Heroine’s sister in an erotic game?

Chapter 17: Chapter 16 Sleep is Good

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The sound of the alarm echoed in my head, making me flinch. 

I overcame my drowsiness and slowly got up from lying down. 

I had a slight headache from tossing and turning in bed for so long last night. I remembered the silly idea of masturbating to calm my nerves in order to fall asleep.

But, it worked the other way around, and I instead got much more excited. I wasn’t able to fall asleep until very late.

Subconsciously, I took a deep yawn and finally woke up a little. 

I turned off the alarm clock and found that I had overslept. 

It was hard to get myself in order today, and it was made worse by how my mood was also low. 

However, demons wouldn't wait for me.

I decided yesterday that I needed to follow the people at the academy. 

If I'm lucky I'll find a magic store. 

Eventually, I got everything ready and left the house. 


Looking at the academy in the distance, I wondered that my sister must already be there, so I would have to be careful not to catch her eye.

But who should I be spying on?

Sure, it's easy to follow people with radar, but which target should I choose? 

At this point in the academy it must be class time or something.

Finding a place nearby, I sat down and ordered food. 

I had to wait a long time Here, I realized that I made a mistake; I could have gone and hunted demons. 

The problem is, it's also hard to find a demon strolling freely outside in the morning.

After waiting a few more seconds, I saw a group coming out of the academies. 

There were two boys and two girls in the group. 

They seemed to be in a hurry to get somewhere. After thinking a bit, I started to follow them. 

But unfortunately for me, they just went to and fro different places. 

I had to go back to the academy again. Once again, I followed another group, but nothing worked. 

After repeating this two more times I stopped.

There was no point in continuing; no luck today. 

Now, it is much more necessary to raise my level. 


Standing on the crowded street again, I was looking at the radar.

As expected, a demon appeared, but I doubted that they walked in groups of two a few meters away from each other. 

It seems that I have to become a tracker today. 

With such thoughts, I began another pursuit, the difference was that now it was a demon. 

Soon after following them I found myself in front of the casino doors…

It seems to me that there are too many conspiracies here; first there was a hotel full of demons, then a place for carnal pleasures, and now even a casino.

Either there is something wrong here, or on the contrary it is all very well organized.

Watching more people go in and out of this building, I felt that without the radar I could never have truly seen the reality of this world. 

“Hey girl, can I invite you in for a drink?”

As I stood there stunned, I was attracted by a voice from the side. 

Looking in that direction, there was a middle-aged man. Checking the radar confirmed that it was a demon. 

Since you're the one who came to me, let's go…


I watched as the demon turned to ashes.  

The demon was generous, offering to go to the hotel with me.

I looked outside through the window, where the city lights still burned bright. 

Here's the thing: considering everything I've learned these past few days, this city doesn't seem like such a good place. 

Raising my hand, I examined my katana. It was still the same katana as before in front of me; it didn’t have a single scratch on it, and it was still as clean as ever.

Throwing it back into my inventory, I walked out of the hotel. The next goal was to find a gun store. 

It didn't take long to find the gun store.

It was in a run-down alley with a sign that said "Guns." Though I doubt it was really a gun store, it's still worth a look.

As I got closer to the door, I looked around. It was already pretty dark, but there was still light in the building. 

Opening the door, I heard the sound of chatter, but as soon as I stepped inside that same chatter died down. 

Although there were no demons on the radar, humans could be more dangerous than them in some ways. 

Good thing I covered my face with a mask. 

After looking at them, I slowly came to the bartender under everyone's gaze. 

Yes, it was a bar, but it was still worth checking out. I looked at the bartender, who was holding a rag and a clean glass. 

He looked pretty old. 

Deliberately lowering my voice down to a male’s undertones, I asked him a question. 

“Is it possible to buy weapons here?”

I was inexperienced in such things, so I spoke bluntly. 

The bartender, whose hand was washing a glass with a cloth, paused for a second before smiling and asking, “Sorry, sir, what weapons are you talking about?”

Yes, I realize that my question was somewhat undiplomatic.

I nodded to him, and then turned and walked out of the building. 

Finding a dark place to hide in, I started waiting and watching. 

It was getting close to 12 a.m., but they still hadn't stopped drinking and partying. 

At this point there were several calls and messages from my sister. 

After answering with a brief message that I would be late, I continued to wait. 

Finally by 1 a.m., the people in the bar gradually started to leave. 

When I saw the bartender finally come out and start to close the door, I got ready. 

Walking through the narrow alleys I finally found a moment to grab him. 

Grabbing him by the collar, I pulled him back, and he fell to the ground with a scream. 

By this point I had pulled out my katana, and I pointed it at him. I asked the same question again.

“So, where do I buy a weapon?”

He seemed to realize it was me again, I soon heard his full, panicked voice. 

“So–so you already have a weapon; what do you want from me?” 

Listening to him I swung my katana in front of him. 

“Yes, I have cold steel, but I need firearms. So, do you know where to buy one?”

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“H-how would I know where to buy them?!” His voice got higher. 

“You're a bartender, don't you have a lot of information?”

I seem to remember that you can learn anything from a bartender…but that seems to only happen in movies and novels…

“No! No! How would I know? …but…”

Listening to him it seems like he remembered something.

“But, what?”

“I heard the brother of one of my clients works for someone's boss…maybe he knows.”

Although there's nothing else, there's still a lead. 

“And where do I find your client or his brother?”

When he heard my question, he took his phone out of his pocket in a panic and stammered, “Here…I–I have his number…”.

“Call him.” 

Listening to me, it seemed like he didn't understand, so I had to point my katana at him again. 

“Call him and ask him.” 

“Yes! Yes, I will now!”

Soon he called, and asked around to find out a location. Because the client knew him, he told him the approximate place and person to discuss buying guns with. 

Target changed. Now I had to go to a club 20 minutes away. 

According to that man's statement, the club is open until the morning, and certain things can be done for a certain amount of money. 

I don't know if my money is enough for that, but I should at least find out the price. 

Luckily, coming here, there are no demons here.

Walking up to the door where the bouncer was standing, I told him I wanted to see the guy with the name I had gotten from the bartender’s friend. 

The big guy looked at me for a few seconds and then called someone on his pager. 

Good thing the hood and mask covered up the fact that I was a girl. 

I could see my breasts a little, though, but the tight clothing didn't make them stand out too much. 

After talking for a few seconds, a man soon came out of the club. Looking around, he told me to follow him. 

The sound of loud music hit my ears as the man I was following opened a door at the end of the hallway.

At the bottom of the stairs I could see the dance floor where many people were jumping and dancing. 

You could also see some people kissing and drinking.

Cautiously following the man, I passed on the side of the crowd. 

Going downwards some more and passing a few corridors, an iron door appeared before my eyes. 

I felt like I was in some kind of movie.

The man I was following knocked on the door. 

Looking at the radar revealed that there were several people inside, and one of them came towards us. 

A small window on the door shifted to the side and the man behind the door looked at us. 

The man I was watching moved aside so I could be seen. 

The window closed again before the iron door opened. 

A peculiar scene revealed itself to me. In the center of the room was a round table with money and cards, and a bright light bulb shone from overhead upon this table. 

Because of the shape of the hanging lamp, the center of the room was very well lit, but the sides where several people showed up on the radar were dark.

This is definitely something out of a movie… With these thoughts, I went inside. 

The door closed behind us. 

Looking ahead, there were several people sitting at the table. 

The man sitting in the center was a middle-aged man with a thick beard and a cigar in his teeth. 

Why am I feeling so much déjà vu?

As I stood there, the man pointed to an empty chair at the table and then spoke. 

“Have a seat, dear guest.”

As he finished he puffed his cigar. 

At that moment I realized that I had done something very stupid; turning my attention to the radar, there were seven other people in this room. 

Four were sitting at the table, and the other three were standing in the shadows. 

Doubting the sobriety of my mind I slowly walked forward and sat in the vacant seat. 

The man with the beard took another breath and then asked. 

“So, why did the guest come to me?”

Clenching my slightly sweaty fists I lowered my voice and answered, “I need firearms.”

When I spoke, the man raised his eyebrows in mild surprise. 

I don't know why he was surprised. 

Taking another drag out of his cigar, he continued, “Dear guest, where would I get these guns from? You seem to have been misinformed.”

It's the same thing again. 

Why the hell are they all pretending, do they think I'm a police officer?

“Then I have no reason to talk to you.”

Having said that, I got up and turned to leave. I'd better go. Don't keep doing stupid things, I told myself.

When I got to the door, the voice sounded again.

“Miss, don't be in such a hurry, I was only joking.”

I stopped and turned to him. 

He just said miss, so he already figured out that I was a girl. 

At this point he was looking at his phone and reading something. Finally nodding, he put the phone on the table and stared at me. 

“So, why do you want guns, Miss? Do you want to kill your boyfriend? If you took that risk and came here…” He smiled and spoke. I raised my guard to the max. 

The man pointed to the seat again. 

“Have a seat.”

I didn't sit down. There are seven people here, so it will be harder for me to resist if anything happens. 

Besides, they might have guns. Though I’m fast, I can't dodge bullets, but if anything, I can open the door and run out of here and close it behind me, as soon as they try to grab their guns.

“So do you have guns or not?” I looked at him and asked again. 

“Miss, first have a seat…we have to do business with respect for each other.”

When I was about to speak up to refuse again, the muzzle of a gun was already looking at me, held by the man sitting to the left of the bearded man. 

He was a young man chewing gum fast in his mouth and looking at me with a smirk. 

Realizing there was no way out, I had to sit at the table again.

Why the hell didn't I sleep well last night…

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