Hellion [A Demon Progression Story]

Chapter 46: Chapter 45 Monstrous Buffet

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As he listened to Tuktuk, Helios couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the demon's former influence. He took a moment to let the information sink in, his mind racing as he tried to process it all. Despite his outwardly confident and composed demeanour, he let out a heavy sigh as he silently grappled with the enormity of the situation.

I always knew Tuktuk was someone to be reckoned with, but I had no idea just how much sway he held in demon society. It’s no real surprise that he refuses to submit himself to anybody even now that he’s an Oathbreaker. I can only respect his defiance to bow to convention. Imps are the lowest tier of demon society and yet he stubbornly maintains his pride and convictions.

He resolutely stowed away his weapons and turned his attention to the last remaining demon crippled in the dirt and gore of the alley. Pulling the final untested weapon from inside his mantle, the snake-hilted keris blade he intended to gift to Tsiyaha, Helios advanced towards his target with deadly intent.

I have to admit, these Nightmare weapons are extremely effective. The Dolore demons were completely outmatched and this hunt has been almost pathetic. I'm barely even breaking a sweat. But I suppose I shouldn't complain, I'll take an easy win any day. Still, it's not exactly fulfilling to defeat someone so effortlessly. I guess I'll just have to find more challenging prey next time.

Helios knelt beside the trembling figure, the demon curling in on itself with a pained groan as if trying to protect itself. Helios pressed a knee against the demon's spine, using three of his hands to wrench its head back and expose its throat. With a merciless swipe of the blade, he slit the demon's throat. Blood sprayed across the alley from the gaping wound to blanket the opposing wall. He maintained his grip until the demon’s struggles ceased. Standing up, he tucked away the keris and nonchalantly wiped the blood from his hands onto his mantle.

The two Imps watched with a complete lack of concern as Helios went about his bloody business. They seemed completely unfazed by the dark and gruesome scene, their expressions barely changing as the unfortunate demon's life was brutally cut short. Even as the demon's blood sprayed across the alley, the Imps remained completely unperturbed. In fact, the only indication that they found the situation remotely interesting was the occasional nod of approval or murmured comment about Helios's technique.

“We don't have any choice but to go pay Rronth a visit, Tuktuk," Helios said, a hint of cruelty lingering in his voice. "If Rronth has the information we need, then it's worth a try to persuade him to give it to us. But if he refuses...well, let's just say that I have a few tricks up my sleeve to convince him. I'm not afraid to use whatever means necessary to get what I want, whether it be a carrot or a stick. And trust me, I can be very convincing when I want to be."

"Fine," Tuktuk grumbled, his tone laced with contempt. His scowl deepened before continuing. "But Tuktuk's not apologizing for that gift. It was a work of art. Honestly, Tuktuk can't believe we're even considering going to Rronth for help. That arrogant little worm probably doesn't even have the information we need. But Tuktuk supposes we don't have much of a choice at this point. Zegg, do you know where we can find him? Buried in his hole, no doubt."

"Yes! He never leaves his library on the Upper Levels. Follow me, Zegg will lead the way." Zegg quickly answered while nodding eagerly, her eyes bright with excitement. "Zegg’s sure he'll come around, Tuktuk. Just apologize for the gift you made him, and she’s sure he'll help us out. After all, Rronth still wears the hat everywhere. It’s become his trademark.”

“Unreliable bastard! Tuktuk’s going to drag him out of his precious books and force him to see the truth. Once he stops deceiving himself, it'll be a breeze to make a breakthrough from Vulgaris. All he needs to do is figure out his governing sin. The reason he keeps failing is that he's looking in the wrong goddamn place, and everyone just panders to him." Tuktuk snarled while shaking his head in frustration. "Tuktuk’s not going to let him continue down this path of failure. He’s always refused my aid after insulting his intelligence."

Helios surveyed the grisly scene with a twisted sense of satisfaction, his cold and calculating gaze taking in the various corpses scattered throughout the alley.

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“It looks like we've got ourselves a little problem. What do we do with all these bodies? I mean, we’re not going to leave them here to rot, are we?" Helios asked with a sly smirk, his arrogant attitude on full display. He gestured to the pile of corpses with a casual flick of his hand, his eyes scanning the scene for any signs of movement. "Thirteen bodies in total, one unfortunately spilling out onto the street. The crowd is starting to come back and we’re obviously guilty.”

“Tuktuk’s sure Beebo can take care of such a small matter. We need to act fast, demons are starting to return to the streets. Zegg, see to it that someone delivers the harvest to my old Nightmare lounge in the Raxx Familia District. Tuktuk’s certain you know where that is,” Tuktuk instructed while sharing an amused knowing look with Helios.

“Um, okay. If you say so,” Zegg replied before hesitantly walking toward the gathering crowd, casting glances back over her shoulder to ensure they didn’t leave without her. She suddenly stopped, her eyes opening wider.

"Well well, what do we have here? A little barbecue in the alley for yours truly? How thoughtful! And it looks like we have an audience, too. How delightful,” a voice said behind them.

A female Vulgaris demon sauntered down the alley toward them. , she looked around herself and couldn't help but chuckle at the grotesque display before her. Body parts were scattered everywhere, with gore smeared on the walls and signs of a fierce battle evident on every surface. It was like a buffet of carnage, just waiting to be devoured by a daring demon.



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