Heroine’s sister in an erotic game?

Chapter 12: Chapter 11 I must become stronger!

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When I looked around, I didn't know where I was, the place was dark. 

I wanted to move, but I realized that I was firmly tied up. 

I tried with all my might, but nothing came out.  

Carefully looking around again I wanted to understand where I was, the floor was stone, so were the walls.

Maybe it was a basement or something like that. 

Just when I thought I was safe for now, in the distance I heard the sound of footsteps gradually approaching here.

 This made me feel uneasy and could not wait quietly, but as before no matter how much I tried I could not free myself.

Soon the sound of footsteps reached me, it was the silhouette of a man, but other than that nothing was visible.

- Oooooooooh, what a graceful soul........

A hoarse, yet haunting voice sounded, which made me feel terrified is what it was.

That sound was like putting pressure on me and feeling aroused.

Clenching my teeth tightly I fought as hard as I could. 

- Tc, what a shame, you're lucky the mental attacks don't work on your mind. But......

The silhouette continued talking and began to approach me. 

- Yes, something is blocking the attack........ But don't worry, I already know the approximate location.

The Silhouette was right in front of me, pulling my hand in, he grasped my chin and forced my head up.

Right red eyes were staring at me.

- As soon as I come........ You will be mine.

As soon as the silhouette finished his words everything in front of my eyes began to spin, causing me to subconsciously close my eyes.

Suddenly I felt my body release, I abruptly opened my eyes and straightened up.

It was a room, vaguely familiar.

I wanted to understand what was going on, but a sharp pain rolled through my body, unable to help myself, I fell onto the bed. 

I distinctly honored the trembling in my hands, and the memory of what had happened came to my mind.

Yes, it was those people who wanted to kidnap me.

Also that demon and the big guy. 

But what kind of dream was that? Or was it the demon. 

Lying on the bed my breathing was slowly calming, finally feeling relieved I tried to remember the silhouette's face. 

But besides the two blood-red eyes, there was nothing else.

That feeling of horror and overwhelm, I had never experienced anything like it.

While I was thinking what the fuck was going on the door of the room opened and a familiar figure entered.

That's when I remembered the room. 

It was Litta coming in and she quickly came up to me and looked at me.

- You're finally awake, I'm glad......

Her face changed from initial anxiety to relief and then she looked away embarrassed.

- I called your sister soon she'll be here.

She continued, but what she said made me angry.

My sister again, her again.

I wanted to get up and leave, but feeling the pain I changed my mind.

Remembering the silhouette and those people made me want to be stronger.

Not like before, back then I thought I could gradually become stronger. 

But now I had fear, barely able to defeat the big man, and now the silhouette promised it would find me. 

The stah of being too weak engulfed me, and the desire to get stronger became an obsession. 

I even felt some longing for my past life, even though it was boring and monotonous, there were still quiet days.

Taking a deep breath I made a decision, the fastest way is to kill the demons. 

So as soon as I'm back to normal I'll start hunting, though it's a risk, but the fear of the silhouette is much greater.

In some ways, I think it's better to die than fall into the hands of a silhouette.

-........ Are you okay?! I shouldn't have..... called your sister?

A voice caught my attention.

-......Nothing, thanks for saving me......

After answering her, I wondered what to do, if there was anything in this world like a potion or other means to get back on my feet. 

No I can get up on my feet, but feeling the trembling in my hands I can confirm that using them now will be problematic.

Looking at Litta who was looking at me I thought and asked for help.

- Can you help me up on my feet?

I saw her with a concerned look on her face as she quickly waved her hands at the same time saying.

- NO, NO! You're not in the best shape right now, lie down until your sister gets here.....

Rolling my eyes, I had no choice, since she wouldn't help I had to wait for my sister.

While we waited a feeling of awkwardness spread in the room. 

These past few days she was always avoiding me and I in turn understood and accepted it. 

As a result, I found myself in this state in her house. 

I couldn't talk normally to her as it was, and now the previous embarrassment was added to it.

I closed my eyes pretending to rest, but the smell of her body from her clothes hit my nostrils.

It made me remember that wonderful feeling when I kissed her.

 Quickly coming to my senses I pulled the blanket back a little so I could calm down.

Once I calmed down and closed my eyes again, I began to think. 

Thinking about those blood red eyes raised a sense of urgency.

And why is this happening to me, I'm not even the main character. 

Suddenly I remembered the words about the soul. 

Could it be that my soul is different? 

If so, the key difference is that I am not of this world, so my soul is different from the souls of this world?

As I was thinking suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door, I guessed it was my sister, as at home she knocks so loudly. 

Soon after Litta went to open the door, my sister came in quickly. 

I noticed that there was anger in her eyes.....

Could this anger be because of me, I've been getting into a lot of trouble lately. 

And now I've even killed a man, remembering how the big guy's head directly exploded a feeling of nausea came, but I quickly suppressed it and looked at my sister.

She looked at me too and asked.

- How are you? 

Fucking voice was scarier than before. 

Not daring to look into her eyes my head subconsciously turned to the side.

- Fine.

My voice was hoarse.

She didn't continue, instead I heard her open her bag.

Sitting down beside the bed she slipped her hand under my back and lifting it slightly ordered.

- Turn my head and drink this. 

There was no other way out, I obeyed, and turning my head in front of my eyes was a small bottle with a clear liquid.

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Is this really a potion?

Such a thought occurred to me, but before I knew it, the lid of the bottle was brought to my mouth and the contents of the bottle was rudely poured inside.

The action was brutal, and quick, I could barely swallow the liquid as I was put back in bed.

Do I disgust her?", the thought occurred to me as I watched her quickly close the bottle and put it back in the bag. 

- Lie here for a while and everything will come back to normal, I have to go.......

Saying that she walked towards the exit, stopping for a moment looking at her phone.

- Call me if you need anything. 

Leaving her last words she walked out, soon there was the sound of the front door closing.

Seriously fucking, quick and rude action like I disgust her, and rushing in when your sister is lying here wounded........


Unknowingly a sigh escaped me.

All this time Litta had been standing back and not saying anything. 

Realizing this I told her.

- Wait a little longer, I'll come to my senses and then I'll go.

I was sure of it, because I already felt a chill inside me.

Even the trembling in my hands had diminished, though there was still some pain.

- No.... Nothing.... You can stay as long as you want, it's not a problem.

Speaking in a quiet voice she turned to the side and left the room, but then went back inside.

- If you need anything, just say the word.

Leaving the words behind she quickly left as if running away.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and waited, finally left alone.

If I manage to destroy it, the place how much experience I will get, although the idea is naive, maybe there are already demons of level 6 or higher.

Remembering my panel I noticed the icon flashing.

A new skill? 

And yes opening the window the description of the skill appeared.

[You have a new skill {Furious Fist}.
                                               There is a 2% chance that your next fist attack will gain up to 200% gain]

After reading the 200% gain descriptions fine, but turning my eyes to the 2% chance, I don't know. 

It turns out I can not control it, can be so that I hit someone and triggered a chance to place a normal punch will be twice as strong.

Well better than nothing, looking at the experience that it takes to go up to level 6 I realized that I still have a long way to go, I need to kill at least 22 demons level 2.

Watching for a few more seconds I suddenly became puzzled, again looking at the experience I hesitated. 


There wasn't that much experience, could it be that by killing the big guy I got experience too?

Do people give experience too?


As my thoughts began to distort I quickly shook my head and came to my senses.

Maybe so, but I know I'm not a killer, even though I killed that big guy.......

It could be called self-defense, finding excuses for myself I turned my attention to my body. 

The action of the hall was pretty good, if I wait about an hour or two hours tops I can walk normally. 

But about the arms, I'm not so sure.


Lying on the bed for almost an hour, feeling the pain in my body gradually go away, I wanted to get up.

But then Litta came into the room, she looked at me. 

- Do you need anything?

- No thanks, I already feel better. 

Answering her question I wanted to get up, maybe she wanted me to leave quickly. 

Although there was pain, it wasn't that bad.

Soon I finally straightened up, noticing that the clothes in my left shoulder were torn. 

Apparently it had happened during the escape, but I hadn't noticed it then.

I got up from the bed and grabbed my phone from the nightstand and went forward, but the dizziness caught up with me. 

It made me put my hand on the wall and wait for it to pass.

- You're okay.....

Felt a hand holding my arm, and a concerned voice asked. 

- Hold on a second, now........ Apparently it was because I stood up abruptly.

Explaining to her, I wanted to wait like this, but she pulled me back.

- No go back and lie down some more, you're not okay yet.

With her help I went back and lay down again.

I closed my eyes so I wouldn't get carsick. 

I gradually calmed down.

At that moment I heard her voice.

- Eem... Amber.... can I ask you something.

Haaaa, I thought she wasn't going to ask what kind of trouble I was in.

But thinking she saved me, I couldn't help but hesitate. 

It's not like I can say I was chased by a big man and ended up smashing his head in with my fist.

Thinking I could say I was being chased I opened my mouth and replied.

- Ask.....

- Do you like....girls?

- Follow me.......

I was already prepared, answered her question so I wasn't listening carefully and wanted to answer.

But then I realized what she had said, my head subconsciously turned in her direction and my eyes stared into her bright green eyes.

At this point her face was red, when I looked at her she quickly turned to the side. 

And what the fuck am I supposed to answer to such a frank question.

I felt my face start to burn as well and turning in the opposite direction I wanted to answer. 

- Amber..... so what? ...... Do you really like.....girls?

Her repeated question came first, I felt annoyed and answered subconsciously.

- Yes! ...... I like girls.....what's wrong with that.......

My voice was high at first, but then gradually became low and barely audible.

What the hell, I'm a man why am I embarrassed to say it......

- You.....true...... Then that time..... when you......

- Yes I kissed you because at the time you were very......c.......sexy. 

I worked up the courage to say it, though my voice trembled again at the last moment.

As I spoke, I looked at her. 

Be that as it may, since she started this conversation I wouldn't feel bad, so I answered as it was.

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