Heroine’s sister in an erotic game?

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 New Girlfriend?

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Leaving the hotel I went and pulled Litta back to the same cafe, entering and dragging her to her previous seat I sat down.

The whole time Litta didn't say a word.

- Sit down what are you doing?

Seeing that she was standing and not moving, I had to tell him.

After my words she sat down across from me and just stared at me for a few seconds.

It made me feel uncomfortable.

- What is it, why are you looking at me like that? 

In response to my words there was a blush on her face, hurriedly averting her gaze from me her voice was heard.

- So why did you save me?

- Who would.....

M, I just wanted to say who wouldn't save such a beautiful girl who got into trouble.

- You're my classmate, how can I just watch you get treated like that.

- So what would you like to drink, you need to calm down now.

Seeing that she didn't answer I immediately changed the subject.

Although it may seem that in my mind macho, but in reality I did not even meet girls.

And he said with classmates is much easier for me, as in this I subconsciously get.

But dating someone else is another thing.

Although it's not called a meeting, but for me it is very awkward.

I don't even know what to talk about, and changing the subject, I called the waiter.

Soon we were brought two cups of coffee, I also ordered ice cream, I hadn't finished last time.

There was no talking while we were drinking the coffee.

Finally after finishing my coffee and eating the ice cream, I wanted to say goodbye and leave. And why was I thinking about winning her over, considering I couldn't talk to her.

Mentally sighing, I wanted to get up, but then the phone vibrated.

It wasn't mine, because I turned it off completely.

Litta picked up her phone, after looking for a while, her green eyes turned their gaze to me, I even noticed a slight stirring.

This made me doubt, though a slightly different feeling.

- Mmm, what happened commander? 

- It's..... The group reported that Aivor had surrendered!

I went into a stupor for a moment, for fuck's sake, that asshole is still there and I wanted to leave her alone, what a moron I am.

But at the same time I was surprised, I didn't think he'd give up so soon, there wasn't even a repeat confrontation.

- What exactly is the group talking about?

- It's about the fact that he went to the police station, and there were a few other people talking to him, from the looks of it probably his parents.

She looked at the phone screen and reread me telling me everything.

- After the confession, the police called all those girls, and after questioning them they found out it was true,........ even one of the girls had committed suicide.

After reading for a few minutes she paused before continuing.

Turns out he wasn't an asshole, but much worse, to lead a girl to this, good thing I went after them.

Noticing that she had stopped talking, I asked puzzled.

- What's wrong?

- Huh?! No, nothing.

She seemed to wake up to my question and then looking at me she said very seriously.

- Amber, I'm sorry I wasn't in a good mood so I didn't even thank you, so now I apologize for that, also thank you so much for saving me, honestly.....then....then I was really scared....

At first the words were still a normal tone, but while she was talking she seemed to let her nerves go so she started to cry a little. 

I couldn't help it, so I instinctively ran my hand over and lightly stroked her head which leaned forward.

- It's okay it went away, so you don't have to think about it anymore......e, I'm sorry I did that without realizing.

Halfway through, she lifted her head slightly, which made me realize what to do, hastily pulling my hand away, I nervously stood up from my seat.

I couldn't look at her again.

- I....I'll go so go home and rest....as long as he's already given up don't have to think about it......bye.

Hurriedly, waving my hand I walked out of the cafe as if running away.

Fuck who the hell am I a creature, remembering the feel of her soft hair I squeezed my hand and ran, my speed was already very fast so it didn't take long to get quite far. 

And then I froze, I hadn't paid for my coffee and ice cream. 

Feeling my face start to burn, a huge shame rose up inside me I had to turn around and run back.

It took me almost 15 minutes, during the previous run I had already used up my stamina, and going inside I did not see the commander, going to the cash register to pay it turned out that she had already paid for both of us, feeling my face grow redder and redder, I turned around and walked out. 

My only thought was that I should definitely apologize to her.


Entering the house, I went straight to eat, while I was eating and wanted to lie on the couch in the living room for a while, the door opened and my sister came. 

Eh thinking that I had to train I fell into despondency, after an hour we were already standing in the same place holding swords in our hands.

A few hours later I was lying on the floor again, greedily gulping for air, this time I didn't deliver her.

Maybe it was because my motivation was gradually fading.

Just like before she left without saying a word, after 10 minutes I also went out and took a bath. 

After that I fell on my bed and opened the phone, I wanted to write an apology, but still decided it was better to do it face to face.

Thinking I opened the class group and looked, there was still talking about this guy. I also noticed them classmates asking questions to the class commander, and then I remembered, everyone knows these two are a guy and a girl.

Watching carefully it was questions along the lines of.

If she didn't know about it, or if he was hurting her, almost everybody worries about her.

How else could she be, she's very kind, if anything happens in class the first person she rushes to ask for help is the class commander.

Thinking that tomorrow it is necessary to apologize, only in a secluded place I turned off the phone and put it on charge.

Lying in bed moments with Litta came to mind, when they sat in a cafe, even if there was embarrassment and I we did not talk, I think it's a good feeling.

Remembering her soft hair I reached out and looked.

Her slightly horny look, and after and crying face, I mentally imagined what it would be like when I would kiss those plump lips. 

A feeling of arousal that I didn't have time to experience because of the hard training was gradually rising in me. 

Imagining more and more revealing things, and wondering what kind of lingerie she was wearing today, whether she was wearing black or another color.

Before my eyes appeared the image of Litta in a black panty and bra, imagining how I took off her bra and her delicate breasts appeared before my eyes.

At the same time, I put my hand on my pussy. Through my panties I felt some moisture, gradually moving I imagined how she would moan with pleasure as I held her breasts and massaged them.

Mmm, a moan escaped my lips, when I realized this I immediately pretended to, read my throat and quickly looked at the closed door. 

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Listening, there was no sound.

Again, I started massaging my pussy, but this time I kept my mouth tightly shut. 

When I imagined taking off her panties and her innermost spot opening up before my eyes, my hand went under her panties and began directly stroking her crotch.

I felt my hand get sticky, and the inner heat seemed to gather much faster than the last time.

The scene came to mind where she was lying on the bed opening her pussy to me with her legs apart.

I slowly approached her pussy and began to stroke it with my hand.

Her moans were getting bigger at the same time I felt a growing pleasure around my thighs and pussy. 

My hand began to stroke faster, the scene changed and I stopped stroking her pussy with my hand and moved my face closer. 

Opening my mouth my tongue reached for her spot and licked lightly, the performance made me open my own mouth and lick my lips. 

As I imagined her starting to moan fast and loud and finally cum. 

A wave of pleasure ran down my thighs, then up my spine and hit my consciousness.

It made me arch my chest forward, and my hips quivered.

A feeling of euphoria went through my entire body, and as before I lost sight of everything and my mind went blank.

Lying on the sheet I could clearly feel the smell of lust emanating from under the blanket.

When I calmed down and looked at the door I put my thoughts in order, taking the phone in my hands I turned on the flashlight, and went to the window carefully opening it to let fresh air into the room.

Approaching the bed, I lifted the blanket and turned it over, at that moment the light of the flashlight fell on the sheet, and there was a small stain.

Realizing that it was the result of my actions my face turned red.

After a while I closed the window and lay down on the bed again, although I wanted to go and take a shower, I didn't want to be seen again.

So I lay down and closed my eyes to sleep, but again the images that I imagined were appearing before my eyes which made me feel a kind of fever again.

Quickly shaking my head I took the phone to distract myself, the result, I did not sleep until almost 3 a.m., and waking up in the morning I felt tired.

Dropping the entire sheet into a spot for dirty clothes.

After a quick shower and getting out, I finally came to my senses, after a few bites of food I left the house.


As I walked down the street toward school, I wondered how I was going to apologize to her. Maybe call her to a private place to apologize, and if she's angry I'll buy her something from the cafeteria.

Finally as I approached the door, I was pierced again by a stare that looked right at my ass.

I already knew it was the guard, and I could feel it every time.

I couldn't wait to kick him right in the groin so he'd stop doing it.

I took a deep breath and went forward faster, a few minutes and I was in front of the classroom door.

I need to go in and sit down until the commander comes, then to call somewhere and apologize is my plan.

But when I opened the door the commander was already sitting there with his hands on his chin, looking straight at the door.

Our eyes met as I opened the door, at that moment when she saw me she jumped up from her seat and ran towards me happily waving.

- Hey Amber you're finally here, you were here yesterday......

Before she could speak I grabbed her hand and dragged her, I felt the heat on my face I let go of my head and went to the corner of the stairs.

After standing there for a few seconds I turned to her and spoke.

- Litta I'm, really sorry.... I had some work yesterday so I forgot to pay for the coffee and ice cream, do you want me to give you the money or buy you something you like if.....

- STOP!, stop, Amber, it's nothing to worry about....

She looked at me with slightly squinted eyes and continued.

- Turns out you had some business, and I thought you, ran away from......

- YES! I had a thing, sorry....

I quickly interrupted her after which I looked away embarrassed.

- Ah, I see....

I couldn't see her face so I had to look into those bright green eyes again. It made me remember what I had done yesterday, subconsciously my head turned to the side again and I started taking deep breaths to calm my mind.

We stood there for a while, after which she suggested we go to class. I agreed with her and we went.

This was new to me, she was my first friend, after school she invited me to go to that cafe, joking with me that this time she had to pay.

At this time I no longer felt as embarrassed as before. Although not at all in order either, simply because when my gaze falls on her plump lips or her figure I remembered my fantasies.

Three more days passed at this pace, my attempts to approach my sister gradually stopped, but my walk with Litta became more frequent, though it balances my mood from failure to approach my sister, but still, day by day it got worse.

On the third day, standing in front of my sister, I wanted to make one last attempt to approach her at the same time to see if the plot of the game had begun or not.


Taking a deep breath I waited for a while before looking across at my sister.

- Sister, I want to go to your academy for a walk to.....

- No! ....... You're not allowed to go there.......

Before I could complete my thoughts she replied sternly, making the same indifferent face continued, and then left.

We finished practice early today, thinking about her reaction, I couldn't think deeply.

Or maybe the plot has already started and the main character has already won the sister.......... If so..... what should I do?

И.... Does she not want..... me to interfere in her relationship?

Why does that thought make me feel bad? I mean, I've known her for a few days, is this love? ...... Or am I just greedy for her body and jealous?

My thoughts were spinning nonstop, to be honest I didn't want it to turn out this way, but at the same time if it's true......I don't want to ruin.......their love.

I..... I still have to check it out......

With those thoughts ended the day, I decided I would follow my sister tomorrow to observe.

It was a day off, but my sister still went to the academy.

Lying in bed I couldn't sleep, the thoughts kept me awake.

At that moment the phone vibrated, look there was a message.

- Amber. Listen, we want to go to karaoke tomorrow as a class, can you come with us?

Thinking about Litta, I couldn't answer right away, maybe it was because she was my first friend.

After hesitating for a few seconds I wrote back.

- What time was it?

- It was around 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

The answer came very quickly.

It seems to me or this girl wants to get in trouble again, thinking that tomorrow my sister will go to the academy around 2 pm I agreed.

- Ok, call me tomorrow before the meeting.


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