Chapter 4: Chapter 4. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

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        GG didn't cook any of the deer for lunch. I assume he is still bleeding it out right now. Instead he made some kind of noodle dish. These oddly colored cold noodles were in a large dish in the living room. And each of us had a cup of something that looked like soy sauce and had Scallion onion pieces floating in it. While I didn't recognize this dish Goku sure seemed to. Based on his eyes alone I knew I would be fighting to protect my food from his never ending stomach.

        Before asking GG, what he had made I simply followed Goku's lead, and filled my bowl with some cold noodles. I watched as Goku dipped his noodles into the sauces amd slurped them up quickly. Deciding to do the same. I pushed my American manners to the side and gave them my best slurp. 

        To say I was surprised would be an understatement. The cold noodles contrasting with the salty sauce, made for a great meal on a hot summer day. As i ate with vigor, GG laughed at my  obvious reaction and explained without what I was eating.

        GG-"What you are eating right now is called Mori soba. A cold buckwheat noodle dish meant to be dipped in that sauce you have beside you."

         Ryan-" Whats the sauce made from GG?" 

         GG-"I'm your Martial arts Master, I won't be sharing my cooking secrets that easily, besides you should eat while there are still some noodles left"

          As I look back at the table I realize that Goku had indeed been busy getting his fill. As I ate to keep up with Goku I realized I haven't felt thirsty or hungry at all yet, neither have I had the urge to use the restroom interrupt me at any point today. It seems my boons are indeed working as expected. 

          As Goku and I finished our meals we thanked GG and he told Goku to clean the dishes while he had something to give me.

           GG-" This first package isn't anything special, just some training clothes, and this one is a few personal supplies you'll need toothbrush, comb, soap, and a nice loofah on a stick."

             As I opened the package, I found multiple sets of training Gi's that looked just like Goku's two tone blue Gi he has when training Uub, complete with shoes socks, boxers, the white sash, and yellow wrist and ankle bands. 

            Contrary to what GG says i find this an extremely important moment. Without hesitation I move over towards Goku's bed and strip off the clothes a Goddess made me, and throw on my first Gi.

            It was a bit difficult to tie the sash, bit everything else was a easy enough to figure out. 

             GG-" how do the shoes fit?"

            Ryan-" rather tight on the sides but plenty of toe room."

              GG-" Thats perfect, they'll loosens a bi GG over time, but you will grow as well. 

               Goku walked back from handling the dishes, and sees me in my new gi.

               Goku-" Can we Spar now GG?"

               GG-" Are you ready to spar now Ryan?"

               Ryan-" As ready as I'll ever be. Lets go Goku."

               Fired up Goku led GG and I into the backyard where worn ground showed the spot where GG had been teaching Goku. I know he has much more  raw technique than me, and I'm pretty sure that having a stronger saiyan body makes the same amount of ki more effective for him. I don't think a PL10 human even with unlocked Ki will be the same strength a saiyan. But I have no idea of the exact difference their body makes. When he matches krillin, it may just be krillin having better Ki control that accounts for him keeping up in the training arc at Roshi's house.

               GG-" Goku, I want you to set the Power Pole aside for this spar."

              Goku-" ok, GG." 

              As I make my way to one end of the training ground. I turn back towards the other awaiting Goku to take his place.

GG is on my right between myself and the house while Goku makes it to the other end of the grounds. With 20 feet between us. I lower my center of gravity putting my hands up on in a boxing stance showing my lack of Martial training while Goku slides his right leg forward, his left leg back with a bend at the knee. His left arm is pulled back with elbow high and his hand open like its ready to go for a grab. His right arm locked at a ninety degree angle infront of his chest with his hand hanging loose . His stance, the way his entire demeanor changed, the way he looked at me. I was fighting the Saiyan Goku at this moment and needed to focus.

                   I subtly called upon my ki letting it infuse me as it did to Goku naturally. And decided that I was going to defend for now. I needed to know how I stacked up to Goku, and would get that knowledge better this way. 

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             Goku doesn't hesitate ,and come running straight me with his arms at his side ready to let loose a punch. 

             I follow his fast moving form that traverses the ground quickly. Goku suddenly jumps and tries to throw a punch with his weight behind it right for my face. 

              I lean to the side attempting to get around him and succeed dodge the predictable punch. Getting to his left side and letting him fly past me in his jump.

             GG-" Next time you dodge like that, be sure to counter him Ryan. I can't have Goku learning bad habits.

              I give GG a nod and never let my eyes leave Goku. I feel his presence get stronger, and he rushes me with much more speed. He is soon in my gaurd continuing a frontal attack. As I duck and weave Goku's short arms and legs as they try to make contact, I marvel at my body keeping up. My balance is perfect naturally. I move with fluidity without trying to. I never stumble upon my feet, and my breathing stays steady no matter how fast I dodge. After a while of this, and Goku no closer to hitting me and I gain some confidence. As Goku goes for another low kick with his left leg, I plant my right leg inside his guard interrupting his kick at his thigh with my shin before it could build up any speed, I still hear a surprisingly audible sound from our two legs connecting but I only feel it, it doesn't hurt at all. Nor does it move my foot at all. I take the opportunity to let loose a simple clasic straight left handed jab at Goku while he is taken aback from my sudden shift in tactics. Even while off balance with his left leg in an odd position he manages to deflect with his right but i see him visibly strain to do so, the second jab is sent straight for his chest. Goku tried to catch my right fist with his left open hand. This is where he messed up. With me being so close in his gaurd all he managed to do was have his own hand buried in his gut instead of mine. As pushed through any resistance his left hand brought in. Quickly, I jumped back As I felt his core muscles harden. He lashed out with another jumping spin kick. Successfully gaining some space for himself, that i immediately took back when his back was turned to me. Grabbing him by his tail and throwing him outside the makeshift training ground. As Goku recovered, GG ended the spar.

                  GG-" Alright, Thats enough. Ryan wins by ringout!"

              I was disappointed by winning in such a fashion here, but it looked like GG wanted it to end here for now.

               GG" You did far better than I had expected Ryan. Where did you learn to fight like that?"

               Ryan-"Nobody has taught me what I did today GG. It just seemed to be natural to me."

                GG-" Those movements you used to dodge Goku were, excellent. Simple efficient, and the counter to his low kick was near perfect. If this is your natural talent, you shouldn't have too much difficulty mastering my kata's. It seems I have my work cut out for me."

                As GG finished speaking Goku ran back up to me and asked.

              Goku-" Want to go again Ryan?"

               Ryan-" Sure thing Goku."

  As the afternoon moved on GG eventually let us spar alone provided we played by the rules of the first unblocked strike winning. Likely to prevent us from beating each other up. He then moved to the house and handled the deer. He told us to not hurt each other and to stay in the grounds.

               Goku rapidly adapted to my speed and style making me constantly develop. He abandoned nearly all punching and stuck to using only sharp kicks. He likely realized that he simply didn't have the reach yet.

               Even with my advantages each spar he gained ground always asking for another bout. By the fifth spar I was actually sweating and breathing heavy. For the first time in this new world. 

                Goku had adopted a strategy of hit and run kicks that left me having a difficult time countering. Making me go on the offensive to ever end this round.

                 As the spar continued i dodged another leaping kick from Goku trying to capitalize and hit him in the side as leaned around its path, Goku did as well. Catching me in my nose with his tiny fist, ending the spar, and making me feel pain for the first time in this body. 

He didn't managed to break my nose but getting hit there always sucks no matter the world I suppose.

                  As Goku celebrated his victory and my nose calmed down. GG came out with a bloody apron and, some deer meat. The tenderloins to be exact. 

                 GG-" You kids look like you need to get cleaned up. Head back to the stream and I'll start on dinner." 

                 Goku-" ok GG! Lets go Ryan. Hurry up!" 

              Goku was off already having his power pole strapped to his back and the same bag of hygiene supplies that he shared this morning. I gave GG a nod and grabbed my own bag of supplies and followed after Goku.


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