Hellion [A Demon Progression Story]

Chapter 41: Chapter 40 Street Fight

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Helios navigated through the crowd in a game of cat and mouse. His pursuers were oblivious to the fact Helios was aware of their presence and continued to trail behind him using the crimson demonic aura as cover. Helios could barely contain his excitement as the five Dolore steadily closed in on him.


Without demon sight active, it’s like they’re standing in broad daylight. It has advantages in seeing hidden illusory parts of the city but it also acts like night and gives opportunistic demons a place to hide. That’s something worth noting to take advantage of in the future.


Higher tier demons walking passed Helios in the crowd looked at his Nightmare mantle and staff with unconcealed avarice. A few individual Dolore who noticed his stalkers decisively joined them in pursuit. After moving through the press, Helios noticed another seven potential victims joining the chase.


“Hahaha, Dolore are just like juvenile gangs on Earth, always opportunistic with no regard for the consequences. It’s too easy to lure them. We have enough, any more than this may become dangerous. Turn off at the next alley up ahead,” Tuktuk quietly instructed. Helios nodded in understanding and moved to where he indicated.


Helios separated from the heavy crowd and entered the alley between two haphazardly stacked structures. He walked into the shadows of the buildings until the sound of traffic was reduced in the background. He suddenly stopped. Gripping his staff tight, he turned to confront his pursuers.


Thirteen Dolore stood behind him, five were grouped together while the others eyed each other warily. Helios smirked and relaxed his guard, allowing his staff to lull to the side.


“You lot took your sweet time catching up,” Helios teasingly said. The Dolore were taken aback by his words and looked at him in confusion.


“Whatcha mean, dead man? Yah look all fancy-like in your Nightmare clothes. Me can’t wait to take ‘em from yah,” The big Dolore leading the group of five replied. Tuktuk laughed in amusement at his words.


“Remember, Helios. No magic. It’s time to test your new toys,” Tuktuk said, tapping his shoulder to get his attention.


“I know, you don’t have to remind me,” Helios impatiently replied. He carefully tossed the staff to the side of the alley.


One of the solo Dolore glanced between his peers, the staff, and Helios. It was a lithe demon with long legs and arms built for speed. He decisively ran forwards and scooped up the staff and sprinted down the opposite direction of the alley at a break-neck speed. Before any of his peers could react, Helios indifferently reached toward him with a hand, a web quickly emerging to catch the fleeing Dolore. 


Helios didn’t even look in its direction as he clenched his fist, gruesomely exploding the Dolore before it could escape. Blood and entrails coated the walls of the alley and the staff audibly clattered to the ground amid the gore.


“Whoops. Sorry, master. I forgot I’m not supposed to use magic,” Helios sarcastically apologised with a wry smirk. 


“Dolore,” Tuktuk complained, rubbing his temples and shaking his head in exasperation.

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Helios grinned in satisfaction and turned his attention back to the remaining twelve Dolore. They stared at him in horror, cautiously backing down the alley. Helios took a step forward, pulling newly forged Nightmare daggers from his mantle to hold in each of his four hands.


“Where are you all going? I thought we had just become friends, you only just complimented my clothes a moment ago. What do you think of my toys?” Helios teased with a predatory smile.


The leader of the original pursuers clenched his fists, turning to confront Helios. Seeing his actions, his followers also stopped their retreat. Two of the solo Dolore couldn’t withstand the mental pressure and broke into a run for the exit. Helios decisively threw all of his daggers. 


Three daggers hit their mark, the first knocked one of the fleeing demons to the ground. It writhed on the ground trying to pull the dagger from its back. The second, an observing demon collapsed to its knees clutching its bleeding throat before falling face-first into the dirt. The third buried itself into the midsection of the leader. 


The last one aimed at the other fleeing target went wide and clattered harmlessly against the wall. The Dolore glanced back and exclaimed in elation seeing the salvation of the crowd only a few steps away. Annoyed, Helios snarled and projected a web across the distance. The target remained oblivious until the very last moment. It chortled with excitement at the edge of the alley, desperately throwing itself forward.


I don’t think so. Break!


The Dolore demon suspended in mid-air suddenly erupted into a shower of gore. Blood coated the crowd which was confused for only a moment before turning to chaos. Fighting broke out among them to devour the remains. Others realised the lower caste of the victim and quickly distanced themselves from the scene, unwilling to be blamed for the carnage. 


Within a few short seconds, the street at the end of the alley was completely empty, everyone giving it wide birth until the perpetrator was identified by Fastidium’s authorities.


Sigh, that’s two times you’ve used magic. Tuktuk should be punishing you for all the wasted potential. Tuktuk still has to give you credit though, you got a few. One was even an instant kill. If the one on the ground doesn’t get the blade out of his back, it will slowly devour him. Just like the other one has finished doing to the first target. We don’t want that, we need the materials for more Nightmare tools. At least try to keep that in mind,” Tuktuk said with a heavy sigh. To emphasize his words, the Dolore with the dagger embedded in its throat collapsed into a pile of dust.


“Me impressed. Blowing up two Dolore and Ashing another. Boys, stop fucking around, get ‘em!” the large leader shouted, pulling the dagger from his side with a spurt of blood. 


He lead the charge forward, his appearance shifting to become leaner, more armoured, and aggressive. His unnoteworthy goons followed closely behind him with expressions of suicidal fervour.



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