Heroine’s sister in an erotic game?

Chapter 10: Chapter 9 Find

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Walking down the street I kept attracting attention, even though I wasn't dressed openly.

Sighing to myself, I entered the place for a bite to eat. Ordering myself a rather expensive meal, I began to enjoy myself.

While I was enjoying myself, I suddenly discovered that there was a red dot on the radar.

It can't be that fast to find a demon can it?

While I was thinking to get out and follow him or not, the red dot came pretty close to me, making me wary.

Could it be that I was found?

Soon two people came inside, I only now noticed that near the red dot there was also a white one.

It looked like a man.

I didn't want to look directly at him so as not to be suspected, so I continued eating my food while watching the radar.

They passed me, and it turned out to be a man and a woman, and quite beautiful both of them.

For a moment I thought I felt a stare, most likely from a man, and judging by the radar it had to be a demon.

When I waited for them to get pretty far away I finally turned my gaze to them.

Sitting together the two of them chatted very well, judging by the radar this demon must be level with me or lower.

As I ate my food, the demon glanced at me a few times.

The demon seemed interested in me, though I know a little about demons from my sister, but not that much.

But judging by his demeanor, he's rather greedy for my body, and it confirms the fact that he's walking around with a woman.

When I was done and went out, I looked around and found a place not attracting attention and waited.

After a while on the radar the two also began to move, when they came out I followed them, the scene seemed familiar to me.

After a while they were just as I expected, they approached a hotel in a back alley.

But that's what made me stop dead in my tracks. It was that as I approached this building there were suddenly more red dots on the radar.

From 1 to 5, 5 to 20 and soon there were over 60 red dots on the radar.

Thinking that the radar only showed those that were equal to me and less I couldn't help but stop.

Watching from the corner as the demon dragged the girl toward the building I couldn't think of anything.

To save or not, if I did I might be in danger too, and if I didn't the girl would most likely die.

Clenching my fist tightly I hesitated.

I know that in some cases it is not necessary to show yourself as a hero, but as in the past, so in this life, seeing someone trying to harm another, I could not stay away.

Just like back when they wanted to take advantage of Litta and now, according to my sister's stories demons are bloodthirsty and use people's emotions to become stronger.

If this girl is taken away now, the end will be bad.

They were gradually approaching this building, gritting my teeth and holding my dearest hands behind my back I took a few steps forward from the corner and called out to them.

- Sir!, Miss! wait, please!

Hearing my voice they both stopped and looked at me, doubt flashed in both of their eyes, but a different meaning soon appeared in the demon's eyes.

I let my head go down after which, I began to speak and I could clearly hear the tremor in my voice.

- Could you help me, please!

After a few seconds I heard the girl's voice.

- What's wrong.

Realizing she was close enough, I grabbed her ankle and pulled at the same time saying.

- Sister this man is a womanizer so come with me, I saw him going out with others two days ago.

The demon and the girl were unresponsive for a moment, but it was enough to pull the girl into the coal, it was a little dark.

- Let go what are you doing, this is a one night relationship I have no interest in his life.

At this time the girl said loudly and tried to break free, my strength was not enough to hold her and she broke free.

But at the same time I lost my balance and fell, at this point the demon also hit and ignored me, leaned forward in a gentlemanly manner.

- Honey are you okay?

Listening to his voice it was repeated many times.

He didn't seem to take me seriously. Which made me feel relieved, and while he leaned toward the girl I pulled my katana from my inventory.

Holding it firmly I called out to him and concentrated as much as I could.

- Hey womanizer!

He seemed to want to show off his good self in front of the girl and immediately turned to me at the same time shouting.

- I'm not a womanizer.......

Without finishing my words I swung my sword as hard as I could.

There was a whistling sound in the wind, after which the katana went through his neck with no problem.

The head flew straight up, then fell, a few seconds later the body followed the head.

My gaze fell on the girl falling on her ass and looking at me in horror, I made as quick as I could to tin her.

She seemed very frightened and shuddered and quickly closed her mouth.

Turning my gaze to the demon's corpse, a surprising phenomenon occurred.

The girl also followed my gaze and looked.

The human corpse gradually deformed, and soon before my eyes appeared a humanoid creature, with black red skin and small horns on its head.

The creature's teeth were sharp and long coming out of its mouth, and the rest of the case added several centimeters.

With a sigh of relief I looked at the girl who was staring dumbfounded at the demon's corpse.

- It's a demon.

After telling her that, I went to the corner and looked at the tasks in the distance.

There wasn't any movement, just like on the radar.

Looking again, the demon corpse began to slowly turn to ash.

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Soon all that was left was torn clothing.

Walking up to the girl I showed my hand.

- Let's get out of here, it's dangerous here.

She was still looking at the place where the corpse was, calling a second time she finally understood and took my hand.

Throwing the katana back into my inventory I dragged her.

It took a few minutes to get out into the crowded street and find a place to sit, after a while realizing the girl had calmed down I, told her.

- Now go home and rest, and don't tell others about this, understand?

She was still scared, to be honest I still haven't come to my senses either.

Nodding to me she went on her way.

Watching her walk away I sighed, I didn't want to explain, it was good that she didn't ask questions.

I looked toward the street where one of the demon bases was likely to be, and I thought for a moment.

There were several options for further action.

The first is to make this place to level up, because earlier after killing a demon appeared such a message.

[ You killed a level 2 demon, gained 100 experience.]

But also the risk will be high, because I do not know whether there is in that building demon more than level four.

The second option is of course to call my sister and report.

After thinking for a while I got up and went towards the hotel.

Approaching closer again, on the radar again displayed a lot of demons.

Judging by their movements they did not notice anything, so I decided to wait a little and observe nothing happening for 15 minutes.

I was bored, I couldn't help but decide to call my sister.

Turning on the phone and dialing the number and connected the message came that the number is disconnected.

I took a last picture of the building and left.


When I returned home I put the gun back in its place and my sister was still not there.

After having a small snack, I lay down on the couch and wanted to rest, so I closed my eyes.

I don't know how much time passed, but I woke up to the sound of a knife against the board.

Rising from the couch I saw my sister already cooking.

Apparently hearing my movements she turned around for a moment, looked at me, and without saying anything continued her work.

Inexplicably I felt bad, I remembered that beautiful smile showing then in front of that guy.

Suppressing my mood I went to her, took out my phone and called her.

- Sister, I found something today and I want you to see it.

She didn't turn around, just said.

- Not now.

Seeing her attitude I subconsciously clutched my phone in my hand.

- I found a demon today.

After my words, her movements stopped abruptly, and she looked at me.

Still the same indifferent face.

Sighing to calm myself, I opened the picture and showed it to her.

- After tracing the demon I found out that there were almost 60 or even more demons in this back......

- Impossible!

Before I could finish talking she interrupted me and took the phone out of my hands.

- How do you know there's a demon in there, saying I followed one, it turns out it was in human form, so how do you know it's a demon?

Doubtfully looking at me and asking I wanted to explain, but explain what?

What if having found out she would tell others, which leads to the fact that I would be used.

To be honest my trust in her was gradually decreasing, because she was pretending to me, besides this I hear a note of distrust in what I said.

- Since you do not believe me, then forget it!

Taking the phone from her hands I went up to the room, locking the door I fell on the bed and looked at the ceiling.

The sadness of the fact that it turned out my sister was pretending to me, as well as my rash act with Litta drove me to a standstill.

I didn't know what to do, feeling empty I took my phone and headphones from the nightstand, lying on the bed again I started the music and closed my eyes.

I hadn't listened to music much in the past, but sometimes very hard times it could help me calm my mind.

A melodic sound came on, unfamiliar melody and words made me immerse myself in the music.

Music after music I gradually enjoyed.

Soon as time passed, I heard a knock on the door.

Taking the headphones out of one ear I asked.

- What is it?

From the door came my sister's voice.

- Go to dinner.

I already had a snack before I went home so I wasn't hungry now.

- I'm not hungry.

After waiting a few seconds, I heard the sound of footsteps receding.

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