Heroine’s sister in an erotic game?

Chapter 18: Chapter 17 The Deal

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After watching the boss in front of me I wondered how I was going to get out of this situation.

Honestly I doubted my sanity, but it had already come to this so I had to be very careful.

Again I looked at the gun, the muzzle of which was pointing directly at me I spoke, gesturing towards the young man.

- You talk about respect, but you don't do it yourself.

"Oh, forgive me for the inexperience of my subordinates."

With a smile answered, he signaled the young man to put the gun away.

"And so Miss, what can I do for you, you said you needed a firearm right?"

- Yes, but you pretended like you didn't know anything.

"Miss, you know yourself to be careful with new customers."

He pointed to the phone then continued.

"I just got the news that the cops haven't had any movement. So while there's still a risk that you pose a threat to us. We'll do business with you."

- And why is that?

Hearing my question, he smiled.

"The fact is that not everyone has the courage to come to a place like this. But if that courage is shown by a girl who looks very fragile, that's another matter."

He picked up his cigarette and took another puff

- And why, on the contrary, isn't that an easy target for you?

"Yes, at first glance it is! But....."

Listening to his cryptic tone I couldn't help but be curious.

- But what?

After looking at me for a few seconds he asked instead of answering.

"Miss, do you think I can hold my place if I don't know the rules of the game?"

I raised an eyebrow at his remark, vaguely guessing something.

He seemed to see it, the smile on his face grew thicker.

"I think Miss has already guessed, which is why I won't underestimate even a seemingly fragile girl like you."

- I see, so now that we understand each other, can we get down to business?

Hearing my question, he took another puff.

How much he smokes...

"Sure miss, but downloaded you must tell me your deposit so I can evaluate your ability to buy."

With his indication I opened my inventory, looking at the stack of money there I wondered.

After thinking about it, I came up with a way to secure myself more.

Stretching my hand out in front of me, and taking the money from the inventory, under dumbfounded stares I placed it on the table.

- Here was my capital.

It took almost a minute for everyone to finally come to their senses.

"I think I guessed right... guessed right, you're no ordinary person."

As he spoke I could clearly hear some trepidation in his voice.

Though I guessed he knew about demons, or magic. But he seemed to be seeing it for the first time, he had only heard of it.

He looked toward the young man and ordered.

"Look how many there are."

The young man, abruptly reached out and began to count, his hands shaking.

I don't know if it was from fear or excitement.

"Miss, would you like something to drink?"

While the money was counting the boss offered me one.

- No thanks.

Upon receiving my answer, he leaned back in his chair and waited.

After a few minutes of reading he reported the figure.

"7000, well we have some stuff for that amount."

He waved his hand, which made me see a door open in the darkness, after which a tall man walked in and closed it.

The boss looked at me and said.

"Now some things are coming, you can choose what you want, also on my part I will give you some discount on account of familiarity."

5 Minutes later the door opened again, several people came inside holding boxes in their hands.

They placed the boxes on the table and then stepped aside.

The boxes had many things painted on them, some had fruit on them, some had wine and chickens on them.

The boss gave a sign to the young man on the right.

He excitedly got up from his seat and started laying out the contents on the table, and one by one he began to introduce them.

There were implements that looked familiar to me, though the names were different.

Picking one by one got almost all the money I had.

There was one gun that looked like a glock-8

Also two desert eagles.

One shotgun, semi-automatic.

And finally, an assault rifle.

Moving one by one everything into my inventory my gaze fell on the bullets in the boxes, I thought for a moment and looked at the boss.

- Do you have a contaminated magazine for these weapons already?

".....There are magazines for the pistols, but they are not loaded, but for the others unfortunately not."

Having said that, he didn't wait for my answer, waving his hand again. A few minutes later several boxes of magazines were placed in front of me.

On this box were drawn teletubbies, which made me want to laugh for a moment.

Barely containing myself I opened it.

Looking at the number I was taken aback.

- I do not have enough for that, what I took out already all I have at the moment.

Having said that, I looked at the boss, who once again took a puff of his cigarette.

"Well, take a few of them, it'll be included in the discount."

With a shrug I threw a few magazines into my inventory.

Finally finished, I looked at him.

- Well now that our deal is over I'm leaving, maybe I'll come back here again in the future if you're so kind.

Yes there was a thought, if I don't find a magic store, I'll have to come here for more.

Having said those last words I turned to leave, but at that moment the boss called out to me.

"Miss, take your time, I have some suggestions for you maybe you might be interested in this."

I stopped and looked at him, seeing that he continued.

"If you help me with something, I'll give you unlimited ammunition."

Finally he let out his claws, as he said the man sitting in the boss's seat can't be forgiven.

But the thing is, I kill demons, not humans, so far I've only killed that big guy and that was out of self-defense.

And since they know about demons but are still afraid of such things, it turns out they have business with other people.

I thought about it and shook my head and answered.

- I don't kill people unless it goes to an extreme, have a nice day.

Ignoring the people here, I turned to leave. From the side one of the men rushed forward and opened the door, they seemed to be scared after all.

Fortunately, I got out of there without serious incident.

Walking through the dark streets lit only by a few lamps I took a deep breath. Finally I was safe, although I almost dug a hole for myself.

Now I have to think about how to go home, there is only a little money left. That's enough for a cab, I opened the phone and called a cab and waited.

Ten minutes later I saw a cab approaching from afar, when the cab entered the radar range I rolled my eyes.

The driver was a demon.

When the cab stopped, it was a pretty expensive car. The driver's window slowly opened and a young man with a bright smile and goofy hair looked at me.

After telling me where to go, I got into the cab, but right behind the driver.

As we drove, this demon tried to talk several times.

Asking why I was wearing a mask.

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Soon, when we came to a place and stopped, the demon wanted to roll over backwards.

I didn't hesitate to pull out my dagger and in a swift motion, stabbed it in the throat.

As I watched the blood splatter and the demon begin to twitch violently, I wondered.

When did this become the norm? I don't even feel anything when I see that much blood.

After waiting a little longer, I got out of the car and walked away toward the house.

It was a good thing I stopped a little ways away from the house.

As I took a few steps forward I heard a voice that made me shudder and stop.

"How did you know he was a demon?"

It was a voice I wasn't supposed to hear until I went home.

Subconsciously I looked to the side, my sister was standing a few feet away from me.

Honestly I was scared, just like the last time I hadn't noticed when she, appeared there.

After calming down after a few seconds I went forward.

- Don't you care?!

There was no answer, but all the way home I could clearly hear the sound of her footsteps.

As I entered the house, I went straight upstairs.

After closing the door and sitting on the floor, I took some ammunition from my inventory, and empty the magazine, I tried to insert the ammunition into the magazine.

But after several attempts it did not work, I had to look on the Internet and then try again.

I gradually got the hang of it, after an hour I had everything ready and was sorting them into the inventory grid.

If I made a mistake during the fight it would be bad.

Holding the gun in my hand I wondered, the thing is, I was using a pistol.

It would make it hard to aim at long range, not familiar with recoil either.

Thinking about the skill I wanted to get, but never did.

But unfortunately the feeling of sleepiness was strong, so falling on the bed this time I fell asleep quickly.

When I opened my eyes again it was morning, I felt good and got up from the bed and turned off the alarm clock.

I cleaned myself up and went downstairs, finding something to eat I went into the training room.

Sister was there, but this time she wasn't working out, she was doing something similar to yoga.

For a moment my gaze stopped on her beautiful body curves and forms.

What is true is that she already has a certain adult charm, it's not like Ember who has more of a youthful figure.

Having come to myself from her emotionless gaze, I picked up a weapon of no skill and began to learn.

This time I was more persistent, getting a new skill from the weapons every 30-40 minutes.

And finally when it was 12 o'clock in the afternoon, I got the very skill I expected.

[You received a new skill {Weapon Master} level Beginner.
Descriptions: You instinctively use any weapon, at beginner level.]

When the skill was received my sister was already out of the training room, so I took the gun out of my inventory without delay.

It was straight up different because as soon as I held the gun I immediately felt how to aim and hold it.

Checking everything one at a time, I instinctively found a comfortable way to hold and aim.

There was also a feeling that within five meters I could wound someone, and even closer immediately kill them.

With a sigh of relief, I left the room.

The smell of food hit the night, which made me hear my stomach rumble.

Thinking that I didn't have much money left I was tired of embarrassment.

As I wanted to go upstairs, I heard my sister calling out to me.

"Food's ready....."

Feeling embarrassed and remembering the words I had said earlier I didn't want to go.

But, getting over my embarrassment I sat down at the table with a flat face.

Fuck, I should have left some money until I killed the demons.

As always there was no talking, after they were done I left the house.

My goal today was the calving, first I wanted to do some scouting, though there might be demons above my level, but the arsenal in my inventory gave me confidence.

But before that I want to try something too.


What delicious ice cream.

Looking out in front of me, where very many people were, it was a square with a statue with a funny look in the center of it.

The statue stands on one arm, while his feet look one way, the remaining arm the other way, and the statue's head the third way.

Everywhere in the square, there's something going on, someone skateboarding, and someone holding onto a girl's hand and walking that makes me jealous.

There's someone over there kissing even tc tc......

The weather has been nice.

Today I wore a black skirt which was pretty short, so I had to cover up when the wind came up.

The shirt was black were, and a pink bow. There wasn't another thing that looked good with it so I had to wear it to make it easy to fool someone.

But it also made a lot of people look at me which made me feel bad.

Well I felt bad from the looks of men, but when girls looked at me I felt happy.

Although in their eyes I could read doublethink. I noticed how some passing with their boyfriends held their hands even tighter.

And some switched places with their boyfriends so they were on the other side.

Luckily, I saw an ice cream vendor nearby, to cheer myself up I bought one and sat down on a bench.

Holding the ice cream in my hands I simultaneously watched the radar and ate.

Before that I bought duct tape and rope, I have one demon to capture.

But something wasn't going right today, there were no demons.

While I was waiting, a figure came into view-it was a demon in the form of a woman who had been walking with several people that day.

She was dressed in a short black skirt like mine and a white shirt.

Her yellow hair was loose on the sides, walking down the road she was looking at her phone.

Thinking that would do as well I followed her.

When I saw her pick up the phone to make a call I rushed over to her.

- Hey, sister, let me introduce you.

My voice caught her attention, her black eyes looked at me for a few seconds and then she smiled.

"Yes of course!"

Honestly, I didn't think she would say yes so easily.

- Э.... My name is Danna, and what's yours?

"Oh, my name is Ayres."

- Can I buy you an ice cream.

When I said that, she looked at her phone then back at me and nodded.

If I had known how easy it was to meet girls in my past life, I wouldn't have died alone... Although it could also be about appearances.

Taking one ice cream each, we sat down on the bench I had been sitting on earlier and started eating.

I wanted to check out what I wanted as soon as possible so I had to act rough.

- Ayres.... Do you like girls?

She looked at me, her smile didn't change but got much bigger.

"Yes! Especially pretty ones like you."

Her words gave me goosebumps, it wasn't like before when men looked at me.

Rather I felt a kind of joy?

Remembering that it wasn't a real girl in front of me, but a demon, I came to my senses.

- Then, would you like to... go somewhere less crowded with me?

There was a sense of embarrassment that made me feel strange.

At that moment she suddenly moved closer to me and whispered in my ear.

"Where would you like to go?"

Feeling the warm air near my ear, the strange sensation grew stronger.

But on second thought I said, and subconsciously my voice became very quiet.

- Let's go to the hotel...

I flinched when she took my hand and said.

"Let's go!"

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