Heavens’ Grimoire: Avatar of Chaos

Chapter 2: Memories…? Of a past life I

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Chapter 02 — Memories?...Of a past life I

Planet Gaia, Azure Continent, Imperial Federation, Imperial Academy...

*Present Day*

"[You....have to live! You have to su....rvi....ve for our....sakes.....and yours...]"

"Skye! Skye! Wake up you piece of trash! What? Did you forget to take your momma's milk last night? Hahaha!" A grating, particularly mocking voice quickly woke up the handsome boy from his slumber.

"What? Where....am I?" Skye drowsily asked.

"Ha! Did this worthless trash seriously forget where he was? Why am I not even surprised?" Came the other voice from before.

"Alright, that's enough from you Kim." An authoritative voice sounded.

"Sorry, Instructor Leo." Kim said with visible respect in his tone. It was evident that he held him in high regard, as did all the other students in the room.

"Skye, can you tell us what we were discussing just now?" Instructor Leo asked coldly.

"Uhh...I'm really sorry sir! I wasn't paying attention just now!" Skye answered apologetically.

"Did you hear that? Our little smarty pants wasn't paying attention just now! Must be great and all....I'd bet he's feeling so proud of himself!" Kim chipped in with an obvious snide remark which quickly drew laughter from the rest of the students in the room.

"Alright, quiet down all of you! And you Kim, one more word from you and your father will have to be here by tommorow!" Instructor Leo said coldly.

"We were talking about the history of the Imperial Federation and the Imperial Academy. As I said before, the Imperial Federation was founded by the first Imperial Monarch and his six aides; who are the ancestors of the Six Great Families that help govern the Federation alongside the current Monarch.

As more and more people came to use magic, the Monarch decided to create an academy of sorts; a place where people like you can learn to use magic and grasp the essence of their potential, so to speak; The Imperial Academy. It was founded in the year X756." He continued.

"How was the Federation founded Instructor Leo?" A student in the room asked.

"It was founded in the year X740, 16 years before the Academy; by the blood, flesh and tears of people determined to carve out a place for themselves; a place they could call home, under the leadership of one of the most powerful magic users ever to exist; the Imperial Monarch.

The exact history of the Federation's founding is quite vague, having being lost to the recesses of time, BUT one thing we can all agree on is that we owe all this to the Monarch." Instructor Leo said with vague admiration in his voice.

'I'd really like to know the exact history of the Federation's founding. It seems like the history books really put the Monarch on such a high pedestal.' Skye thought to himself.

"One more thing before the class dismiss for today; In three months, you will have your first expedition to a D-rank dungeon type Gate. I expect all of you to be prepared." Instructor Leo said with a grim face.

"But Sir! Isn't this too early? We may have taken expeditions into F and E ranked Gates but D ranks are a whole new level! I don't think we're ready for this!" A lanky boy with blue hair said in panic.

[On Planet Gaia, there are sudden distortions in space that happen either due to extreme fluctuations in space or in the surrounding mana. These distortions are called Gates. Gates are divided into F, E, D, C, B, A, S and SS ranked Gates. F and D ranks are known as Tier 0 gates; D and C ranks are known as Tier 1 gates; B and A ranks are known as Tier 2 gates and S and SS ranks are known as Tier 3 gates.

Gates are also classified under 2 types; dungeon type and warp type Gates. Dungeon type gates lead to a dungeon; a labryinth filled with creatures that harbor extreme danger; while warp types gates are more special. Some of them lead to distant worlds and parallel dimensions. Some of the extremely special ones, like S and SS ranked Gates; might lead to different timelines. But those are extremely rare.]

"Quiet! I don't want to hear any of your rambling! My decision is final! Class dismissed. Skye! Come with me!" Instructor Leo said coldly.

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"Yes sir." Skye said perfunctorily.

"So, can you tell me why you weren't paying attention in my class just now?" Instructor Leo asked as soon as they were out of earshot.

"I'm sorry sir, I really don't know what is going on with me. I apologise, it won't happen again Instructor Leo." Skye said apologetically.

"It'd better not, you're one of the best students in my class and I'd like you to make the best of your ability while you're here." Instructor Leo replied.

"But what if my best is not good enough? What if I can't make it? What then?You were there when my talent was tested! You know that I only have a grade 4 talent! You know that I'm an orphan who left the care when I was 10! You know! You know...." Skye asked with grief, tears streaming down his face.

Instructor Leo answered." Of course I know. I also know that you are the one that kept going even after all those things you've been through. I also know that you are the most calm and collected student I've ever known and that you'll never give up in achieving your goals, as tough as it may seem. So just do what you have been doing for the past 4 years you've been in this Academy.....survive!" Instructor Leo said in a consoling tone.

*"[Survive....live....on.....you have to.....survive...]"* A memory briefly flashed through Skye's head.

"What was that?" He asked in confusion.

"What?" Instructor Leo asked puzzedly.

"Sorry it was nothing! Thank you for the pep talk! Time to go, bye!" Skye said whilst rushing off.

"Hmm...that kid..." Instructor Leo said puzzledly.

"He sure is a strange one....a good kind of strange that's for sure..." He continued with a chuckle while walking off into the distance.


'Ever since I splashed my blood on that book and read its name, I've been having these strange dreams.....' Skye thought to himself.

'And now.....'

'I have daymares...And the book has disappeared since then...'

'But these dreams, they feel so strange, as if I've been there before. They don't feel like figments of my imagination...They feel like....'


'But I'm very sure I never experienced these so called memories in my life!...it couldn't have been a repressed memory of my childhood could it?....'

'There's something about these dreams....'

'Could they be.....'

'Memories?....of a past life?...'



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