Heroine’s sister in an erotic game?

Chapter 16: Chapter 15 Relatives?

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My gaze fell on the boy, and while I pondered what to answer, the boy asked again.

- Who are you?

Raising my hand and showing the katana I was holding, I asked doubtfully.

- Isn't it obvious? I kill demons.

His gaze stopped at the katana and then he looked back at the two girls behind him.

One of the girls stepped forward and spoke to the boy.

- Look at this! I told you it was definitely a demon.

Listening to their conversation, there seems to be something surprising, the girl seemed to know that the middle-aged man was a demon.

- How did you know that the man, was a demon.

When I asked the girl, all three turned their attention back to me.

- Я.....

The moment she was ready to speak. The boy interrupted her.

- She saw the demon transform.

Seeing him speak hastily seemed to protect the girl.

Well it was all even to me, though I wondered if it was true or if she could sense demons somehow. Glancing around where there were subtle sounds of moaning, I looked at them again.

- Since you're here, you must have a way to deal with the people here. So I'll be on my way.

Stepping forward I saw them wary, walking backwards to open the way for me.

As I passed by, I remembered that building where demons and humans coexisted, glancing at the girl again I warned her.

- Be careful with your gift, it might doom you to death.

Having said these words I went up the stairs, they did not say anything.

I wanted to get out of here quickly because maybe they had already reported this place.


When I finally got back into town, it was already dusk.

Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate. Opening it and looking, I expected it to be my sister, but the message was from Litta.

With doubt I read the messages.

It said that the teacher was looking for me, and since she is the head of the class she was obliged to contact me.

Asked why I was not going to school, also she told the teacher that I may not be feeling well.

After writing that I can not go to school for at least another week, I put the phone back.

Because of today's stuff, the sense of urgency is getting more intense.

After grabbing a bite to eat, I watched the radar. After watching for a long time, I started walking around the crowded streets.

At this time I opened the performance window to see how much experience I had accumulated from.


Well half way through.

After closing the window, I again focused on the radar.

When it was too late, turned out to have killed two more, thus halfway to level 6 is.

Going back I wondered, this time nothing fell out of the demons, except that I killed them easily, most likely they are below level 4.

Remembering that the demons in the small base could have blocked my hit. I think they were at level 5.

By logic as in games, the higher the level of nps the higher the chance of dropping out things, but dropping out special things is always the same, very rarely.

But based on this it is clear that from the demons of level 5 and above can drop items.

Thinking about the money, it occurred to me, something like a magic store.

Although it could be, but unfortunately I don't know the location. There was a chance to find out from those three, but staying there long enough is tantamount to being under surveillance.

Even my sister doesn't know how fast I'm getting stronger, but she could have guessed that I fought demons by looking at the injury.

Should I still ask her?

I shook my head quickly.

There's another way, go keep an eye on people at the academy, if I'm lucky I'll find such a place.

And if not, let's hope we get some good items, at the very least I can go straight to the gun store.

As I understand it, during the fight with the big guy, the demon died from a gun. I don't know if there's a difference between a gun and a regular gun, but that can be decided when we try it.

Imagining several demons rushing at me at the same time, at that moment you pull a huge machine gun out of your inventory and pull the trigger.

That would be a good tactic.

Or use a crossbow, although I never tried it.

But I'll have to check it out, but most likely the demon won't die from a single shot.

When I got home, I opened the door and went in.

But what made me stop my steps was that there were several people besides my sister.

At that moment, all eyes turned to me.

My sister was sitting in the living room on the right, and there were three people in front of him.

A middle-aged man, a middle-aged woman, and a young man who looked no older than my sister.

After looking for a moment, I ignored them and started up the stairs, but then.

- Hey cousin, long time no see.

The young man who was sitting to the side rose from his seat and said hello to me, an action that made me stop again.

Turning my head, I looked at him doubtfully.

A cousin?

Are these relatives?

Seeming to see my doubts, the young man started talking again.

- Cousin, is it polite to ignore us like this?

Rolling my eyes at his words, I went downstairs. I wondered what was going on here.

As I approached them, I sat down not far from the two sides.

I said nothing, and looked at them questioningly.

- Cousin, don't you remember us?

When I heard the guy's voice again I ignored it and looked at my sister, who was still silent.

Seeing that I was looking at her, her face, as always, expressed no emotion, but she began to explain me.

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- This is Uncle Gage and this is Aunt Alvina, also their son Colby, you don't remember them probably because you were little.

Well yes the memory fragments of Ember as a child are few, and no matter how many times I looked up those names only came across during a few conversations.

But they haven't been in this house once before, well I can already guess that it's not clean.

They haven't hovered over Amber and Vanessa in so long, but suddenly they show up, and looking at their friendly smiles, it's clear, they want something from us.

Nodding to my sister that I understood, my gaze fell on them again with the same questioning face.

- Cousin why didn't you even say hello?

The annoying guy spoke again, and glaring at the sobbing couple in front of me, they seemed to agree with them.

- О? Do you know the name of the security guard working outside the subway station?

My question puzzled him, making him make a puzzled face, and for a moment he thought about it.

- No, I don't.

Nodding at his answer I asked the next question.

- When you see him, do you say hello to him?

- Mmmm...... no.

The same puzzled look, he didn't seem to know what I was talking about. But I noticed that his parents' smiling faces were already fading.

- Then why would I say hello to you if I don't even know who you are?

Watching their faces change made me feel very good.

Turning to my sister I asked her a question.

- So what's going on here?

Hearing my question, she looked at the so-called uncle and aunt.

- You can leave, I already told you. I also warn you, if anything, this will end badly for you and whoever started all this.

Her tone was colder than usual, but looking at how these people kept changing their faces, I complimented my sister in my mind.

Finally my uncle, who had been silent all this time, slowly spoke.

- Vanessa, you too should know that it is impossible to go forward by force alone, there are many people as strong as you, I advise you to make the right decisions. Otherwise.......

- Enough, I said you can leave.

Sister decisively interrupted his voice, which made uncle's face become unsightly, he took a deep breath and stood up, mat and son stood up with him as well.

- Well I already warned you, and as for Amber.....

As my uncle spoke and looked at me, at that moment I felt a chilling aura.

Subconsciously looking at my sister, I saw her clench her hand into a fist, her face was murderous, it was the first time I had ever seen such an expression on her face.

Why was she so angry?

Was it because the other side had lost the same alleged warning?

Or was it because it touched me?

No how is that possible....

Mentally in denial, I couldn't help but remember her attitude toward me, it's clearly impossible.

So it was only because the other party hadn't pestered her and drove her to it.

Finally, under the gaze of my sister, the three of them left the house.

Although I was curious about what was going on here, but seeing my sister's condition, to be honest I hesitated to talk.

This uncle clearly had something to say about me.

But it seemed mostly to be about my sister.

When she finally left for the training room, I breathed a sigh of relief.

As I walked up the stairs, I heard a muffled clap in my ears.

It was coming from the training room, most likely she was too angry about what they said.

And now she was venting her anger.

After a while I took a bath and lay down on the bed.

All sorts of things were going through my head, and I couldn't sleep because of it.

For some time cooking, I suddenly remembered a good method to calm down.

But because of this I could feel my face burning. Although I had done it several times, the thought of it still made me listen.

After thinking about it for a while, I turned on my phone.

Knowing myself that I was doing something wrong, I entered the search in the browser.

Finding a site with obscene content, feeling my heartbeat gradually increase.

Other than that the familiar heat was coming from the bottom.

Finally finding a video to my liking, I wanted to click.

Luckily I remembered, and hastily turned off the sound.

Launching into the video, seeing the beautiful female body gradually bare.

Reaching out and reaching her labia, I slowly began to massage them.

Watching the video as the girl's breasts were opening, and feeling the gradually increasing pleasure, I bit my lips hard.

As the girl in the video made a graceful pose, for moments there was electricity running through my body.

As I watched her begin to massage her pussy as well, my hand movements became faster.

Finally some time later my hips stretched out on their own, a wave of euphoria went through my entire body.

- Mhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

A moan escaped my lips involuntarily.

My thoughts went blank, maybe it was the video. But I could clearly feel the difference, it felt really good this time.

When some time passed my gaze turned again to the phone screen.

At that time the girl in the video, had already taken a huge rubber cock in her hands and furiously plunged it into herself.

When I saw this, I hastily closed the video and put the phone back.

A picture of a girl with a dick in her pussy came to mind, quickly shaking my head, but I couldn't help but wonder.

What it would be like to put something inside.

So far, though there was an urge to stick my finger inside, I never did.

Shaking my head again, I quickly came to my senses.

What the hell am I thinking, I'm a man.......

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