Chapter 9: Chapter 9. Fortuneteller Baba

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       GG-"Fortuneteller Baba, started divining the future more than 500 years ago. Many think her immortal, however I don't think this to be true. Her brother is my well known, Master Roshi. He also has lived quite the long life, much like his sister."

        Goku-" Is she strong GG?"

         GG-" Not in the same way that we are Goku. She focuses on magical might.

She has the power to Hypnotize people with her eyes, to read their minds and even speak to others using her mind alone. She can also use her powerful abilities to control objects from a distance through telekinesis, she uses this ability as she sits atop of her Crystal ball while it floats."

          Goku-"She can fly?" 

           GG-" She can do that and much more Goku. I have seen here summon objects from nothing, and teleport others great distances."

           As GG told Goku all about Baba after our first breakfast in the new living room. The new living room is rather empty. Intended mostly for eating or having a discussion. We still decorated the windows and added the original table to it with a new much larger tatami mat. Making this house feel a bit more like a home and filling the living room out a bit more.

             GG calls me over to listen to the next part of what he says as we wait for Baba's arrival.

            GG-"Ryan, come here. I need to talk to you both about why I asked Baba to come here."

           Ryan-" Yes GG"

            As I made it from the window, I sat beside Goku.

           GG-" You two are both mysteries to me, and yourselves. I called Baba here to use her powers to get answers. I won't force either of you to go through this, or to share what she tells you. You both have a right to privacy. I want you both to understand that."

          Goku is all smiles saying he doesn't need to keep secrets from GG, but i can tell this is for my sake. I'm not too worried though. At most she'll find a really strong kid.

          Ryan-"Thank you, GG."

          GG-" Lets go meet them. I can feel them close.

         GG leads us outside to the front of the house. The yard is a bit rough, because we moved GG's old home off to right side. We kept it together because GG wants to use it as a guest room for Baba.

       We didn't wait for long before we hear an excited girls screams as baba arrives on her ball piloting a carpet behind her that carries her disciple Kashi.

       Baba drops her mental grip on the carpet that carries Kashi as she nears the ground, causing her to make another scream as she falls the few feet to the ground landing on her butt atop the seemingly ordinary carpet.

           Baba-" Stop being scared by every little thing girl, and get up and introduce us".

           Kashi-" Yes Master!"

           Kashi scrambles to her feet straightens her shirt and shorts then introduces herself.

            Kashi-" ehm, my name is Kashi, the disciple of the Great fortuneteller Baba.

           Baba-"louder little girl, put that loud voice I heard the whole way here to use!"


          Baba-" Acceptable, for now. We need to work on your courage girl."

           GG-" Welcome to my home Kashi. To my right here is my disciple and grandson, and to my left is my newest disciple. Why don't you introduce yourselves.

           Goku-"Hi Kashi, I'm Goku. Are you hear to train?

           Kashi-" Maybe, I don't know what is going on. Only that my Master wanted to get here quickly."

           With now as good a time as any I introduce myself as well.

            Ryan-"Hello Kashi, my name is Ryan.  It's nice to meet you, and thanks for the preservative."

           Kashi-" Nice to meet you as well Ryan."

           With the introductions out of the way, GG led everyone inside for some tea.

           After serving tea to us, Goku got the story from Kashi about her rescue by Baba and found his reactions to be cute, gaining her full attention as soon enough Goku had her mothering him like a big sister, until he asked if she was a girl.

His question got everyone's attention and Baba broke the silence.

         Baba-"What exactly have you been teaching him Gohan?"

         GG avoided the question entirely, looking the other way like it would go away somehow. Letting Baba handle the Naive boy.

          Baba seeing an opportunity asked a question.

           Baba-" Gohan, I'll make you a deal. if you train Kashi in martial arts. I'll tutor Goku.

          GG-" That's hardly fair."

          Baba" What if I tutor them both then?"

           GG-" I'm afraid Ryan doesn't need any tutoring. He is exceptionally smart for his age."

         Baba-"tch, how about I teach him some magic then? If he is so smart he should learn no matter what."


         Baba-" haha perfect" 

          GG-"Now onto why I called you here,  could you check on the boys please?"

          Baba-"Who's first?"

          Goku-" Can I go first?"

          GG-"Sure thing Goku"

           As Goku came closer to Baba she got off of her Crystal ball and it landed on the table infront of her as she took a seat across from Goku and GG, and began her magic.

         Baba began to chant something quietly in a incomprehensible manner before her Crystal ball. Slowly an image formed of Goku as a child. His mother was there as well. It seems to be right after his birth.

         Goku-" Who's that?"

         Baba-" That must be your mother Goku, not be quiet and watch closely."

        We watched as Goku was placed in the incubation pod and brought home. As Gine looked at little baby Goku and talked to him as he rested in the pod. The Crystal's image distorted to when Bardock met him, and Raditz was bragging about being assigned to the Prince. The Crystal's image moved once again to when Bardock and Gine are sending Goku off to Earth, and we got to hear their conversation. 

             Gine-" Let's think about this!"

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          Bardock-"No, it's the only choice. If I turn out wrong I'll go and rescue him."

            Gine-" In that case, why don't the three of us run off together?"

           Bardock-" We can't. They'd use their damn scouters, tracking us down in no time."

             Gine-" Bardock, why are you going through so much trouble? It's not like a Saiyan man to worry about his children. What's gotten into you?"

           Bardock-" I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm constantly fighting, destroying that I would like to save something for once. Especially one judged to be a lower class warrior like my Kakarot.


          Bardock-" I have programmed this to head to a distant planet called Earth. The people there have low power levels, and aren't technologically advanced. I think he'll be able to do well there Gine. It's not a valuable world either, so Frieza will never bother with it.

           Gine-" If your father is wrong about this, we will get you immediately."

.      Bardock-" listen son, you do what you  it takes to survive, got it?

           Gine-" We will see you really soon."

            Bardock-" Goodbye."

         As the pod flies into the air Goku lunges across the table grasping the ball tight, just in time to hear Gine's voice one last time.

            Gine-" Don't forget us Kakarot!"

            With that, the image changed to see  when the pod crashed to earth, and Gohan finding him shortly after. GG Had Baba end the viewing there.

             Goku was still holding the ball, oddly quiet until Kashi came and picked him up allowing the monkey boy to glomp onto her instead of the ball. 

         Kashi didn't feel very comfortable with the clingy Goku, but having watched what we all did, she just sat down next to GG with Goku on her lap brushing his hair as he was hugging her, letting him process what he just saw.

         GG-" The mystery of where he came from is answered, yet another sits in it's place. What are Saiyans?"

        Baba- "I know a little of them from king Yemma. They are said to be a powerful race under the employ of the tyrant of the Galaxy.  Their planet suffered an asteroid strike killing their race. They have the ability to become giant apes during a full moon becoming much stronger." 

          Goku looks at Baba as she continues. 

        Baba-" From the viewing of his past i think the story of an asteroid impact to be hogwash. Something else must have happened that led to Goku arriving here. In any case, we have the answers as to why he is unique, so let's move on to Ryan"

        GG-"Indeed you have answered my questions about Goku. You may move to the next one."

         Baba turned to me. Checking me over before speaking.

         Baba-"Since you have no mystery surrounding your past, I'll just be checking your body to see what makes you special, hold still brat."

        As Baba held back her tears at seeing Goku's past she distracted herself with some more magic. This wasn't slow casting at all, starting quickly and lighting up the room with the glow coming from my body. As a soon as it starts it ends and Baba is looking at her Crystal ball with a bit of shock.

         Baba-"Where did this boy come from Gohan? His body is completely unnatural."

           GG-"In what way exactly Baba?"

         Baba- In every way! His eyesight, healing, longevity, strength, and his durability are all better than a normal human. He is far denser than he should be also. He would have no trouble living to 200 years old, while that's not as impressive as myself or Roshi it's unusual. Combined with being five times stronger than he should, and having durability beyond even Goku, he also has a stomach that can digest anything he eats. And never uses the bathroom. Ever.

          At that last part GG, and Baba give me looks of envy before continuing on.

       Baba-"He also heals much quicker than a normal human would and is growing faster than he should. In only a five or six years he will be fully grown."

        GG-"That is quite the body he has, what about his soul. Can he learn magic?"

        Baba" Tch, indeed. The boy has an incredible aptitude for elemental magic.  I suppose that's what you want me to teach him? May I remind you that, it isn't my specialty Gohan.

        GG-" Yes I do, in return I'll teach kashi, in martial arts and ki control. in the meanwhile you can stay in my old house. It has been cleaned and renovated so you can stay there and have some privacy. We have a room setup for Kashi here in the cabin.

       Baba-" You know, I'm the one who is suppose to view the future. Why do I feel like I got played?

           Goku-" What game are we playing?"

            Baba leaves in a huff looking like a sore looser headed to her new residence while leaving Kashi behind.

           Kashi-" So, Goku is an alien?

        She says this with Goku in her lap still brushing his hair not seeming to actually care.

            Ryan-" it seems so."

            Kashi-" And you are some kind of superman?

            Ryan-"I wish, but no, that's not what makes me super. You'll see for yourself soon enough what does.

           GG-" haha, you are correct Ryan a strong body helps, but the path of ki is not so simple.

           Kashi-" Ki? Is that like magic?

            GG-" You can create similar effects and they are both an energy, however they are like two sides of the same coin. Used in completely different fashions.

            Ryan-" I suppose I'll get started on lunch."

           GG-" Thank you Ryan, I'll get Kashi settled in."

          Lunch was just some sandwiches, and Goku didn't even eat it, missing his first meal that GG can remember since he hit his head. 

          Come time for dinner and I had planned out everything to make a nice fitting meal for Baba's arrival, but my sad mood after watching Gine and Bardock send off Goku combined with his obviously conflicted emotions changed my mind. I made something warm for the heart. A favorite of mine, some Chicken and Dumplings. Not the kind with the bouncy balls of dough, but the fluffy biscuits that make this dish so heartwarming. 

              It seems to be a hit as we all come together for dinner. Goku deems it time to let go of Kashi for the first time in hours finally letting her go. It doesn't take long for a few bites to turn into happy smiles as he goes back to his happy self. GG and I are relieved, but Kashi and Baba are little, disturbed by Goku's appetite.

               Later in bed I hear Goku wake up and begin knocking on Kashi's door in the hallway across from our rooms.

               Kashi-" It's late Goku, what do you need."

               Goku-"Can I sleep with you? It's lonely in the room by myself."

               Kashi-"Aww, of course I don't mind cutie come on in."

               I go back to sleep, thinking about, what the hell have I done. How this changes my plans. Baba is going to stay and train me. GG is doing the same for Kashi. Goku is getting some kind of education from Baba, and has a big sister now. And I'm gonna learn magic. All because I didn't let him fall asleep that night and die.


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