Chapter 38: Chapter 38. A new family member.

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   Ryan- "Good morning everyone, it's nice to see you all. Now that everyone has basic ki control down, today will be your very first lesson in flight. 

   "As you can see I have changed the classroom into a pit of sand and have buried ropes underground. Could you all please position yourselves by one of those ropes and tie yourself off, around the ankle not the waist lest the rope wrap around your legs."

   "The rope is because I don't want anyone getting too excited and falling from too great a height. These ropes will stop you from going further than a 4 meters off the ground to hopefully limit any injuries. I ask the parents, to please ensure that the children are secured properly before we begin."

   Yesterday I had spent the day teaching basic and advanced flight principals to GG, Pansy, Bulma, Krillin, Yamcha, Goku, and Chi-Chi. Tights and Briefs are leaning with the tribe. Yesterday, I had the kids and adults play with their Ki, but today I'll be teaching the rest of them basic levitation, the kind of flight Tien used at the world martial arts tournament in cannon. Not the fancy high intensity aura infused flight.

   Ryan-" Behind me is everyone who has already leaned flight to some extent. They will be going through and helping anyone that needs a hand or looks to be having trouble. Kashi, will be offering healing to anyone who injures themselves. Do you all have any questions?"

   The kids looked like the had plenty of childish questions, but they knew better than to ask those with their parents around.

   Ryan-" Great, let's begin as normal, I want everyone to relax and to draw upon that well of power as we have practiced."

   I give them some time letting everyone be ready before I move on to the next step. They are all spread out far enough to not be able to touch each other when tied off. I felt it was safer so that no crashes happen. Spreading out through the artificial sand pit are my friends who are helping mostly the younger kids who have had the hardest time keeping up and focusing.

   Ryan-" When you are ready, I want you to push your Ki out gently, it doesn't take much, but it must be constant. The idea is to push the Ki out but not to cut the air, you need to push your Ki out in a constant wave that gives you something to find leverage against. The effect will create a breeze signifying you are on the right path."

   Upa-" Excuse me But won't this cause sand to go everywhere?"

   Ryan-" Don't worry, I have a handle on the sand, it won't go anywhere unless I want it too. Once you gain proficiency it won't be much of an issue either, you'll naturally gain better control. Now everyone, when you are ready begin to try to push against the air, some of you may find grasping the air around you easy but the idea of flight is to move, so you need to consistently push not hold onto the air."

   The rest of the day was met with little success, yet the encouragement never stopped. Tights, and Briefs much like Bulma, had an issue with trust. Their rational mind found this to be ridiculous.

   Bora was the most successful even if he didn't obtain flight, his huge size and weight made this difficult for him. Upa, while lagging behind his father had Korin in his corner the entire time aiding him. Korin never mentioned whether he could fly, but he showed off his own knowledge. I imagine Upa will be the first if this keeps up.

   Ryan-" Ok everyone it has been a long day, let's end it here. I want you all to practice expelling your Ki for the next few days in small amounts like you have been today, but nobody is to actually attempt to fly. Bora told me you have your normal responsibilities to take care of so we will pick up where  we left off in three days"

   The kids looked a bit bummed out by my announcement, but it was true. After everyone packed up I watched as Korin followed the tribe back along with Bora. It seems guarding Korin takes precedence over the tower itself. It also looks like we are on our own for dinner tonight."

   GG-" The kids are having a tough time."

   Bulma-" The scouter is showing that those with the lower power levels are having more difficulty. A power level of 10 and above seems to produce much better results. The further below that number the more difficult it becomes."

   Ryan-" That's expected, however you must remember the kids are lighter as well, all they need is more practice."

   Bulma-" That is true, and the results are showing that my curriculum to unlock Ki naturally won't even be needed. The technique works flawlessly, we just need to spread it around."

   GG-" There are still some great insights in it. It could still be used as teaching material. It also gives people an opportunity to unlock Ki on their own without assistance."

   Bulma-" I suppose it's not worthless, I'll still submit it to the King. I think the technique will overshadow it though."

   Krillin-" Can we use that power level detector now? I'm really curious."

   Ryan-" Yeah, sure follow me to my ship. I'm sorry I forgot, it completely left my mind after the drama surrounding Puar came about."

   Krillin-" I can't believe her mother treated her like that, what's worse is that she doesn't even realize how bad it was."

   Ryan-" She has Pansy, Bulma, Tights, and Dr. Briefs now. Not to mention the dense idiot Yamcha. She went from no family to a large one. It doesn't fix the horrible childhood she had, nor does it fix how her mother abandoned her at the  transformation school, but remember her mother was a cat. Magical or not, intelligent or not, she was still a cat."

   "They live short lives and hers spent seven of those years raising her, which is far longer than most. From our perspective those years may have been horrid but to her it was normal."

   Krillin-" Well she can't hide from the truth that she isn't a cat, but rather a human who can turn into a cat."

   Ryan-" Easier said than done, she spent nearly her whole life living as a cat, Bulma already told me she doesn't even know how to shave, or comb her hair. I can't imagine what else she doesn't know about basic human hygiene let alone the societal norms she has overlooked when regarded as a cat."

   We made it to my ship as the conversation came to end. I had left it out the past few days mainly to have a place to get a quick blowjob from Bulma, but it's passive scanning feature and the ability to have it recognize individual power signatures allows me to leave it out and check on the logs whenever I desire.

   Sfx-Phssssh!( ramp lowering)

   Krillin-" How do I get a ship like this?"

   Ryan-" Get yourself a filthy rich genius for a girlfriend."

   Krillin-" I'd be happy with just a girlfriend."

   Ryan-" You'll get one don't worry. Now let's see where everyone sits at."

   SFX-Beep, beep, beep.

   Ryan-"Eat your heart out Raditz."

   Krillin-" What did you say?"

   Ryan-" Nevermind, now let's start with you Krillin, it looks like I got solid readings when everyone learned to fly yesterday. You sit at 383 constant, but spiked to 401 yesterday."

   Krillin-" That is much stronger than before. I think that spike came from when I practiced a technique I have been working on."

   Ryan-" What technique is that?"

   Krillin-" It's a secret, I'll let you know when it's completed."

   Ryan-" Fair enough. Now let's see, it looks like you beat out Yamcha by a healthy margin. Yamcha mananged a steady 361. Chi-Chi came it at 415 which I bet is in part due to the rage boost she has. Kashi is the next up at 553, like Chi-Chi some of her boost went towards magic. I clock in at 1,312 with Goku beating me, with high of 1,472."

   Krillin-The gap just keeps getting larger."

   He says this in an obviously downcast way.

   Ryan- " Remember Goku is an alien, and I gained memories from some defunct magic in gem that boosted my knowledge of Ki, to great heights. The beans also gave us all a multiplier of 2.5. from what I gather, the stronger we were when we ate it, the more we received.

   The Briefs who ate the half beans only received a 50% increase in power. For example Pansy went from 71 to 107. Keeping her lead over her daughter and extending it. Leaving Bulma In the double digits at 99."

   Krillin-" What about the newest addition Puar?"

   Ryan-" Puar wasn't someone who received a Ki boost, we think it changed her magic."

   Krillin- "What makes you say that?"

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   Ryan-" Her being unable to transform back into a cat is likely due to her getting her magic changed. Also, she doesn't register a large Ki spike, her power level is showing just 22, Tights, and Briefs gained more than her at total of 30, and 38 respectively, yet Puar ate an entire bean."

   Krillin still looks a little disheartened so I try to cheer him up.

   Ryan-" Don't look so down, you are one of the strongest men on the planet, and you are still growing, we will all reach far greater heights than this, I guarantee it. You acting pouty is unbecoming. Remember Krillin, soon everyone will know of Ki and people like us will be famous, or atleast highly respected for our strength. You wouldn't want to look like someone who doesn't appreciate what he has do you?"

   Ryan-" You're right, Thanks Ryan, I shouldn't harbor envy in my heart, I'll get there my own way. Maybe I should go back to Roshi's after this, he said he had some master level techniques he could teach me. But I needed to get Stronger, he said I needed to be twice as strong as him."

   Ryan-" If you do, take Yamcha and Puar. Roshi has three strong students he is preparing for the next tournament, I bet you and Yamcha could help push them further."

   Krillin-" Who are they?"

   Ryan-" Not saying, You'll just have to go there yourself to find out. Now let's get back out there, Pansy is cooking dinner, and I don't want to miss it."

   Krillin, and I made our way back towards the campsite. We didn't bring much tech, but using magic Kashi verified Puar's parentage yesterday. Earlier Kashi was helping Puar reaquaint herself with her magic. For some reason she can't transform into her cat form any longer, nor use her transformation magic. 

   Briefs is shell shocked and hasn't said much but is welcoming. Pansy on the other hand viewed the issue as a surrogate child and just went into mom mode making all kinds of foods and quite literally trying to make up for lost time. All the while giving Briefs the cold shoulder when she herself knows he didn't do anything wrong and is just a victim, she is still angry.

   Idk how Puar views all of this because she is incredibly shy when in her human form. She can't float as she did either so her lack of mobility isn't helping things. She is also stressed about the loss of her magic. If it wasn't for Yamcha, and the comfort of Scratch staying by her side, I imagine she would have had a nervous breakdown by now.

   I feel bad for offering her that bean, but in the long term this will only be healthy for her, if I hadn't she will still be living the lie. I have a feeling she knew exactly who her father was as well. After she got cleaned up by the girls and given a haircut the resemblance to Pansy  was unmistakable. She was just a smaller shorter more petite blue haired Pansy. Her hair was a spot on match for Briefs hair, which is much lighter in color than Bulma's.

   I see Kashi at the forests edge with her easel out painting something. She doesn't paint often, but when the mood strikes her she makes some fantaastic art.

   I make my way over to her walking around her. She is painting a picture of the group and the table where almost everyone is waiting for dinner already. Even including Pansy who has recruited Yamcha to help her make dinner. The base of the tower and the setting sun are in the background, and Puar is sitting next to her newfound father and sisters while talking and petting scratch who has moved to her lap off of the good Doctors shoulders.

   Ryan-" It looks nice."

   Kashi-" Thank you, I wanted to give Puar and the family something to remember this by. One day she will look back on this, and realize it changed her life for the better. So where did you wonder off to?"

   Ryan-"Krillin and I checked on the power levels the ship has recorded so far."

   Kashi-" And? Where does everyone stand at?"

   Ryan-" Well you yourself clocked in at 553, Chi-Chi was just over 400, and Krillin and Yamcha were in the mid and upper 300's."

   Kashi-" What about you and Goku?"

   Ryan-" Goku beat me with a score of nearly 1,500. I sit in second place at 1,312."

   Kashi-" I noticed Puar didn't get any boost to her Ki. I assume it went to her magic? I know mine did as well, my boost to my Ki was smaller than everyone else who ate a full bean."

   Ryan-" You are correct she didn't gain any Ki from what I can tell."

   Kashi-" Well I have a theory as to what is happening to her."

   Ryan-" And what's that?"

   Kashi-" I'm basing this off of the oddities I saw and have learned in the past few days, so bear with me. Goku's tail grew for some reason and was reinforced, I'm still working on that one. Chi-Chi's Ki flames grew to a higher quality. Which we still need to figure out if it can help our research, But thats a different matter."

   "I received an enhancement to my crystals which is even more disturbing than I first thought. The black crystal has developed a hunger for raw flesh. Particularly, flesh from creatures who can feel pain and fear. It can open up to to form a giant shadow of sharp teeth that are made for ripping a tearing, the crystal gains power from emotions, and the quality of the meal, so the more sentient stronger, and slower the death, the better."

   Ryan-" That sounds exactly like an Oni. Where is it now?"

   Kashi-" The crystals can't go into my hammerspace anymore, but they can both fall into my shadow."

   As Kashi says this, she looks to her side and her shadow ripples as the black crystal surfaces like a submarine before it attempts to smile, slowly opening its mouth showing me a a set of teeth on the eyeless crystal that would make it fit right in with something out of a horror anime from my past about some magical girls that got extremely dark.

   Ryan-" That's not creepy at all."

   Kashi-" You are correct about the Oni horns. It also falls in line with it not being harmful to me, because it aflicts the crystal. I think the divine water changed my other crystal but I can't be sure. But this got me thinking."

   "I assume the Phoenix Tears helped Chi-Chi because there was some overlap in the nature of the magic. She has also gained far better control and doesn't worry about catching her clothes on fire anymore. With Puar, there is one ingredient that would resonate with her as well, and I can't think of any other reason it was in the potion."

   Ryan-" What ingredient was that?"

   Kashi-" The teeth of the Byakko."

   Ryan-" And what do they normally do?"

   Kashi-" They are normally used for summons, never as ingredients. The difficult part of using them is not the magic, but the cat's free will. I had two dozen full sets of 4 canine teeth, so two dozen potential summons. They only follow orders from someone they respect, someone strong in strength and in will. I think her unresponsive magic is the will of the Byakko making it's discontent Known."

   Ryan-" What do you think she should do? Shouldnt we tell her?"

   Kashi-" Telling her would be bad for her. She needs to gain their respect. Doing so when she does it with that intention in mind taints the whole process. First, I would start with training obviously. But more than that, she needs to show her courage."

   Ryan-" Got any ideas?"

   Kashi-" Yeah I do, but you aren't going to like it."

   Ryan-" Let me hear it."

   Kashi-"I was thinking of you or Goku sparring with Yamcha and going too far. If she is watching, it may spur her on to confront you for harming Yamcha. If the spirits see her will to stand in your way, even when weaker it'll be a good first step."

   Ryan-" Will the spirits be fooled by that?"

   Kashi-" Not at all, they can tell when someone has real intent to kill or harm, but Puar doesn't, and the spirit will know that as well. It's all about how Puar handles the situation, based on her beliefs."

   Ryan-" let's think of some alternatives, and if we do go this route, we should do it far later, she is still recovering. we also need Yamcha and the others in on it. I'm not going to use him without him knowing until after the fact."

   Kashi-" Let's hope she can wait, and that Yamcha is a good actor."

   Pansy-"Food is ready come and get it!"



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