Chapter 37: Chapter 37. Senzu plant

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   GG-" That's because it has. It's more than twice as long as before, the rest is still inside his pants."

   GG begins to walk towards us from a few meters away, and as he says, even more tail snakes out of the hole in Goku's bottoms. We watch as Goku checks out his new tail, having caught his breath.

   Goku-" Hey GG, you going to eat that?'

   The whole group turns to him having tasted the bean, even Kami looks like he would eat another if given the chance. And Namekians don't eat.

   Kashi-" You didn't eat your bean GG? Why not?"

   GG-" I nearly did, but at the last moment I had an idea. Baba, could you please summon me a large pot?"

   Baba-" I see where you're going with this, interesting idea."

   Baba silently creates a giant pot, comparable to the giant seed in GG's hands. I follow behind without prompting, dragging some healthy living soil out of the forest filling the pot. I also create some fresh water and hold it in the air, all of this happens just as i could before, but takes far less effort, I truly feel as if I breached a major milestone tonight.

   GG-" Anyone got a reason I shouldn't try this?"

   I instinctively look towards Korin, and Kami. Yet they seem to have no qualms. Without any further waiting GG plants the bean gently, he buries it deep and covers it loosely with the dark earth I procured for him, he gives me a nod when he is finished and I give the pot a good dose of water, while leaving a small Bubble for him to wash his hands.

   Bulma-" What now?"

   Baba-" We wait."

   Ryan-" Doesn't it normally take a while to sprout?"

   Baba-" Nothing about this is normal."

   We all watch with anticipation, waiting for something to happen, for nearly an hour until a certain someone wakes up."

   Puar-" Ooowww, everything hurt's. I can't even feel my tail."

   Yamcha-" Hey, easy Puar, you went through a lot."

   Puar-" Wha, what's going on Yamcha? Why do I feel so weird?"

   Kashi-" Here, take this and take a look."

   As Puar reaches for the mirror she sees her arms and hands and she stops cold, before she begins to look at Yamcha with evident fear."

   Puar-" How? Why am I in this form?"

   Kashi-"? You know about this form?"

   Puar-" Well I uh, uh, sigh... There is no use in lieing anymore. I have always had this form. My mother was a true magical shapshifting cat, unlike her I had to learn transformation magic. My father was an ordinary human who I never met. I always lived as a cat like my mother for nearly as long as I can remember.

   Yamcha-"Why did you lie and say you were a boy?"

   Puar-" Because you were my friend Yamcha, and remember how scared of girls you were? I didn't want you to be scared of me. And before I knew it, things had gone on for so long, I just lived the lie. I was happy enough to be your friend."

   Kashi-" Ryan, do you mind making her some clothes?"

   Ryan-" Stay still Puar, I'm going to use some magic."

   I made Puar a set of white cotton like pj's so that she had more than a Gi top covering her before I turned to Yamcha. 

   Ryan-"Why don't you take her somewhere she can recuperate and get herself decent? This conversation should be between you two anyways."

   Yamcha-" You're right, come here Puar let me help you to bed."

   Puar-" I haven't walked in years, can you carry me please?"

   Yamcha-" Sure thing."

   I watch as Yamcha carries a blushing Puar back towards the tents we have all been using this past week.

   Kashi-" What a dense idiot."

   Ryan-" I think Puar is patient enough to deal with him. But I'm glad that the beans didn't change her gender, or make her human."

   Kami-" The Dragonballs cannot even do that. It makes sense this couldn't."

   Ryan-" Why is that? The Dragonballs can bring people back to life but can't create a new body?"

   Kami-" They can create the body, even change a body, but bonding a soul to a new body is another story. The only reason the Eternal Dragon can bring people back to life is due to my job and the authority I have as the Guardian of Earth."

   Ryan-" I see, that makes some sense."

   Baba-" The bean is sprouting, look."

   We all come together around the giant pot. It's over five foot tall. I watch as Goku uses his tail to push himself up to see the soil, carrying Chi-Chi with him even if she barley needs a boost. At the top we all see a sprout push itself free of the soil still encased in it's seed.

   Tights-" Looks like a success to me. But what is it?'

   Korin-" It's a Senzu plant. It's a hardy magical bush. One of two in the world. I have the other one."

   GG-" You got any tips on taking care of it?"

   Korin-" Just tend to it like normal, it should be extremely resistant as far as the weather goes. It'll be quite some time before you get any Senzu beans though. I'm amazed the seed actually sprouted, it shouldn't have been capable of that."

   Baba-" And why is that? I have been having some trouble trying to figure it out."

   Korin-" It normally takes a particular magic ritual, that was lost, long before my time, in order for it to germinate. And not just any seed can do so. It seems this one is an exception."

   GG-"Anything different about it?"

   Korin-" Aside from the size, Not at all. By the time it starts to produce anything, I imagine it will probably look like a normal Senzu plant if perhaps a bit larger."

   GG-" How long exactly until it starts producing?"

   Korin-" From what I know it takes around ten years to get the first bean. This is a magical plant, and has no real defense from animals or pests. You must take great care to protect it. The beans themselves grow without any protective covering all alone, rather than in pods as you may have expected. Once it starts producing you'll get another bean every year afterwards up to a certain point.

   GG-" That's a slow start, but given time it'll be nice to have."

   Korin-" You live on Mount Paozu correct?"

   GG-" That is correct."

   Korin- "That's a great place to grow it, make sure it gets plenty of light, that pot will last you the first ten years, but after it starts making beans, you'll need to make sure it gets the proper fertilizer. Unlike me you could plant it in the ground, which I recommend if you can keep it safe. I use the waste from fish, and bones from birds plus some compost, it seems to work well."

   GG-" I thank you for the guidance Master Korin, it seems I have a new hobby."

   Korin-" Bora, Upa, please follow me, we have much to discuss."

   Kami-" Goku, Chi-Chi, both of you can stay down here to attend the flying lessons Ryan is hosting. But don't cheat, i want you both to climb back up the tower when you're done."

   Ryan-" I'll be coming to the lookout with  them, I'm not letting you run away from this Kami."

   Kami takes off leaving us quickly, I probably struck a nerve.

   Goku-" Flying sounds so cool, much better than sitting around and meditating."

   Kashi-" Hey guys, come check this out."

   Kashi, caught the attention of everyone and she uses her black crystal creating a shadow underneath her that she falls into appearing a dozen meters away in a shadow casted by the fire with both crystal in tow."

   Krillin-" That was awesome! One second you were therez and the next you were a dozen meters away, talk about speed."

   Baba-" Isn't that shadow magic?"

   Kashi-" As always you're correct master. It seems my crystals have grown in abilities. Not only the black one but the white as well, watch."

   The white crystal glows and slowly we all start to feel refreshed before it stops.

   Kashi-" The white crystal, not only heals, but can replenish a person's stamina as well now. The only downside is it does so for anyone who can feel it's light."

   Ryan-" That's pretty amazing."

   Krillin-" Hey Ryan do you still have that power level reader?"

   Ryan-". Yes I do, but let's wait until the morning when everyone is refreshed.

   Pansy-" Speaking of, it's extremely late, we should all go to bed, we can pick this up in the morning."

   Briefs-"I agree dear, a good night's sleep sounds amazing."

   Tights-"Thank you for sharing that Bulma, but you didn't have to do that you know."

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   Bulma-" You are my sister Tights, this is what family is for, I'll always have your back."

   After everyone said goodnight, I retired to my private little tepee. And Bulma, tights and Kashi went to their own. Pansy, and GG worked together to make that happen, but tonight I'm glad for it, I am far too tired to satisfy my women tonight.


   The following morning I awoke to the chirping of birds, far louder than normal, as if they knew of the miracle that happened last night.

   Pansy-" Come and get it, the food is hot and ready."

   The Karinga tribe didn't stay too close to the tower unlike us, so breakfast was not nearly as crowded as the rest of the day.

   Goku-"Hurry up Chi-Chi, the food smells amazing!"

   Chi-Chi-" You would let your nose lead you off a cliff, if I didn't watch over you!"

   Goku, and Chi-Chi come into view. Chi-Chi is wearing actual jeans and a shirt for once, white short jeans that end at on her calf, and a pink T-shirt. A little odd to see Chi-Chi dressed this way, but she looks good, especially with her hair down. I could only assume she must have either run out of clothes or my two ladies had to show her some different fashion.

   GG-" Good morning everyone."

   Bulma-Tights-" Coffee!"

   Kashi-" Good morning Ryan, How have you been sleeping all alone? I know I miss you next to me."

   Ryan-" I can't say I miss the blue balls."

   Kashi-" You'll just have to deal with it. I'm not as freaky as Bulma, and I want to wait until we get married."

   Ryan-" I understand. But that doesn't absolve your crimes of being a tease."

   Kashi-" I'll make it up to you on our wedding night, now let's get some food."

    After most of the group arrives Pansy began making plates for everyone until Krillin noticed a distinct lack of Yamcha and Puar."

   Krillin-" Puar and Yamcha are still asleep, I'll go get them."

   Pansy-" Let them be Krillin, I heard them up early into the morning talking, they could use the sleep. If you want to help, you could take them some plates after we finish here."

   Krillin-" That's a smart idea, I can't let Yamcha oversleep, we still have class today right Ryan?"

   Ryan-" Yes, but I decided to heed GG's advice and let everyone get more comfortable with their Ki today, it'll also ensure the younger kids will be responsible and safe with the ability to fly. Perhaps we should have taught the adults and have let them teach their children. In any case I want everyone here who has had Ki for a while to learn flight today, I'll need you to help the new fliers not hurt themselves. Kashi I'll be relying on you to help allt here especially if any of the kids hurt themselves.

   Kashi-" I don't mind healing the kids, but sometimes pain teaches them a lesson worth learning, don't think I'm.going to heal just any scrape or bruise."

   Ryan-" That's more than enough."

   Bulma-" Regarding the kids, we made the right call, I needed all this data. The Karinga tribe has been a wonderful data point so far. Especially how the kids handle it."

   GG-" Bulma is correct. This also helps the King with a question of how young is too young. While he doesn't know of our technique to awaken a person's Ki yet, he will, and that will come with decisions in regards to this."

   "For example, I can already imagine young kids who don't have Ki yet getting hurt or dieing where them having Ki could have saved them. I can also see kids abusing Ki, which can vary between extensive property damage to even death. These kids are far more watched over and responsible than most. This gives us a great opportunity to see the mental effects of how having this much power changes a child."

   Pansy-" Speaking of children, I'll ask to help teach kids rather than adults. I find I enjoyed helping that little girl out."

   Tights-" Oh, please you just like watching the young romances and playing matchmaker."

   Tights-"That my dear, means I will find enjoyment in my work."

   Ryan-" Enough talk about the future, and let's focus on today's class and on the tribe heading this way."

   Briefs-" Is Korin with them? He kidnapped my lighter last night. He doesn't even have pockets, how can he manage that?"

   Ryan-" Yes he is, along with Bora, and Upa. He must be liking Upa a lot to take him under his wing as he has. Baba is with them as well, she must be looking around for talent."

   Kashi-" Sounds just like Aunty to go through and find the diamonds in the rough. Did you ever figure out what happened with your tail Goku?'

   We all look over to Goku to find him eating his heart out, Pansy had made more than enough and Goku is off in his own world of food.

   Goku-'? What are we talking about?"

   GG-" She asked if you feel different after eating that bean. Do you?"

   Goku-" Hmm, Not really, I feel stronger and can sense Ki much easier than before. But my tail has gotten far stronger, it doesn't bother me of it gets touched or pulled on anymore."

   Ryan-" How did you figure that out?"

   Chi-Chi-" I did when i had to drag him out of bed this morning. He didn't even wake up until his face hit the floor."

   Bulma-"Krillin is about to head out to deliver those two some food, you should give him some clothes for Puar to wear."

   Ryan-" I figured Puar would turn back into a cat."

   Bulma-" Idk about that. She looked like she enjoyed the attention from Yamcha, I could see her staying in her human form for a while."

   Ryan-" You are right. It can't hurt either way. But I'm not sure her size, the magic usually handles that. Nor am I sure of her style. I'll wait until I see her later."

   Tights-" So Dad, I couldn't help but notice the blue hair on Puar, and your relationship with cats. She isn't a half sister we don't know about is she?"

   Briefs-" My relationship with cats is purely coincidental, just like the young women's hair color."

   Bulma-" Now that you mention it, blue hair is pretty rare. I haven't seen anyone else be a natural bluenette."

   Pansy-" Now, now girls, your father was never with any other women before me, he has nothing to worry about."

   Ryan-" Except that Puar's mother is a shape-shifting cat. She could have made herself look like you to fool Mr. Briefs.  What does the index about magical animals say about shape-shifting cats Kashi?"

   Kashi-" Shapshifting cats, also know as Bakaneko. They are exceedingly rare, mischievous cat's that while smart, are extremely immature. They always act in the moment and don't plan for the future. While annoying they are normally harmless. Pure shape-shifting cats are all born from normal housecats.

   They can come in a wide variety of colors. Which are incredibly important to them because they seek mates based on fur color.

   All shapshifting cats are female, and can mate with any species that they can transform into. Nearly all of them are unable to participate in a more civilized society, so they hide in it's outskirts, stealing food and sleeping where-ever they can. They enjoy pranking people, sometimes entire villages. Halfbreed children with humans, are known to be found after the mother abandons them. Due to their nature as cats and the child that results from the union not growing as fast, many human halfbreeds are tortured by the small community of magical cats, If not completely shunned. even if these children end up being far smarter and living a hum lifespan.

   They are all Known for a particular prank which is to transform into nude copies of people with a towel on their head and begin to dance horribly even without music present."

   Kashi's last innocuous statement made Dr. Briefs go quiet as he slowly lost color in his face, which didn't go unnoticed.

   Bulma-" Oh, Dad, don't tell me."

   Tights" Krillin, let us take that. We have a few questions we need to ask Puar."

   Pansy-" You didn't mistake a cat for me did you? I don't dance that bad do I?

   Briefs-" Well I can't remember every single time we made love darling. If I was tricked, how would I know?"

   Pansy-" Well you had better figure it out!"

   Ryan-" Kashi, how does a pure magical cat's transformation magic work?"

   Kashi-" Hold on let me look."

   Baba-" You should both know that it's sample based. They magic is innate, it's why shapshifting is all they can do. If she is indeed your daughter Mr briefs, genetically Pansy would be her mother. Realistically all that human halfbreeds gain from their mother is the form, which is something that happens due to mother's magic making sure the child can be born safely."

   Ryan-" Good morning to you as well aunty, how about you take a look with that crystal of yours and put this question to rest?"

   Baba-" Sorry brat, I have to get back home, and test my magic. Good luck with everything."

   Ryan-" See you later Baba."

   Kashi-"It was nice seeing you aunty, remember the wedding is planned for the 25th of September, and there is a bachelorette party a week prior, I hope you'll be there."

   Baba-" I wouldn't miss it. Take care everyone."

   Baba- doesn't float away like normal, instead she fades out as she flies through the sky."

   GG-" Showoff."

   Baba-" I heard that!"



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