Hellion [A Demon Progression Story]

Chapter 6: Chapter 5 Hunger Games

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Nightmarish creatures swarmed between the stalagmites on the black sandy beach. Each demon’s appearance was distinctive, determined by their unique hunting strategies. Some had forsaken humanoid form, replacing their appendages or growing additional ones.


Scrutinizing the rushing demons, Helios saw one which looked similar to a praying mantis. It had blades for forearms. The demon aggressively swiped at another with multiple tentacles whipping from its back. A tentacle retaliated by slapping away the strike with a hiss of annoyance. 


Aside from a few instances, the demons mostly ignored each other. They focused on their race to be the first to reach the lake, posturing to deter any that got too close.


“It seems too late for us to leave. We must work together to increase our chances of surviving the feast. I’ve got a plan I know you won’t like. You act as bait while I ambush them as they’re distracted,” Tsiyaha suggested, accompanied by a strong sense of urgency.


“It sounds like I’ll be killed in this plan of yours while you get to reap the spoils. Why should I trust you? ” Helios suspiciously replied, creating space between them.


“It’s the only way. Neither of us can beat a Primus demon in a direct confrontation. I’m evolved for hunting unsuspecting prey and you… Well, your magic seed hasn’t sprouted. Do you have a better plan?” Tsiyaha asked, tapping against Helios’ chest.


“I guess there’s no other option. I have two conditions. First, we allow the crowd to pass us and we’ll pick off the stragglers. Second, I get to consume the first victim. I’ve no intention of remaining at your mercy forever. It would be too easy for you to turn on me when convenient,” Helios resolutely responded.


“Grrr, fine! It’s a deal. I swear it upon my true name, Tsiyaha. Do the same if you wish to seal our contract,” Tsiyaha reluctantly said, growling with annoyance.


“Okay. I swear it upon my true name, Helios,” Helios answered, offering his open hand. Tsiyaha slapped it away, Soul Brand immediately reacting to his words. 


He felt the invisible tendrils erupt from his chest toward Tsiyaha. They squirmed through the end only to entangle another unseen force between them. They entwined to form a chaotic symbol visible in the air between them. It ignited in flames, quickly disappearing in a cloud of scentless smoke.


I bear witness to your contract. To break it means to lose your true name and the power that comes with it,” the alien entity he encountered on his entry into Hell spoke directly to his soul. Helios stiffened in surprise at the familiar voice that unexpectedly echoed inside his mind.


“What just happened?” Helios hesitantly asked.


“Our contract was witnessed by the Hell gate above us. You’d more likely recognise it by its most common name on Earth, Satan,” Tsiyaha replied with an indifferent hand gesture.


“Satan’s real?” Helios asked, stunned.


“Of course he is, just not as you’d expect. He’s the gateway between Hell and Earth. Our captor and master, we’re forced to submit to his authority when marked by the Soul Brand. Even the seven Kings of Hell are nothing in front of him.,” Tsiyaha impatiently informed him. She noticed Helios about to ask another question and quickly cut him off “ A true name contract cannot be broken without serious consequences. No more questions, we need to hide to allow the Primus demons to pass us.”


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“Lead the way,” Helios replied, gesturing to the outcropping containing the conspicuous remains of the Demonic Larvae. 


He looked at the swirling vortex in the sky. Red lightning was becoming more common and building in aggressiveness, stray bolts striking the surface of the oily lake. They were accompanied by booming thunder as water exploded into the air upon impact.


If the Hell gate’s truly Satan, does that mean it was him who branded my soul to turn me into a demon? That’s completely different from what religion on Earth led me to believe. I thought Satan was supposed to be the lord of Hell, not whatever that thing in the sky is.


Tsiyaha pointedly cleared her throat to interrupt his thoughts. She smirked in amusement when he jumped. She gave him one last pointed stare before concealing herself under the outcropping, quickly blending into the environment. He quickly followed her inside the hollow.


It’s unnerving. If I didn’t know Tsiyaha was in here already, I’d think this was an empty ordinary outcropping. Even standing next to her, the camouflage is very effective. Maybe I should do something similar during my next mutation… 


If I survive that long.


Helios cramped deeper into the shadows to avoid detection from a Primus demon running passed the outcropping. The demon paused and glanced toward their hiding spot while sniffing the air. It was easily twice his size despite moving on all fours. It had a thick, knotted hide similar in appearance to tree bark. 


Helios’s body tensed in preparation while holding his breath, clutching his make-shift weapon tighter. His anxiety was misplaced as the Primus demon continued toward the Birthing Pool. Helios to released his breath in a sigh of relief.


Could that Primus demon detect my demonic aura, or smell me? It must’ve mistaken me for one of its rivals heading to the Birthing Pools. I’m glad that it didn’t try to fight us. I don’t think my weapon would be able to pierce its skin.


He turned over the obsidian dagger in his hand, gulping nervously as he inspected it. His musing was interrupted by a light tap on his arm. Glanced over his shoulder, he unintentionally made eye contact with Tsiyaha. She clamped a hand over his mouth and twisted his face to look outside. 


A lone Primus demon covered in bleeding wounds stumbled unsteadily. Helios recognised it as the tentacle demon he saw earlier. It held a limp Demonic Larva in one arm, limping toward their hiding place. 


It looks like it won the fight with the blade-handed demon earlier. The tentacles look different somehow, shiny. I think it’s coated with some sort of mucus. 


Scratching noises came from the Demonic Larva, causing the Primus demon to stop. It looked down at its prize and carefully lay it on the ground. The maggot-like skin had hardened into a cocoon. The back of the shell started to pulse, roughly splitting down the centre. 


A Newborn demon squirmed free of the cocoon confining it. Before the Newborn could react, three tentacles confined it in place. It started screeching in surprise, its struggles growing weaker. 


Once it stopped moving, the Primus demon effortlessly lifted the demonic Newborn, aligning the Newborn’s face above it. The Primus demon opened its slavering maw, exposing a mouth filled with jagged teeth. The Newborn couldn’t even offer token resistance as it stared in horror. As expected, the Primus demon commenced the familiar rhythmic breathing.

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