Chapter 5: Chapter 5. The hands can’t hit what the eyes can’t see.

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        After cleaning up by the stream yet again. We came home in clean gi's. I followed Goku's lead yet again and placed my dirty clothes with his in a hamper. After we took our shoes off at  the door. 

           GG is busy by the stove. I see him putting two seared tenderloins in the oven with what looks like one entire hind quarter thats already in there. He stokes the fire under the oven and turns to us.

            GG-"while the meat finishes cooking lets talk about our plans for tomorrow boys."

             GG brings over three cups of warm green tea for us to share and sits down to start the conversation.

              The green tea does wonders to warm us up after the cold bath in the stream. I have a feeling that it's all part of the training to go down to the stream, as I never see GG do the same. 

               GG-" Tomorrow, I will be leaving even earlier in the morning to get the bricks i ordered. You two will have to handle breakfast on your own. I leave you, Ryan in charge of cooking. I know Goku will burn the house down."

          As he said this, Goku let out a nervous laugh not denying it at all. 

           GG-"All of the meat we are not eating tonight is smoked, and placed in the small root celler out back. You'll find dry rice, lard, and some preserved veges in there as well. DO. NOT. ALLOW Goku into the celler Ryan. I fear he may eat everything he gets his hands on. I also need you two to get ninety nine more trees, I want them to be the same size as the one you currently have sitting in the yard, bring them all up here trimed."

            With his dire warning to keep Goku out of the root celler finished and instructions for tomorrow given, GG  went back to the stove. He pulled both tenderloins and the hind quarter out of the stove. Letting the meat rest. He opened some jars, and stir fried some vegetables. Goku had an oddly disturbed look about him. It confused me for a bit until I realized he was 9. What kid eats their vegetables at 9 willingly, let alone a saiyan child?

              As GG brought our plates over he handed me a bowl filled with rice and vegetables and a plate with an entire tenderloin. For a second I think that he has forgotten human proportion sizes having lived with Goku so long.

              GG-" Eat as much as you can Ryan, soon you'll be needing the protein. Anything left over can be fed to the bottomless pit. No food goes to waste here with Goku around, don't worry."

              GG then brings over another bowl for Goku, but leaves the meat on the stove. I can almost see Goku's spirit crumble as GG puts the final nail into the coffin.

              GG-" No meat until you finish your vegetables Goku" 

             GG says this in a way that brokers no chance for a rebuttal from Goku as he turns and gets his own bowl and plate. Sitting down at the table, GG leads us in saying thanks for our food, and we dig in. Atleast two of us do. Goku is having a staring contest with the sautéed green pepper at the end of his chopsticks.

              Deciding to encourage Goku and tease him a bit. I grab a piece of the precut tenderloin, from my plate and take a bite. The venison is well seasoned and not gamey at all. I play it up a bit and chew a bit more dramatically and let out some moans of approval.

               That seems to have done it. Goku's desire for the meat overcame his stubbornness easily enough. Goku ate the vegetables quickly and swallow without much chewing, like he was stuffing them down his throat versus eating it. By the time he was done, GG brought his meat over and Goku was all smiles once again. GG didn't debone the hind quarter at all, he just trimmed it at the knee, giving Goku a handle and cooked it whole.

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                GG-" I apologize for Goku eating like that Ryan, if I force him to use chopsticks he would be here forever, and get nothing done."

                Ryan-" Has he always ate so much, Master Gohan?"

                 GG-" Since he was a child, he has had an unusual appetite, and even more unusual physique, much like how your body is unnaturally strong. But beyond just pure strength and endurance that Goku has, You have much more grace and spatial awareness. the deftness of your movements are not something that seems natural. Your father may have done more for you than you know Ryan. I personally think your father used the dragon balls or some sort of magic on you sometime in the past or before your birth."

              I sat there a bit stunned at GG's words. I didn't think my little white lies would get back to me in this situation, so when GG mistoke my shocked reaction he continued.

              GG-" Don't worry, Ryan. I asked for a favor from my old Masters' sister, Fotuneteller Baba. She'll be here in a week to check on you and Goku. She is a strong magician who can enlighten us on why you two are both so unique. Everything will be fine."

               Inwardly, I freaked out a bit before I calmed down, there is no way Baba can find any leads on the Goddess's. I'll just play dumb. I'm still just a clueless 10 year old kid after all. 

                GG-" Tomorrow after I get back I'll help you learn to use your Ki more like Goku does. Don't be discouraged by his use of it. Since the day I found him he has been using it subconsciously. We will start with enhancing your vision. And speed of thinking. Afterall, the hands can't hit what the eyes can't see. Can they Ryan? 

                After posing his question I noticed that pieces of my tenderloin had been disappearing from my plate. I look to Goku and see him already making progress in his training. Through the pursuit of stealing my tenderloin, as i was distracted by GG.

                 Even if Goku was barely able to. And it's only his arm. It's a display of incredible speed, and more importantly thinking speed. He can't control his hand so precisely otherwise. had he used this in the spar i don't think i would have stood a chance. I can only see his hand when it's stuffing his face. It looks a little off, like missing frames in a video game as he reaches out and grabs a piece of meat, I know he does so, as it disappears. But do I see his hand do that? Not at all. I pull upon my Ki to help me in any way possible. And I stare, looking at where Goku's hand should be, but evades my eyes. Eventually, I start to catch a blur of movement that might as well be a figment of my imagination.

                 GG-" As I said, don't be discouraged. Goku does this subconsciously."

                  I knew GG's words to be true, however I still wasn't looking forward to tomorrow's spar when Goku's arm becomes capable of hitting me at that speed. Although, I'm not sure if he could do that safely. He might hurt himself when striking at that speed. It makes some sense. 

                   Having had enough of my food anyways, I give it to Goku. As does GG. True to form, Goku eats it all. And begins to grow drowsy, forcing GG to urge him to bed.

                 GG and I stay up and cleaned the dishes, eventually talking over a cup of tea. Him telling me how he came to be Goku's Grandpa. I managed to get a general idea of where Goku's pod is from the story.  The knowledge may come in handy in the future. Be a nice present to give to Bulma. Or a gift to get her off my back, and keep her busy should I get myself into the doghouse.

                 As I made my way into the blankets on the floor. I realized that ninety nine is an odd number, I'll have to make it into a game. Hopefully GG taught Goku how to count atleast.


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