Hold On, General

Chapter 1: 1

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1. The day of the beginning …

He was dressed and washed up, and opened the door, walking slowly along the corridor surrounded by wisteria.

He looked up and saw a dummy in the courtyard practising martial arts diligently, as usual.

He walked into his study, ground his ink, picked up a brush and wrote on Xuan paper.

The first sentence: ‘A cheap hand kills a man’s life.’

A dummy entered after practising: “What are you doing?”

“Writing a memoir.”

There was silence.

The genius sighed, put down the brush and looked at him with a heavy heart, and said: “How many times have I told you, if you don’t understand, you have to ask, it’s useless for you to figure it out by yourself, in case you get sick, I still have to support you, although I am a king and have a lot of money, we can’t burden the country, we can’t be an asshole!”

“……” a dummy said, “What is a memoir?”

“You can understand it as a biography, the genius is writing his autobiography.”

A dummy was silent for a moment: “…… May I ask how old Wang Ye is?”



He looked at the paper and thought about what had happened before, and let out a long sigh: “Do you know what I would have done that day if God had given me another chance?” He didn’t wait for his answer, but said angrily, “I will definitely chop this hand off!”

“…… feed the dogs?”

Genius Long grunted, “Silly me, our dogs eat dog food there.”


Genius Long gave him a look: “How many times have I told you to ask …… if you don’t understand?”

The dummy hastily interrupted: “I can guess what dog food means.”

“…… is fine.”

The journey was like a drama that slowly passed through his mind, and it all started on that day.

Well, from the day he got his hands dirty…

Genius Long’s real name was Long Junhao. He was the young master of a big consortium. He has been held in the palm of his hand by his parents since he was a child, and he could be described as a spoiled child. He liked computers, telephones, televisions, flashlights (…) and other electrical appliances. He liked to be called a genius by others, and he often regarded himself as a genius. Although it sounded shameless, he did have proud capital.

He was a hacker and thinks he was a very good hacker, so he entered a good organization with this pride and then opened the prologue of his gloomy life.

The boss of his family was named Lei Yan, and he hated betrayal by his subordinates and also hated his position being provoked. Everyone in the world said that people with high skills were bold, so Genius Long suddenly exploded his small universe in that idle afternoon, hacked into the boss’s computer on a whim, and was sadly discovered by the boss after seeing a shocking secret up.

He felt that he was going to die this time, but he didn’t want to die, so he came up with a way with his superb IQ – pretending to be crazy.

It was learned to pretend to be crazy. The sanatorium had to choose the right place, otherwise, the boss might send someone in to cut him into pieces.

In the end, he considered staying in a high-end nursing home again and again. The background of the dean here was also very good, enough to compete with Lei Yan, but he didn’t expect him to hang up, because a killer in the organization inexplicably became a doctor, and he didn’t understand what was going on until he died.

Of course, if he knew that the dean agreed that most of the reason for the killer to work in the nursing home was that he didn’t have to pay wages, he would probably crawl back from hell with anger.

His consciousness was floating and sinking in the dark, and he opened his eyes again to see the curtains of the carved bed, and he couldn’t help being startled. Isn’t he dead? He propped up, and there was a room full of ancient rhyme in front of him. The light was a little dark, and it should have been past evening.

At that moment the door creaked open and a girl with a double bun walked in, she said with surprise, “Is Gongzi awake? Is there anything wrong with you?”

Genious Long didn’t answer, staring at her strangely. The girl’s cheeks turned crimson at his unconcealed gaze: “I’ll go to …… and call the young master.” She hurriedly went out after speaking, and her figure quickly disappeared.

“Ah…” Genius Long looked at the door in a daze, scratching his head, “Who did she say she was going to find…huh?” He put the long hair he touched in front of his eyes, stunned, contacted the surrounding situation, and suddenly flashed a word in his heart, crossing!

Did he cross? Thinking about it, he hurriedly got out of bed and rushed to the mirror, and suddenly exhaled. The face in the mirror was still his, so… He twitched the corner of his mouth. Is this fake headgear? Do you play retro style?

He shook his head and felt quite lifelike. As soon as he was about to pull it off, he saw a person coming in from the door of the room. This person was handsome, wearing plain Confucian cloth, and his body was vaguely calm and rigid. It’s not easy at first glance.

Genius Long trembled all over, his face turned white, and his hands and feet shrank into the corner, shivering: “Please…don’t…don’t kill me…”

The person in front of him was not someone else, it was the killer doctor he saw before he was unconscious, Gu Chen, so the current situation was that the killer knocked him out and shipped him here to change his outfit, and he himself changed his outfit.

He looked at it secretly and felt that the killer was quite into the drama. Before, this person had a gentle smile all day, and he was approachable and harmless, but now he is tougher, but this was not the point. The point was that he knew this face even if it turns grey.

What is this going to do, let him accompany him to play a costume drama?

The man obviously didn’t expect him to react like this: “You…”

“I, I, I swear…” Genius Long trembled and stretched out his paws, “I will never tell what I saw, and I won’t even say it to death. Believe me, believe me!”

The man was startled slightly: “What did you see? What is it?”

Genius Long was also taken aback, and shook his head violently after reacting: “I don’t know anything! Didn’t see anything! So you let me go! Hum? Let me go!”

The man was silent again, and after a while, he walked slowly forward. Who knew that he had just taken a half-step. Genius Long’s face became paler, his eyes were full of fear, and his voice was even sharp: “You, you, don’t come over!”

The man stopped abruptly, seeing that this person was not pretending, and slowed down his voice: “Don’t be afraid.”

“…you won’t kill me?”

The man nodded, ready to take another step, Genius Long continued to shrink: “What do you want to say there, don’t come over, what if you lie to me, killers like you have always been ruthless, not to mention you are still around Lei Yan, I have never heard of close Mo…Cough…That, that, what, I mean close to Zhu Zhe Chi, definitely not close to Mo Zhe Hei, really!”

He hurriedly remedied: “A person as good as the boss, his subordinates are definitely one of the best in the world. I have never seen a person who is more powerful and smarter than the boss. My admiration for him is like a surging river. It’s enough to follow him in this life!”

He blinked his sincere eyes: “I guess the boss is not here, then you can give him a call or send a text message, otherwise, you can send an email online, and tell him what I said intact. By the way, ‘Those who made a big deal don’t stick to the subsections.’ If I can be rescued, I will definitely invite you to dinner. Let’s go to a star-rated restaurant. Do you eat Chinese food or Western food? Oh, do you like guns? I’ll give you a good gun. Do you want a pistol or a Barrett M-series sniper rifle?”

“…” The man was silent again, only to feel that his head was a little confused. What this man said…why didn’t he understand most of it?

Genius Long sucked his nose and burst into tears: “…Is it Cheng Cheng Cheng?”

“…” Is anything done? Do I need to make a decision? When did it happen? Why don’t I… why don’t I know?

When General Dang Chao Gu stood paralyzed in place, he froze for a long time and slowly said, “You have a good rest and get some sleep.”

He made a conclusion in his heart, this person absolutely did not rest well, so he was delirious.

Genius Long, who hadn’t rested well, nestled in the corner and said in a daze: “Oh…”

General Gu nodded to him calmly, turned around and went out, secretly saying that it would not be too late to talk after he recovered. The butler outside the door saw him come out and hurriedly greeted him: “Young master, that slob keeps saying that the person inside is Wang Ye, you see ……”.

“Take him to the study, send someone into the palace by the way, and say that Xiao Wang Ye will stay in the general’s mansion tonight.”

The man was shocked, the person in the room was actually the legendary Xiao Wang Ye? He hurriedly said yes and backed down.

General Gu walked into the study, took the tea served by his servant, and drank it all at once. Long Jun Hao, Xiao Wang Ye of the dynasty and the emperor’s younger brother, was regarded by Empress Dowager and the emperor as more important than his heart. He had been spoiled since he was a child, and he had not yet left the palace when he left the palace to build a mansion. The holy pet was extremely heavy.

You are reading story Hold On, General at novel35.com

Although he had never formally met this Xiao Wang Ye, he knew who this person was, because every time he entered the palace, this person would hide in the dark and look at him. The sight was too warm and expectant, and it was difficult for him not to pay attention.

This Xiao Wang Ye, who was a great saint, had had a secret affection for him since a long time ago.

He knew that the male style was currently flourishing, but he was not a male homosexual.

The door opened in a few moments and the man fell to his knees and cried, “General, this servant……”.

“I know,” General Gu interrupted him, “I have sent someone into the palace to explain to the emperor that Xiao Wang Ye has just woken up, but his body has not healed and he has fallen asleep again. The doctor has already seen it and said that it is not a big deal.”

The man breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Xiao Wang Ye had nothing to do, and then he couldn’t stop prostrating: “It’s all the fault of this servant. This servant deserves to die, but this servant really doesn’t know that there is a hillside there. I beg the general to intercede with Xiao Wang Ye for this servant. This servant doesn’t want to die!”

He knew that Xiao Wang Ye liked this general. As long as the general was willing to intercede, he would have no worries about his life. In fact, he was quite wrong. Who expected Xiao Wang Ye to choose that method? General Gu was now under the emperor’s orders and would lead the army out in a few days. Xiao Wang Ye went to ask Empress Dowager to let him out of the palace. The Empress Dowager and the emperor both knew Xiao Wang Ye’s thoughts and approved.

So they took a carriage out of the palace gate, and they were lucky enough to meet General Gu who had returned from the military camp, but the problem came, Xiao Wang Ye did not dare to go over – if he had the courage, he would have known the general as early as the palace, and he didn’t have to delay it until now.

Xiao Wang Ye grumbled and pawed at the carriage for a long time, but when he saw the general approaching, he glanced at the people in the street and suddenly leapt off the carriage.

He opened his mouth wide, Xiao Wang Ye did not dare to go forward, but in order to attract the general’s attention went so far – to flirt with the little girl on the street.

“Beauty, just smile, smile.”

“……” He looked at Xiao Wang Ye in a confused manner. You are not afraid that the general will dislike you for this?

Xiao Wang Ye looked at him with his mouth turned up, this king just wanted him to look at this king, and then turned his head: “Just smile.”


The young girl saw that he was dressed in fancy clothes and surrounded by guards, so he was obviously not a man to be trifled with, and she had never seen such a scene before, so she burst into tears before she could speak.

Xiao Wang Ye was stunned, he didn’t even move a finger, how could he …… make her cry just by making her laugh? He suddenly regretted it, and at this time the general happened to be close, and when he saw it, he was furious and ordered his men to tie the bully up.

Xiao Wang Ye obviously didn’t expect the general to open the tie without saying a word. He blinked, jumped into the carriage, and simply threw a word: Run.

The guards wanted to stop drinking, but when they heard the words, they could only obey their orders, and the carriage galloped away. After all, the guards were not as fast as the horses. Coupled with the chaos of the streets, they were lost. In the end, only the two of them were left.

“Wang Ye, why don’t you identify yourself?”

“No,” Xiao Wang Ye shivered in the carriage, “It’s embarrassing.”

“…” Do you also know that it’s embarrassing?

“Hey, where are you looking? There is a hillside ahead!”

He was taken aback, looked back and saw that the cold sweat came down instantly, and hurriedly grasped the reins, but the carriage was too fast, and they still rushed down.

“Why did this king find such a scarce minion of yours to drive a carriage? Ahhhhhhh”

This was the last sentence he heard because Xiao Wang Ye fainted after speaking, and the general’s people rushed to get them into the general’s mansion until now.

General Gu remembered what happened today when he mentioned it, and his tone was a little heavy: “Did you come up with the idea or did Xiao Wang Ye mean it?”

He had thought about the scene of meeting Xiao Wang Ye many times and even considered the absurd possibility of the holy lord’s marriage and the wedding night in the cave, and he had never thought that this person would do such a naive behaviour.

This Xiao Wang Ye didn’t know the suffering of the world was nothing but good-looking, and his life was simply different from the life of his military horse drinking blood.

——He must not entangle this person for the rest of his life.

“It’s Xiao Wang Ye’s meaning,” the man replied, and then hurriedly said, “But Xiao Wang Ye is not malicious, Xiao Wang Ye is doing this all for…”

“All right,” General Gu waved his hand, “You go down.”

The man stopped talking, said yes, got up and went out.

General Gu fell into contemplation. He brought Xiao Wang Ye back. He wanted to see if he could spread it out and make it clear, lest one day the saint would marry them with a big stroke, and the rest of his life would be over, but he didn’t expect that Xiao Wang Ye would avoid him like a snake and scorpion after he woke up. This made him vaguely feel a little uncomfortable, but he couldn’t tell why he was uncomfortable.

He frowned slightly and decided to go again in the evening, so he instructed the maid to tell him if the person woke up, but all he got was …… He asked, “Not sleeping?”

The maid nodded her head and said, “Yes,”.

“Gongzi hasn’t slept, but this slave doesn’t understand what he said. This slave thinks Gongzi could be…could it be…” she stammered, but did not say anything.

Could it be that he was crazy… General Gu frowned again. He took up a reason. Today’s saint is the Ming Monarch. If you really want to blame it, you are also angry with the eunuchs and guards around Xiao Wang Ye, but even though he thought so, the discomfort in his heart still increased, and he hurriedly ordered: “Go to the doctor.”


So he found a doctor, but the result was still no big deal, but he still prescribed a prescription for concentration, boiled it into medicine for the person to drink, and General Gu sat in the study until it was all dark, got up and went over.

Genius Long was in the enemy’s hands, and his life was in Lei Yan’s hands. It was only because the man was happy that he could sleep with peace of mind, but he was dizzy and inexplicably poured into a bowl of Chinese medicine. In the end, he fell asleep, and when he woke up, the first thing that caught his eye was the face – the killer sitting on the side of the bed and staring straight at him in silence. 

He shook suddenly and shrank back desperately: “You, you, why are you here again…”

General Gu was silent. After Xiao Wang Ye woke up, he used the terms “you” and “I”, so he let him go. He didn’t mention “Prince” or “bully”. He wanted to wait for Xiao Wang Ye to clarify before he spread it out. Now it seems…It is difficult to wait for Xiao Wang Ye to speak first.

Genius Long was shaken again by his silence and continued to shrink.

When he saw the fear in his eyes, he felt bored and got up and sat down on a chair in the room, distancing himself.

Genius Long breathed a sigh of relief and patted his frightened little heart. It was all black outside, but he knew in his heart that he couldn’t see it because the window was covered with paper, not glass, and there were a few lights in the house. He looked for a moment and wondered if it was a candle in the shade of the lamp, right? No way? This person doesn’t know how to really light candles, does he? He remembered that there was a light with a battery, so… maybe it might be that one?

General Gu took the cup of tea from the table and looked at the person on the bed, who didn’t even look at him, but was secretly curious about the things in the room – he was no match for the decorations.

He finally knew why he was unwell. Xiao Wang Ye’s eyes were no longer burning and he was no longer looking forward to him. All the things that belonged to him before were missing, so he couldn’t adapt for a while, but he changed his mind and thought that he didn’t have that kind of mind for him, so how could he care so much about his attitude?

He pondered for a moment, feeling that it was because all this did not match the plan in his heart. He should change Xiao Wang Ye back to the original state and talk openly again so that the matter would be pulled back to its original state, and this boredom would disappear.

He was thinking secretly. At this time, the person on the bed suddenly looked at him. He was startled and immediately sat upright. He thought Xiao Wang Ye would speak. Who knew that Xiao Wang Ye just glanced at him, then got out of bed and slowly rubbed against the corner of the lamppost. Look at him again. Seeing that he didn’t respond, he boldly looked into the lampshade, then his shoulders collapsed and he squatted on the ground silently, sucking his nose.

“It’s really a candle. There’s not even a live thing. Is it necessary to do this? Even if I’m a hacker, it’s impossible for me to escape with a battery, isn’t it? Oh, this is the first few days I came out of the nursing home. How long has it been since I haven’t seen an electrical appliance? What?!”

“…” General Gu was silent, how can he change Xiao Wang Ye back? He doesn’t even understand what Xiao Wang Ye is saying now.

“You say it!”

“…” General Gu looked at him stiffly, with a little sadness and anger in his eyes. What do you want me to say?

Genius Long said pitifully: “Tell me it’s okay, anyway, I can’t run anyway.”

General Gu froze for a long time, and finally shook his hand to put down the teacup: “…you can sleep again.”



宣纸: Xuan paper is renowned for being soft and fine textured, suitable for conveying the artistic expression of both Chinese calligraphy and painting.

王爷 (王爺) _ Wang Ye: prince, marquis, nobleman

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