Heroine’s sister in an erotic game?

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 Training and Everyday Life

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  Opening the bathroom door, I stepped out and immediately noticed the figure of my sister in the kitchen, though I'm still embarrassed that she found me doing something obscene, but I still need to do something to get her to open up to me.

I can see that she cares a lot about Amber, it's not like she's eating and that's it. No the food cooked for her was obviously delicious, and that takes a lot of skill and patience.

Not just cooking, other things too, she took over everything and now it's like she's her mother. So I don't think she doesn't love Amber, rather it's as if she has shut herself off and has to be shown a nonchalant and cold face to do so.

In a way Amber didn't notice this, rather she took her sister's concern for granted, although she tried to find out somehow what happened and made many attempts. But after much failure, she stopped, too.

But for me, as if to say it's a different point of view, and I clearly feel her clear concern. 

Watching her hard cooking I couldn't help but scan her body, her forms were much more lush than Ember's, she's almost three years older.

Remembering that I was still in my towel, I hurried upstairs. 

Opening the drawer, a stunning scene of all sorts of panties and bras appeared before my eyes. There are even some that are more revealing. 

Holding up the black panties and bra, I hurriedly closed the drawer.

I have a dual feeling, in a way it's already mine, but I still feel embarrassed.

Closing my eyes for reassurance I got dressed, luckily my mood was stable.

Quickly grabbing some loose clothes and getting dressed, then remembering my newfound skill. With a strange look I looked at the badge and thus opened the window.

Finding the skill I looked at it.

              Description: Your hands are much more dexterous].

Quickly closing the menu, I went downstairs, but at the same time in deep in my mind made sense, I should try it later.

As I came down I saw a pair of blue eyes looking at me, I averted my eyes somewhat embarrassed. 

As I approached the kitchen I wondered how to make contact with the other side, digging through my memories I learned that she is very good with a sword, and it is one of the means to kill a demon go.

Asking to train together shouldn't be suspicious right?

Thinking about it I looked again at her who turned around and was studying in the kitchen.

- Mmm....Sister can you help me?

My words made her hands stop but she didn't look at me, I thought she would ignore me but.

- What's the matter?

The same cold and unemotional voice came out again.

To be honest it was a little scary, which is why at the next words that came out of me I faltered.

- You can....mayteach me how to use a sword. 

 I noticed she who stopped to answer me shuddered slightly.

Her head turned in my direction, and those eyes looked at me with mild doubt.

- Why do you want it again? Didn't you say you didn't want it?

There was a short circuit in my head, was there such a thing? 

Looking at my memories again, I found that there was. It was an excuse for Amber to find out why she had changed.

But after a few beatings, she couldn't take it and said he didn't need it.

And now it's creating a problem for me.

- Yes, I said but, now I've changed my mind, so can we do it again?

Her eyes squinted slightly, then went back to those same tactless eyes.

- After dinner, rest for a while and we'll give it a try. 

After answering, she turned and began to do her business, I sighed with relief and went and sat down on the couch.

Why had she changed so much? Because of the compliment?

Thinking about what that was about, an idea was born.

Could she have been possessed by a demon, like in those novels, that left her with nothing to do but isolate herself from Amber?

Honestly that seems much more plausible considering there are even demons here.

As I thought about everything and lay on the couch some time passed, I even blacked out a bit.

I woke up to the call of Vanessa who was putting plates on the table, I cleaned myself up and sat down on the table too and then we started eating.

A few hours later we came to the training room which is under the garage and it is quite large. 

There were several kinds of dummies, a lot of swords hanging on the wall, and in the far corner there was a specific cabinet. 

When I asked what was in there, I got the same dubious look in response, and then a few words about not asking the same questions as last time.

Soon we were standing in the center of the training arena holding two wooden swords.

 I could feel that my hands were shaking a little, not only was it the fact that I was a little afraid of my sister's aura, but also my lack of experience in battle.

Yes I had never fought in my past life, and now I have to do it.

When I'm useful enough, at this point my sister's voice sounded.

- Here we go, after serving up to three, use whatever you can to hit me, after that I'll start teaching you.

Nodding at her statements, she began to count.

- 1, 2, 3, 

I jumped up from my seat and swung my sword, but I clearly felt that I hadn't used all my strength and speed. 

It was a subconscious action, when the sword in my hands already began to fall on my sister, she quickly raised her sword and blocked mine putting the sword in a horizontal position.

When the two swords hit I felt a dull pain in my hands, yes it hurt a little.

- Your speed has increased, but you seem to be holding back, I told you to do what you can.

It was a voice much colder and higher than before. 

I had no choice but to clench my teeth and hit as hard as I could.

My punch was much faster this time than before, but my sister's speed was higher, too.

There was a distinct sound of impact, followed by a cracking sound. 

It was the sound of the swords breaking, they couldn't take the impact after which they flew away. 

And we were both left with half swords in our hands.

My eyes fell to full in confusion.

- How did your speed increase so much?

Her eyes were full of doubt, and after looking at me for a few seconds she asked a question.

And what does it say to me, that I have distributed all the characteristics to speed?

- М... Sister, I just swung at full force.

- Are you telling me that you didn't use your full strength at the time, too?

When she mentioned the word then, I realized it was the last time Amber wanted to practice and get close to her.

After thinking about it, I replied.

- No, no, I was weaker then than I am now, I'm a growing sister.

I subconsciously showed a smile when I answered. 

After a few seconds of silence she spoke.

- Then I'll teach you the basic techniques, and after that you need to train your physical strength and endurance. Though your speed is good now, your strength is still low.

Listening to her explain and tell me what I would do to train to be honest I was taken aback for a moment.

Finally after explaining what to do she began to show me the moves and I had to repeat them.

These movements were standard, I had to repeat everything and I gradually got tired. 

When I looked at her, there was not a drop of sweat. My breathing was steady too, I sighed and gritted my teeth and took as much as I could.

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This went on for several hours, I don't know if it's right to overload the body like that. But I did everything she said.

What was frustrating was that during this. I several times wanted to talk to her, but the answer was a reprimand, and after the third time she stopped doing anything at all, and after saying that the training was over she left.

Lying panting in the training room, it took almost 10 minutes to calm my breathing. 

My sister didn't come back, so I had to get up and go straight to the bathroom, but this time it was quick.

Because I was too tired I didn't do anything so depraved, and when I went to my room the light in my sister's room was off, there was nothing left but to go to sleep.

As soon as I lay down I was pulled into a dream. 


The next few days were hell for me.

Also gained a few skills.

Morning, school, home, a hell of a workout, and after and left with no energy.

My mood was extremely low, it's not that I'm tired from training, but that when I try to talk. First I would be reprimanded and then ignored, I studied the memories several times in a row, but I could not figure out what it was.

Vanessa sometimes doesn't even want to talk and walks away.

Because of this, my motivation gradually waned, even if I insisted strongly, she seemed to ignore me much more.

The initial assumption that she might love Amber just doesn't want to show it, turned into or maybe it's just because she's her sister and that's the only reason she cares about her daily life.

And so called hidden love doesn't exist at all.

Resting my hands on the desk with my chin, I thought for a long time, then shook my head and sighed.

There was also a lot of talk these days about the class commander and this boy named Aivor. 

Well they were rumored to be doing well.

And as I wondered, the class door was opened by a boy, he had short black hair, but his face wasn't that prominent, but they said he was good at basketball, and he also had a well-to-do family. 

That was Aivor. 

I even noticed how he glanced at me and then looked at the class commander who was now diligently writing something.

As they got closer they began to talk. And then it seemed they agreed on something and left, I also had to leave because it was the end of the class. 

Fortunately I remembered a lot from my previous life so it was easy at school. Coming out of school I wanted somewhere to sit and drink coffee and eat yum, but the reason was obviously because of my sister. 

Because of the training sounds barely increased by one point, but it was a little as I again was panting.

Yes it turns out I did wrong during the allocation of characteristics, even trying to change it did not work.

Walking forward I found a small café where the local students often go, going inside there were not so many people.

Going to the farthest end I wanted to sit down, but it was occupied so I had to sit in the penultimate seat.

Soon a waitress came over and I ordered coffee and ice cream.

I looked around idly, and I just wanted to lie down and have a good rest. 

But then a familiar name came to my ear.

The conversation was a whisper, but I could hear it, a change I had already noticed after being in this world, and it was most likely a characteristic of the spirit.

- Ha ha Letti I didn't realize I was so naive, but at the same time you have such a hobby. And although many girls have such hobbies.

Letti is the name of our class commander and the voice belongs to Aivor.

Because of the content and curiosity I listened.

- And what do you want Aivor, I......ya...... I will do whatever you want, just don't distribute these pictures please.

Followed with notes of despair voice of the class commander. 

And the content is clearly not good. 

- Ah, Letti, from the beginning I wanted your body and you never gave a chance and because of that I confessed to you to take advantage of you. But who would have thought you were so cautious, but here's luck when you left your phone. I was curious, and when I looked I saw those pictures. Heh heh, I was surprised you'd take a picture of yourself almost naked. Now you know what I want, after that I'll delete those pictures from my phone and you'll be free. 

Is it just me or are those words from a hantai manga?

- I......ya........ I agree.


Watching them go out I thought for a few seconds then followed them.

After walking for a while they came to a two story hotel. 

Once inside I found that they were on their way up to the top.

Fortunately no one stopped me, so I went up with them. 

As they started to approach the door I grabbed my phone and turned on the recorder.

As they approached the door Aivor opened the door with the key and went inside, and Litta wanted to follow him, at that time I jumped up abruptly and went inside immediately.

At this point Aivor was still standing in the hallway waiting for Litta, but I walked in.

Without hesitation, I extended my leg and kicked him right in the groin.

He didn't have time to react, then grabbed his crotch with both hands and fell to his knees, and then leaned to the ground.

At that moment Litta went inside and saw all of this, I quickly grabbed her by the arm and dragged her inside and closed the door right away.

- E....E...Ember.... what are you doing here?!

Hearing her voice barely come out of her mouth I looked at her and said with a crooked smile.

- Oh, I heard the asshole blackmailing you, so I followed you to save you and teach him a good lesson.

I turned my gaze to Aivor who was still lying there whimpering.

- I hadn't been in the mood these past few days so I could blow off some steam. 

Grabbing him by the hair I dragged him inside then lifted his head.

- Listen asshole, I ask you questions, you answer if anything, remember this is going to hurt a lot. 

He didn't seem to find my words threatening, so I let him go. Then I lifted my leg and kicked him in the stomach. 

Now grabbing his stomach and groin he seemed convinced.

- Tell me who else was being blackmailed?

There was no answer so I had to use force again, then he spoke a prettier almost a dozen names.

- Do you keep videos and pictures just in your phone or somewhere else?

-...... Only in my phone.....

After looking carefully at his face, I repeated the question.

- Are you sure? 

When I saw him nod, I took the phone out of my pocket and turned on the recorder and started filming.

- Now tell me again what you did with those girls, and list all their names.

When she saw the phone in my hand she covered her mouth and shook her head violently.

- Oh, don't worry I already recorded everything you said, so start talking or you'll find out what happens.

I don't know if he was really scared because he told me everything he did and who he did it with. 

Finally I took his phone, went into the bathroom and threw the phone in there and started the purges. 

The phone disappeared as if it never existed.

All the while Litta stood back in shock, I grabbed her hand and went to the door, lastly I turned and looked at him.

- Remember if you don't go to turn yourself in, this video will get everywhere you can. Don't think you have wealthy parents you can get away with it, I'll give you an hour. If not, you will suffer far more than those girls, and yes I have far more powerful connections than you so do it fast, otherwise you might find some river burying half your body in cement.

And just like that, taking the girl's hand I walked out the door.

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