Hellwan’s Bucket of Stuff

Chapter 2: My Wife, A Goddess From Another World

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I only had 8 months left to live and only 7 months left before I’m bedridden. In my 46 years alive I have experienced a lot of regrets but never with my wife. She was the best. When my doctors told me to spend my final year preparing and making my time. I knew it was best for me to finish that life bucket list we both made. We were halfway through with it before the accident happened.


Not a drunk driver, but a driver that was high from drugs. It was a shitshow afterward. From the court to my personal relationships with her family. And when you add the fact that your wife comes from a powerful political family then you know that they would make your life a hassle later on. Her father was especially livid once he found out about this, blaming both me and the driver.


4 years later is when I find out that I have cancer.


A year later is when the doctor said that I only have a year max left.


“I’m sorry to say this Mr. Brown. From the reports and here, your cancer tumor has been growing at a very fast rate. But don’t worry, we have the ability to remove most of the tumor. If you would look at this form, we have a payment plan for you through your insurance ….” I stopped paying attention to that.


America has both the shittiest and yet “best” healthcare in the world. But the fact that it’s for-profit sucks. I accepted the part in which my life would end earlier than I anticipated.


And so, for the next few months, I completed the last of our bucket list up until the last one. The last one was a bit of a spur at the moment. I was an Astronomer and had a love for stars so I put it as the last one for a romantic anniversary. It was just going to be me and her underneath the stars in a romantic dinner.


Sadly that would never happen. Nonetheless, I was able to ask for my wife’s ashes from her side of the family. Albeit they were very antagonistic to the idea until I told them about my situation.


So here I am now eating in the middle of the night on a blanket looking up at the nightly sky filled with stars with my wife’s ashes right next to me.


“Sarah, it’s been a while since I’ve talked to you. I-I missed you. You were always telling me to eat healthily but look at me. Here we are finishing the last of our bucket list and me eating a bucket of crispy chicken from popeyes.” Looking up to the sky I can see the universe in its entire beauty. Stars and the milky way alighting the world around me.


“I’m dying Sarah. It’s fucking lonely without you. I tried finding happiness without you but I just can’t. You’re the only one for me. I hope to see you up there, or down there deepening on the whole fucking sheebang that is religion. Heh, did you know that the priest in our town was a registered sex offender? What a fucking surprise.” Sighing, I looked up to the sky to see a shooting star. More like a meteorite coming down to earth as I can see it falling down and it seems to be more near where I’m currently lying down.


“Look at that, a shooting star. Might as well say my final wish, I hope to love you again Sarah. In the next life and forever.”


“That is so sad. I hope momma makes it up to you.” The voice cut him off from his melodrama.


He turned around to see a young child wearing some kind of asian dress.


“Hey kid, where are your parents? Actually … why are you here?” He was a bit confused on who she was. The child in question was a small and cute little girl with black hair that fell all the way to her waist. The asian dress seemed luxurious and high quality which should be impossible unless the person in question was very rich.


“My momma is near here but I guess hearing your story is kind of sad. Are you okay?” It was kind of an innocent response.


*Sigh* “ I ain’t okay kid. I’m sorry to ruin your innocence a bit but do you know what death is?”


“Kind off. Momma told me it's when people go to sleep forever and go to a better place.” The little girl then proceeded to sit next to me. As I got a closer look to see her better. I can tell that she would grow up to be a very beautiful woman.


“I guess your Momma is right on a few things there. I don’t believe much in religion but what I do believe is an afterlife. I like to think that the soul, your heart is eternal. And that once you die, you leave your body to go to that better place your mother mentioned.” I said to the small child.


“That sounds nice.”


“It does sound nice, kid.”


“Does that mean that everybody would be there?”


“I think so. Nobody knows but I’d like to think that I can get answers to my life long questions once I get there.”


“Would that mean that we would then live in another world, the same as this one?”


“Maybe? Again kid, I ain’t got much clue on what goes on. No one does.”


“So uhm, what would you do if you saw your wife there.” That was a question I expected and yet once I was about to answer I have no clue.


“.... I-I honestly don’t know. But what I do know what I would do is hug her and tell her I love her.”


“What if she married again? I mean it’s called the afterlife, so in a way she’s living again.”


Unknown to her, I began to feel some complex emotions from that idea. It’s pretty stupid to think about it when she asked that. I guess she was thinking that my wife was reincarnated or something but, it did ask about the underlying possibilities.


“It’s not something I want to think about to be honest. Is it wrong for me to only have her for myself? I mean it’s the reason for marriage existing. I guess you're a little young for you to understand but let me ask you some questions. Is that fine with you?”


“Yeah, I have a lot of time before mommy comes and picks me up.”


“Heh, what a mature young lady. You should be careful when you are outside. You never know what kind of bad people would do to you.”


“Don’t worry mister. I’m pretty strong myself. If you were to do something to me then I would just have to beat you up! Not that I would because you seem like a good person.” She then flexed her arm while patting her bicep.


For such a small little girl it does look like she’s somewhat toned. Must be the clubs she goes to in her school.


“Good, I’m already weak and I don’t need a little girl to beat me up. That would be embarrassing. Anyway, here is my question. Do you have anything that you love and keep with you? Like a toy that you really, really like, a piece of jewelry, or even your cell phone.”


“Yes.” Nodding her head.


“And do you take care of it more than anybody else?”




“Now imagine if somebody were to ‘steal’ that from you but you can’t do anything about it because it either chose to do that or legally became theirs. How would you feel?”


“I would feel very sad and angry maybe? I don’t know because that never happens to me.”


“That’s kind of how I would feel when you asked that question about my wife. Only more complex. You’ll get it once you're older.”


“Sorry I asked that.” She had her head down. It could be said that she was feeling a bit guilty of her questions.


“It’s okay honey. Nothing wrong with questioning things. I’m an Astronomer and it’s my job to question the world around us, especially the stars above.” Looking up I can see the constellations and universe in its splendid glory.


“But sometimes, there are questions that can never have answers to. Hopefully I can have one answered.”


“What’s that question mister? … sorry I didn’t ask for your name. That was rude of me.”


“It’s okay kid. My name is Elliot Brown. That question I had was if she had ever loved me the same way as I did.” I sighed.


“What do you mean? Isn’t marrying someone the same as loving one another?”


“It is but, my wife was never the most expressive person. Sure she did have her moments but most of the time, she was like a stoic wall. But I like to think she loved me.” Smiling at the good memories I had with her.


“Hmm, I think she loved you in her own way. If you married her, I think that’s enough to tell you that she did.” Returning the smile to me.


“Thank you for listening to this old man in the final days.”


“Oh, you’re dying.” Finally realizing why I talked the way I did.


“Yup, fucking cancer.”


“Language!” She pouted, causing me to chuckle a bit.


“Heh, sorry about that kid.”


“Hmph! But either way, are you okay with accepting your death like that?”


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“Kid, it’s already hard for me knowing that I can’t be with my wife in this life. But … I hope I can meet her up there in heaven or something. Not sure what exactly is up there to be honest.” I sighed, looking down at the ashes.


“That’s just sad.”


“That’s life, kid. But hey, word of advice. Keep yourself healthy and whoever you love, love them dearly as you never know when they might go. Cherish those memories.”


“Ok. Thank you Mr. Brown.”


“Call me Elliot.”


“Alright Elliot. Thank you.” She bowed.


“Heh, forgot to ask your name too. What’s your name kid?”


“My name is Yuke!” She giggled, “I guess your age is catching up to you.”


“Hah! I guess so. What a beautiful name you have. In fact, that’s the name my wife and I decided to give our daughter.” I sighed.


“Oh, a shame.”


“A shame indeed.”


We both sat there looking up at the starry sky for a while. After what seemed a long time, the little girl stood up and faced me.


“Uhm, Elliot?”


“What’s up kid. Now that I think about it, don’t you need to go back to your mother?”


“I still have time before I do but I have one last question for you.”


“Shoot.” Waving her off.


“What would you do if you could see her again?”


“Anything.” Answering her question immediately.


“Dang, that was fast.” She whistled.


“Yup, that’s how much I miss her.”


“So anything. What if I told you I can bring you to her?”


I laughed, “Hah! If you happen to be some mystical shaman or something then I’m sorry to say that it doesn’t exist. Unless you want to kill me.”


Yuke shook her head, “Nope, no death.”


“Well, I already wrote my will, and it’s the last night before I have to go back to the hospital. Might as well, take me away. Miss mysterious girl who just appeared out of nowhere.”



“Woah,” My eyes couldn’t help but stare at the woman in front of me. She was beautiful, sexy and staring at me with wide eyes. But there was an inhuman feature that made me widen in surprise as she had huge horns and weird eyes.





“... Wha? Do you know me?” I jumped in surprise as the woman appeared in front of me in a blur. Her hands touched the skin of my face as she stared directly into my eyes.


“Elliot. I-It’s been so long.” Tears began to form as she gave me a beautiful smile.


“Er- Lady, I don’t know who-” Only to be cut off as she kissed my lips passionately.


As I suffered into her embrace, I could only see from the side of my eye as the little girl giggled as she saw what transpired. I could only let myself be kissed by the mysterious beautiful woman as she kissed me passionately without remorse. My heart palpitating with a mixture of guilt and lust as I felt her huge breasts squish itself on my chest and her arms wrap around me tightly. I tried moving away but to no avail as I was too old and weak and she was somehow strong and young.


Tapping her back was enough for her to release me as I began to take great breaths from the sudden passionate kiss.


“Woman! I’m married! Don’t you do that to an old man like me! What the hell!” I cried out as she let go of my face but still kept me into a hug.


“Elliot, it’s me. Sarah.”


“Sarah?” I asked.


“Mhmm, it's me my love.”


“B-But you’re not her! I saw her die!” Tears now forming in my eyes, “I saw my wife’s body flail from the hit! How I carried her body to the hospital!”


“I know,” She tears now running down her cheeks. “How you stayed with her to her final moments, holding her hand as you yelled at the doctors to save me.”


“... Tell me something only Sarah would know.”


“Well,” She blushed, “I remember when we were younger that you would fuck me during the times I would be sleeping with my consent.”


“Er-” I was now blushing, “T-That means nothing!”


“Well, what about that time when you would-” And in great detail, the woman in front of me began to mention embarrassing moments in my life that only Sarah would know. With each story, the girl close by would giggle and then laugh at each tale. My face was blushing from embarrassment as the memories were brought up.


“S-Stop! I get it! You’re Sarah!” I cried out.


The woman giggled, “So do you believe me to be Sarah?”


Even though she smiled, I could see it in her eyes that she was nervous. But what convinced me was a small, little tick she did whenever my Sarah was nervous. Her hands were twirling her hair, eyes staring at mine whenever Sarah was nervous, and the little fidgets she had.


“... No way,” In awe.


“Yes. It’s me.” This time, she showed her smile in full force.


I couldn’t help but cry in full force as I peppered her with kisses and hugs.


“Sarah! I missed you!” Bawling, my eyes wet in tears with happiness.


“Me too Elliot! Me too!”


I had many questions. I didn't know how or why. Even if it was a dream, I hoped it didn’t end. I finally got to see Sarah one last time before my end. That’s all that matters.

A story I had in mind and wrote a few years ago. Found it and decided to touch it up. Basically, an old widowed man gets visited by a mystical child. Conversation happens and finds out that the little girl is powerful “immortal” and is taken to his wife who happens to be a fertility/monster goddess in another world. The world follows Xianxia aspects. Sarah, who is now a powerful Goddess, is both mad at her daughter for leaving the world, but happy to see who she brought home with her as her true soulmate has returned to her.


Because of this, news comes out that #1 Goddess you want to fuck is taken, making many Immortals angry that some mortal schmuck got the girl they want/need for their reputation/cultivation/etc, and they want to kill him. Cue hijinks and comedic undertones as they fail badly or are curb stomped.


Maybe a Harem due to Sarah's time on the world changing her morality. Also because she now wants to make her hubby happy after leaving him alone as she made a new life in another world. Oyakadon a maybe.


The Daughter's true form.


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