Hold On, General

Chapter 11: 11

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Hidden arrow…

Facial paralysis and Xiaohua led the troops down and quickly opened a hole in the army of Beimo. The situation began to develop in a one-sided trend. Genius Long was speechless and secretly said that people really don’t look good. Xiaohua looked very gentle, but he didn’t expect to be so cruel and decisive in killing people.

The big stone happened to block half of the road. He took a look and ordered the remaining soldiers on the hillside to concentrate on the other half of the intersection to consume the enemy’s living power as much as possible. He just mistakenly thought that the big stone would hit the beauty, and he jumped up from the ground in fright. At this time, he didn’t want to lie down in the grass anymore.

He looked down and saw that the soldiers and horses of Beimo were retreating vigorously. They suffered a lot this time. It is estimated that they will not come again in the short term. It may be possible to dissolve the alliance and go back to various places, but he always felt that Yun Xian had another plan. That person should not stop until the goal is achieved, but it is not clear how he will recover from the current situation.

He couldn’t help looking at the valley, but unexpectedly found that Yun Xian had disappeared from his seat, blinked, took two steps over there, and stood in a high place to look around: “Strange, where’s the beauty?”

Yun Xian was sitting in that comfortable chair with a big grin and looked sideways at the only intersection left. There were soldiers rushing out, more or less wounded, and the strong smell of blood spread out in the air, even a little pungent.

He looked at it for a while and suddenly sighed: “If we don’t withdraw, what if those who should die don’t, but those who shouldn’t die do.”

The soldier in front of him looked back puzzled: “Military counsellor?”

Yun Xian was silent, got up and took two steps forward. The soldier was taken aback and hurriedly stopped: “Military counsellor, don’t move forward anymore. There are arrows in front of you. I’m afraid…Military counsellor!” Before they finished speaking, they saw Yun Xian suddenly jump out of the carriage without warning. The speed was very fast, and they reached the big stone in the blink of an eye. Their faces changed drastically in shock and they were busy keeping up.

Yun Xian stopped in time: “Don’t move, stay there honestly.”

He hid his body behind the boulder and looked at the battlefield through the gap. He couldn’t see the situation in front of him, but he could see the people on both sides of the hillside. He watched carefully for a while, then slowly turned his gaze to Genius Long, looked at him for a moment and suddenly smiled: “Tell you a common sense. Those who wear Chinese uniforms on the battlefield and are protected by guards next to them must have a very important position. Looking at his command, at least today’s plan has absolutely something to do with him.”

He stretched out his hand and ordered, “Bring my bow and arrow.”

The soldier did not dare to disobey, took out the bow and arrow from under the chair and handed it respectfully. Yun Xian smiled and took it, looked down, confirmed that it was his own arrow, then pulled the bow full, narrowed his beautiful eyes slightly, and murmured in a low voice: “Look at you very smart, come on, take a gamble…”

Beimo also holds archers. Although the situation is chaotic and it is not easy to find a chance to shoot, there are still a few arrows that break through the obstacles to reach the top. Genius Long stood behind the soldiers, and when he saw this, he divided some people to counterattack. He didn’t forget to add: “Aim, don’t hurt yourself.”

There were not many people left by Shenghua on the mountain, and they were in a conspicuous place. Soon, soldiers were injured one after another. When Genius Long was in command, he suddenly saw the soldier in front of him raise his head and fall down. He hurriedly caught it, looked down and found that he was still breathing, and turned his head and said, “Muzi, help him aside.”

Muzi took it and handed him over to Wei Xiaoan on the side. He had to ensure that he was in the best condition because he still had to protect Xiao Wang Ye, but at this moment, he only heard a whoosh through the air, and a bad premonition flashed in his heart. He raised his head, his eyes were about to crack, and he suddenly threw down the soldier and rushed forward, but he was still too late. He could only watch as an arrow hit Xiao Wang Ye and took him backwards, setting him on the trunk of the tree.

“It’s done,” Yun Xian turned to get in the carriage and walked into a nest of chairs, in a good mood, “Turn the carriage around, we should withdraw.”


Genius Long only felt that he was hit by a very strong force and took two steps back against the tree. He was a little dazed for a while, and after a while, he slowly felt the pain.

Wei Xiaoan was next to him, and when he saw this scene at first glance, he staggered over and blurted out: “–Wang Ye!”

The soldiers around them were shocked and rushed forward to see their master, and at that moment they heard Wei Xiaoan’s words and there was a sudden outcry: “…… Wang Ye?”

The man who taught them boxing, laughed with them, and had no attitude – was he Wang Ye?

The commotion above quickly drew the attention of those below, and when General Gu looked up suddenly, he saw the crowd surrounding Wang Ye and knew that he had been wounded. He shuddered and felt all the blood in his body recede in a flash, his heart seized up with a pain he had never felt before.

——The person he vowed to protect, right in front of him, turned out to be…turned out to be……

The general on the other side surnamed Ma, also turned pale with horror and shouted, “Charge, charge forward! Quickly!”

Those kings were not fools. Knowing that the opportunity was coming, they ordered the soldiers to continue shooting arrows upward to disturb the enemy’s military heart, and then the army retreated quickly. General Gu and the others were concerned about the safety of Xiao Wang Ye, and they had no intention of fighting. Anyway, they took advantage of it, so they let them retreat.

The valley where the melee had just subsided quickly, leaving only corpses and dazzling red.

Genius Long was surrounded by everyone, his head was buzzing with noise, and he was pressed down several times when he wanted to open his mouth. At last, he grasped the arrow with anger and pulled it out vigorously, followed by a painful hissing. Everyone suddenly inhaled, and the blue veins on Genius Long’s forehead jumped straight: “Show me everything clearly, Lao Tzu is fine!”

Wei Xiaoan fainted a few times: “But, but Wang Ye…Wang Ye, blood…blood…”

“I know,” Genius Long was impatient, “Isn’t it just a stroke by the tip of an arrow, I can’t die again!” This arrow shot in from the left armpit and made a not-too-deep hole on the side. Because the position was flush with the heart, blood oozed from the wound and slowly dyed his clothes red. It seemed to outsiders that it was really dangerous. He couldn’t help but be afraid for a while, but at the same time, a trace of weirdness flashed in his heart. He was startled and secretly estimated that it was because this arrow was not the same as an ordinary arrow.

When General Gu pushed away the crowd and rushed up, he saw Xiao Wang Ye holding an arrow, his chest was bloody, his head buzzed, and he could hardly stand.

Genius Long also buzzed when he saw him: “Why are you up here? What about the people from Beimo?” 

General Gu couldn’t even speak, so he could only look at him. At this time, Bai Lian and general Ma also rushed up. At first glance, they couldn’t help but breathe when they saw the blood on Xiao Wang Ye’s chest. General Ma’s legs softened and he knelt down: “Xiao Wang Ye!”

This Xiao Wang Ye made the crowd resound again. Shenghua has several “Wang Ye” who can be counted, but there is only one “Xiao Wang Ye”.

Yes, Genius Long knew that Beimo had withdrawn when he saw them all appear. He was suddenly weak: “Lao Tzu is fine, I can’t die. This arrow was shot in from here,” he said with a simple gesture, and demonstrated it by the way, “That’s it, so I’m fine, it just hurts a little…”

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, General Gu’s face still did not improve, he had to try his best to control himself so as not to rush over and hold this person in his arms.

Genius Long knew that facial paralysis was interesting to him. He didn’t know how to deal with feelings, but there was a demonstration in the TV series. He looked at the state of this person and knew what he should do now, so he walked over and patted him on the arm: “I’m fine, really, let’s go back to the barracks.” He paused and reached out to take his hand, which was then instantly gripped back, with great force.

You are reading story Hold On, General at novel35.com

Genius Long pulled him forward, silently comforting himself, bearing with it, facial paralysis is the general, and his mood is very important to the whole army, there is nothing to stir up the foundation for the time being, as long as you don’t dedicate yourself.

Everyone behind him looked at each other, their eyes were very ambiguous, so Genius Long sighed in his heart again, be good, bear with it. He looked at the arrow in his hand. The body of this arrow was silver. He took a closer look and suddenly widened his eyes: “Hey, do you think it’s Yun on it? Isn’t it? Is this traditional Chinese or ancient Chinese? It’s like Yun anyway.”

General Gu took it, and his eyes suddenly sank: “Yun Xian!” He regretted very much why he didn’t lead the troops to rush over and kill the man.

Genius Long glanced at him and hurriedly took the arrow back: “Don’t throw it away, this is from the beauty.”

General Gu’s eyes sank again, and he secretly said that he would kill that person next time, and he would definitely kill him!

The army returned to the camp in a mighty manner, and the wounded and sick were carried back one after another. The medical officers in the camp had already received the news and were standing outside the tent waiting. When they saw Xiao Wang Ye, they rushed forward.

“Hey,” Genius Long suddenly stared and pointed to the soldiers on the side, “My injury has stopped the bleeding. Save them first. Didn’t you see that their injuries are heavier than mine?”

The medical officers looked at each other, but they didn’t know what to do. Almost the entire military camp was spread all over. The person in front of him was Xiao Wang Ye. If something happened to him, they would all have to move their heads.

“What are you still looking at me for? Save people.”

“Wang Ye, you are a man of great wealth, or first ……”

Genius Long stared again: “There is no distinction between nobleness and lowliness in life, do you have some medical ethics?”

General Gu and the others were also here, and they couldn’t help being startled when they heard the words. They only heard Genius Long say, “Short-sighted, how can you fight the world if you have no soldiers? My life is worth it, and their lives are worthless? What logic? It should be noted that water can carry the boat and cover the boat, understand?”

“Well, there is really nothing to say to people with feudal ideas like you, here,” he ordered, “This king ordered you to heal them first, and then come to me after you have seen all the people who are more seriously injured than me.”

After he finished his speech, he walked slowly towards the tent, still in silence behind him. The people looked at each other, and only after a long time did they burst out with “Your Majesty is wise”. The story soon reached the ears of the emperor, who was astonished and wondered when his pampered brother had become so aware. Had he spent too much time with the General?

“Okay, very good,” he patted the table, “Come on, pass the decree, there is a reward.”

So a certain general, who still had the crime of deceiving the emperor on his head, was inexplicably rewarded with a surprise.

Here, Genius Long returned to the tent to calm down, looked at the arrow in his hand, and turned to Wei Xiaoan and said, “You go out and wait for them to finish the treatment and bring them in,” He looked at Muzi again, “You are not well protected. This king punished you for going out and running around the barracks twice. Go.”

Wei Xiaoan and Muzi then took their orders and went away.

Genius Long was suddenly overjoyed, and before he could make any moves, he saw him and Xiaohua coming in. He frowned: “You guys…”

The two of them were surprised: “What?”

“The body is too dirty, go and take a bath.”

“…” The two of them went to take a bath silently.

Genius Long finally felt relieved and carefully studied the arrow in his hand. How could such a smart person as Yun Xian suddenly draw hatred for himself? Something marked like this is very likely to be used as evidence of a false accusation. It is impossible for him to be unclear, but since he has this kind of thing, it proves that it absolutely has the value of existence, and now this thing is in his own hands.

He looked at the arrow from head to tail, and took it apart without giving up. Finally, he found a small strip in the drawn arrow. He suddenly laughed triumphantly, took it apart impatiently, and then…fell silent.

Oh Nima – he doesn’t know the words of this world! The only paper thing he had ever seen when he came here was the decree, but it was still read for him by facial paralysis. What can he do about it!

So when the medical officer came to treat Xiao Wang Ye, he saw that this person asked Muzi to run two laps around the barracks and let Wei Xiaoan go out to supervise, and began to laugh at himself desperately.

He shook suddenly: “Wang Wang Wangye…”

“Well,” Genius Long nodded, “Then what, this king has a piece of paper here, here, you read it for this king again.”

The medical officer looked at him blankly, and suddenly he didn’t know which one Xiao Wang Ye was singing.

Genius Long touched his nose and thought to himself that he couldn’t say that he couldn’t read. He said, “Read it.”

“Oh…” The medical officer responded, and began to lower his head to read, then his face became paler, and finally shook, “Wang Ye, Yun Xian asked you to meet in three days…This…this… be careful of fraud…”

Genius Long smiled and nodded: “Yes, this is indeed fraudulent. I won’t go. Don’t worry, oh, but don’t tell others about it. In case people misunderstand that I have colluded with Yun Xian, it will be troublesome.”

The medical officer hurriedly said yes. Genius Long waved him back. His injury was not serious and he would be fine after a few days of rest, but General Gu and Bai Lian felt very deeply about this matter, and after discussing it, they still wanted Xiao Wang Ye to leave the city.

The two of them tangled for a long time, and slowly rubbed against Xiao Wang Ye’s tent. They originally thought they would be threatened by this person again, but surprisingly, Xiao Wang Ye was quite refreshing: “Oh, this king thinks so too, then this king should go now.”

He left as soon as he said, and before leaving, he pulled a medical officer to change his medicine. General Gu looked at the direction of the carriage leaving, and his eyelids jumped for a while. He always felt weird, but for a while he couldn’t think of what was weird.

Bai Lian also looked at the carriage and couldn’t help frowning. Xiao Wang Ye… how could he be so happy this time?

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