Hellion [A Demon Progression Story]

Chapter 17: Chapter 16 Thrill Of The Chase

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Helios looked at the gore spread across the clearing. The blood was being eagerly soaked into the dry ground while the entrails had been reduced to dust. He wiped two hands over his face before turning to his companions.


“I was hoping that a Luminare would have more life force than she did,” Helios wistfully said.


“Be grateful. There wasn’t much soul essence left after you blew it to fucking bits! Can’t you show a little restraint for once?” Tsiyaha said in exasperation.


“Neither of you visibly changed a lot,” Krutak chimed in.


“I don’t know about Helios, I assume he added it to his magic. I chose to gain Uilron’s acid ability. You would’ve seen for yourself that wasn’t cheap. You obviously just made yourself big and dumb,” Tsiyaha replied with an annoyed expression.


“Well, we can move faster if you both get on my back. I won’t need to clear a path and we can just charge through the Wailing Woods. So, it’s not all bad,” Krutak defensively said. He scratched his rocky shoulder, small flakes of dust falling off.


“A good idea, Krutak. Well done,” Helios interjected before Tsiyaha could make another scathing comment. He gestured for Krutak to kneel while walking forward.


Krutak faced away and lowered himself to one knee. Helios took a grip on his protruding rocky growths, easily climbing into place. He was able to rest comfortably with footholds on his wide back. Tsiyaha audibly clucked her tongue before reluctantly taking up position behind Krutak’s other shoulder. 


Once the pair were in place, Krutak raised to his haunches. He glanced over his shoulder to confirm they were secure and then started to move. He ran at a breakneck pace on his knuckles. Helios kept his face down as branches bent and flicked overhead, occasionally snapping off against Krutak’s natural armour. Krutak’s attention was entirely focused forward, blindly charging toward their destination.




After an unknown amount of time, Krutak burst through the final obstruction of branches into the open. Helios peeked over his shoulder as he slowed to stop. In their path was a startled Dolore demon. Helios maliciously grinned and pat Krutak on the shoulder.


“Get ‘em, boy,” Helios said. Krutak unleashed a rumbling roar in response that spooked the nearby tormented souls of the Wailing Woods.


The Dolore wasn’t expecting to be ambushed. It had been resting beside a narrow stream of liquid that resembled lava. The water was mostly an oily black colour with an orange glow in places across the surface. The demon resembled a yellow frog with a pair of antlers atop its head. It silently regarded the trio confronting it before deciding it wasn’t a match.


It was larger than both Helios and Tsyiaha. Yet it agilely leapt across the stream, looking back in panic to see if they would give chase. Krutak’s body trembled with excitement for the chase after seeing his prey fleeing. He launched forward with exceptional speed. The terrified Dolore increased its speed after hearing his thumping footsteps getting closer. 


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Krutak splashed into the small stream unharmed. It was deeper than expected, reaching the passengers on his back. Feeling its mild heat, Helios reached down to trail a hand through the water. When they emerged from the other side, the water had cooled to a familiar black colour on his skin.


It’s the same water from the Birthing Pool. Why does it glow like lava? The more I learn about this place, the less it makes sense.


“Obediently come back here and I’ll make it quick. If you continue to run, I’m going to take my time. On second thought, run and hide. I want to taste your fear, hahaha!” Krutak hollered at the demon with glee.


He quickly gained on the Dolore, it glanced back and spat a noxious liquid into his face. It harmlessly sizzled on his rough armouring. A sharp hiss of pain alerted Helios that Tsiyaha wasn’t as lucky. He looked at her to discover the acid quickly eating the flesh of her face, exposing the thickened protective skull of her cheek. Tsiyaha reacted immediately, climbing onto Krutak’s shoulder to spring atop the fleeing Dolore.


There was a crisp ringing sound of the Dolore using its antler to deflect the spike in Tsiyaha’s hand. With an ear-piercing screech of aggravation, she sank countless fangs from her snake-hair into its tender flesh. The Dolore shrieked in pain as its flesh started to melt from the bone. Krutak came to a halt, watching her actions with disappointment.


Tsiyaha, he was supposed to be my prey,” Krutak whined with a pouting expression. Tsiyaha whipped around to glare at him with a sneer. He retreated a step while holding up his hands in a placating gesture. “Don’t worry, I’m happy to share. He’s all yours…”


Tsiyaha silently regarded him for a moment, examining him from head to toe. There was no telling what she was contemplating doing to him. She eventually turned away, causing Krutak to sag in relief. The Dolore’s struggles had quickly become feeble. Its flesh was rapidly deteriorating away as Tsiyaha hovered her face above it. She started the rhythmic breathing to coax out its life essence. Her irritated expression softened into one of bliss.


She threw back her head as the Dolore crumbled into dust beneath her thighs. She ran her hand from the nape of her neck to her abdomen with a moan of rapture. Helios became painfully aware of her uncovered breasts and shifted his gaze elsewhere. Tsiyaha bit her lip in satisfaction as she climbed to her feet and turned to beam at her silent companions.


“Did you enjoy yourself?” Helios dryly asked.


“It’s the absolute best. Nothing can rival the feeling. He tasted delicious,” Tsiyaha answered with a distracted smile. Helios shook his head with a snort of amusement.


“Now you’ve had your fill, you may as well climb back on. Krutak can travel a lot faster than we do,” Helios replied, moving over to create space to pat beside him.


“I don’t want to ride him but it’s not safe out here, so I will. It’s only a matter of time before we encounter a Luminare or worse when we near Fastidium. Don’t get any ideas, Krutak. You’re just a moving mountain,” Tsiyaha said in irritation, her previous jovial attitude gone.


“I wouldn’t think of touching you, you’re far too dangerous,” Krutak grumbled in reply as she climbed onto his back. “Hold on, we’ll be moving a lot faster now that we’re out of the Wailing Woods.”


Krutak surged forward, causing Tsiyaha’s footing to slip. She berated him with a curse as Helios chuckled in amusement, leaning into his seat.

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