Hold On, General

Chapter 2: 2

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Who do you like…

General Gu, whose surname is Gu and whose name is Ming Chen, has been with his father since he was 16 years old and has made countless achievements in battle. He has two brothers above him and no brother below him because his mother died shortly after giving birth to him, leaving him with only three sons, all of whom are good and brave generals. Now that his father and brother were at the border, he was the only one in charge of the large general’s mansion, and he could have his breakfast anywhere he wanted.

So this day, hungry Long only burying his head to eat when he saw the killer push the door again, he jumped up and shrunk to the corner, touching his small appetite not full, and immediately want to cry, even a full meal is not allowed to eat.

General Gu paused because of his movements, then sat at the table and said kindly: “Come and have breakfast together.”

“Breakfast…” Genius Long twitched the corners of his mouth, “You really want to play retro style. When you woke up, you were brought here. You changed your outfit, not to mention the fake headgear on your head. It’s so lifelike. I almost thought it was really my hair. Cough, don’t look at me like that. If you want to play, I’ll play with you, but let’s discuss it. Can you ask Lei Yan for mercy and tell him not to kill me? I don’t ask much, really, hehe…” He said, looking at the table of food, slowly rubbing it over, and tentatively asked: “You…really don’t kill me?”

General Gu was silent, surrounded by mist in the clouds by his words, he silently comforted himself, at least he could grasp the key: “I won’t kill you.”

Genius Long exhaled and immediately rushed over to eat. He had no other shortcomings except for fear of death. He had a very good mentality. This can be seen from the fact that he continued to eat and drink behind bars. He praised: “This dish is good, which restaurant is it from?”

General Gu pondered for a moment and asked, “How is it better than the imperial dining room?” This person cares so much about his life and death… could it be that he has forgotten that he is Wang Ye?

“The imperial dining room?” Genius Long was surprised. He suddenly remembered that he was playing retro style now, and said, “The dishes in the imperial dining room are naturally delicious.”

General Gu was relieved. It seems that Wang Ye has not forgotten. Are these two days pretending to be? Why do you want to do this? He thought for a while, and secretly said, could it be that he wanted to delay the time for a few more days? So… his position in Wang Ye’s heart still hasn’t changed. He only feels that the boredom in his chest is suddenly swept away, and he clears his throat: “Wang Ye…”

Genius Long sprayed instantly, coughing violently: “Ahem, ahem, you…what do you call me?”

General Gu silently wiped the grains of rice from his face and repeated, “Wang Ye.”

“Me, Wang Ye?” Genius Long pointed to himself and asked in surprise, “Then who are you playing?”

General Gu was taken aback for an instant, and for the time being, he didn’t think about what ‘who are you playing’ meant, but asked, “You don’t know me?”

“Yes,” Genius Long said, “We met at the headquarters, and then I fled to the nursing home. You came to hunt me down. We met again. Then it’s here. Do you think I’m stupid?”

General Gu suddenly became confused, thinking for a long time and said, “Eat first, and then talk when you run out.”

“Oh, good.” Genius Long had no problem, lowered his head to eat, took another sip of tea after eating, and exhaled contentedly.

He cautiously glances, seeing this killer still does not open the intention, so curiously rubbed over: “So what, for the sake of acquaintance, you can tell me you get me here or not Lei Yan’s intention? Is this his territory or not? Also, when will he come? In fact, I’m not greedy, I just want to know these few questions, if you do not want to answer I do not force you, you just tell me whether he will kill me in the end, he just does not kill me let me do everything.”

General Gu keenly captured a word before his brain was completely confused: “… Lei Yan?”

“Yes, yes,” Genius Long nodded hurriedly, and subconsciously shrank his neck, obviously very afraid of that person, “Will he kill me or not?”

General Gu frowned, he really couldn’t think of who Lei Yan was, and asked in a quiet voice, “Do you have a grudge against him?  Who is he?”

“Ouch, don’t play with ancient costumes for the time being at this time,” Genius Long wanted to cry without tears, “Life is at stake, hey, tell me if he will kill me or not, don’t you know each other very well?”

“Very familiar?” General Gu was even more surprised, “I have never known a person named Lei Yan.”

Genius Long  shoulders collapsed: “Okay, I get it.” After a long time, this person just didn’t want to tell him.

General Gu looked at his disappointment and suddenly felt uncomfortable again. He pondered for a while. This person is Wang Ye. Who would dare to kill him except the emperor? Besides, this person has been living in the palace and will not cause any enemies… He said: “He won’t kill you.”

Genius Long shook abruptly: “Really?”

General Gu nodded.

“Oh, it’s great!” Genius Long paced back and forth happily, and when he stopped, he turned his head and smiled at him with a big smile, “Well, I will accompany you whatever you want to play. Of course, except for letting me dedicate myself, Lao Tzu is not interested in stirring up the base.”

General Gu looked at the smile at the corner of his mouth in a daze and secretly said that this person laughed so beautifully. He thought in a daze, slowly regained his senses, and then… stretched out his hand and rubbed his forehead. What is it?!

Genius Long blinked: “Hey, Guchen, what’s wrong with you?”

General Gu looked up at him: “What do you call me?” Now everyone calls him a general, and few people dare to call him by name, but it doesn’t feel bad at all.

Genius Long looked at his surprised expression and thought for a while: “Cough, Doctor Gu.”

“Gu…Doctor?” General Gu frowned, “Who is that? Do you know who I am?”

Genius Long was entangled, thinking to myself, how do I know who you always play, and what kind of play is this? Hey!

General Gu looked at him and suddenly sighed: “This is the general’s Mansion…”

Before he finished speaking a word, Genius Long smiled immediately: “I know, you are General Gu, you don’t have to remind me, how can I not know, I forgot, no one can forget you, right, you are really…Hehe…”

“…Wang Ye,” General Gu said, “Are you perfunctory to this general?”

“How could it be, hehe…” Genius Long smiled dryly and continued to drink tea. He noticed that his gaze had been on him, and he coughed to cover it up and looked at the teacup. After he saw it clearly, the tea that had not been swallowed was sprayed instantly, “Cough cough cough…”

General Gu wiped the tea on his face in silence: “What’s the matter?”

“I…I wipe it…” Genius Long squeezed the teacup and studied for a long time, then touched the table again, then got up to look at the other furnishings in this room, opened his mouth in disbelief, “I know Lei Yan has money, but this is too exaggerated… It’s all authentic. There are trees. By the way, does the Lei Group smuggle antiques in addition to doing arms business in the underworld? Oh, my god, you use hundreds of years of things to make tea. Is it hygienic? Have you disinfected it? Huh?”

General Gu suddenly wanted to look up to the sky and sigh. He really didn’t understand why this was… He thought for a while, turned around and asked someone to call the eunuch next to Wang Ye to see what that person had to do. 

Genius Long glanced at him and didn’t care about his departure, but continued to look around, secretly estimating how much the house was worth.

General Gu came back soon, followed by a man behind him. The man knelt down when he saw Wang Ye’s thump, crying bitterly: “This minion deserves to die. I beg Wang Ye to spare his life. This minion doesn’t know that there is a hillside there. I beg Wang Ye to spare his life. Spare his life…” He couldn’t stop kowtowing and hit the ground with his forehead regardless of it, banging.

Genius Long was horrified and hurriedly squatted down to let him stop self-harming. The man continued to cry: “This minion begged Wang Ye to spare his life…”

“Oh, I’ll spare you, I’ll spare you…” Genius Long nodded blankly, looked at the tears on his face, studied the injury on his forehead, and asked in silence for a moment, “Actually, buddy, seriously, have you considered the development of Hollywood in the past? I can pay you the packaged money first. I can guarantee that with your desperate posture, you will definitely be able to make a difference in the future. At that time, a lot of banknotes will be absolutely fine. There is also a group of fans chasing you every day. The beauty is in your arms. After all, you are a dog raised by Lei Yan. Oh, maybe you are the extras they invited? But acting in costume here is far better than going to Hollywood, don’t you think?”

You are reading story Hold On, General at novel35.com

The little eunuch completely forgot to cry, opened his mouth, and looked at him blankly, unable to say a word.

“Haven’t you thought about it? Are you happy to be stupid?” Genius Long patted his face with a warm smile, “How, just treat me as an investment.” As he said, he suddenly realized something, hurriedly looked up at General Gu, and smiled flatteringly: “Of course, what, I’m just giving a reference opinion. It’s definitely not digging a wall. Don’t tell Lei Yan. If he knows, he must think I’m buying people’s hearts. I’ll be dead by then. You must not tell him…”

“…” General Gu had already condensed long ago.

Genius Long  wanted to continue, but at this time the little eunuch finally regained a little sanity: “… Wang Ye?”

“Hey, I am,” Genius Long nodded, still squatting on the ground without getting up, “Hollywood, a place that many people dream of, now a prosperous avenue is in front of you. What are you still hesitating about? Come on!”

The little eunuch turned his head in a daze and asked in a trembling voice, “General, Wang Ye…what’s wrong with him? This minion doesn’t understand…”

General Gu glanced at him sympathetically, and suddenly wanted to say that he didn’t understand, but he still held back and waved his hand to let him go down for the time being.

Genius Long watched the man go out lightly, knowing that he was shaken, and sat back in the chair happily, continuing to enjoy the tea made by the genuine tea set, regardless of whether it was sterilized or not, he only knew that what he was drinking now was a mouthful taste of RMB. 

General Gu looked at him, secretly speculating whether this person was really crazy or pretending to be crazy. After thinking about it, he decided to take a strong medicine and made it clear: “I know you used to like me.”

Genius Long immediately sprayed again, horrified again. Has he done anything to make this person misunderstand before? No, it must not be, right? He didn’t care about wiping his mouth, and hurriedly stretched out his paws to promise: “You, you, you misunderstood, I, I, I have no other thoughts about you, really, I’m not interested in men, I’m straight, straight…”

“Misunderstanding? Not interested in men?” General Gu was startled.

Genius Long nodded fiercely: “That’s right, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, look at my sincere eyes.”

“…” General Gu continued to be taken aback and looked at him. The fundus of this person’s eyes was clear. Where is there still half of the admiration? Has it always been his wishful thinking? No, no, if that’s the case, why did this person look at him like that before? How can the sight of the hot one that can burn the skin be fake?

He only felt more bored in his chest, frowned slightly, and subconsciously asked, “Then who do you like?”

His tone was a bit heavy, and his body was different from the previous momentum. Genius Long intuitively felt that this person was angry. He immediately became spineless and scared, trembling and shrinking into the corner, shivering: “I, I, I’m actually a pervert. I like the cat outside. I always heard it scream last night. Its barking made my soul go. Really, I’m a pervert. A pervert.”

General Gu was confused again. Whether the “misunderstanding” just now or the “cat” this time made him suddenly have the illusion of being played, his forehead suddenly jumped: “Come on.”

As soon as the voice fell, the door opened, and the two servants walked in, and said respectfully: “Young master.”

Genius Long looked incredible straight away. How many extras are there?

General Gu said, “Is there a cat outside?”

“I didn’t see it today,” said one of the servants, “but one did come in a few days ago, and I don’t know whose it was, but it was in the yard yesterday.”

“Go,” General Gu said, “if there is one, catch it, and I will take care of it for its owner,” he said in a sullen tone, “kill it for me!”

The two servants trembled in their hearts and hurriedly said, “Yes.” Quickly retreated.

General Gu turned his head: “Wang Ye, who did you just say you like?”

Genius Long’s face turned pale with fright: “I, I, I like you, I like you the most, I have fallen in love with you deeply since the first time I saw you, really!”

General Gu was shocked by the drums in his chest caused by his straightforward words. He hurriedly took a breath to stabilize his mind. He was about to speak but saw this person looking at him expectantly. He was slightly startled: “What?”

Genius Long stretched out his paws weakly: “…then when will you commit suicide?”


In the end, General Gu failed to change Xiao Wang Ye back to his original state. On the contrary, he couldn’t support himself and almost collapsed. He paced back and forth in the study, knowing in his heart that the guards around Xiao Wang Ye had told the Emperor truthfully about yesterday’s events. Although the emperor was concerned about the safety of his brother, he sent someone into the palace yesterday to show that he knew the identity of Xiao Wang Ye, and the emperor should also put snacks, but rest assured that one day does not mean that he can still do so the next day.

If he sends people from the mansion again today, the emperor will probably personally kill him to see if Xiao Wang Ye is safe and sound, so the best way is for the people around Xiao Wang Ye to go.

In fact, he knows that at this moment even if Xiao Wang Ye was sent back to the palace he would still not be punished, if it was Xiao Wang Ye in the past he was afraid that he would not even stay half a day, but he saw the way this person is now, he stayed one day and wanted to stay a second and third day.

He sighed and called the little eunuch to attack side by side. For example, the emperor and Empress Dowager loved Xiao Wang Ye. If they were to learn about Xiao Wang Ye’s current situation, he would be cut through the door. The little eunuch knelt down immediately when he heard it, his face pale with fright and shaking all over, he couldn’t stop screaming for help.

General Gu lifted him up and told him a few words. If someone had told him before that he would instigate others to deceive him in the future, he would never believe it, but now he believes it.

The little eunuch was grateful for this kind word.

He saluted and returned to the palace to inform the emperor that Xiao Wang Ye and the general were the same at first sight. Xiao Wang Ye knew that the general was going to make an expedition, but he was really reluctant. He decided to stay in the general’s mansion for a few days and have a good drink with him.

The emperor knew what his brother meant to General Gu, and the person who delivered the message was his personal eunuch, so he waved his hand and approved, but he still didn’t forget to ask if Xiao Wang Ye could be injured.

The little eunuch said, “Just a little frightened.”

The emperor immediately called the imperial doctor and sent him to the general’s mansion.

Genius Long had already calmed down to their costume drama and stretched out his hand lazily very cooperatively. The imperial doctor took the pulse seriously, said it was no big deal, and returned to the palace to face the saint.

The emperor nodded, completely relieved.

So General Gu and the little eunuch’s hope that the imperial doctor would cure Xiao Wang Ye was shattered. The two of them were facing the crime of deceiving the monarch which had not been discovered for the time being, and they looked at the only person who could save their lives speechlessly.

As long as this person was healed, they would have no worries about their lives.

Genius Long glanced at them strangely, cursed in his heart, then turned his head to a corner of the room, stretched out his paws to touch the half-human-tall porcelain vase, and drooled: “Money…”



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