Heroine’s sister in an erotic game?

Chapter 11: Chapter 10 Kidnap Me?

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It's morning again, and back to school.

Dan was very rainy, so he was in a depressed mood.

At school I finally met Litta, feeling embarrassed, but I still worked up the courage to apologize to her.

The answer was that she accepted the apology and gave me back my clothes, as I did.

But I noticed that she deliberately kept her distance.

Well, as it turned out, she did not accept that kind of relationship.

I stared blankly outside, where it was raining.

Finished with the school I went home, seeing that Litta behaves like this I also chose not to get involved with her and spoil life.

How dumb it turned out, three days of friendship ended like this.

Walking down the street I distinctly heard the sound of running water under my feet and the sound of drops hitting the umbrella.

This sound made me feel somewhat relaxed.

Walking some more time in the cafe appeared which was the last time.

Going in and ordering coffee I gradually enjoyed it.

Back home I spent time in my room, although my sister invited me several times to work out, but I refused.

That's how three more days were repeated, boring and monotonous. On top of that it was also rainy and gloomy.

But when I was walking home on the fourth day on a small street, someone blocked my way.

There were a few people, sensing something wrong, I turned around and there were a few more.

They gradually came closer, I put my bag on the wet road and looked at them warily.

They were all grown men, one of them had more dimensions than the others.

One of the middle-aged men stepped forward and said.

- Miss, I'd hate to hurt you, so follow us without resistance.

He looked pretty neat, but what he said was clearly not an invitation, more with a hint of an order.

- And why should I follow you? Who are you people anyway?

When I asked the man grudgingly, he sniffed his nose and then answered.

- Why you should go and who we are you will know when you follow us, so let's go.

With a wave of his hand he turned to walk forward, as if to say that I should follow.

With that attitude they clearly have bad intentions, looking back and that huge man.

The only thought is to run away, on the radar a few people show up, but also a few don't.

If I hesitate, the other side will catch me.

After thinking for a while I picked up my bag again and looked around, there was a wall to my right from my height.

- Let's go faster.

The voice caught my attention again, a few meters away there was a car parked in the distance, the door was open and the man who had spoken to me before was gesturing for me to get into the car.

Taking a deep breath I sharply threw my backpack in the direction of the big man and ran towards the wall, it was very easy to jump over the wall.

Running as fast as I could I heard a rumbling noise behind me, and looking back I saw the gorilla running after me.

Although he had a huge body, he didn't slow down in the slightest.

I could feel my breath gradually coming true, it was the result of low stamina.

Running through the gardens of houses, I kept hearing rumbling.

They didn't seem to think about these people's property at all.

Jumping out of the yard of one house into the street, I ran down the narrow road.

Feeling that my stamina was running out, my eyes frantically searched for a place to hide.

Turning the corner, the rumbling behind me was closer than before, frantically looking around for a suitable place.

Suddenly a radar came into view, it had a red dot on it, here by all accounts a demon.

But what was bad was that the demon wasn't coming my way, it was coming the opposite way.

And it was almost on the edge of the radar.

Thinking about it I quickly opened my eyes and saw my experience points.


Basically even this demon is the weakest I can get 50 experience points and level up.

Even though I don't know how many experience points I'll get for the upgrades, but it's worth a try.

Realizing there was no other way out, I ran towards the demon.

My lungs were already talking I could clearly feel it, but there was no way out.


Subconsciously my head turned back, and there the big guy looked at me.

Immediately after that, he chased after me.

Watching him approach faster than before I too squeezed the maximum out of myself toward the demon.

In the distance a girl of about 16 was walking, again looking at the radar there was only a red dot.

So it turned out to be a girl demon.

A few more seconds later there were almost 15 meters to go, but I noticed that she had entered the corner.

Gritting my teeth I continued my run, I could already feel the wind behind me, because the sane one was close.

Finally when I reached the corner I immediately changed my direction, although the result of this was that I crashed god into the wall.

But the situation with the big guy was much worse, he directly broke the wall and fell inside the grounds of the house.

After enduring the pain I got up and went to the demon, he was already standing and turned his attention here because of the sound of the blow.

I looked at it too and smiled through my teeth and said.

- Sister help, there's a bully running after me.

She frowned and looked at me with a worried expression.

When I finally reached her to my surprise she didn't run away.

Immediately pulling my katana out of my inventory and slashing at her.

Luckily I always kept weapons after learning about demons.

But after my strike I felt no resistance, she was able to dodge to the side.

From the exhaustion from the blow I inertially took a few steps forward.

Looking at her again she was pale and frightened looking at me.

- Why did you attack me!!! I wanted to help!!!!

She looked at me and said frightenedly, which made me wonder.

She seemed to think I didn't know her true identity.

But my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps.

Where there was a little dust and a broken wall a figure came out.

Healthy looked at me, spat aside the saliva funny with blood then began to knead his hands.

- I admit that last turn caught me off guard, I almost thought that, I caught you and you did this. But now as I can see you're already exhausted, it won't take long for the others to come too.

As the big guy spoke I held my katana looking at him, he seemed to notice the demon and smiled.

- Considering the witnesses would be bad too hehe...

Looking at the demon he too was looking at the big guy, thinking there wouldn't be another chance I strained my strength and flung my katana towards the demon with one hand.

She noticed my movements, but it was too late, the katana snapped right into his stomach.

- Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh.

A girl's voice was heard as she wrapped her arm around the wounded spot screaming.

- Oh? you want to get rid of the witnesses too hehe......

The big guy saw this and spoke, and laughed again at the end.

Meanwhile, I was waiting for the demon to die so I could have the experience.

But the girl suddenly stopped screaming and ran towards me.

I could not react, she ran past me and ran away.

I looked at her blankly and wondered what the fuck I was doing now, but then there was a rumbling sound.

The big guy took out his gun and shot the girl.

That's when I saw the window.

[You helped kill a level 5 demon and got 100 experience.]

You are reading story Heroine’s sister in an erotic game? at novel35.com

Then another window appeared.

[Your level is upgraded].

Opening the characteristics window again.

Name: Amber Florence Lv. 5

Experience points 65/5000

Score Category.

1-9 weak, 10-15 normal, 15-25 peak, 25-45 superman, 45-50 ????

Physical Characteristics:

Strength 13

Speed 18

Vitality 7

Spiritual characteristics:

Manna: 3

Spirit: 17

Will: 10



Attribute Points [0].

There turned out to be 5 points, quickly thinking the only way to beat this big guy is to get more power.

Remembering the characteristics of the skill [Fury].

I decisively allocated the points to the strength characteristic.

- So we're done with that, now you.

Hearing his voice I closed the window and looked at him, unfortunately leveling up didn't give me a full recovery, but feeling the seething power in me I braced myself.

The big guy aimed his gun at me and said.

- Wait, the others will come and we'll leave, and if you try to escape I'll shoot you.....

- You were told to bring me back alive, right? That's why you didn't use a gun to threaten me. And if I run away you have to run after me because it's dangerous to shoot. You might kill me and then you'd be in trouble.

Noticing his hesitation I started talking and gradually took a step back. At that time he looked at me and then he let go of the gun and said.

- You're right, but you also don't have the stamina now, so stay calm.......

While he was talking I turned to run away again.

But this time he was faster, jumping up from his seat and chasing me.

Stopping my movements I turned and wanted to kick him, but he blocked the blow.

Repeating my movements several times, I felt myself losing my balance.

- Ha ha, you're already exhausted so stop it.

Hearing his voice and seeing him carelessly blocking my punches made me feel bad, why isn't the skill working?

Taking a few more punches I recoiled and fell backwards, quickly getting up and looking at him.

- Hehehehe.....

Listening to him laugh I felt annoyed and desperate, I wanted to smear that cheeky face.

- Try again, if you have the strength of course, the others are almost here and soon you will find yourself under the hands of the Master and then he will do something interesting with you hehehehe.

The irritation was getting bigger and bigger.

- You know, if your sister agreed to be with the Master, you wouldn't have to be in this situation,

The words of the saying this time made me freeze.

- Master said that even though you are young, you are very much like your sister.

So it has something to do with your sister and someone else.

Noticing my expression, he continued.

- My lord also said that getting your sister was hard, but making you a good bed slave was very easy......

I did not hear the next words, I thought about one thing, it turns out that just because I look like her I was in this situation.

In my mind there was a scene in a cafe where she smiled brightly at the man, and then there was a scene where she looked at me with an indifferent face as if she did not care.

- You know, if it works out, I'll use it too....

Watching him make some lewd moves I subconsciously clenched my teeth.

Clutching my hand tightly, there was a heat in my chest, it was the kind of rage I had never experienced.

There was only one suggestion spinning in my head.

Smear that face, smear that face, smear that face,

Walking forward I felt this heat go through my body, and I swung at it.

A small window of numbers floated before my eyes.

[Spirit 16 -> Force 14]

The blow was one point stronger, and I could feel it clearly.

Without thinking, I kept hitting as hard as I could.

With my fist.




[Spirit 15 -> Power 15]

Gradually I felt the world in front of my eyes turn red, no longer paying attention to anything else I continued.

[Spirit 10 -> Force 20]


[Spirit 8 -> Force 22]

Watching his expressions go from relaxed and sneering to gradually turning to panic and then to fright.

[Spirit 5 -> Force 25]

It was then hitting I saw his hand blocking my punch fall inward as if broken.

But I didn't care I wanted to reach his face and destroy it.

[Spirit 3 -> Force 27]

Both of his arms fell from the fractures and finally.

[Spirit 1 -> Force 29]

My blow went straight to his head, but the sensation was different I just felt something rush in.

Watching the huge body with no head and broken arms fall down I finally stopped.

Everything in sight was red, I couldn't clearly see what was going on, but somehow it was well imprinted in my mind.

If I stayed now, my end would be pitiable.

With the last of my strength I turned to leave.

When I passed the place where the demon fell, a window appeared.

[Spirit 5 -> Power 25]

Sight was gradually recovering, but I also began to feel my arms ache, and how I was panting.

With trembling hands I picked up my katana and placed it in my inventory and left as quickly as possible.

[Spirit 10 -> Power 20]

My field of vision opened up, but it didn't make me feel good.

[Spirit 17 -> Power 13]

Finally my vision returned to normal, but the trembling in my hand and the pain all over my body increased.

My equilibrium was gradually lost, and the dizziness began as well.

The place was far from home, wondering where to go, I staggered forward.

I could not control it, and my vision blurred, and soon I felt the coldness of the ground, this made me think of my death.

I didn't want to die so easily and I wanted to do something, but I passed out.

It seemed before I passed out I heard a barely audible voice shouting my name.

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