Chapter 8: chapter 8. Capsules

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       Friday morning was bright and sunny, and the most we have truly worked out since my arrival. Moving the logs by only using ki to reinforce our steps and grip was difficult for Goku and I. It took 44 logs to place 4 walls up at 9ft tall and 20ft long each, GG cut all the window and door openings, and made the bamboo window frames on the spot. The rest of the logs were for the 2nd story bedroom and the roof structure. GG has us cut some logs lengthwise and put on some wood preservatives. It smelled like nothing I new of.

            Ryan-"What is this preservative made from GG, it smells wonderful.

            GG-"I'm not sure myself, it was a gift from Baba. All I know is that it's magical It came from Baba who sent it along with a letter which we will discuss over dinner. Now get back to work Ryan."

           We coat the cut material and roof structure. Calling it a day, to let it cure. GG moves Goku and I through his kata's before dinner. Then Goku and I are left alone mirroring each other instead of GG. We continue on through the movements. Goku is a machine at times like these. All focus and none of the childish attitude remain.

           GG-" Come get some food kids."

           And then Goku is off, already at the door. Dinner is stew with extra meat on bone for Goku. 

         Ryan-" Where did you get the magical preservative from?

           I remind GG of the earlier discussion starting from the beginning for Goku's sake.

           GG-" Ahh, I got that magical preservative, from Baba. She says my letter inadvertently caused her to find and then rescue a poor girl, while traveling here. This girl has become Baba's disciple. And also has a father that owns company that exports unique magical products. That preservative was a gift from her father to Baba who credits my interference for saving the girl thus giving it to me.

           This mystery disciple was Android 17's future wife Kashi. Baba must have saved her from the kidnappers that take her to be made into an Android.

           Those are the kind of butterflies that worry me. In this case I'm happy, that an innocent girl keeps her body and doesn't go through loosing her memories and identity. Even if Baba probably only wants a disciple because GG has two remarkable disciples of his own. It's an amazing coincidence. I don't think even 17 would do different. Even if it means his wife never coming to be. 

           I'll just have to make the best of things and see how they go. I also need to ensure Demon King Piccolo is released AND Piccolo Jr is born. I could fill in for Piccolo, but should I? Should I gamble on it? While my mind races GG continues.

           Ryan-"Who is this disciple GG?"

           GG-" I'm not sure myself. All I know is that she came from the island of Amaitochi when she was young. If she looks like others from the island she will have dark bronze skin and shining blue eyes. A very unique combination that makes them unmistakable. They usually stay on the small island to the south of Baba's Palace. Baba has always wanted to train one of them due to their innate magical nature gained from being inundated by magic like the island itself that grows valuable magical plants."

            Now, I know that the disciple must be Kashi. Everything in the timeline adds up. She should be around 17 years old, maybe younger but not older. I know she was ageless after being made into android 7. 17 really went for the older lady didn't he? Questions for later.

       "I want this cabin finished by then. So we can host them properly. Baba may be a nag but, she is the strongest witch alive. This is the first time I have heard her take a disciple seriously. Impressing her, only costs a moment. While a nice impression carries on forever. Making a good one is worth it. Tomorrow we will finish the roof and I'll instruct you and Goku on building the fireplace and chimney." If it goes to plan we will be finished by Sunday."

           GG was correct about us being finished by Sunday because we finished it Saturday. As we ate lunch while sitting out back of our small home, which is now the front yard of the new cabin, we marvel at the completed house. On the outside, the cabin sits on a raised brick foundation that includes 5 steps up to the door. The outside walls are a brighter wood finish than I expected but looks nice. With extra long rafter tails the  roof extends far past the walls and it does the same for the gable ends that extend to each side. The first floor is all open except for a small bedroom to the left that is for GG. There are 4 more on the 2nd floor. Taking the steep staircase up, i find two bedrooms at each gable end of the cabin. With only the stairs and a narrow path separating them. I marvel at the Japanese style GG has taken to the interior of the house. Where a normal log cabin uses the logs themselves to divide the rooms, GG seems to have decided on a more Japanese theme for the interior. GG made use of weaving bamboo strips into a floor to ceiling room divider. The rooms have nothing but some new bedframes complete with drawers underneath the bed for clothes. There is a small window in each room but Goku's, allowing for some light. The rooms have Goku and I's hand sanded wooded logs for flooring.

           As it was still saturday afternoon GG took Goku and and I for a surprise trip to the nearest town. We needed to pick up some of the finishing touches.       

            When we started along the road eventually Goku See's his first car.

             Goku-"what kind of animal is that GG? Does it taste good?"

              GG-" That's no animal Goku. It is a car. Much like my handcart it can roll and carry things. These ones carry people."

              This time Goku didn't attack the car when he saw one because it didn't attack him. He still thought they were living things and it took GG and I some Convincing. As Goku got a crash course in civilized society, GG bought us all the essentials. I have no idea where he gets all his money, but that's not something I'll worry about. From our beds, and linens to some lines for drying clothes outside, We got it all and then some. 

            On our way through the shopping district I got a good look at the human side of this world, as did my Ki sense. While Goku was playing male or female with GG only letting the boy look but not touch. I was getting an idea of how strong the average human was. The most enlightening, was seeing how little a good physique mattered to power levels so low. It helped on their effective strength for sure, but Ki, the Energy of Life isn't that simple. It wasn't uncommon for women to have stronger Ki than men either. I think it was due to women being the bearers of life but didn't want to ask GG here in public.

           GG-" Alright boys we need to pick up a special package from Capsule Corp. I had it custom made, you are going to love it. GG said this with a smile giving me a pointed look."

             As I wonder what he could possible get, we came upon the Capsule store. The legendary Hoi-poi capsule technology. What did GG get? He wouldn't get a house with us making one ourselves. They can't be cheap either. GG Brought us into the store and we roamed about as he got his order. Once Goku found out that they weren't food he got disinterested. Just looking at everything with curiosity.

             As i got a good look at everything I realized that almost everything was self sustaining aside from cars and planes, most non moving structures have either a battery or power supply. Some of the capsule homes are built like a fallout shelter. Multiple redundancies, and power supplies built into them. GG came back looking to be pained for the first time during this shopping trip.

            Ryan-" So what did you get GG?"

             GG-" I got some Capsule machines to add some of the more modern amenities to the house. I can't leave Goku like some boy raised by wolves. He needs exposure to the more mundane side of things. I'll show you both the exact item when we get home, I'll need your help in setting it up I'm rather old, and unfamiliar with these things."

            GG decided to rent a hotel for the night and let Goku learn some more with dinner being the first task for the young Goku to handle. At my recommendation we found a buffet than may have saved GG's wallet some pain and put it all on the profit margins. As we entered and seated Goku was stunned by all the people and all the food. GG being around helped in keeping him from causing a scene.

            GG-"Calm down Goku, there is no rush just follow my example and everything will make sense."

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            As we got our plates I followed behind Goku while GG was infront showing Goku proper etiquette for the small things like using the tongs. Not skipping the line, etc. Goku was peeved at the one plate at a time rule yet no complaints were voiced at GG's instructions. 

              Once GG made it to the meat selection Goku loudly declared,

              Goku-"Im going to try all the different meats!"

               This got a laugh from the people around us, which I  understand. Goku has that cute innocent child look, and it sounds like a childish thing to say. Goku took the laughter as a challenge though, and was determined to prove them wrong.

                We were kicked out and banned within tow hours.

                GG-" The money saved was easily worth the ban from ever returning."

                Goku-"GG I'm tired."

                GG-" lets get back to the hotel and get some sleep we have an early morning tomorrow."

                We walked back to the hotel, Goku cradling his food baby all the way.

              Sunday was indeed an early morning with GG even waking us up before the sun was. We made the long trip home by foot. I had hoped that GG would buy a car, but no such luck. We did store all our things in a capsule, that allowed us to not be burdened. As our walking became full sprinting, we arrived home to  everything as we left it.

               GG took us to the back door. Of the cabin beside the foundation. He lets out his Ki, and starts to compress the soil beneath him and beside the foundation of the house. Goku was curious what GG was doing.

             Goku-"What kind of training is this GG?"

              GG-"This isn't training for you, atleast not yet."

             Goku" If its not training, what are you doing?"

             GG-"I'm just getting the ground nice and strong for what I'm about to do."

            GG tells us to get behind him and throws a capsule, containing a small self contained capsule building.

             GG. "This capsule home was custom made to attach to the back of our cabin. It come complete with a kitchen, a full bathroom, and a power supply."

              Goku-"You can make food with it?"

             GG-" Much more than that Goku. It'll let us have lights during the night and a place to wash up in the house. Including warm water."

            .Ryan-" How does it all work?"

           GG-" That's for you to get setup. The salesman said that once entering it for the first time you will be guided through a setup procedure. I'll let you get that done and Goku and I will handle lunch."

            With that GG leaves me setting up a capsule building, and takes Goku out for some fishing.

           The capsule house was actually intuitive. I headed inside and it guided me through first leveling the structure and then allowed me to rotate the door where I wanted it, by spinning in the entire living compartment around even allowing to adjust the elevation. Once I got the door lined up with the cabins backdoor it was as simple as pressing a button. The capsule doorway extended pressing against the cabin. 

             All during the setup it almost felt like i was in a spaceship. It makes sense that a tech company would want to make money pursueing their dreams. Capsule Corp must be trying to make spaceships. They may not fly or travel the stars but the self contained nature shows a theme, and the docking just now makes me think that's true. After getting the doorway opened and the capsule homes position locked in place, solar panels deployed from the roof. The only input the capsule needed was water, and once it's filled it recycles endlessly. 

         With it all setup I finally got to take a good look  at it. White walls and brown floors don't clash with the cabin's charm. The kitchen wraps around the curve of the backside that faces the bamboo forest. A bathroom is on the left where it connects with the cabin. In the bathroom there is a washer, but no dryer. There is also a stand-up western style shower. Leaving there I check the kitchen. All the appliances one could need fill the kitchen. An extra large pantry, stove, fridge and, Countertop. No dishwasher, but cleaning by hand doesn't take long. The last few details I notice are an actual phone, but it looks like a landline one, and is connected to a dish ontop the capsule, weird. There is also a waste disposal underneath the capsule that must be unloaded regularly. 

        GG and Goku come bearing cooked fish. As much as I wanted to try the kitchen, we didn't have time. Baba would be here tomorrow.


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