Heroine’s sister in an erotic game?

Chapter 15: Chapter 14 Basement

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I looked into her emotionless eyes, and she looked into mine.

- Where did you get the wound on your hand.

She repeated the question.

- Don't you care, it's a minor injury so don't pay attention.

Answering her, I wanted to pull my hand away and leave, but my hand was seized as if in iron tongs. Looking at her face, she was still waiting for my answer.

- Let go.

Due to the loss of trust, I no longer cared about her feelings, I did not think to explain. So I told her to let go of my hand.

- Only when you explain to me after which I look at the wound, then you can leave.

Listening to her, I felt annoyed,

- Why are you so persistent now, didn't you care when I was lying in a strange house without help? Weren't you in a hurry. Why are you paying attention to such a trifle now?

When I spoke, I felt hurt and annoyed at the same time. I don’t even know why I got so turned on, but seeing her emotionless face and forcibly holding my hand, my emotions began to fluctuate.

- Don’t care just because I’m your sister… Don’t you care about me because you have to. Now you don't have to do it, I'm an adult and I can take care of myself.

I kept talking, and as a result, my irritation began to outgrow anger.

[Spirit 16 -> Strength 14]

The acceptance window is in front of my eyes, but I did not pay attention.

Burnt out, I told her again.

- Let go of my hand.

[Spirit 8 -> Strength 20]

At that moment, both of our hands were already trembling, my field of vision was turning red.

Watching as she did not decide to say anything, but still did not let go of her hand, my anger gradually grew.

When I looked at her face, that smile came to mind.

[Spirit 5 -> Strength 23]

Gritting my teeth, pulling my hand toward her with force, she couldn't hold her hand, I lost control of my hand myself.

I staggered backward, lost his balance, and smashed fist into the wall behind me.

There was a dull thump, after which I felt a sharp pain in my arm.

Subconsciously, grabbing my injured hand with my other hand, I tried to calm down.

- You......

She tried to say something, but I ignored it.

After taking a few deep breaths, I finally felt the rage recede a little.

So, not paying any more attention to her, I went upstairs, speaking as I went.

- From now on, I take care of myself, if you do this again, I will leave home.

Yes, there were such thoughts, since I can collect money from demons, it doesn’t matter where I go.

No need to worry about it anymore, although it will be risky and I myself have not yet understood where the katana and money came from, but the probability of falling out is high.

Closing the door, I leaned against him and sat down.

The pain in my arm was sharp, I just now realized that I was losing control of myself very quickly due to the skill.

It took a few minutes for the pain to go away.

This is also due to the increased survivability characteristic.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I opened my inventory and pulled out my katana.

The sharpness of this weapon is amazing, remembering how she cut the demon along with the door was amazing.

I was interested in the peculiarity of growth, most likely when killing demons with this katana, it gradually becomes sharper or something else.

It turns out this is a magic sword, looking at the pile of money, I thought.

On the way, I checked and the money was real, if you think there is such a thing as a magic shop.

Logically it should be, but unfortunately I haven't met a single hunter these days.

In which case, you can go to the academy to find out from someone.

And what about learning from your sister, you can forget.

Falling on the bed, I myself did not notice how I fell into a dream.

Early in the morning the sound of the alarm clock also sounded, I got up in a daze, got dressed and left the house.

The cool air made me goosebumps, sighing a little and exhaling, steam was seen coming from my mouth.

Today I went out to test my stamina, in the end an hour later I was still running.

It doesn't compare to the past, for a moment I thought about what it would be like to be above 40 stats.

When he returned, began to train with various weapons.

I wanted to get one skill, but it didn't work out.

What I want is a master of all weapons, if it's possible, I can handle any weapon.

But even after two hours, I didn’t get any skills other than handling a specific weapon.

It also took about 30 dagger throws to get [Dagger Throwing]

From previous experience, this is very necessary.

While I was training, my sister also entered the room, after standing for a few seconds, she finally asked me.

- You're not going to school?

- No.

Remembering yesterday's situation I answered briefly, she sighed and went to practice on the side.

Continuing for a few minutes I walked out, today's hunt begins.

I had an idea to follow the demons to find their base, if you kill one at a time it will take longer to pump.


Sitting in the cafe I started my breakfast.

After I finished, I also wanted to have coffee, but work is not waiting.

A demon appeared on the radar, when I looked closer the demon was in a female form, what puzzled me was that she was too beautiful.

She was obviously waiting for someone.

Soon a young man approached him, they both said hello and began their walk.

Watching them, they sipped at several places from the café to the mall. As I watched them happily enjoying themselves, I felt jealous.

Not that I was jealous that they were in a relationship even though it was fake, jealous that at least the kid had a demon to walk around with.

With a sigh and a quick shake of my head I kept watching, a few times I even had guys come up to me with the intention of flirting.

One even had to be dragged into the bathroom and punched in the face because he was hitting on me too much, good thing he didn't make me lose sight of those two.

What surprised me was that the girl didn't drag the guy somewhere, they said goodbye and went their separate ways.

But after that, the girl called somewhere, and in the afterword she met up with another guy.

I could feel the worldview shaking.

With that they went straight to the hotel, for a while I went into a daze.

This repeated several times, in between which I killed several demons.

Finally, closer to noon, the girl said goodbye to another poor man and left.

Following her, we came to a huge multi-story building that had a logo on it.

On the radar I saw a ridiculous scene, there were a lot of demons, but there were also a lot of people.

Including with the guards were demons, watching her through the radar, she walked inside after which stayed in one place for a while most likely it was an elevator.

Soon she apparently stepped out of the elevator, after which she approached one of the white dots.

There was a little movement on the radar, so you can guess what they were doing there.

I was very curious because the buildings were clearly not ordinary.

So I stopped one of the passersby and asked.

It turned out to be one of the big companies in this town, watching it most of the staff were demons, I couldn't help but feel a chill.

It turns out some people have a connection to demons either without knowing, or knowing and taking advantage of it.

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Then what about the hunters?

What about the rest of the hunting family?

With such thoughts I went back, sitting on a bench near the road with a cup of coffee, and immersed myself in my thoughts.

It turns out that everything is not so simple here, it is possible that demons and people play a double game.

Also, maybe the hunters are just for show, maybe they aren't.

It's just that those who hunt demons don't know that some people are connected to demons.

Other than that, I haven't noticed anyone killing demons in the guise of a human until today.

Could it be that they cannot detect demons when they are in human form?

As my thoughts moved I noticed another red dot on the radar, but what was suspicious was that the dot was being followed by three white men.

Turning my gaze to the street, a middle-aged man was walking down it with a bag in his hand.

And he was followed by three people, but only very stealthily, if there was no radar, I would not have realized.

One boy looked no older than 20, and two girls also no older than the boy.

With doubts I also started following them, only from the opposite side.

Well I can keep my distance a lot more than they can.


After following them, we ended up in the suburbs, there aren't many high-rise buildings.

Mostly some open areas and private homes.

When the man got out of the car, the three came out after him.

From the outside it looked funny.

I followed them out of the cab, which was parked pretty far away.

So I had to catch up with them quickly.

Putting on the demon mask I bought while I was following them, I finally reached the grounds of the private house.

At that moment, the three hid nearby and watched the demon who went inside the house.

After a while, with the help of each other, they jumped the fence after getting inside.

Not knowing what was going on, I also jumped in after them, it was easy for me.

Watching them sneak up made me laugh, turning my gaze to the radar I squinted, there were 10 demons in the house.

And one of them was standing right this way.

On top of that I could see 15 white dots, they were in a row and a few meters apart.

Soon the red dot, which was the demon we were following, went towards the white dots and stood for a few seconds, then walked even further after making several circles came to the white dots.

It turns out there is a basement and the demon went down the stairs, and the moment he stopped there is most likely a door.

Turning my gaze back to the three who were still sneaking around, I didn't hesitate to go to the side.

There were no demons on the radar there, no, more likely there were, but the one had just left here.

Sneaking inside with ease I approached one of the demons, it was easy to kill.

After waiting for the corpse to turn to ash, I went to the other one.

So it didn't take long before I killed them all, including the one that was looking in the direction of those three.

Those three were still hiding nearby, I don't know what was on their minds.

Walking towards the feeder there was a bookcase.

Don't tell me, kind of door is hidden behind the closet......

With those thoughts in mind, I reached for the books, pulling out one by one.

Finally one was attached to the closet, pulling it towards me there was a click and then the closet moved forward a bit.

With a little effort, the door opened in front of me.

And behind it came crying and pleading voices in my ear.

Looking again at the radar, I already knew this was not a good place.

Pulling out the dagger, I went downstairs.


Stench and stench hit me in the face, it made me jam the dagger harder.

The sound of crying and pleading voices became clearer.

Soon finally reaching the cellar, a terrible scene opened before my eyes.

In the cages sat men and girls in tattered clothing, with something like iron chains attached to their limbs.

On the chains were streaming red patterns, and every time that pattern flared up, the one held by those chains screamed and begged them to stop.

After which a black mist emanated from them, this black mist was going in the direction where the demon was.

At this time, the demon was sitting in human form, looking at the orb in front of him.

This orb was collecting this black mist.

When the black mist stopped, the demon placed his hand on the orb.

When the demon's hand touched the orb, a sound erupted from the demon's mouth as if the demon was in ecstasy.

Watching this process, I finally understand how demons become stronger.

As I got closer to the demon, I put the dagger back in my inventory, and then took the katana in my hands.

The demon didn't seem to notice what was going on around him because of the process.

As he stroked the orb, I cut the demon's legs off with a sharp movement.

It fell to the ground and screamed, looking down at it I was relieved.

- Who!!!!!.......WHOO!!!......WHO ARE YOU!!!!!

Listening to her angry and painful screams I smirked.

- Okay......

It came out of my mouth.

The demon hearing this pointed a finger at me, after which he shouted loudly.


His voice and appearance involuntarily made me laugh.

- Heh heh heh heh


Raising my katana above my head I stopped laughing.

- It's good that you feel too................ pain....

After saying the last word, I quickly cut off half of his arm.

His scream grew louder and sharper, the demon gradually taking its real form.

But my movements didn't stop, I cut off piece by piece.

All the while he was screaming, at the last moment even begging, which pleased me greatly.

After torturing him some more, his head flew upward.

Watching the body turn into ash, I felt happiness.

But realizing that, I quickly shook my head and came to my senses. Although I am not a cruel person, what I saw today made me realize, I also wanted the demon to experience the same thing as the people who were here.

While I was putting my thoughts in order, I heard quick footsteps approaching here.

Soon the three who had been upstairs the whole time came into the cellar.

Their footsteps stopped abruptly as soon as they got here.

Their faces changed from incomprehension to shock, they seemed to be seeing this too for the first time.

One of the girls turned sideways and started throwing up, but the other two were fine.

After a while they also noticed me, and after that their eyes fell on the torn clothes on the floor.

After that, the boy stepped forward and cautiously asked.

- Who are you, and what happened here?


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