Chapter 23: Chapter 23. Proposal

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   Being an augment means I can get by on far less sleep. I wake up as the sun rises and curse myself for leaving everything to cook on Korins Tower. I need to go back anyways, he has some beans I want.

   Exiting my ship I see that Bora is awake, likely never having gone to sleep, after the events of yesterday.

   Ryan-" Goodmorning Bora, do you happen to know the location of Master Shen's martial arts school?"

   Bora-" Yes, I do. It's not far to the North. Settled into the mountains above a large town of humans with unique traits."

   Ryan-" Unique traits?"

   Bora-" Some of them are descendants of True Jiangshi, others are witches who used to manipulate the dead and the living to resemble the fame of the Jiangshi, and the most notable group, are the ones from the sky, the Three Eyed Clan, said to have the eye of truth. There are also all sorts of werepeople and demons who also call that town home."

   "They are an resentful bunch who feel left out by modern society to the east, I met a master from there called Shen when I was young. He wanted me to become his disciple. However, he had the stench of death about him. My father asked him to leave and he did so without a fight, but a show of strength. The power he showed that day made me train as hard as I have. So that one day, I could protect this place from a man like him."

   So that's where Bora got his determination from.

   Ryan-" Thank you for the information, it was more than I expected."

   Bora-" We often trade with them. There is a path that leads to the village, however if you fly it won't be of any use or need. The Town is rather large."


   Ryan-" Excuse me while I answer this."     



   Ryan-" Goodmorning birthday girl, are you all close?"

   Bulma-"Yes, we are. Do you want to meet away from the forest? The R&R will investigate as soon as they get a ping on their radar. I know it will take a few seconds to transfer the ball."

   Ryan-" Yeah, that's a smart idea. Give me an hour, and I'll meet you east of where i am at the forests edge. Does that work?"

   Bulma-" That's perfect. I'll see you there, bye."

   Ryan-" See you then, bye."

   Bora-" Was that the witch?"

   Ryan-" Not yet, still my girlfriend. I'm headed back up the tower to get my things and then I'll be leaving."

   Bora-" Safe travels."

   Ryan-" live long and prosper."

   I set off for likely the last time I'll climb this tower and not fly to the top. I need those beans. Maybe I can grow them? Get Bulma to check them out under a microscope? Worth a shot either way.

   Ryan-" You miss me Korin? Korin? Where did you go?"

   I find Korin in a food coma beside my portable capsule fridge, and why do I smell pot?

   Ryan-" Korin, Korin wake up, you stoned cat!"

   Korin-" I'm up! I'm up! Stop yanking on my tail!"


   Korin-" You are back, how did it go kid?"


   Korin-" Don't be mad at me! You, are the one who left a cat alone with a fridge full of fish!"

   Ryan-" And the smell of pot in the air. You didn't get into my stash while i was gone did you?"

   Korin-" It was just a buzz for when I watched the show."

   Ryan-" You mean the show of when I went down there and risked my butt taking on Mercenary Tao? So while I was doing that, you were up here catching a buzz with my pot, and eating my fish?

   Korin-" I can pay you back!"

   Ryan-" And how's that hmm?"

   Korin-" I can let you try the Ultra Divine water!"

   Ryan-" From what you said, that's a punishment, but it is something. What else you got to add?"

   Korin-" I know! Here, try this!"

   Ryan-" And what is this?"

   Korin-" It's a magical bean that can feed a person for ten days and heal an injured person. I grow them in my free time."

   Ryan-" So you grow these? How many do you have Korin? You holding out on me?

   Korin-"I swear that's all I have to give away!"

   Ryan-" There are only three beans in here Korin. Surely you can do better than that?"

   Korin-" Leave the kitchen stuff, and the herb when you leave and I might have some more to spare."

   Ryan-" Deal."

   I drop the cat letting him go free.

   Korin-" I'll be back stay here."

   As Korin left to the private rooms of the tower I wondered what was back there exactly. It was never really shown in the anime. I remember something about some magic mirrors to get the Ultra Divine water. Maybe that's what he is doing right now. Before my curiosity gets the best of me Korin comes back with a sealed wooden cup and a bag of beans that looks full.

   Korin-" Here, if you need more I'll trade you anytime."

   After catching the hefty bag and the corked cup I asked.

   Ryan-" Korin, didn't you say that the Ultra Divine water is deadly?"

   Korin-" That's why you are not drinking it here. I don't want to see you die Ryan, now go. I saw you making plans to leave down there. I look forward to seeing more people make it up here in the future."

   Ryan-" Take care Korin, if you come down from the tower, find me in West city."

   Korin-" Farewell."

   As I fall out of the tower I store the Ultra Divine water for later. There is a large wooden cup full of it, and I have no need for it now. It's the real deal as well. I can feel it's magic. The beans I heft in my hand. There is atleast 20 in here. I intend to try to grow them. If anyone can tell me how, other than Korin, which he wouldn't, It's Baba. I'll give some to Kashi to ask about, when they go seeking aid for the last balls location. I doubt Kashi can do that herself yet.

   I right my path and speed up headed east for the meet up with Bulma. As I fly over the forest I look around at the trees and the sky. This world is much larger than Earth ever felt. And it is. Most people live in the five major cities.  Even calling them cities is a misnomer because of their size. They are more like super cities. Towns and village's represent a small fraction of the populace. Even still, there are billions of people living here.

   On the far east coast lies East city and halfway around the world is West city. With Central and North city in between them. South city is on a large island on that side of the world as well. If you go further west of west city you enter a far more wild area that becomes the sacred land of Korin. To the north is another large frozen island called Yunzabit heights. If you head south far enough, you will find Baba's Palace. 

   The further away from the cities the more odd things become. The land around Baba's palace is know to be magical. It is said to be the cause for dinosaurs, and other animals to begin talking. This is also the birthplace of the beast-man. 

   Master Shen seems to have moved to this area for his school to find these oddities. It's probably why his school is full of them. And placed where it is.

   I feel Bulma and them on the ground waiting for me. As soon as I near them I see that Kashi has gold bands all over her. She is reveling in her greed it seems. Not to be outdone chichi has on a tiara made of what looks like platinum with ruby stones of some kind inlaid.

   Ryan-" Should I bow infront of Royalty?"

   Bulma -" Ryan! Your here!"

   I catch Bulma as she jumps for me and return her hug. Giving her a few kisses on the cheek as I do.

   Ryan-" Nice to see you Bulma."

   Kashi-" You forgetting about someone?"

   Ryan-" Does my big sis want a hug?"

   Kashi-" Yes i do, I barely even saw you at the tournament."

   As the women get their fill, Goku appears with a giant catfish walking out of the forest.

   Ryan-" A catfish Goku? Where do you find all these fish wherever you go?"

   Goku-" It's all in the tail, you just wouldn't understand. We planned on staying here until noon, you want to eat lunch with us?

   Ryan-" I have been eating fish for months, another day won't change anything. How has the journey been? I didn't think it would take so long. It only took us a week last time."

   Bulma-" We didn't have an entire army to deal with either. Chasing the balls has been a headache. If we didn't find that treasure we would be far more annoyed."

   Ryan-" So Chi-Chi, I heard you wanted a big family with lots of kids. You going to do that now that you are rich?"

   Chi-Chi-" We have to get married first. But after that. We uh, hmhmhmm you know."

   Ryan-" When is the wedding?

   Chi-Chi-" After Goku grows up. I know it will be four or five years, but I'll wait."

   Ryan-" Sounds nice, I'll be there if you want me to be."

   As I'm talking to Chi-Chi I give Kashi a telepathic call.

   (Kashi-" What's up with the secrecy?")

   (Ryan-" It's Bulma's birthday. Do you all have any gifts? Plans?"

   (Kashi-" You are her boyfriend. I got her a gift already, she picked out a piece of treasure from the two of them and I made her something special.")

   (Ryan-" I have a cake in my hammerspace from the hotel. Fresh as the day it was baked.")

   (Kashi-" We can celebrate at lunch then. I'll give you two some alone time after that, and drag the others into something.")

   (Ryan-" Thanks sis")

   Ryan-"Goku, I'll cook a special lunch. Take Chi-Chi and look for some mushrooms. I need to get started now."

   Goku-" Special lunch? Come'on Chi-Chi let's go, we need mushrooms!"

   Chi-Chi-" I'm coming, I'm coming."

   Bulma-" What are you making Ryan?"

   Ryan-" Fried catfish, potatoe salad, and cornbread."

   Bulma-" So what are the mushrooms for?"

   Ryan-" I'll be making mushroom fried rice on the side so Goku has enough to eat. That boy has an endless stomach remember? Also can I get your capsules for outdoor cooking? I kinda sold mine for these."

   I showed bulma the beans hoping for a reaction, sadly she knows me too well.

   Bulma-" Ok I give up, what magic b.s are these beans suppose to do?"

   Kashi-" They are giving off a large amount of magic. It feels like my white crystal does."

   Ryan-" That makes sense, these beans can heal a person near instantly. You just need to eat one. They also can feed a person for 10 days, but that's small time compared to the healing."

   Kashi-" Can I take a look at one?"

   Ryan-" Actually I was hoping you would take a few and ask Baba when you get a chance for tips on growing them. I have no idea how it's done, but if anyone knows it's her."

   Kashi-" We may be headed there anyways. The seventh ball isn't on the radar any longer. We have five with yours and the next one is at R&R headquarters."

   Ryan-" How do you plan on getting that one?"

   Kashi-" Sneak in through the front door and let Goku at them."

   Ryan-"Yeah, that'll probably actually work."

   Bulma-" Can I get a bean as well? I want to see if I can learn anything from it."

   Ryan-" Sure, here take this pouch Kashi there are three in there. And take these two Bulma." 

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   After the conversation dies down a bit I begin cooking lunch starting with cutting up the fish and marinating it. Then the potatoe salad. Once the cubed potatoes are cooked I continue on by adding the ingredients for a potatoe salad. Minus celery, fuck celery. By the time i had it in the capsule fridge cooling, Goku comes back carrying a dead tree full of oyster mushrooms.

   Goku-" I forgot a bag so I brought the tree, hehe."

   Ryan-" That's fine Goku, here take these two pots and fill them with the mushrooms, and wash them. Do you want to help me cook the mushroom fried rice Chi-Chi?"

   Chi-Chi-" So that's what you wanted to make. Sure, I can handle that."

   Ryan-" That makes my job much easier. I trust you know what to do."

   Ryan-" Kashi, have you heard from GG lately?"

   Kashi-" A few weeks ago Yamcha called, asking for a rescue operation. It seems that GG has taken it upon himself to see Yamcha's worth. That was the last I heard. Every other time I call I only hear moans of weakness answering."

   Ryan-" He wouldn't be pushing him so hard if he didn't care about you. You are the granddaughter he never had."

   Kashi-" I suppose so."

   Ryan-" What about the space elevator Bulma? I haven't heard any news lately."

   Bulma-" The climate groups are making a scene. Dad had to buy more land around the tower to secure it. They keep breaking in trying to slow construction. He posted some security and fences up around the new land and he still has issues. But the project goes on."

   Ryan-" Hmmm, sounds annoying.

   Bulma-" So how did training with Korin go?"

   Ryan-" It was enlightening, but not some kind of miracle like the legend foretells. The strength enhancing water exists, but it is a deadly pain inducing poison, that will kill you, should you succumb to it."

   Kashi-" Sounds like something only the desperate would use."

   Ryan-" My thoughts exactly "


   Ryan-" My ship could use a tune-up and lunch is still a ways away. Care to come take a look Bulma?"

   Bulma-" That could take a while, once I get started on it I must finish."

   Ryan-" That's the plan."

   As Bulma finally understands my innuendo, she wastes no time in coming with me to the ship. I close the ramp behind me and ensure it's locked as the impatient Bulma skips my lips and starts kissing my neck, being shorter than me has its issue's."

   Ryan-" You should learn to fly. Haha!"

   Bulma-" Maybe I will, now Hurry up and pull out the bed and fuck me already!"

   Ryan-" You know we can't do that yet."

   Bulma-" What if i told you we could?

   Ryan-" I'm listening."

   I watch as Bulma pull up her top revealing red and black lines all over her stomach. I can't sense anything from it though."

   Ryan-" What am I looking at?"

   Bulma-" So you don't know everything about magic. This here, is a seal. A specially made one done by Kashi. Remember when I mentioned slowing down the pregnancy if we couldn't avoid it?"

   Ryan-" I take it this does that somehow?"

   Bulma-" Exactly, this slows the rate of growth. It can last for about 16 months before it needs to be released. "

   Ryan-" So that means it'll be 25 months before you pop. Are you sure you are ready for this? A child is a big deal Bulma."

   Bulma-" I heard what you said on the roof remember? You said you wanted a big family right? Besides, I already made my decision when I got this. I love you Ryan, there is nobody i would rather be with."

  Ryan-" I love you too Bulma."

  Bulma-" Now take me and don't be gentle!"

  Ryan-" As you wish."

  I have had plenty of time to think how this would go down and this was not it.

Pulling upon my fantasies I pick Bulma up with one hand on her small perky ass and she wraps her legs around me, kissing my neck the entire time. I walk to the large cockpit and summon the mattress, dropping her onto it. Before she can say I word I pull upon my magic, creating soft metal cuffs and short chains that I use to bind her arms above her head, to the floor.

   She flushes red from my actions with obvious anticipation. She holds her legs tight looking the other way as if ashamed, but I know better

   Ryan-" Remember the safe word?"

   As she quietly nods to my question not making a sound I start undressing her slowly, her shoes and socks went off without any fanfare. It was when I got the button of her pants that I finally got a reaction, from the restrained Bulma.

   Bulma-"Cling,..mhhh,..cling,,, ahh...clang."

   She begins to stir more as kiss her stomach overtop of the seals, I take my time. Savoring the moment, making Bulma needy as she begins to rub her crotch on my chest.

   Bulma-" Take them off!

   As i hear Bulma speaking, breaking the rules she set. I issue the proper punishment.


   Bulma -" AHH!"

   Ryan-" I give Bulma a light smack on her cheek and instantly feel her orgasm against my chest as her rubbing starts to hitch."

   I pull Bulma's tight pants and panties off her from the waist. Turning Them inside out with how tight they were glued to her. And go back to teasing the restrained Bulma. 

   This time I start with her chest, instead of storing her clothes i rip the shirt off of her for dramatic effect. The pink spaghetti strap top is no more, showing me her braless Tits. They have certaily grown since we met. She has fantastic set of breasts. I intend to get my fill.

   -"cling, cling,.cling mhhhhhh"

   While I'm sucking on her nipples she wraps her legs around me yet again, and tires to move her hands to my head, but is stopped yet again by the restraints.

   I keep working on the future mother of my children. Determined to make tonight as special as I can. I create some soft rope, and wrap them around her chest and arms, merging them to the floor, further locking her into place.

   Bulma-" Fuck, yes!!"


   Bulma-" AHH! Smack me harder!

   -" SSmackk!

   Bulma-" ha, ha, ha,"

   As Bulma goes through the throws, of yet another orgasm, I continue my slow ministrations. As I move down her body I have the Rope slowly follow me as I trail kisses all the way to her sopping wet pussy. 

   I give it one long taste going slow.

   Bulma-" Mhmhmhm."

   I look up to see a restrained Bulma biting her bottom lip as she watches me taste her. I keep eye contact and continue my efforts until she nears her climax. I suddenly stop, moving up her left thigh Much to her displeasure.

   Bulma-" Go back!"

   -" Smack!"

   Bulma-" Yes! I love it! Make me your bitch!"

   -"Smack, Smack, Smack!

   At this point Bulma has a silent orgasm as she goes still while her pussy tightens and she cums down her ass crack. My hits are leaving red marks all over her pretty face but they blend in with her flustered appearance, glad I have the beans. I wouldn't like to explain this to Kashi.

   As i kiss down her left thigh I summon more rope and bind her leg down at the thigh leaving her leg below the knee free.  I do the same with the right thigh leavimg her completely at my mercy. Her legs wide open, with her thighs tied down to each side. Her arms are above her head and she is flushed red below me.

   I stand up and remove my other slowly, letting her watch as I prepare myself. I know she doesn't have her hymen anymore, so this won't be painful, but I intend to get my fill.

   I position myself before Bulma leaning over her restrained form and start kissing her as my dick rests against her entrance.

   Ryan-" You ready?"

   Bulma-" Yes!"

   The next smack was me plunging into her. I did so hard enough to have balls slap against her ass.

   She felt like I expected tight and warm..and extremely wet. she gripped me with her pussy as I pulled out for another stroke and exclaimed loudly.

   Bulma-" Big! So warm! Yes! Pound against it! Use my pussy! Make it yours! That's perfect!

    I continue to fuck her roughly. With only my satisfaction in mind. With each thrust I hit her cervix and glance off stretching her walls. I lean back putting my hands on her hips and start to fuck even harder watching my dick stretch her tiny frame as I plunder her depths. With her legs spread and her unable to move I can get as deep as I want to.


   Bulma-" ahhh, ahh, yes! Make a mess out of my pussy!

   Bulma's tiny pussy begins to cum tightening around me wanting to push me out, but I ignore her cries of pleasure as I stretch her from every angle making sure to hit every part of her.

    It's not long before I get close to finishing. With no desire to hold back I cum deep inside of her and release her from the bindings. Letting her wrap her arms ans legs around me and hold me tight.

   Bulma-" I can feel it inside me! So hot!"

   With my load delivered we start to kiss with me never leaving her. My augments showing fruit in letting me continue. We roll over and I let Bulma take the lead. 

   She rides me with her hands on my chest bitting her lower lip and rocking her hips forwards and backwards. She is grinding her cervix on my dick. So i use some transformation magic, slowly increasing the girth of my dick to unnatural proportions  filling her up completely.

   Bulma-" OH! My God! Yes! Break my pussy!"

   Ryan-" Your wish is my command!"



   We fucked through lunch and Bulma was asleep before dinner. It turns out having a magic shape changing dick can do a lot. Including stay inside of Bulma as we lay here cuddling. As I feel myself ready for another round, I roll ontop of Bulma pressing my hips against her tiny ass and begin to fuck her yet again.

   She slowly wakes from her stupor and pulls a pillow under her hips to allow me a better angle as I slap against her ass. Delivering what feels like my last load for the night, as she cums.

    Bulma's tight pussy didn't let much leak during the the sex, so seeing a fountain of cum roll out of her as she shivered from her orgasm will be something to remember.

   Bulma-" You said those beans heal right?"

   Ryan-" Yeah, you should try one. Your a little beat up."

   Bulma-" Far more than a little. So I just eat it?"

   Ryan-" Yeah, It's gonna make you feel bloated though."

   Bulma-" I already am after what you did. I suppose it's worth it though. I love being filled by you. Pass me my jeans, the beans in them."

   Ryan-" Here, take this one I have more."

   Bulma-" No, pass me my jeans please."

   Ryan-" Okay, it's all the same to me.

   As Bulma ate the bean from her jeans I got some water and a pan out, started to heat it with Ki and warmed a washcloth to clean the mess I made on her. When I turned around I saw Bulma holding two clearly magical rings.

   Bulma-" As the older one I'll be asking. Will you marry me Ryan?"


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