Chapter 3: Chapter 3. Manifesting physical Ki.

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          As I follow an excited Goku outside, I asked him if he knew where we could find the tall straight trees we needed."

            Ryan-"Hey Goku, do you know where we can find the tall straight trees I mentioned we needed?"

            Almost all of the forest so far has been bamboo. But Goku takes me down the road that leads down the  mountain until I stop him at what I see is a massive grove of Eastern White Pines dominating this part of the forest. 

        I was never much of a outdoorsman, but I learned many things over my long life, and I knew that these were an excellent pick for our log cabin.

          Before we even started I needed to test something or all of this would be pointless. 

           Ryan-"lets go cut down a small one of these trees Goku. I need to try something out before we cut down any others, ok?"

            Goku-" Will this one work?" 

            Ryan-" Thats not a bad tree Goku, but it's too big for what we need. Lets find a smaller one. "

            As we walked through the untamed grove we came upon a blueberry patch. As Goku's attention was stolen from the task at hand by food, I found a nice tree nearby. I hefted the small axe and pulled upon my Ki in what was becoming an all too easy task to accomplish. The axe instantly lost all of its weight in my hands, or atleast felt like it had. Thinking of that made me remember that I still wasn't sure how Ki changed a persons strength when they have an already strong body. I'll figure it out as I spar with Goku and Krillin I imagine. 

             Focusing on the Axe while keeping a mental hold on my power I swung at the small white pine with both hands on the axe handle, aiming to cut a notch in the trunk, so it falls to the ground safely where I had it planned to fall. To my surprise I cut clean through without much resistance at all.

           If it wasn't for my dumb luck the tree could have easily hit me as it fell, but would it have hurt me? 

           As the tree falls over and falls onto the forest floor Goku speaks up behind me.

            Goku-" So what did you want to do with the tree Ryan?" 

             To be honest Goku not being surprised is a bit of a bummer. Who doesn't like to be praised for cutting a tree down in a single swing? Even if it was only about 10 inches across. 

           Ryan-"First we need to cut all of the branches off the trunk and get it back to GG's house. We can practice what I need to learn there. Just be patient Goku."

            As we made short work of the tree, Goku picked up the tip and I picked up the rear of the trunk. Goku led the way back to GG'S home. On the way I tested the limits of my natural biology without any Ki coursing through my body. While I felt the weight of the tree bear down on me. I could still carry it, until we started back up the path to GG's house.

          Halfway through the uphill road I pulled on my Ki again letting it strengthen my body. I didn't power up, I just stopped repressing my unlocked Ki. The difference was immediately noticeable. I broke the rythym that goku and I had carrying the tree together and pushed him forward a bit. I gave Goku a hasty apology, and he accepted it without delay.

           I continued, with noticing my changes. Even with my Ki being allowed to run loose, time didn't seem to move any slower than normal. There has to be more to using ki than i realized. I'll have to ask GG how he moves so fast. Because aside from a strength increase I didn't really notice anything. No super hearing, or fast eyeball movements, nothing. 

           I got dragged from my thoughts yet again by Goku asking me where I wanted to place the trunk. Realizing we were home I answered him. 

           Ryan-"Lets put it in the sun, by the side of the house for now. And I'll tell you what or goal is"

          After getting the 20ft trunk in place, I brought Goku over and attempted to explain what we need to do. I know he has his Ki unlocked like all Saiyans at birth, he is just weak comparatively and only uses it in his body for right now. I wonder if I can change that.

            Goku's power level is only around 10 right now. I know his physiology must give him a leg up like my own augments do. I can't see him taking shots from bullets and throwing cars otherwise. If I new how strong videl was when Gohan started teaching her I would feel more confident in this.

          I ask Goku to watch me quietly. As I sit down by the log with my legs crossed and hands against the bottom cut edge of the tree. I call upon my Ki with but a thought and begin to try to push it out. And all I get in response is the chirping of crickets while Goku watches me do nothing. 

            I refocus on my ki and this time I relax. I pull my hands off the trunk and pull them into my lap much like videl did when Gohan taught her. As I search deeper for the well of Ki I know everyone has. I begin to feel its presence within me. I relax further and try to remember this feeling. I realize that this energy is a part of me, that as long as its within me it cannot harm me.

            When I feel that its been long enough I slowly guide it with my will. Letting it flow through my arms down into my hands. I open my eyes to my hands glowing with a bright yellow light full of power. I bring them together and will the light into a ball. Slowly the light begins to take a physical form. 

               When the ball of light reaches the size of a peach pit I hit a wall. Instead of trying to break it down with brute strength, I instead, hold what I have. Trying reinforce it's physical qualities. Eventually I get the tiny ball of energy to settle into my right hand. As I pull away my left hand, the energy ball shrinks a little.

                I look over to my left to see Goku mesmerized by my actions. It isn't long before he follows my previous actions. Without a word, and sits down to attempt what I did. 

                I realize I have no idea what to do with this highly destructive ball of energy. The sheer thought of using this destructive force for some of the more esoteric abilities shown in the anime boggles my mind. Like the Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack. How did a couple children learn that ability? Fusion or not it's absolutely ridiculous.

            As I push those thoughts aside, I feel a presence appear for the first time. 

It's GG arriving in flicker of speed, clearly interested in what i have done.

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             GG-"Now that you got it, what are you going to do with it hmm?" 

             As GG makes fun of my obvious predicament, I ask him for some advice.

              Ryan-" How do I throw this?"

              GG- " Consider what happens next, punishment for skipping ahead."

             After GG says as much he turns around and goes back towards his cart on the dirt path. Leaving me alone with Goku, and this ball of power.

               I see now that I got ahead of myself playing with energy constructs so soon. I decide to instead of simply throwing it and wasting it, to attempt to retrieve my Ki. Make it a part of myself once again.

                I go over the steps I did in reverse, gaining familiarity with my Ki every moment I did so. As I made progress the ki in my hands shrank back down and eventually winked out of existence. I heard GG let out a grunt of approval and decided to help him unload the cart, while Goku tried to reenact what I just did.

              It seems GG went all out. Having gotten much of the essentials, like hinges, some glass, a utility sink, piping, and a massive steel plate with a few steel rings that are 8 feet or so across. He says they are to make an outdoor bath. GG then asks me what the tree is all about. 

             GG-"Care to explain the tree trunk in my yard, Ryan?"

             Feeling bashful I answer him.

            Ryan-"I wanted to Manifest Ki into the tree trunk to dry it out, allowing us to use it as building material far sooner. I want to build a log cabin large enough for us all GG.

             GG's eyes opened wide when he heard my answer.

             GG-"That is a rather knowledgeable mind you have there Ryan. Indeed, fresh cut wood is filled with water and needs to be dried. I can help teach you how to do so with your Ki. I do the same with the wet fire wood Goku brings back."

             Ryan-"Speaking of things Goku brings back, he caught a deer on our way to the stream. It's around back right now. I have no knowledge on field dressing any animal."

              GG-"I haven't taught Goku how to yet either, but I will soon once this cabin is built. I'll go and handle the deer. It seems Goku will be needed your help in a moment anyhow." 

               Leaving me a bit confused about Goku needing my help, GG walked behind the house leaving me alone with Goku once again. As i walked over to him and sat on the tree, I see  Goku in a sweat putting the few brain cells he has to task. 

                 I remember Goku copies the Kamehameha just by seeing it once when Master Roshi destroys Ox kings castle. I wonder why this time he is having so much trouble. I know he is a bit weaker, and far younger, than he is then. But this is confusing. The fact is, I don't know how strong a PL10 is on a Saiyan, I don't even know how strong I am. GG says I'm double his strength when i was his age yet, but that's meaningless to me.

        I look towards Goku and see his hands glowing brightly. Even brighter than mine did.

          Goku-"Look Ryan I did it too!" 

  With apparent ease Goku shows me his hands glowing while he jumps around happy at matching me so far. 

          I watch intently to his next few steps. Saiyans have Ki unlocked naturally. Whatever he does could be incredible important information to learn. My suspicion was proven correct as Goku formed a small ball of yellow ki in a single hand instantly. He then looked back at me and asked.

            Goku-"Ryan, what do I do with it?" 

            He must have missed me absorbing the energy back into myself, which is perfect for my cause.

             Ryan-"just launch it into the air Goku." 

           I tell him this, vaguely hoping his Saiyan instincts show me how exactly to launch ki. It's not like they normally physically throw the blasts. As I almost did earlier. My intuition proves correct as I watch Goku's ball of ki form a weak spot in its structure at the rear. I also notice a slight glow to his hand that seems to protect it from the backlash as his tiny yellow ki ball flashes into the sky. Where his arm was pointing. 

              As I'm staring into the sky waiting for a sign of an explosion that never comes, GG comes out from around the corner.

              GG-"Well done you two. That's enough of that for now. It's time for lunch."

               That got Goku's attention as he moves to follow his GG, completely uncaring that he just used ki on instinct alone. I can tell that GG noticed this as well. Maybe this will changed something in the coming years? Who knows.


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