Heiress of the Empire

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

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As the horse-drawn carriage moved along the snowed-in road, the convent became ever smaller in Rika's vision. Something in her mind eased up, giving her a better outlook on things to come. Was this what Jufu was talking about?

[Hey, girly. What're you gonna do once we're in the city? After buying sweets and having a bit of fun, I mean. Because I'm really not looking forward to meeting a head priestess or whatever that person who leads the convent is. I say we bolt it at the first opportunity.]

Rika very lightly shook her head. The people at the convent seemed friendly - well, Miss Catherine did and so did Georgius and his two party members - and they clearly needed some help.

"I want to repay these people. The convent... orphanage needs repairs. The materials they get are probably donations, but they will need proper carpenters to get it done, which means they will need money," she whispered as quietly as she could. Thankfully, nobody was paying attention since the others were looking at the road for any potential dangers.

[*Gggrrrrmmbl*, I don't think we should. The moment anyone important figures out I'm in your head they'll get you in deep trouble. To them I'm an evil spirit or a demon or whatever and they'll try to exorcise me or some shite like that. Hijos de puta. After that they'll notice it didn't work because duh and so they'll imprison you, or worse. No more freedom, no avenging your parents.]

"But... even so, I want to help them. We need allies, right? We should start where we can."

[You'll regret this, I promise you. But then again life, like any teacher, sometimes needs you to fail to realise. Whatever, do as you like.]

Rika was not entirely sure why Jufu was so dismissive of these peoples' problems, but at least he seemed alright with the idea of her trying to do what she thought to be the right course of action. She crawled onto the seat next to Georgius, who was holding the reins, and looked at him. His triangular small-ish ears made her wonder what kind of beastkin he was.

"Mister Georgius?"

He looked half-way at her, keeping one eye on the road still, and nodded to encourage her to start talking.

"I was wondering... what kind of beastkin are you?"

He looked forward again, quiet for a few moments.

"I'm of the brown bear clan."

[That's a lie. Bears have rounded ears.]

"But your ears are pointy?"

"That's due to my alchemy. I had to occasionally use my own flesh for potions."


"A bit gruesome, I know. But it was for good causes."

"Ah, you mean, for example, helping the orphanage?"

He nodded, eyes still on the road.

[This guy's hiding something.]

"He is... hiding something? Do you mean he has a secret?", Rika muttered under her breath.

[Everyone has secrets, but when someone doesn't look at you while talking with you, then you should know they're trying to evade something.]

"Do you often talk to yourself, Rika?"

Pulled out of her false reverie, she looked at him and she was certain she saw a little smirk on his face.

"Maybe you have an invisible friend?"

[Hahahah, if only this guy knew.]

Jufu found it deeply amusing that Georgius was more correct than he probably thought.


The two continued chatting for a little while longer, Jufu occasionally interjecting. He did not trust the man, though Rika could not explain why; even if he hid something - because who doesn't? - he seemed honest enough and as a noble she had some minor skill at least to gauge him.

Misha and Svetlana were busy with their own talk, but Rika was not listening too much. This changed when the wagon abruptly stopped, the horses spooked by something. Trouble was rearing its ugly head again.

"Misha, Svetlana, get ready! There's a Polevoi ahead!"

The trio jumped off and got ready for battle.

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"Rika, you stay behind so you don't get hurt!"

[Pfft, who the hell does he think he is? Time for some action!]

Rika nodded to Jufu's words and jumped off as well.

"No, Mister Georgius, I will fight as well!"

"P-Please, don't... it's d-dangerous..." Svetlana barely stammered out. It was clear she was not used to combat as much as the other two.

"The monster is coming, so I must help!"

She looked ahead. The Polevoi was a strange plant creature; its dark skin resembled tree bark, it had three eyes with a yellow glow within, and its head was covered in wilted grass. Its overall shape roughly resembled a muscular adult male, but it did not seem quite as tall.

"Fine then! Svetlana, shield us! Misha, defence position 3! Rika, what's your spell set?"

The three acted very methodically, indicating that the monster ahead was a formidable foe.

"Sh-Shield Dome!"

Svetlana erected a small dome which encompassed herself and Georgius. The alchemist took out two flasks, poured one liquid into another, and shook the concoction. Not a second later he threw it at the monster, causing a very smokey explosion.

The Polevoi seemed disoriented for a moment, but that was all that was needed. Misha was already running ahead, her knight shield held in a strange orientation. Spikes erupted and shot forward. Their range was not very high, but a few of them reached the tree-like abomination. Several spikes skewered it and prevented it from moving, so Misha summoned a lance and rammed it straight through the monster's head. Green-yellow sap-like blood seeped from the wound. She pulled back and the monster fell over, dead. To make sure she stabbed it a few more times, but it was well and truly killed.

The others came over, Georgius leading the poor horses and he made a grimace.

"Why's there a field spirit on a forest road?"

"Probably got lost? They're known for that."

"They're known for getting people lost, Misha, not themselves. I don't like this. I think we should-"

The shrubbery around everyone rustled, and three more stepped out. These ones were quite a lot taller than the dead one and seemed very, very angry. Vines rose from the ground and tried grabbing everyone present. Svetlana could not evade in time and got tied up. One of the things rushed forward, powerful clawed arms trying to slash her to pieces. Misha stepped in and blocked, but the thing was powerful enough to keep her busy. Georgius mixed another set of ingredients and poured it over the vines. They receded, and Svetlana needed a deep breath. Unfortunately they did not have time since the remaining two Polevoi were already close to striking range. They were not fast, but their hulking forms were very intimidating.

"Shield Dome!"

The young priestess put another dome in place, but Rika was just barely not protected by it. Georgius pulled her in and shook her out of her stupor.

"You said you want to help us! Now do it!"

[He's right! Get over your fear and fight!]

She was not sure why she had suddenly gotten scared, but she managed to shake it off. With a motion of her staff, she focused her magic and...


A flaming, white-glowing projectile shot out of the tip of her staff and hit one of the unoccupied monsters straight in the stomach. The fireball, a basic but fairly decent spell, consisted of a burning piece of half-molten rock and gas, the speed and heat able to deal plenty of damage against a plant monster like this. The Polevoi's bark immediately caught fire and its monstrous death screams went quiet in short order as it burned to cinders, white molten rock burning deep gashes into its flesh without mercy.

Rika did not wait and shot another fireball at the other Polevoi, but she missed. It came closer, so Georgius threw the rest of the prior concoction at it. Screaming in pain from the acid, the thing clutched at its face. Then a powerful lance blow from Misha gave it the rest, and it toppled over.

"Haah, haah... W-We w-won..."

Svetlana was slightly out of breath, still winded due to having the air pressed out of her before. Thankfully, no more monsters came into view, so everyone took a short break atop the cart. Georgius had Misha put the corpses onto it and then secured them with several ropes. They would make for fine ingredients or fetch a decent price, at least. They would also act as proof that something was wrong - Polevoi should not roam like that.

The two girls congratulated Rika for taking down an adult Polevoi in a single shot, but Georgius was busy with noting down the events for the eventual report later.


Suspicious, he looked at the corpse which Rika had felled; it was still smouldering and toxic white smoke kept pouring out of its wounds.

(What the heck...?)

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