Chapter 2: Chapter 2. Thrown upstream.

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        I awoke in the early morning to Goku's stomach making itself known. As I sat up I truly marveled at my new body. Being 10 again is one thing, but the speed of how I woke up. The lack of any soreness even after sleeping on the floor, combined with 5 hours of sleep leaving me fully rested, and I was stunned. This body is far stronger than I realized at first.

        As I lay there I begin to wonder about how Ki makes a person stronger exactly. How does a persons body itself factor in. Do my base physical characteristics, make me more efficient? Does it Ki stack with a strong body?

              Also are power levels with unlocked ki different? If so it would explain much of what I saw in the series.

         Vegeta, and Nappa power up instinctively, At first. They can be calm, and also pull their power out when desired. But i don't think what they are doing is the same compared to races who have to learn to unlock their Ki themselves consciously.

         I think back to my theory that having their Ki unlocked naturally as all the strong races do, is the difference. They can't turn their power off without training or genuis talent. This is because it never has been. Since birth it was given to them. This must be why scouters work and fail as they do. Repressing our power is a simple as not using it. I pull on my power again as I stare at my small hand. Marveling at how easy I found this to be, even with no training. The Goddess's didn't lie when they said my stronger soul would help me.

         As I was deep in my thoughts, GG walks in with fresh fish that must be for breakfast. I see Goku's tail Start to wave in the air. somehow knowing that food is coming soon. 

          GG-" Goodmorning Ryan, I didn't expect you to already be awake. We had quite a long night afterall."

           Ryan- "Goodmorning to you as well Master Gohan, and thank you for taking me in last night. I appreciate the concern, however I'm fine. Would you like some help preparing breakfast?"

             GG-" Your are always welcome here Ryan. Why don't you get cleaned up by the stream first. I'll prepared breakfast."

            I got up to head to the stream. I first put away the blankets I used in the cabinet they came from after folding them again. Being so small again reminded me of the difficulties  size presents in folding things like blankets and sheets. I went to the door and put my shoes on. As I went to ask GG where exactly the stream was, Goku finally started to wake. 

              GG-" Goodmorning Goku, why don't you take Ryan there down to the  stream. I'll have breakfast on the table, when you get back, however I'll be headed to town getting supplies for the new house we will be building. Show Ryan around, and no sparring until I get back do you understand?"

               Goku-" Ok GG, i'll behave. Be back quick though so that we can spar!"

               GG-"Ryan remember the forest has many wild animals, that is their home. Follow Goku's lead and stay out of trouble."

              Goku-"lets go Ryan!"

           As Goku drug me to the door by my arm I waved a hasty goodbye to GG. 

Goku drug me through the double doors and off to the stream.

           On the way Goku slowed down and let go of my arm. Crouching down as we entered the bamboo forest.

           Goku-"There are some big cats around here that like to play and chase me around. They always try to be sneaky but they haven't caught me yet."

           As I follow behind Goku, I notice he  has the power pole on his back. I also noticed he was short. At around 4 ft. I knew he would get a growth spurt by the time of the 23rd  world martial arts tournament. 

            While Goku spoke of the Sabertooth tiger, I pulled on my ki increasing my strength just a bit to stay safe. As we made our way through the forest and small mountains covered in green. 

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         I'll admit my knowledge of the Dragons ball series is limited, and I know almost none of the smaller details. But seeing Goku kill a deer with his Power, pole without remorse, reminds me that this world has more depth to it than the anime i know.

             As Goku walked up to the now very dead deer he picked it up by its legs and brought it over his shoulders. With a happy smile he turned back to me, urging me to follow him. We continued on quietly making it to the stream in just a few minutes. With a shallow wide stream flowing infront of us.

               Even with the deer to handle, Goku was butt naked and in the water before i was. Skinny dipping on my first morning here was never in my mind but, seems to be a normal thing up here on the mountain. Hopefully I can get us some showers installed in the new house. This will get depressing in the winter, whenever that is.

               Deciding to have some fun, I cannonballed infront of Goku, splashing him thoroughly. Before he could respond I was already on the attack, with more water not giving him a chance to respond.

                Having had enough, Goku goes on the offensive, going underwater and reaching for my legs. Not letting him gain the initiative, I strike at his weakness, his tail. With all the opening I need. I move to grab his tail, and miss entirely. 

                Unable to understand how I missed, I see my arm in the water, seeing my hands image is distorted a bit and not where it should be, I realize the same is for his tail. Before I could correct my mistake. Goku has his hands on my ankles, plants his feet, and pulls drawing me underwater. He doesn't stop and turns to his left to continue drawing me behind him, soon enough I'm pulled back out of the water, and thrown upstream with a splash. I nearly hit the bottom, when I hear Goku already laughing loudy at his success. 

           I get up and make my way back to him. Deciding to get cleaned up so we could eat, I convince Goku to do the same. I have an idea for a house I would like to build, and we could get a good start while GG was away. I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

             As we arrived back home, Goku left the deer behind the small house. I assume that GG handles all the meal prep having seen Goku cook whole fish while in the anime over an open flame. As we walk inside, we find our breakfast waiting for us on the table, and GG nowhere around. Having already headed to town for supplies.

            Worrying that if I don't get a move on Goku may eat everything. I take my seat by the table and begin to eat my rice and fish. It was nothing spectacular, however it was filling and more importantly free food. 

             I look up as Goku sits down to see him actually eating like a normal person with manners. Instead of the bowl tipped back and the chopsticks acting as shovels, he is using them properly. This must be part of what he lost having lived alone after GG's death originally. I'll have to be sure it stays this way. Seeing Goku eat like that in the anime is completely different than being beside it in real life. You are welcome Chi-Chi.

             After Goku finishes his food I ask Goku if GG has any tools for cutting trees.

             Ryan-" Hey Goku, does Master Gohan have any tools for cutting trees?

             Instead of answering my question Goku opened up a chest by the wall,  full of all kinds of martial arts tools including axes. Goku picks up a small axe, and bring it to me.

              Goku-"GG let's me use this axe to gather firewood. You can use it too.

              Ryan-" Thank you Goku." 

              Goku-"What do you need the axe for?"

               Ryan-" I was thinking we could go into the woods and find some trees to cut down for our own house. If we can find enough tall straight trees, we can build a log cabin, that's big enough for all of us to live in together with GG. I'm sure it would make him happy.

               After I made my little speech Goku was fired up. He grabbed another axe from the chest, and ran outside. Coming back a second later, to ask.

               Goku-"What's a log cabin?"


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