Chapter 24: Chapter 24. Master Shen

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   Ryan-" Yes, I'll marry you Bulma."

   Bulma-" Really? You will?"

   Ryan-" Of course Bulma. I love you."

   Bulma -" I love you too!"

   Bulma couldn't hold it together anymore and tackled me into a hug while ugly crying, tears of joy. I think she forgot the whole ring part.

   Ryan-" Why are you crying Bulma? I understand being happy, but this a little much."

   Bulma-" Sniff, just never imagined I'd find such a great man, and actually get married."

   Ryan-" Well you did, and I'm not going anywhere. So tell me, what about these rings made you change your mind on rings entirely? I thought you said it was a long out of date fashion trend?"

   Bulma pulled back and collected herself, while I rung the hot washcloth and began to wipe her down.

   Bulma-" The blue is yours, and the pink one is mine obviously. I got these rings from Chi-Chi and Goku, it was in their pile of treasure. Chi-Chi drove a hard bargain until i asked for them for my birthday."

   The rings were beautiful. But not what I would call wedding bands or proper engagement rings. Her ring is petite, the many small pink diamonds sit just above the band cut to reflect light with it's many facets. The thin gold band has a hint of pink to it as well. It's not overdone but it is gorgeous. The other ring is compromised of, a thick bluish silver band with a few Royal blue stones recessed into it on the top. The stones are encased by metal band on nearly all sides, showing only their top face.

   Ryan-" These are safe right? What did Kashi say they do?"

   Bulma-" Of course, I ensured they were safe. Kashi claims they have a small resize enchantment, and they will always point the wearers to each other. No matter how far away you are, you can always find the way back together."

   Ryan-" I see why Chi-Chi wanted these rings. Goku is difficult to keep tied down. They are also beautiful, but Goku isn't a ring guy. May i see the pink one?"

   Bulma passed me her ring and I got a feel for it. The magic is all contained in the diamonds. I wonder who made it.

   Putting those thoughts aside I made for Bulma's left hand. It's just like this crazy girl to rush things, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Sitting here on a ship she built, on a mattress, naked as the day we were born I slip the ring on her finger watching it resize.

   Ryan-" It looks good on you Bulma. Pink  matches you nicely."

   The blushing Bulma doesn't respond only looking at her hand for a bit as I hold it before she does the same for me. I notice the ring when it settles on my hand. It is giving me a pull to it's pair's location whenever I think it. Bulma uses her ring as well, and I see her big beautiful smile as she feels it's effects.

   Ryan-" It looks beautiful on you Bulma thank you for the rings. I'll have to warn you though, I may take this off if I fear it'll break. I can't have this destroyed in a fight."

   Bulma-" Yes, you and your fights. Speaking of, you never sent out that Tao guy for the bounty by the way."

   Ryan-" I'll get the tag from Kashi in the morning. It gives me a few more hours to celebrate with my lovely fiancé."

   Bulma-" let's not waste it."

   Kashi-" Well goodmorning you two. I hope you got everything out of your system. I had to finish cooking that lunch myself. I hope it was worth it."

   Bulma-" More than that. I asked him and he said yes!"

   Kashi-" I told you he wouldn't be rea- wait! He said Yes? Congratulations! Chi-chi come over here! You gotta hear this!"

   Ryan-" I'll let you girls do your thing."

   I went towards the smell of food, Chi-Chi running past while I headed to Goku, grabbing myself a plate on the way."

   Ryan-" Did Chi-Chi make this sausage?"

   As I asked this question to an actively eating Goku. His responses are limited.

   Goku-" Mmhmm"

   Ryan-" Sounds like she knows the way to your heart already. You still plan on climbing the tower?"

   That got his attention, and actual words out of him.

   Goku-" Chi-Chi and I both are, she wants to see that cute cat you talked about yesterday."

   Ryan-" As good a reason as any I suppose."

   Goku-" Are you going back there after we split up?"

   Ryan-" No, I'm headed to Master Roshi's fellow disciples school. That Mercenary Tao guy was his brother. There is no way he will let his death go. Better to head it off. Besides, he has a bounty, even if it's old. The man seems to live as long as Roshi does."

   Goku-" Sigh.."

   Ryan-" What's got you down?"

   Goku-" You keep finding all these good fights, and I'm missing out."

   Ryan-" Kashi won't spar with you?"

   Goku-" That's not the same."

   Ryan-" Remember Aunty Baba has those strong fighters? Maybe you can fight them when you see her."

   Goku-" You're right! We need to hurry!"

   Ryan-" If you leave dirty dishes Kashi will give you a one sided spar you won't like. By the way I'm getting married now too."

   Goku-" To Bulma?"

   Ryan-" Of course it's Bulma, who else would it be!? Now help me clean up and you all can get out of here faster."


   Later that morning as we prepared to split up I gathered the tickets I would be needing.

   Ryan-" Thanks for the ticket Kashi, can I get Shen's as well?"

   Kashi-" You really going after him?"

   Ryan-" I can't take the risk of him going after someone I care about in retaliation. The sooner the better."

   Kashi-" That's going to hurt Master Roshi you know."

   Ryan-" It's not my fault that his fellow disciple is an assassin. But I have a plan that may ease the pain."

   Kashi-" Here is the tag for Shen. I hope you know what you are doing Ryan."

   Ryan-" I do too."

   Bulma-" When will you be back home?"

   Ryan-" I should be back at GG's before you gather the dragonballs at your current speed."

   Bulma-" keep laughing. We will have this done in a few days."

   Ryan-" Sure you will, Bulma. Can you let go now? It looks like everyone is ready."

   As Bulma notices the others waiting on her she blushes, and gives me a hug.

   Ryan-" I'll see you soon."

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   Bulma-" Take care."

   Goku-" I'll see you at GG's Ryan!"

   I watch as Kashi waves goodbye while her and Bulma follow Goku and Chi-Chi on the Nimbus. I take off under my own power moments later not wanting to deal with any soldiers that may come investigating.

   I found myself over a large town, the Dojo sat at the foot of a mountain that has large sheer cliffs. I made my way straight there flying myself skipping the town entirely, the Dojo was rather empty and while it was in good repair. It felt unwelcoming.

   The front double doors were closed, however I had no intentions of knocking. Heading straight in towards the only five power levels, I find mostly what I expected. I see Tien, and Chiaotzu wearing the green gi of Shen the same as when Goku found then conning the villagers. 

   Master Shen is watching over them with that stupid crane hat on his head. The last two people were enigmas until i saw them. One is Ino-Shika-Cho. I'll have to bring him somewhere he can be happy and safe. The other is a little girl, and only one person fits the bill, Yurin. She is very young, but the hair is still the same as it is in super. She is wearing some kind of blue Chinese style dress.

   Master Shen-" Who might you be young man? You don't strike me as a client. Are you looking for instruction?"

   As Master shen addresses me Tien stands behind him with Chiaotzu. Ino-Shika-Cho, and Yurin are off to the side watching things with curiosity. 

   Ryan-" Greetings Master Shen. I am not looking for instruction. I am here to inform you that your brother has been killed by a bounty hunter."

   Master Shen- " Lies! There are only a handful of people who could kill my brother. You have some nerve to walk in here spouting this nonsense!"

   Ryan-" Unfortunately it is the truth."

   I summon the braid from Tao that I cut off during the match letting Shen get a good look.

   Ryan-" We both know that Tao would never let the man who cut his braid off to  live. The only way to stop him-

   Master Shen-" Would be to kill him.   Why are you here telling me this?"

   Ryan-" Because no matter how hard you try to deny it, you loved your brother, and you will seek revenge against me. Likely through my loved ones if not myself. That's the kind of man you are.

   Master Shen-" You are correct. SUPER DODON RAY!"

   Time slows down for me as he fires a a Much larger, slower Dodon, one that reminds me of what Cyborg Tao would have used on Tien at the tournament.

   Before I can begin to dodge I feel Chiaotzu's mind moving to hold me, but it gives me an idea for the show that needs to happen.

   I break free of Chiaotzu's weak telekinesis and fly up showing off my flight skill, barely avoiding the much stronger Dodon.


   Unlike a normal Dodon this one explodes with quite some force causing damage to the dojo. It also stuns the bystanders long enough, for me to grab and knockout Chiaotzu to use as a shield. Not my proudest moment, but necessary. 

   Tien-" Chiaotzu!"

   I float above Shen, and Tien using the passed out Chiaotzu as a shield ready to toss him should he try to blow himself up. I need Shen to show his ruthlessness. His lack of honor.

   Ryan-" Tsk, tsk, tsk. This is between you and I Shen. You should tell your students to stay out if it or they may get hurt. How about I let your disciple go, and we take this outside? 

   I watch Tien look towards Shen with hopeful eyes, only to be disappointed.

   Master Shen-" Like I care if that midget gets hurt! Dodon ray barrage!

   Tien-" Master Shen please don't fire at Chiaotzu, he may get hit!"

   Master Shen-" Shut up, and help me Tien! This man must die! Even if it means Chiaotzu must die as well!

   Much faster then before, Shen begins to spam the attack while using an afterimage, unfortunately for him I have been training with Korin. Dodging these attacks is nothing at all. Especially when I see that Tien hasn't begun to follow orders.

   Ryan-" You won't have a dojo left at all at this rate. Just come with me Shen, there is no reason to drag your students into this."

   Master Shen-" Grrrr, Tien why are you just standing there? Help me!"

   As they converse, I fly out of one of the new skylights Master Shen just installed, and find an outdoor sparring area. Yurin and Ino-Shika-Cho  are both defenseless I can't have them dieing on me.

   Master Shen, and Tien follow behind me with only Shen flying, he does so much better than I can.

   Master Shen-" You dare kill my brother, and steal my technique!"

   Ryan-" Your brother was a mercenary, and you are an assassin. You bring shame to the legacy of Mutaito. I'll be putting a stop to the death you spread!"

   That did something as Shen began to attack me, like an animal..

   Master Shen-" Aaaa"

   He never let up, continuing his rush attack until I was forced to cover Chiaotzu from a point blank attack I didn't know he could do.

   Master Shen-" TRI-BEAM!!"

   I turned around midair shielding Chiaotzu, I never expected this from Shen.


   Tien-" Chiaotzu!"

   Master Shen-" HAHAHA! He didn't see that coming at all! Tien, look for their bodies."


   Master Shen-" You will listen to your Master!"

   Ryan-" Ow,ow,ow. I didn't think you would try to kill your own student! What's wrong with you?"

   Master Shen-" You're alive? Impossible! 

   Tien-" Chiaotzu! You're alive!"

   Master Shen-" Tien! Forget about Chiaotzu, and help me kill him!"

   Ryan-" Tien, why don't you take your buddy here away and let me handle Shen?" 

   Master Shen-" You will listen to me Tien and prepare to attack him together! Do you understand!?"

   Ryan-" You don't have to be a killer like he is Tien. Take Chiaotzu and let me handle him myself."

   As Tien was making his choice, Shen made it for both of us.

   Master Shen-" Enough of this insolence if you won't behave, die! DODON RAY!

   Tien-" Ahh!"

   The sick bastard turned on Tien firing a Dodon through his stomach. This was not a part of my plan. And of course Chiaotzu decides now is the time to wake up. I let him go, and he runs over to Tien screaming.

   Chiaotzu-" Tien! Tien!, don't die, you can't die!"

   I can't give them anymore attention right now. Shen needs to die, and Tien needs a senzu before the wound does him in. Time for plan B. I jump off the ground forming a sword as I fly towards him. He can see me coming, but not the dozen metal rods above his head. I swing making him fly further in the air into the mass of metal I had summoned. It's when I stop pursuing, that he realizes he fucked up.


   The sunny sky grows far brighter as Shen gets pierced by the metal rods before being electrocuted by my magic. The rods hit him in the air driving him into the ground, and I create and guide real lightning to finish the tough old man off. It isn't until I feel something on my leg that I stop pulling lightning down.

   Yurin-" Help Tien, please! he is going to die!"

   Nothing like a crying little girl to remind you of what's important. Let's see how senzu beans heal holes in people.


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