Heiress of the Empire

Chapter 12: Chapter 12

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"Milady, are you alright?"

Rika heard a voice call out to her, but she did not know where it was coming from. She looked around and found herself in a beautiful garden. Red and blue roses, tulips in every colour of the rainbow, sunflowers, and gerbera surrounded her. The cool springtime air and clear sky felt gentle on her skin even as the light breeze rustled the leaves on tall trees and provided a faint smell of spice and freshly-cut grass.

"...Milady? Are you quite fine?"

Rika turned around again, her orientation in this ephemeral garden now a little better. One of the maids was standing by the entrance, flanked by two marble statues depicting a heroically-built man and a younger, divinely-beautiful woman. Together they held a silvery flowing band acting as an arch over the pathway, which was flanked by evenly-placed pillars made from a smokey, blue glass.

"Yes, ■¤\:¤%%<, I am very well. What may have given you concern for my health?"

"It's- It is because you are..."

Rika looked at the maid, her head slightly tilted. The maid was faintly blushing and could only point vaguely at her young mistress' direction. Rika looked at herself. She was naked, yes, but she was wearing shoes so she did not understand what the big issue was.

"Are you mayhaps concerned about my choice of footwear?"

"No, milady, it's..."

"Fredericka, so this is where you are! Young lady, you are quite late for your afternoon tutoring!"

"I am very sorry, mother, I will not tardy again."

She lowered her head. Her mother was one of the few people she did not, would not curtsy to. Not if she were to one day inherit the Empire. A young lady should be aware of how she acts, after all, and showing excess deference to one's own parents could be interpreted as weakness. Not that Rika cared much about such reasoning; she just found it weird to bow or curtsy towards her mother.

"Maid, why did you not inform my daughter that she is late?"

The maid immediately fell into a deep bow.

"My dearest apologies, Lady Remilia, but I was... distracted..."

Remilia's blonde hair lightly swayed in the wind, partly hiding her amethyst-coloured eyes. It was clear which parent Rika took after.

"What might cause a maid of the Imperial family to become so distracted that she forgets her orders?"

"Y-You see, it is because Lady Rika is n-n-naked..."

Remilia's eyes took on a much darker expression.

"Am I to understand you are lusting after my daughter?"

The maid's head rose, shock visible on her face.

"What!? No, no, of course not!"

"Ah, so you believe my daughter is not attractive enough for you to be charmed by her natural beauty?"

The maid said nothing, could say nothing, could only stare in confusion and horror. Remilia took it as a victory.

"Calm yourself. Know that some nobles will demand unreasonable requests or posit a series of questions from which you may not escape as no matter how you answer, they will take offence. As for my daughter's state of undress..."

She waved roughly in Rika's direction who had already left to admire a bird perched by the entrance.

"You may not know this as a Dollian, but us Elves possess a strong connection to nature. This can, in some cases, express itself as enjoyment of the love of the world. It means shedding one's garments and embracing the wind. Though I cannot say if my daughter is aware of this old term."

The maid nodded with rapt attention, having learned something new about her employers.

"Now move along and-"

The dream burst.


[Good evening, princess.]

"*Yaaaaaawn*... J-Jufu?"

Rika found herself in the rented room at the fancy inn. She slowly got up from her pillow and looked around. The light streaming through the window came from several lamp posts outside, the sun already below the horizon. Svetlana was nowhere to be found.

"Haaaaah... I feel like I slept for so long."

[Did you have a nice dream?]

"I may have? I believe I was back at the estate, walking around one of the many gardens. There was a dollian maid and she seemed flustered at something. Mother was also there, and... and..."

She could not continue, details eluding her. And she was crying...

"*Sniff* M-Mother... motheeeer!"

A heart wrenching scream pierced the room, followed by unrestrained weeping as Rika held her hands to her face. It came to her all at once, a barrage of emotions that had so far not fully hit her yet. The magnitude of the shock was unbearable.

And Jufu was unable to console her. Again.

Minutes of unrestrained crying came and went, the young elven girl unable to hold back tears or emotions. The entity knew he needed to do something, and quickly. He racked his metaphorical brain for a way to cheer her up. Something, anything... and then it came to him.

[This is so gonna get me on the Mods' shitlist again... Girly?]


[I'm feeling really bad about how I can't do jack about what happened, but there's a way I could... hold you for a bit if you want. It's basically a short-lived fake body, more like a blue-tinted shadow but it should feel close enough. However I need you to concentrate. Can you do that for me?]

"*Sniff, sniff* I... I can try..."

Jufu focused and poured magic through Rika's body. Her mind was a mess so he had to be extra careful; she was not in a state where he could just safely swap places with her and do it himself. As the two acted in unison, something changed about the room. Lights dimmed, shadows became longer, and the temperature fluctuated ever so slightly.

[Umbral Arts: Shadow Body!]

A strange feeling of losing herself for just a moment enveloped Rika, but thankfully she did not fall into panic as Jufu's soothing voice managed to keep her calm just long enough. A blue not-quite-substance, deep and dark yet somehow still transparent, crept over her body from behind. It was oddly warm. Only then did she notice that those were arms and hands.

[Don't look at my face right now. Just accept me touching you. I'll hold you tightly.]

She still turned around and pressed her face into the shadow's chest, then cried once more. His strong arms held her as tightly as he promised and she could feel herself getting better. Many more minutes passed by, her weeping the only thing audible.

[...You alright now?]

She wiped the tears off her face and gave a weak smile.

"Yes... thank you, Jufu."

[I think it's time for dinner. And after that...]

"It will be time to have a little fun."

She blushed lightly, but she did look forward to it. Especially since she finally had some time to let her emotions out.

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Dinner was a more relaxed affair. Georgius had arrived, his reports and deliveries finished. Misha had trained in the courtyard. Svetlana was the odd one out, feeling vaguely uncomfortable as she shifted back and forth in her chair. Misha asked the others if they might like to enjoy an evening stroll, but Georgius declined. He was completely beat and just wanted to take a bath and then head to bed.

"Mister Georgius, may I accompany you?"

"Ehhh, sure? But wouldn't you prefer to go with the others, Rika?"

"If we're out for a walk it'll end up even later for her. The poor girl needs her beauty sleep."

"*Sigh*. Fine, fine."

So decided, Rika ate a few more cookies from her stash, then headed to the underground baths with the alchemist.

"You might not know this, but this inn has a pretty long history. We're actually close to the noble's quarter of the city, so this place isn't cheap. That's why it comes with its own bathing facilities."

Rika nodded in understanding; she had noticed the inn was of decent quality, if not at all comparable to her own home. As the two entered the anteroom to the baths, racks for clothes lined the walls and a faint mist hung in the air. He undressed and put his clothes into a basket, underneath which was a number. Rika followed his example. He glanced at her before looking away.

"You'll have to excuse me but I can't see very well up close without my glasses because they fog up in here. But say, don't you ever take that collar off?"

[Pfft, typical. The dude doesn't even know what a choker is.]

"This is called a choker. It is... very important to me. Vitally so."

"Oh, so it's like a health charm or something?"

"In a sense it keeps me alive, yes."

"Poor girl, having to rely on a device just to live," he muttered under his breath.

He left it at that and motioned her to follow after they both grabbed some towels. The initial showers were a little cold, but they helped get the rough sweat and dirt off; though Rika barely sweat nowadays. After that he took her hand and guided her further in. A large, steamy hall awaited and inside were several men... but no women.

"Sorry, but I can hardly go into the female section. But don't worry, some adventurers or merchants take their daughters along if they can't go with their mothers instead."

Rika did not mind at all, though.

[I know where this is going. If the guy touches you badly, feel free to scream.]


[Nothing. Probably just overthinking here.]

She did not understand what Jufu was referring to, but skipped ahead. Her hair was loose and long, even if most of it wetly stuck to her back. Scented shampoo - quite a luxury product as far as she was aware - was available via several glass bottles, so she washed herself up properly and enjoyed the cherry scent. Georgius meanwhile preferred something completely odourless, which she found weird.

"Do you need help with washing yourself?"

"Please, if you would?"

He proceeded to help her wash her long, brightly-blonde hair. He skillfully rubbed the soapy shampoo into it as well as over her body, touching her neck, her arms, her sides... as well as her chest, her legs, and her butt.

[Oi oi, what's this guy doing!?]

Rika barely heard Jufu, too happy from all the impressions and the surprisingly-skilled impromptu massage Georgius was giving her. She felt herself getting wet and aroused, and had to suppress starting to moan. But the massage suddenly ended and everything went weird for her.

"M-Mister Georgius...?"

"I'm sorry, I got a little ahead of myself."

He looked away, his body twitching strangely.

"Do say, Rika. What is that tattoo on your abdomen about? It looks like a heart, but I don't think I've ever seen one like that before."

[It's for feeling good but we can't really tell him that. Hmpf, I don't trust this guy. I say we leave.]

Rika shook her head. The heat of the room and the arousal from the aforementioned tattoo had gotten to her, and her thoughts were a whirl.

"It is a tattoo for... life? To enjoy emotions. I do not know all the details myself, but it is almost as important as my choker."

"I... see."

Things were getting awkward, so Georgius decided they should go back upstairs. It was late regardless and Rika, he figured, should go to sleep.


A little while after, Rika, now properly showered and clean (and feeling somewhat warm in her belly), was in the rented room once again. Misha and Svetlana had still not returned from their walk, so she wanted to spend this time at her leisure. Jufu had told her to undress and procure a little mirror. She sat on the bed, leaned against the wall, and had her legs spread open. The mirror was placed in front of her. She moved it at various angles to learn what her nethers actually looked like.

[For guys, masturbation is an easy affair; just grab your dick and rub it. But for girls, it's not as simple. For starters girls can't see it all without a mirror like this. Knowing what your vagina looks like is important to lower the fear of touching it. So, the puffy part that forms a valley downward plus that little nub there is the vulva. The puffy slabs specifically are the labia, or the pussy lips. The nub is the clitoris, or clit for short. The hole below it is the urethra and the other is the actual vagina, or pussy. That and the clit are the main ways girls feel pleasure, but I recommend being careful with the clit; it's really sensitive. It's not some magical pleasure button, even with my benefit of reduced pain.]

Rika was getting a little impatient. She may not have known all these details, but she was also not entirely clueless. Or a hopeless beginner, for that matter.

[...Right, I can feel you're raring to go, so have at it.]

The tattoo pulsed, and more warmth spread across Rika's body. Her face flushed with heat and her nipples hardened slightly. Almost instinctively she grabbed her left nipple with her left hand and started rubbing it.

[I recommend putting your left hand downstairs. Use the right to rub your nipples with your arm and hand instead.]

She did, and the tip proved useful; now she could touch both nipples while keeping one hand free! Recalling how Svetlana had done it, she traced her small mounds with her hand. She rubbed back and forth on the outline and experimentally put her thumb on her clitoris. She knew from the little bouts of pain that she would have to learn how to properly work it, but it was completely bearable and soon enough it proved rather pleasurable.

Her middle and ring fingers scraped lightly between her lips at the opening. She was already quite, quite wet, and her moaning accompanied by wet squelching sounds. Out of patience, she put one, then both, into the warm hole. She was rewarded by a warm, fluffy feeling. She was on the right track.

"Ohh, that's- ah, haah, that feels gooood... Ahhh!"

With wilder movements, she did actually start to sweat slightly. She saw no reason to hold her moans back and basked in the feeling. Her breath became ragged even as she tried various ways to move - rub her nipples or pinch, roll her clit, stroke her fingers inside her vagina, and more - and soon enough she could feel something building up deep inside her core.

"Ahh, ahhh, haahn, Jufu, I'm... I am- ahhhh...!"

[That's called climax, or cumming. Just let it happen, don't fight it.]

He need not have worried, she was getting so ecstatic about it she would not have fought it even if she had been able to.

"Jufu, Jufuuu, I am... c-c-cumming, cumming, cummiiiingg! Aaaaahhhh!!!"

Things went white in Rika's head, the feeling of her first real orgasm - super-charged by Jufu's tattoo - so overwhelmingly good that she felt she had nearly passed out. It took quite some time until she got her bearings, until which she could only breathe lightly as she basked in the afterglow.

"Hah, haaah... Thank you... Jufu..."

[You're very, very welcome.]

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