Heroine’s sister in an erotic game?

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 Reckless Action ?

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Sitting at the table, we dined, conversations were still scarce.

 We finished dinner quickly, after which Litta offered to play something.

 So we started playing cards, basically I was in a daze when I noticed this Litta started talking.

 - Amber, can we continue karaoke?!

 Seeing my uncomprehending look, she jumped up and ran to the big TV.

 Soon as she turned it on and pressed back and forth, she heard the sound of music spreading throughout the room.

 It was light music, returning to me she took the remote control and used it as a microphone.

 She looked at me and then began to sing, it was a beautiful voice.

 She seems to sing a lot.

 Looking at her performances, I also began to sing along without noticing it.

 A cheerful song played until it ended, and as soon as another song started, she came up to me.

 - Come on, Amber, now it's your turn.

 - No no! I can not sing.

 I quickly waved my hands, it's true that I can't sing, I didn't even try, so did Amber, she didn't try either.

 - No, you should at least try, it's not difficult.

 She took my hand and dragged me towards the screen, pointing at it she continued.

 - Look, as in karaoke, there are words here, just repeat when the sign is on the words.

 Looking at the screen there were words, as well as a sign, I still wanted to refuse, but.

 - Come on, Amber, I promise I won't laugh, please.

 Lovely eyes stared at me, and she pretended to be pathetic.

 I couldn't resist it.

 -Haaaaaa...... Okay, but only once!

 Seeing how she happily nods her head, I took the remote from her hands and looked at the screen.

 Having started the music, she sat down on the sofa and looked at me expectantly.

 Looking at the screen, a text and a sign appeared there, I read the text and followed the movement of the sign.

 Maybe it was because of the spirit, but it seemed very easy.

 Opening my mouth a little stiffly, the words floated, I myself felt that it was bad but continued.

 Word by word, until finally the song was over, I noticed the same flashing icon as before.

 [You have obtained the skill {Sing} Novice level.

 Description: You finally learned to sing and this is just the beginning, you are getting more fluent singing.]

 A familiar window floated before my eyes, remembering the time when I trained with my sister.

 Although the characteristics did not increase except for survivability, but I acquired several skills, such as the skill of combat, mastery of the sword, as well as evasion.

 But now it doesn’t matter, looking at the screen, to be honest, I wanted to sing again.

 Maybe it was because I felt better.

 The next song started automatically, after watching I started to sing.

 This time it was smoother and easier, the voice was not so stiff.

 After one more song, my mind became much easier.

 - Wow, cool Amber, although the first time was bad, but you improved very quickly.

 Looking at me for a few more seconds.

 - Maybe you have the talent to become a singer, and then I will be your fan, you can even say that I was your teacher.

 Watching her exaggerated facial expressions, I subconsciously laughed.

 What are you laughing at, it's true!

 She jumped up and spoke loudly.

 "But you're missing something else!"

 Her fingers stroke her chin, as if in thought.

 I was wondering what it was about.

 - Amber, can you dance?!


 Hearing my answer, she smiled enigmatically.

 "Then I'll teach you!" If you want to become a singer now, you should definitely learn how to dance.

 But I don't want to be...

 You still need to learn!

 She interrupted me, approaching the screen, she began to look for something.

 Turning on other active music, she approached me and grabbed my hand, walked to the center of the room where there was more free space.

 Now repeat after me as best you can, but also be careful.

 Moving aside, she began to make some movement from which I felt some excitement, but at the same time I did not want to repeat after her.

 Although I am in a female body, I do not want to repeat these movements, for example, make a graceful curve of the body and then completely shake the booty.

 - Litta are you sure that these are the dances you need to become a singer?

 Through the embarrassment and excitement that I wanted to hide as deep as possible in myself, I asked a question.

 Hearing my question, she stopped her movements, then turned on the screen of her phone and, typing the text, showed me.

 According to her, these are the most popular singers.

 And there really were a few girls making sexual moves.

 The excitement that I wanted to hide slowly leaked out in the form of a rapid pulse.

  Hastily reassuring myself, I refused.

 - Litta I can't do it.

 My head turned to the side so she couldn't see my slightly red face.

 - Come on, Amber, I ask you just once.

 Same puppy eyes and pitiful seeing, re-use this trick I wanted to give up.

 - Okay, just once.

 The heat on my face did not decrease but continued to grow.

 Watching with shame as she began her movements.

 I also tried to imitate watching her, but unlike her, it was much slower and wooden movements.

 I could not coordinate my movements due to shame and high heart rate.

 The moment she shook her ass, my mouth went dry and I immediately stopped.

 I don't want to repeat this shame.

 - ....... I'm sorry Litta, I can't.

 - Haaaaa.... Okay.......Then how about tango?!

 What? I heard correctly, subconsciously my gaze fell on her and seeing her nod, some other thoughts entered my head.

 Although the previous movements were shameful for me, but here the tango is more like a dance for two people.

 - Litta, tango is... not for singers, why should we dance it?!

 My voice broke half way but I was able to quickly fix it and continue.

 - Mmm..... It's not for singers, but it will come in handy in life... For example, when you get married!

 She answered it so naturally that I also felt that it was normal, but will I get married? Of course not, I would rather marry another girl than marry someone.

 Just the thought makes me shudder.

 - So wait, I'll bring something.

 When I put my thoughts in order, she said and went into another room.

 Soon returning back on her hands was clothes, it was a long black dress.

 The dress was beautiful but the words that came out of Litta's mouth made me take a few steps back.

 - Here, put this on, for the tango, you must first of all be beautifully dressed.

 And why didn’t I hear about the current, at the moment I’m wearing the same clothes in which I followed my sister.

 But for several days now I have been wearing a skirt in public, although at first I was very embarrassed, but still I got used to it, but apart from this skirt I didn’t wear anything and it reached my knees.

 The embarrassment reappeared so I resolutely refused.

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 - No! No! I won't wear this.

 Looking at me, she made a sad degeneration of her face.

 - Then what, I should wear one so that we can dance beautifully.

 Also wear it? looking at the dress, I imagined how it would look on Litta.

 The biggest problem is that the bottom of this board is much shorter than the school skirt.

 But also if Litta will wear it, then I will be able to see her beautiful figure and everything above the knees almost reaching the hips will be visible.

 - Well, if you want you wear it and I'll be in it.

 I wanted to avoid this and get some benefit for my eyes.

 After looking at her with a look, do it if you want, she thought for a moment and shook her head decisively.

 - No, if you don't wear it, then so will I.

 She turned to leave, but I stopped her, a feeling of excitement that has not yet dissipated made me speak.

 - Okay, then come on, just give me this and show me a place where I can change.

 At my words, she began to joyfully jump on the spot, holding a clenched fist on her head with a victory sign.

 It seemed she was not as naive as it seemed, but since I agreed with her, then there is nothing

 - Then wait, I'll change my clothes and then you.

 Going inside the company, she closed the door, went out five minutes later.

 She was wearing the same dress, it reached the neck, covering half of the forearm, and then, emphasizing the chest, went down.

 Finally, at the end of the dress there was something like a skirt, under which there were a pair of beautiful legs.

 Her sexuality at the moment was so high that I just wanted to jump on her.

 Barely maintaining my composure, I took the board she had left for me.

 - Come into my bedroom and change.

 Following her words, I went into her bedroom.

 There was no difference from other rooms, except for the girlish scent.

 After calming myself for a few seconds, I laid out the dress on the bed and then fell into a stupor.

 I don't know how to put it on, and looking in memory Amber didn't wear it either.

 I had to open the door again and ask for help, after I closed the door with a burning face, after 10 minutes I stood in front of her slightly shrinking.

 The problem was that the dress was shorter for me, only when I put it on did I realize it.

 For Litta, this was fine, but for me, who was taller than her opened much more than necessary, because of this I shrank and subconsciously pulled the dress down.

 She twirled around me and corrected some places, from which I flinched several times, at last we were ready.

 Turning on the music that was for tango again, she came up to me.

 -So Amber, tell me what position you want to take.......although since you are a girl, you have to take the girl position, so I will take the guy position.

 She first asked me but then seemed to think about something and changed her words.

 I wanted to refute and take the guy's position since we started.

 But her beacon to the touch left hand held my right hand and the other lay on my back, my words that were already half way stuck in my mouth.

 Her refreshing scent hit my nose.

 Feeling the warmth on my back, I was nervous, this was the first time a girl grabbed me like that.

 - Put your hand on my shoulder.

 Following her instructions, I placed my hand there.

 My thoughts were a bit in chaos, but sanity was still there.

 - Look at our feet and do as I say.

 She began to explain to me how to do everything, repeating after her gradually our steps became smooth, although sometimes I even stepped on her feet.

 It was a different excitement, a different feeling than just watching someone dance with someone.

 It gave me pleasure in a way.

 We spun back and forth to the beat of the music, and spun, the hem of the dress sometimes rose and let go.

 A flashing sign fell into my eyes, but I did not pay attention.

 My movements have gotten much better.

 An exciting feeling swept over me and my legs grew bolder.

 Finally the music ended, she looked at me.

 - Again?

 The question was short, as was the answer.

 - Yes...

 Starting the same music, she was going to wrap her hand around me, but then I offered.

 - Maybe this time I'll be in the position of a guy?

 I had a desire, a desire to experience the feeling of dancing that was coming from the guy.

 In response, she only nodded, I didn’t think for a moment what to do, so she took the initiative and took my hand and put me on her back.

 Feeling the soft tissue on her back and her quick breath juice, I worried.

 I have never experienced such feelings as today, although now I was in the position of a girl, I still felt a little different.

 But now standing in the position of a guy, I was even more delighted.

 Raising her hand that was on my arm, the only thought at the moment was to dance more.

 The music started, the movements started, we started spinning around a lot.

 Our theme, which was slow at first, became faster this time.

 Our bodies became synchronous, at that moment I felt what I had missed in the past.

 The feeling of dancing with a girl.

 Our movements intensified even more, a second flashing sign fell into my eyes, but I ignored it a lot.

 Now the main thing was to dance.

 Finally the song ended, we were both short of breath, I wanted to do it again but both of us didn't have the stamina to do it.

 Sitting on the couch, the sound of the song was heard, but Litta took the remote and lowered the volume.

 I was filled with a feeling of happiness, it reminded me of the same signs when I was a little drunk.

 At that moment, she, who was sitting next to me, approached me and her hand reached forward, her index finger touched my neck.

 - You're learning too fast Amber.

 She was very close to me, her hand lay on my shoulder, and she rested her body on me.

 My eyes moved to her lips, those were the lips I used in my fantasies.

 I don't know if it was the result of these fantasies or if a feeling of happiness began to set in my mind.

 I had an impulse in my brain to kiss her.

 What she said, I did not hear my breathing, which barely returned to normal, became much more frequent.

 My body moved forward, maybe it will be bad if I do.

 Or maybe the other side will avoid me altogether.

 Even to hate me, if I had a sober mind maybe I wouldn't have done it.

 She did not have time to react, leaning forward, my lips touched hers.

 I felt an inexplicable taste, my eyes met hers, they trembled slightly.

 I could not keep myself in balance, and directly pressed her to the sofa.

 But our lips did not detach, I thought that she did not reject me, but I felt resistance, with both hands she pushed me into the pile.

 Because of this action, I subconsciously moved away and turned my head to the side, as if hiding, feeling that I had done something bad.

 I couldn't face her anymore.

 A sense of shame mingled with guilt swept over my chest.

 I felt her rise and straighten her position.

 Realizing what I had done, a single thought came into my head.

 - I'm sorry....

 Words escaped my lips.

 I didn't know what to do and whether she would hate me because of it.

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