Heavens’ Grimoire: Avatar of Chaos

Chapter 3: Memories?…of a past life II — The glow in the dark

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Chapter 03 — Memories?...Of a past life II– The glow in the dark


'How could it be that I could experience these memories now? I don't understand? What the hell is going on?!' Skye thought to himself in panic.

'This all started when I called that book's name! What was it again? Heavens' something? Or maybe Hell's something? Jeez! How the hell could I forget something like that?'

'Let's see....Ah I got it! But I gotta be careful, I tried calling it carelessly before and that didn't end up well. So maybe I should be more careful calling out its name like that.'

'I think I'm going crazy even in a world like this where anything is possible, I find myself being scared of calling a book's name. Heh!' He thought to himself with a scoff.

''Ok then, let's see....."

"HEAVEN'S GRIMOIRE!" He exclaimed.

The book burst forth with with a golden glow, though not as bright as the glow from before, was still particularly blinding in the quaint little apartment of the handsome boy.

A familiar round of dizziness soon overcame him.

"Oh...shit! I forgot how....much I hated.....this.....feeling..."

He fell to the ground with a thud.

His consciousness soon entered a vast yet strangely dark place.

'Where.....am I? What is this place anyway? It's so dark yet I feel....as if I am in a place filled with the brightest of lights! Such a.... strange feeling. Is this my soul? I don't understand? It's not possible for me, a fifth level apprentice to even be in here? Much less this long! This is quite strange.'

'What is that golden glow?' The boy thought confusedly while moving forwards a particularly peculiar glow in the midst of the dark.

As he approached the glow, he soon saw a familiar ancient-looking book giving off an even more familiar golden glow.

"So this was where that book was? Well...that was to be expected. Can't really say that I'm surprised though. But one thing is strange here. The last time I called the book's name, I started having those dreams..." Skye thought out loud.

"This time, I fainted and entered this weird but vast place that I am 90% sure that it's my soul and 10% sure that it's the inner space of the book. There have been legends of Artifacts beyond the Emperor grade developing an inner space of sorts as well as an Artifact Spirit, but I can't really be sure because I've never seen one...." He continued.

"Besides, if this really is an Artifact beyond the Emperor grade? Shouldn't it have an Artifact Spirit?" He asked puzzedly, to no one in particular.

As soon has he touched the book, the dark place began to light up with motes of light. The lights then began to light up with strange yet familiar images.

''These images...they're the same as my dreams! Though I shouldn't call them dreams now...." Skye said in astonishment.

"They're.....memories of my past life..." He continued.


Planet Earth, Year XXX

"Hey my love...what should we name our child?" A handsome man said while gently holding a baby in his arms.

"I think we should name him Jack or Jim or maybe Sil, you know, in reference to his beautiful silver hair." He continued.

"Aw Landors, I have silver hair and my name's not in reference to my color is it? And besides, those are all great names but I think we should name him Skye, because his eyes remind me of the beautiful skies." A beautiful woman with silver hair and eyes said in reply.

"Layla, you know am not good with names...Skye it is then." The man said with a laugh.


"Mama! Papa! Come see my new toy that I made!" Said a young boy about 6 years of age while holding an exquisite toy car excitedly.

"Aw Skye! Who's my little genius?" Layla asked with a laugh while tickling the boy.

"Me! Me!" The boy replied amidst laughs.

Landors said. "I think that Skye is ready to go to the official academy.

Layla said in shock. "But he's too young! I don't think he's ready for it. And besides, the academy has an age restriction on the age of students that can attend."

Landors replied. "I have an old colleague. He might be able to help with that. But for now, we can't afford to waste his talent. You've seen how good the boy is."


"Congratulations son, on winning the Nobel Prize for the best scientist and bio-engineer in the world. Hahaha! You really are my son! Landors said with an excited gleam in his eye while hugging Skye tightly.

"We're both proud of you so very much!" Said Layla with tears on her face.

"Mom, Dad, I love you guys so much. Thank you for everything." Skye said with a hearty smile on his face.

Just then...


"What was that!" Landors asked in shock.

"Mom! Dad! Get down!" Skye said anxiously.

The sounds of gunshot could be heard across the room and a dozen masked men barged into the room.

"Who are you guys? What do you want with us?" Layla asked in panic.

"Is the family of the Landors?" One of the masked men asked in a gruff voice.

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"Who might you guys be? Are you from an enemy state?" Skye asked with unconcealed anger.

"No need to know that much, just come with us or face the consequences." Another masked man said coldly.

"Who the hell put you up to this? Why are you targeting me?" Skye asked.

"I said shut up and come with us...." The man said, but was soon interrupted.

"I see you are still as naive as ever I see." A young man's voice rang out, which brought shock to Skye's face.

"It's you? Why is it you? How could you?!" Skye asked in shock, then anger.

"Yes, it was me, your so called best friend Lynn. How could I not covet my friend's research on human cloning that no one else knows about?" The man said with a cunning smile.

"How did you know about that!" Skye asked with shock.

"Don't mind me, I just read it when you weren't looking, but I have to say I'm quite impressed. It's almost completed, and I knew I had to have it." Lynn said with a devious glint in his eyes.

"But we've been friends for years. How could you do this to me?" Skye said with sorrow in his gaze.

"How naive, did you think that you'd be able to protect your ''research" this whole time? What a joke!" Lynn said with disdain.

"Oh well, let's get this over with....." He said

"As if I'd let you! No way!" Skye shouted.

"Then you'll just have to die. And I'll take your research for myself." Lyyn said while pointing a gun at his head.


Layla fell to the floor in a pool of blood.

"Mom! Why? You monster! Why'd you shoot her!" Skye said with grief and anger whilst pointing at Lynn.

"Didn't expect that, that's for sure, no worries though, you are still going to meet your end today." Lynn said sadistically.

"Men, get him!"

The men quickly grabbed ahold of Skye and pinned him to the ground.

"Since your mom is on the verge of death, why don't we send along your dad with her..." Lynn said with a sly grin.

"No! Don't you dare!"


"Oops, my hand slipped..." Lynn said with a smile


"Son, my mother and I loved you so much... I just want you to know that whatever happens...you will always be our little boy...so survive, you have to survive..for both our sakes and yours son." Landors said as he drew his last breath.

"How touching! But unfortunately, you're not going to live past today. Just go and meet your parents wherever they are. The sad thing is, your puny slut of a girlfriend was in on this! Just wanted to let you know before you die." Lynn said uninterestedly.

'Lola....how could she!' Skye thought.

"Oh well, this is goodbye, such a shame, a great mind, lost to the sands of time like this."


And then, darkness.


"Was that my past life? Killed by a friend, betrayed by his love, who the hell deserved to die like that?!" Skye asked painfully.

'I didn't know my past life had such a painful history. I've always felt something off within me, but I never really knew what it was, was that it? The fact that I'm a reincarnated soul? Ever since I was little, I've always been somewhat of a genius at everything I did.

And then it all started. The day I was tested as a grade 4 talent. My friends quickly distanced themselves from me. I started getting into trouble with some of them, most times I got beat up. I felt so lonely, but I did my best to hide it with a cold look and a fake smile.

Even idiots like Kim, I was jealous of him, I was jealous and angry at the fact that he has such amazing parents would are ready to spoil him silly. And I needed resources. So I began to steal from gangs. I even joined an assassin's group just so I could earn money to increase my magic power.

When I had my first kill, I didn't really experience anything. It all just felt blank to me. Though I never killed innocents and children so as not to lose myself in murder. To lay low, I bought books on Enchanting, Runesmithing, Cardmaking and Refining and secretly sold some of the stuff I made through the Web.

I gotta say, my past life really showed me how dark the hearts of people can be. But Earth? What was that place in my past life? It seems so much like Gaia....What the?!'

The book golden glow wrapped up Skye in a golden light that spread throughout his body, cleansing his mind and soul, illuminating the dark place.

Skye quickly woke up. "I feel so comfortable. What's this? I've reached the Basic level! This might be because of that book!"

'This book has given me an opportunity, to forge my own destiny. Using the knowledge of my past life and the power of this book, I will strive, claw and fight to be the most powerful! No one can stop me! What happened in my past life shall never happen again! I will never feel so out of control ever again! I'll fight if I have to! Kill if I have to! If the world stops me, I'll break the world if I have to!' Skye thought.


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