Heiress of the Empire

Chapter 9: Chapter 9

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"Jufu, are you well?"

[I'm fine now that we left that wretched building. Did you ever have a strange noise in your ears that really annoyed you? Yeah, it was like that but about ten times worse.]

The two conversed as Rika stepped through the snow. Unlike the day before it was decently sunny and not as bitingly cold, but something about Rika's slow pace was off.

[What's up, girly? Something on your mind? C'mon, just say the word.]

She stopped.

"It is about... well, you. Jufu, I am uncertain about your goals and I need a reassurance."

He was silent for a long moment, but on some level Rika could feel that he was thinking, so she waited for him to answer.

[Right, let's start with the more obvious. You asked me if I'm a demon, and to that I say: while I've been called a demon before, I'm actually annoyed about it. So no. Do not call me that. As for my goals? I want freedom. I want to have fun and do whatever I want. And since you're my adorable, beautiful, desirable lil' host, I want you to have fun as well. But for that to happen, you need to trust me.]

She was somewhat put at ease by the answer, her doubts finally lessened. She nodded once, and began skipping along faster.

[Good girl. By the way, how're you feeling downstairs? Is it too much? Or maybe... you'd like a little more?]

Rika came to an abrupt stop and had to rudder with her arms for a moment to keep herself from toppling over.


[What? We made a deal, and you know that I want you to feel good, so it's a perfectly normal question.]

"I-I know that...! So, uhm, it does feel nice and warm... but..."


"I cannot tell if this is right."

[What's right, in my opinion, is that you have a wonderful body and that you get to enjoy it.]

"And I am happy that you gave me a stronger body. That you made me... cuter."

[Mhm, you became super-mega cute, girly. Okay, how about this? I raise the feel good setting a little, and if you find it too distracting you can just tell me. How's that sound?]

"...Alright, please do that."

The sudden change was strong enough for a moment that Rika's legs buckled. Her face flushed red and her breathing stopped shortly.

[How's this? Think you can handle this?]

Her face ablush, she nodded several times, but still she looked for a spot to sit down. She was acutely aware that the tattoo above her nethers was sending a pleasant warmth into her body, somewhat stronger than before. With several deep breaths, she felt herself getting used to it, although the other aspect of it was less easy to handle.

"Jufu, why do I become wet between my legs from things like this? I am not actually... peeing myself like they said, right?"

[Nah, those silly boys have clearly no idea about girl bodies. That liquid's called 'pussy juice'. It's what a girl produces when she feels horny and is ready to make love.]

"Ready to make love?"

[Sex, chica.]

"...Oh. So you want me to have intercourse as well?"

[Eventually, yeah. Sex feels really good, and with my aspect of Lust granted to you you'll definitely enjoy it. But hey, no rush. I don't want you to become some dumb slut who only thinks of herself.]

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Rika leaned against a tree, her eyes closed, and listened to a song bird. Her lower body had become a little less distracting and she was starting to like the feeling. But...

"Yet I was not ready to touch myself..."

[*Sigh* I already told you, it's fine. Go at it at your own pace. I'm just here to suggest things. Like you could put your left hand into your panties now... or don't. It's your choice.]

She considered it. The allure was there. Her mind said she should do it so she would stop feeling like she failed the most basic part of Jufu's magic gift - even if he kept saying it was not an issue.

"I will do it in the evening. I will not fail you again!"

Then something else occurred to her, formerly buried under the many other impressions she has had so far.

"You called me 'princess' earlier, Jufu."

[Yeah? Because you are.]

"...I am? ...Oh, I am indeed..."

She fell silent for a moment, clearly in thought.

"Jufu, why did I forget that I am the princess of Alheim?"

[Probably some side effect of everything. Girly, you spent the last 2 days in a whirl of new stuff. The thing with your parents, the fire, the fight... and then you arrived here. Your mind's just a little jumbled. What you need is rest, and-]



She jumped up, her emotions suddenly ablaze with anger and hatred.

"No, what I need to do is avenge my parents and kill Albert! The hideous swine killed so many people, I must bring him to justice! I must go back to Alheim and crush him! He is evil, I always knew, and he must be stopped!"

Jufu was not impressed. To him, Rika's vow of revenge sounded more like a short-sighted temper tantrum. He took control of her right hand and made her slap her own face, hard.

"O-Ouch! Jufu, why did you-"

[Because you're being silly! What do you expect to change right now!? I dunno how or why, but it's pretty clear he also got empowered somehow. I couldn't defeat him and neither can you. What you need is more power... and allies.]

"But I should have allies among the other nobles-"

[Most of them are probably already dead. You were gone for two months! Two months that saw a firestorm of a civil war. Your parents are dead, your staff decimated, the nobles supporting your family were probably all sent to prison or...]

He left his sentence hanging there. She wanted to retort, to counter his arguments... but she knew he was right. She had learned enough over the years from the best tutors of the Empire to know that he was simply right; it was basic logic to deal with political opponents as quickly as possible. Defeated, she lost all strength and  fell down once more, tears spilling from her eyes.

"Then *Sniff*... Then what can I even do?"

[Well first of all, you need to properly recover. Even magic can fix your broken body and scarred mind only so much. Girly, you need rest. A day or two off. You experienced something really shitty, so your mind needs time to get over it. That's why we should go to the city so you can see some new sights.]

"*Sob, sob*... Waaaaaaaahhh..."

She continued crying for some time. Jufu waited until she stopped. Perhaps, if he had a body of his own, he would have hugged her? But he did not, so all he did - all he could do - was continue with his encouraging speech once her crying abated a little.

[...Here's an idea: think about what you said you'll want to do this evening. Heck, before that, we'll find you a cute café or something where they serve cookies. I suggest you look forward to that, it'll help you feel better. Then I'll be there for you in the evening and teach you all you need to know. Doesn't that sound good?]

She said nothing. Instead she leaned back and tried to not think of anything at all. She knew that Jufu was correct in his assessment; as it was, she could not do anything without preparation. But even before that, she would need to relax and recover properly.

For a few blissful moments she just tried to forget about everything and simply live in the moment.

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