can create weapons from a magical liquid metal. And turn into a Dragon. I can be as edgy as I want."

     Bulma-" You keep telling yourself that. See you at dinner."

    As I move to leave I watch as Bulma, having finished the bike for today, walks off to her room swinging her perky little ass the whole way.


   We arrive at the tournament grounds the next morning having left west city early. I'm wearing my custom made black hakama style pants, a loose fitting black kosode top with a white sash around my waist,  finishing with some stretchy black shoes Bulma made. The kosode is because of my horns getting on the way. The rest is so that I don't rip all my clothes every single time I transform. I can just ditch the kosode easily enough, and the pants and shoes will still fit.

    Bulma-" look, there they are!"

     As Bulma points towards where I sense them I see a beautiful grouping of orange, even Kashi is wearing it. And they all look and feel stronger, I wonder how much. I see Krillin for the first time and he is hanging out with Goku and Chi-Chi. which is nice. Chichi looks like an older pan. She cut her hair and ditched the Zena outfit and axe. Wearing the standard orange beside Goku and Krillin. Kashi and Yamcha are actually having a mutual conversation.

     Bulma-" Kashi, it"s so nice to see you!"

     Kashi-" It's nice to see you as well Bulma, I have so much to tell you, come over here."

      And they are off, she didn't even say hi to me.

     Ryan-"Hi Goku."


     Ryan-"How did Master Roshi do in everyone's training?

     Goku-" He is worse than GG Ryan. He had us delivering milk all morning , plowing fields all afternoon, even working a construction job part time, followed by sparring all evening. All without Ki."

     Ryan-" Sounds like he put everyone through some serious training. Did he teach you any techniques?

     Goku-" Yup he had me learn his Max Power technique and train the afterimage that GG taught us while I practice with my necklace. Did you learn any techniques?"

     Ryan-" A few I invented. Check this out!"

     As I flew for Goku gathering quite a crowd I landed having had enough time in the limelight.

     Goku-" That's awesome! you can fly without a crystal, better than Baba and kashi. Master Roshi gave me a magic cloud to go around the islands with when I trained my Great ape form. Look at this, Nimbus!"

     Not long after Goku's call a puffy Golden cloud can flying down far faster than I could right now.

     Ryan-" That's a nice cloud you have there Goku, you mind if i ride it?"

     Goku-"You can try, but only special people can."

     I walk up to the Nimbus, attempting what any fan of Dragonball wonders. Can i ride it? Nope.

     Goku-" That's too bad Ryan, riding the cloud is a lot of fun. It's very fast.

     Ryan-" I'll be fine, I'm only a little jealous. Anyways I didn't realize you tried that necklace already. Did it work?

     Goku-" Yup! I can remember everything now and be in control! Even without the necklace now, but I keep it on anyways. The necklace says I need to learn how to be strong like the ape but not grow in size. It's the next step towards mastery of the form or so it says."

     Ryan-" That would make you incredibly strong Goku.

     GG-" Indeed it would Ryan."

     Goku-" GG!"

     Kashi-" GG!"

     After GG appeared I let them catch up and moved over to Yamcha and Puar. While Bulma interrogated Chi-Chi.

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.    Ryan-" Hello Yamcha, How has progress on the stone been?

     Yamcha-" Slow. here, why don't you take a look."

     When Yamcha passed me the stone I realized how strong it was. I knew for a fact that it was too strong for me to break even if I gave it my all right now i passed it back to Yamcha.

        Ryan-" It makes you wonder what kind of Master you will find there."

        Yamcha-" I tried to find this place called Yardrat on the map, but no luck.

        Ryan-" I don't think the dragon would leave you a loophole like that Yamcha, just keep at it."

        Yamcha-" I will, thanks."

.       Ryan-" So, how was Roshi's training?

        Yamcha-" As much as I hate to admit it. The man is a Ki control genuis, and having so many talented people in one area created a lot of sparring partners. With Kashi's gift she could heal us up. Once Roshi saw that, we started nightly spars. The spars were quite intense. It was usually Goku, Chi-Chi, and Krillin against us to balance the teams, but we mixed it up enough to all grow and learn. Roshi is a fantastic teacher.

        Ryan-" So he was well behaved?"

        Yamcha-"Absolutley not. The man is old as a fossil yet chases women like a lecher. But Kashi and Chi-Chi keep him in line. And he behaved if he wanted a home cooked meal."

         "Attention! Will all contestants please follow the tournament organizers. I repeat, will all contestants please follow the tournament organizers. We will begin the preliminary rounds shortly."  

        Yamcha-" I guess that's me. See you later Ryan."

        Ryan-" See you later Yamcha."

        Kashi-"Wish me luck Ryan."

        Ryan-"I didn't think you would compete, goodluck."

        Roshi-" Too scared to compete with my students I see."

        Ryan-"Don't act like some sagely master to me Roshi, I know full well that GG already told you why I'm not competing. If you want Goku to not win his first tournament why not go in disguised?"

        Roshi-" You must be an idiot to think I'm strong enough to beat that little monster. If he was as strong as when he arrived at my place, I'd be able to, maybe. But after he started training his Great Ape form every full moon he got much stronger. I only taught him the Max Power to keep him busy, but the kid did it while he was that giant monkey And then fired off a Kamehameha. And let me tell you that it was scary strong."

    I heard what Roshi said and stopped in my tracks. A ten times great ape boost plus Max power and the boost from the Kamehameha technique. Ohh buddy.

    Ryan-" Bulma, what's Goku's PL?"

    Bulma pulls out a handheld PL scanner that she made from the new tech.

    Bulma-"let me see.. 186. Damn, he is the strongest here."

    Ryan-"That isn't surprising."

    Roshi-" What have you got there little lady?

    Bulma-"This can measure a persons energy. We call this number a power level."

    Roshi-" So what does it say for me?"


    GG-" What about me?

    Bulma-" You are at 150."

    GG-" Ha! I beat you old man!"

    Roshi-" You aren't so young yourself anymore, better not trip and break a hip."

     GG-" You are just jealous."

     Ryan-" Alright, alright you two. lets go Bulma, I'm not standing the entire time. I'm going to make some seats for our group by the ring. Where is Puar by the way?"

     Bulma-" I saw Puar follow Yamcha, he snuck in to watch the preliminaries.

     Ryan-" Well, let's go then, this should be fun with the Turtle school filling the roster so much."

     It took a few hours until the tournament formally began, sadly not all of Roshi's students made it to the finals.

    Krillin-" Why did I get matched with her!"

    Roshi-"Losing to her isn't something to be ashamed of. Just move forward and gain experience."

    Krillin-" I suppose you are right Master Roshi, thanks."

    Ryan-"Hi Krillin, I'm Ryan a friend of Goku's so who did you get matched with?"

    Krillin-" Nice to meet you Ryan. We call her the DEMON! Goku calls her his girlfriend. It's name is Chi-Chi."

    GG-"Haha! She is the Ox-Kings daughter after all."

    I look back to Roshi and GG and see them nodding along, but Roshi is a pervert. Must of done something to deserve it.

   Ryan-" Well I look forward to seeing her in action."

   Bulma-" Look, Yamcha, Kashi and Puar are coming over here 

   Roshi-" Congratulations on making it past the preliminaries you two.

    As everyone agreed and talked I asked.

   Ryan-" Where are Goku and Chi-Chi?

   Kashi-" He is getting food, and Chi-Chi is tagging along I'm sure.

   Roshi-" Sounds like Goku. So who is fighting first?

   Kashi-"A man named Nam and I fight in the first Match.

   Ryan-" Is he strong?"

   Kashi-" Yes, however it's not enough. He doesn't have enough experience in actual fights to make full use of it. Though, he has lots of determination."

   Ryan-" I'll be rooting for you sis. By the way, is it going to rain later?"

   Kashi-"It was going to, but I fixed that this morning, brought in a nice breeze to get the weather perfect."

   -Announcement -"The World Martial Arts Tournament will soon begin. If you are one of the eight finalists, please meet in the main hall, thank you."

    Roshi-" Goodluck out there you two."

    Bluma-"You and Chi-Chi better show those boys some girl power Kashi!"

    As Kashi and Yamcha walked off to make sure Goku and Chi-Chi reported on time, I talked to Puar.

    Ryan-" Thanks for teaching me that transformation technique again. It came in handy getting the last dragon ball."

    Puar-" I'm glad it did, otherwise I wouldn't be rich."

    Ryan-" Did you ever teach kashi it yet?"

    Puar-" I tried to trade her, but she said to wait until after Roshi's training. She said she wanted to focus on her Ki for a while."

    Ryan-She did seem quite a bit stronger. Whats her power level at Bulma?"

    Bulma-" Kashi is at 133."

    Ryan-" She really did train. That's stronger than I was when we split up. What about Chi-Chi?"

    Bulma-" 121."

    Ryan-" That's awful strong."

    Bulma-" Kashi said, that Chi-Chi gets a lot stronger when angry. Something that had earned her the nickname Demon."


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