Heroine’s sister in an erotic game?

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 Trouble Again

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My eyes opened dramatically, the closer that moment came the more nervous I became, thinking about it again I really didn't want my sister to be with a hero.

Selfishness? Or just other feelings. 

That was something I didn't figure out until late.

I got up quickly and got dressed, there was plenty of time. When I came downstairs I had already noticed my sister cooking again, she hadn't even looked back when I came down this time.

Sitting on the couch and watching for a while, I didn't know what to do if it turned out she was already with a hero. 

It was a feeling I hadn't experienced in the past; it was foreign to me. 

Although no, I had, but I had forgotten about it. 

It is impossible not to fall in love, well, some people are the exception. But I wasn't one of those people, although I didn't get a girlfriend on campus, but falling in love with someone secretly is the norm.

Now this feeling reminds me, maybe I really did fall in love with her, maybe it was because I cared about her, or maybe it was because she was too beautiful.

Either way, just like yesterday, I decided I had to find out.

During breakfast we, as before, did not speak.

The time came and she left the house right away, warning me that if I went out I would text her where I was going.

After waiting for her to come out I went upstairs and changed into some less conspicuous clothes and then left the house as well.

Good thing I already knew from memory where the academy was. 

Walking in that direction, I finally caught up with my sister, who was already getting on the bus. 

The academy is pretty far from our house, after waiting for the next one I also went in.

It took almost 20 minutes to reach the academies, getting off the bus I started to think what to do.

No one who is not a member of the academies may enter, I found out there are a lot of demon hunters.

I had to stick around for a long time to get a chance to get inside, but as soon as I wanted to act. 

I saw my sister, and a few people with her, coming out of the academies. They were going towards the subway, so I had to cautiously follow. 

Entering the subway I cautiously approached them.

Luckily they didn't see me, but there were a lot of people too so I had to squeeze in. Turning my head to the side I watched when they came out.

After ten minutes they came down, after a short wait I also followed them, soon they arrived at the place where there was a cafe. 

I followed them and found a place where I could see them, it was dangerous to get too close and they would find me.

Sitting and watching them I finally saw the other two, they were both girls. 

One of them had dark purple hair. But he was sitting with his back to me, so I couldn't see her face. Judging from the fact that the other girl was one of the heroines I realized that she might be a heroine too.

Also her hair matched one of them.

So my sister is sitting there with two other heroines that I had already seen in the game.

I felt somewhat relieved, but kept watching. 

Suddenly the door of the cafe opened and a young man walked in, this action made me subconsciously look out the window and not see his face. 

But turning my head as the teenager passed I saw him heading towards my sister and the other two.

Could it be the main character?

I suddenly had a bad feeling, I don't know what they were talking about, but they seemed to be having fun, only my sister kept her indifferent face.

After a long chat they seemed not to finish, but suddenly the young man who was talking to the heroine with dark purple hair looked at my sister and asked something.

And at that moment, to be honest, I realized I shouldn't have come here. Because, I saw my sister look at him for a few seconds after which her lips curved upward showing a stunning smile and answered the man.

I still couldn't hear what they were talking about, but I felt happy and sad at the same time. Happiness was because I saw her smile for once, but the sadness was that the smile was not directed at me.

My mind shut off, although there was a possibility of that and I wanted to confirm it, but there was still very little desire inside me. 

My senses seemed to switch off, leaving the money on the table I walked out of the building, my feet walking on their own far where even I didn't know.


It was a park, the day had already gradually changed to night, in the distance I could see the sunset.

Sitting on a bench I looked out there, there was no happiness or sadness, sometimes I heard in the past taki words like do not wind yourself up. 

I didn't understand it at the time, but it was clear to me now. 

While my thoughts were in chaos, I heard the sound of my phone vibrating. 

When I opened it, I saw several messages from my sister, maybe she had already come home. 

Seeing her messages I felt no way, reacted, maybe I had already gotten over it?

Flipping through I saw that the other one was from LItta, opening it my eyes quickly ran.

{Amber we're here xxxxxxxx, get over here and please hurry up or we'll start without you.}

I answered with the word go and watched the sunset for a few seconds before heading towards the bus stop.

On the way having opened messages of sister again has warned her that I shall come late. 


When I got off the bus a brightly lit street appeared before my eyes, I looked around and saw Litta waving to me.

Finally reaching them I said hello, following a few classmates we went inside.

Walking through the corridor we reached the small rooms where loud music was playing, we had to split up as there wasn't much room. 

Walking together my mood was still low.

Maybe she noticed that so she asked anxiously.

- Amber, are you okay.

Maybe it was because I sensed her concern, so I forced myself to smile and nod.

Walking into the room there was a big couch in the corner and a big screen hanging on the far wall. 

Well classic karaoke, there were six of us. 

Three girls and three boys, although I had noticed some stares at school and it made me uncomfortable, but here these three were throwing frequent glances at me and scanning. 

My sadness slowly turned into anger, which made me feel annoyed inside.

My eruption was forced to stop by LItta, who took the microphone and began to sing. 

From the corner of my eye I noticed from watching the others that these guys were flirting with the girl, and she in turn is not resisting this.

At this rate half an hour passed, everyone was singing and some were even dancing. 

At this point Litta suggested I sing.

- Come on Amber I want to hear you sing! 

Speaking to Litta I wanted to say no and get out of here, but out of the corner of my eye I noticed that one of the guys kissed the girl and she was stupid for not resisting.

My anger had reached its limit.

- Are you trying to have a threesome in here?

My voice was very cold, which made even me a little hesitant, but still the others did not notice it.

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Now they're all looking at me with stunned eyes. 

- If you want to do this go somewhere else........

- Amber's classmates, we didn't do anything like that, they just kissed.

I looked at the one who spoke, the one who also looked at me with a slightly defiant look.

My hand itched, but at that moment Litta took my hand. 

Looking at her she shook her head, I rolled at her actions either this girl is too naive or just an idiot. 

Mentally sighing I looked at this girl.

- If you want then stay, maybe she'll regret it later, but if not come with us.

I don't know what the girl was thinking but she shook her head.

- Let's go Litta, we came for nothing. 

Having said that I pulled her by the arm toward the door, at that moment the one who was looking at me with a disgusted look suddenly stood up and said.

- Amber's classmates, where are you going, the party just started.......

My hand was already going up, but then the door opened inside and two people walked in.

Ahead of him walked a teenager who had strange hair , and the one who spoke to me turned his head immediately saw him and smiled.

- Boss, you're almost too late, to be honest I'm very jealous.....

His face was pushed to the side and this teenager with weird hair came into the room. 

- Oh, classmate Amber, I'm almost late, I had some giveaways so forgive me.

Saying that he headed toward the couch and sat down.

And Litta and I were still standing, seeing that we hadn't moved this sarcastic man began his round in a sarcastic voice.

- Have a seat ladies, as I heard outside the door, our party has just begun. 

I felt Litta's hand shake a little, again, I don't know if this girl has the ability to attract trouble. 

- If you don't tell me to get out of the way, I'll put my dog away myself.

Telling him, I let go of Litta's hand and got ready, although I can't beat my sister now, but now, these people can't resist me.

- Ha ha ha, and you have a good sense of humor classmates Amber, if you want to go out please, but if you fail don't blame me for being rude.

Same sarcastic tone, and arrogance. As if all he's saying is a window. 

- You've heard what happens to Ivan, haven't you?

Hearing his name, the guy thought for a moment, then laughed again.

- Ahhhh, so you did this to him, though I don't know how. But don't think someone like him deserves my attention. 

Fuck, I wanted to stay out of trouble after all, but what the hell. 

Before he could finish talking, I jumped up from my seat and my foot went straight for the belly of the guy standing in front of the door.

Before he could react he fell to the ground grabbing his stomach, not giving the others time, my foot swung and hit the arrogant brat right in the face. 

The same result, losing consciousness, he fell to the ground. 

After that, three more blows occurred and there were five people on the ground. 

Only the girl sat dumbfounded on the couch watching me. 

Grabbing Litta, who was staring at them in a daze, I dragged her to the exit, 


- YES? 

- Sister I just hit some people, you said if that happens I should call you.

Even though I didn't feel like it I called her.

- Where?

- xxxxxx karaoke. 

- ............... Then when are you coming back?

To be honest I wanted to meet her today. 

Looking at Litta I mute the microphone and asked her.

- Mmm........ Litta can I stay at your place tonight?

It seemed my question was unexpected, coming to her senses she nodded. 

- Sister..... I'm not going home tonight, my friend here got scared of these people, and ......... she lives in a solitary, I'll sleep there tonight.

- ............................... Okay

A long pause followed before she answered and quickly hung up.

- Amber..... How do you know I live alone?

Looking at Litta surprised, I asked back. 

- Do you really live alone?

She nodded and then looked at me, 

- So I guessed right, shall we go then?

- Yes..... But can I ask why you lied to your sister?

Why didn't you, remembering what happened that afternoon made my mood worse again.

- You don't have to ask that. 

Looking at her, to my question she nodded quickly.


Getting off the subway, we walked with her for about 10 minutes before reaching the apartment building. 

Once inside we took the elevator upstairs, soon stopping at the top floor we stepped out.

A door came in front of my eyes, Litta walked in front of me opening the door with the key and inviting me inside.

- Welcome. 

The house was very comfortable, with a large kitchen on the left and a living room in the distance. 

- And you have a beautiful house.

- Huh?, thank you, you can sit there you're hungry, I'm hungry too. Wait a minute, I'll think of something and we'll eat.

After watching her go into the kitchen, I followed her too. 

- Can I help you? I can cook too.


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