Heiress of the Empire

Chapter 11: Chapter 11

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The rest of the trek was a thankfully uneventful affair. Several other carriages went by, driving in the direction opposite to the one Georgius and his party used. He exchanged a few greetings and waved his hand. Some of the drivers he also greeted by name, with them nodding in return. A few warnings were shared as well about monster sightings, to which he pointed at the back of his carriage where the dead bodies of the four Polevoi lay.

Misha was sitting next to Georgius, her gaze going this way and that to ensure readiness in case more of the things would try ambushing them, but nothing happened. Svetlana was sitting on the back-end with Rika, their feet dangling cutely off the wagon as they were talking. Well, Svetlana was talking. The church girl was a surprising blabbermouth when it came to topics that interested her - mainly her faith - but Rika was only half-listening, her mind wandering.

[You alright?]

She shook her head. During the fight earlier she had frozen in fear for a moment and it could have cost them their lives.

[Are you sad because you blanked out during the fight?]

A nod came, albeit with some hesitation.

[Don't be. That was your first real fight against monsters. It's normal to lose composure. What matters is that you won and nobody died. Plus it was pretty awesome how you torched that plant monster in one shot. So cheer up, you earned yourself a little reward later.]


Svetlana was pulled out of her monologuing when she heard Rika finally speak up, the half-a-question unexpected enough for her to lose her line of thought.

"Do you want some cookies, Rika?"

A heartfelt nod came as the answer. If Jufu said she had earned a reward, then she would think of that. Her mood brightened, the idea of cookies later made her smile in anticipation. Of course, Svetlana missed all that context and merely assumed Rika to be young enough to simply constantly think of sweets and other things little girls enjoy.

"I'll buy you some cookies once we're in the city."

A warm smile, against all odds even brighter than before, was all she needed as an answer.

Eventually the carriage reached the city walls. Large red bricks in layers upon layers circled the city, onion-shaped roofs on tall towers visible further away. The portcullis was a solid-looking steel monstrosity able to fall down and block entry at a moment's notice. Watchtowers were placed along the walls at even intervals, each manned by several strong beastkin soldiers armed with flintlocks. Small watch holes and slightly bigger ones with cannon barrels poking out completed the appearance that this defence wall was heavily fortified indeed.

Georgius slowed the carriage down a notch as they approached the actual gate. A boom barrier was lowered on his side of the road. A knight-looking beastkin with a very bored expression approached.

"Papers, please."

"Hi, Mikhail. Here's the pass. We fought some monsters on the way so please be quick, I need to report to a few people."

The guard, Mikhail, seemed to be a foxkin, his red bushy tail swishing back and forth as he checked the documents. Since Georgius was a seemingly well-known figure, not too much time went by at the checkpoint until they were let through. Rika and Svetlana waved at him as the carriage entered the city, so he gave a polite wave back... then blinked several times when he noticed Rika's ears.


The vehicle came to another stop at an inn, and Misha and Svetlana hopped off. Rika was helped down by the church girl, the touch giving her a weird tingle in her hand.

"I need to bring the wares to the guild. The corpses as well. They need to be informed of this incident. Feel free to check in, I'll be around later."

"Bye, Georgius. Don't let the guild master eat you."

Misha made something of a mocking expression - as much as could be seen anyway - and the alchemist drove on, his head shaking back and forth.

"Do you two not get along well?"

"Nah, Rika, it's just a game adults play. But that dork's terrible at it."

She gave Rika a little pat on the head.

"Oh, are you two... that? In a relationship?"

"Pfft, hahaha. No, no way. That guy's totally not into women. Ah, but don't tell anyone, it's a secret."

[Not much of a secret if she just blurts it out in the open street.]

Rika had to agree with that.

"Anyway, you girls want something? My treat."

"I would like some tea. Rika said she would like some cookies."


"Tea and cookies, yeah? Can do."

The three entered the inn. Rika and Svetlana sat down at one of the restaurant-like tables while Misha handled the reservations. Two rooms - one for Rika and Svetlana plus one for herself and Georgius - were rented and she got two key chains. She then sat down, and not too long after a maid-like waitress came by to take their orders. The white fox woman looked notably more beast-like than elven, which reminded Rika of a few of the kids at the orphanage.

Misha had a large meat dish and some alcohol. Svetlana got a salad appetiser and a dish with potatoes, while Rika got something called pierogi as well as the promised cookies. They were covered with chocolate and smelled of cherry and faint cinnamon.

"Priyatnogo appetita!"

Misha dug in, her table manners somewhat less refined than Rika's but still acceptable. Svetlana dug into her food with vigour. Rika bit into one of the pierogi and was filled with happiness at the decently-sweet taste.

"These pierogi are wonderful."

"Yeah, right? They're a bit too sweet for me, but as an occasional moonday dish the kids love 'em."


After the nice lunch - Rika had stashed a few of the cherry-jam chocolate cookies away for later - the trio went upstairs to relax for a little bit. Rika and Svetlana were given their room key and told to wait until Georgius would come over.

"Rika, would you like to play something?"

Svetlana suddenly asked while her new roommate was staring out of the window.

[I swear, if I have to keep hearing that voice I'm gonna lose it!]

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Rika was unsure why Jufu suddenly voiced his annoyance, but kept silent to let him continue.

[If she wants to play, I have some ideas. Girly, how about we train your charm magic a little more? The church gal should make for a good training dummy.]

She thought about it, but in the end it did not take any convincing - she did remember feeling some annoyance with Svetlana's one-sided sermon-as-conversation earlier. A mild smirk crept on her face and she turned around, a sweet smile on her face.

[Okay, let's do this. Charm Focus: Impression!]

She did not need prompting this time. Her gaze was fixated on Svetlana, who did not suspect anything so her various holy defences went unused. Her mind went blank, awaiting Rika's orders.

[Good, good. That went better than expected; you really have talent for this, girly. So, first order her to lock the door.]

So done, Rika next had Svetlana sit on one of the beds but face the other.

[Alright, I cast a sound-proofing spell, and the door's locked. Hmhm, now let's see if this bitch is really as pure as advertised. Tell her to pull up her robe and show us her panties.]

"Svetlana, I order you to roll up your robe and present your panties to me!"

"I-I-I don't w-w-want to..."

[Hmpf, yeah right. Let's try that again. Charm Focus: Control!]

The second cast went even easier and Svetlana lost all inhibitions seen prior. She deftly grabbed at the hem of her robes and pulled them, presenting very gaudy white underwear lined with gold, as well as matching garters and stockings.

[Heh, she has some surprisingly adult tastes. Guess church people really are the same everywhere. Well, this will be good for your education. Order her to hold her robes up with her mouth and start masturbating. You can observe how she does it and try it yourself later.]

So said, poor Svetlana had to do as she was ordered. She bit on the hem of her robes, slid slightly forward on the bed, and started putting on a little show. Rika naturally had never seen another girl pleasure herself, and Svetlana was clearly inexperienced at it, but still she watched with rapt attention.

"Mmm, mmpf, hmm... nnnnmm!"

Svetlana's right hand had gone under her robes and begun fondling her modest chest. Her face was mostly devoid of an expression, but still turned red in a blush as she went. Her other hand was reaching into her panties, two fingers rubbing back and forth between her lower lips while the rest traced around. Muffled moans escaped her mouth even as she stoically bit on the cloth.

"Mmm, hnnn, ann, hhhhhmmm!"

Jufu, through Rika, ordered the girl to go faster, but Svetlana did not do that; something was holding her back from orgasming.

[Sounds like she needs help. Rika, mind giving her, heh, a hand?]

Rika had gotten quite aroused from the show, so she obliged. She put Svetlana's juice-soaked hand up to her breasts to join the other and then slid off the girl's panties to get a better view. Experimentally she put a finger forward, tracing the soaking-wet vagina, and stuck it inside. Followed by a second.


The girl in front of her let out a loud, if muffled, moan unlike any before. Rika took that as encouragement to continue.

[Most girls have a slightly rough spot on the upper side of their pussy, somewhere near the entrance. Try focusing on that, she should cum soon.]

She nodded and started searching for that rough spot. She rubbed it with her dainty fingers, and it did not take long at all until Svetlana started thrashing around as she reached her orgasm.

"Mmmpf, mmm, mmhhh... mm, mm, mmmmmpppfff!"

With convulsions, she finally came hard, her body going slack as she fell backwards. Her mouth was half open, the sounds escaping a delirious cascade of gasps and moans.

[Good job. Guess you now know how masturbation works?]

Of course Rika had already known the basics, but she still nodded, the "lesson" having given her some further insight.

[Nice, nice. Okay, let's wrap this up. Charm Focus: Impression!]

Svetlana's orgasm-addled mind offered absolutely no resistance, so Jufu had free reign.

[Tell her to make masturbation a daily routine as long as she's alone. No secret prayer nonsense, only having fun.]

"What? Jufu, no, that is going too far!"

[Does it? I think it would be amusing.]

"I will not do that, I do not wish to harm her."

[Girly, what's the harm in having some quality alone-time? Come on, I'm sure she'll have plenty of fun with that.]

But Rika vehemently declined. Even though she was aroused, her morality told her not to do something as disruptive as this. Svetlana did not deserve losing control of herself like that.

"No, I will not. Please suggest something less... less..."

[Less extreme? Jeez, you're making it sound like I'm condemning her to sell her body at the next brothel or whatever. Alright, fine, then how about you order her to not wear bras or panties from now on? Make it sounds like it's a commandment of her saint, I think that'd be funny.]

Rika blushed at the idea a little; though, torn as she was between wanting to not harm Svetlana but also not disappointing Jufu yet again, she decided that merely not wearing underwear should be a decent compromise.

"Svetlana, heed my order: you may not wear underwear from now on. Know this as a rule outlined by Lady Galadrial herself."

The girl nodded, her mind a whirl and the new compulsion not improving things any.

[Awright, I knew you had it in you. Now go take a nap, girly. Your own rewards come tonight.]

Rika felt her tattoo pulse just a little warmer for a few moments. Having managed to find a solution that satisfied both her morality as well as Jufu, she was really looking forward to it now.

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