Hold On, General

Chapter 12: 12

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Keep the appointment…

The medical officer’s face turned pale and he was shivering in the carriage. He had read a piece of paper for Xiao Wang Ye two days ago, and today happened to be the third day agreed on the paper. It would be nothing if Xiao Wang Ye stayed in the barracks in peace. After all, this person could not slip away under the eyes of the whole army, but this person just came out, and he also brought him who was familiar with this matter, so he couldn’t help but think elsewhere.

“Wang Ye……”

Genius Long looked at him with a look, and he suddenly shivered again. Wei Xiaoan looked at him strangely: “What’s the matter with you?”

“He’s fine,” Genius Long said. “It’s estimated that he was suddenly called out by this king with trepidation.” He squinted his eyes, “Don’t you think so?”

The medical officer kept wiping his sweat: “Yes yes…”

Wei Xiaoan let out a sigh of understanding, and comfort: “Don’t be afraid, Xiao Wang Ye treats people very well.”

“That’s it.” Genius Long happily threw the food box to Wei Xiaoan, who took it and started eating snacks obediently in the carriage. The medical officer was almost crying without tears, so he had to leave the city with Xiao Wang Ye tremblingly.

The barracks have been a lot quieter since Xiao Wang Ye left. General Gu paced back and forth in the tent. The person left in the morning. It was past noon, but his eyelids…were still jumping.

He frowned slightly, only to feel that the strange feeling in his heart became more and more obvious, lingering, he walked back and forth two more steps, looked up and saw Bai Lian coming in from the outside, also frowning.

The eyes of the two of them met in the air, and they spoke almost at the same time: “I think…”


Bai Lian said: “Xiao Wang Ye is walking too happily. I always feel a little uneasy in my heart. He doesn’t look like a scared person. This can be seen from the calmness he showed on the battlefield. He definitely won’t leave because he is afraid of death, but why is this?”

“I can’t figure it out either…” General Gu was puzzled.

Bai Lian thought for a while: “Could it be that something happened in the past two days?”

General Gu frowned and shook his head: “He has been staying in his tent and has never gone out. If there is anything, it can only be that day, but he had nothing but an arrow from Yun Xian that day…”

He paused in his speech and Bai Lian was shocked: “Yun Xian’s arrow? Xiao Wang Ye was hit by his arrow? How do you know?”

“That arrow belongs to Yun Xian, and it has his name on it…” General Gu couldn’t go on. He was shocked by the injury of Xiao Wang Ye at the time, and his heart was already a mess. Later, he saw the name “Yun Xian” and just wanted to kill that person, but he didn’t pay too much attention. Now that he thinks about it carefully, there is really a big problem. He has already thought of a possibility, but he would rather guess it wrong.

Bai Lian hurriedly asked, “Where is that arrow?”

General Gu said with difficulty: “It has been put away by Xiao Wang Ye ……”

Bai Lian opened his mouth, his voice trembling a little: “If that arrow was… Yun Xian deliberately missed it…”

The two were silent for a moment and hurriedly went straight to Xiao Wang Ye’s tent. After rummaging through the boxes and cabinets, they finally found the arrow under the soft couch. They saw that the arrow had already been broken open and it was hollow inside. Obviously, didn’t know what was inside before.

There was a dead silence in the tent, and the two of them stared at the arrow and drew their breath. Xiao Wang Ye has never acted like Wang Ye. He has a strange charm, which makes people involuntarily put themselves and him in an equal position, so General Gu and Bai Lian, who have always been well-behaved, suddenly flashed together at this moment. An impudent thought flashed, that would be to hold that Xiao Wang Ye down and give him a good beating.

General Gu turned around and strode out of the barracks, but Bai Lian hurriedly stopped him, “You are the commander in chief, you must stay in the barracks, I will go after you.” He went to the stables, got a horse and galloped off towards the city.

Bai Lian rushed all the way to the Licheng Station Guest house. After inquiring from the left and right, he learned that Xiao Wang Ye had taken the three people who followed him to the restaurant. He hurriedly rushed to the restaurant and learned that the people were upstairs in the wing, so he strode upstairs and opened the door of the wing and stepped in, and then…The whole person froze.

He saw Wei Xiaoan and Muzi both lying on the table, while the medical officer was lying on the ground in a large shape, with his head facing the door, one hand stretched forward with force, as if trying to grab something back, exhausted, fell in front of the threshold. Bai Lian took the step, just stepped on his hand impartially, and he suddenly let out a vague “Ow”.

“…” Bai Lian took his feet back stiffly.

The medical officer got up slowly, looked around blankly, and then confronted Bai Lian’s gaze. The picture before fainting instantly returned to his mind. His eyes were red, and he rushed over and hugged Bai Lian’s thigh: “Military counsellor, it’s not good, Xiao Wang Ye, he…He…”

Bai Lian grabbed him by the collar and picked him up: “Where has he gone? What’s the matter with you guys?”

“Xiao Wang Ye has gone to the appointment, but this servant can’t stop him…”

“An appointment?” Bai Lian was shocked and hurriedly asked, “What appointment? Whose appointment is it, is it Yun Xian’s?”

The medical officer nodded and gave a brief account of what had happened and cried, “Xiao Wang Ye asked this lower official for medicine to protect himself. This lower official knew that he was going, and I knew that there might be medicine in the dishes, so I didn’t take a bite of the food. This lower official wanted to tell them, but Xiao Wang Ye kept staring at me, and I didn’t dare to say it. Later, they fainted, and this lower official was ready to stop Xiao Wang Ye even if he fought for this cheap life, but…but…”

His tone suddenly changed to miserable: “Xiao Wang Ye didn’t leave in a hurry, but asked this lower official to write a letter. This lower official was so overwhelmed by the letter that I picked up the tea on the table and drank it. Then I… I don’t know anything…”

“You…” Bai Lian was anxious, “You knew this, why didn’t you say it!” Only then did he understand why Xiao Wang Ye wanted to pull on this person, that person was simply too treacherous!

The medical officer cried even more: “Xiao Wang Ye did not allow it, I did not expect him to come out of the barracks today ……”

Bai Lian was so angry that he walked around the room twice like a beast, and then stopped to look at him, realizing more and more that this man was a waste. He said in a cold voice, “Show me the letter, you can write a letter until you are at a complete loss, what else can you do?”

So the medical officer shuddered and took it out: “Xiao Wang Ye said it was for you.”

“For me?” Bai Lian frowned, hastily took it and opened it.

“……” Xiaohua’s eyes were blackened and he slowly put it down with shaking hands, glancing sympathetically at the medical officer before taking a deep breath and continuing to read.

This letter was not long, it was about the young Wang Ye looking for a beautiful woman to make love to, but then he added “Don’t worry, I’m a clean person, I won’t let the paralytic wear a green hat, if he can’t stand the loneliness, you can sacrifice yourself, wash yourself and lie down on the bed, you can play whatever you want, use whatever position you want… …”

“……” Xiaohua was speechless and took a breath again, silently reading the end.

“Oh, by the way, I have no money, the only money I have is from them, this table is not paid for, don’t forget to pay for it. Oh, and by the way, if you miss me at night and have trouble sleeping, just pack this table and take it with you, one bite will definitely help you sleep through the night. Well, a moment in the spring is worth a thousand dollars, so I’ll leave now.” 

“……” Xiaohua crumpled the letter in the wind.

The medical officer trembled and crawled over to him: “Military …… Military counsellor……”.

Bai Lian looked at him and asked, word by word, “Where did he go to the appointment?” 

The medical officer trembled even more: “Bie …… Biemo ……”.

“Which way did he go?”

“I don’t know ……”

Xiao Wang Ye did not know any martial arts skills, but he was going to the North …… Desert alone. Bai Lian could not stand up and rolled his eyes, the medical officer hurriedly went up to help him and strangled him: “Master, master, master ……”.

Bai Lian took a few breaths, grasped his wrist, and asked with the last bit of hope: “You said Xiao Wang Ye asked you for life-saving medicine? What are they all?” 

“Oh, they are all commonly used, drugged, croton, arsenic, soft tendon powder…” The medical officer paused and said hesitatingly, “Also…and spring medicine…”


Bai Lian didn’t even have any expression on his face. The medical officer looked at him in horror. It took a long time before he heard the man slowly say, “Go back and open a recipe for concentration.”

“Yes, yes…” The medical officer nodded hurriedly, “This official will prescribe it when I go back, and the boiled medicine will be sent to you.” 

“No, don’t give it to me,” Bai Lian got up and walked out, lightly, “…send it to the general.”


There is more than one road from Shenghua to Beimo. Although there is a war now, there are always a few relatives who are not afraid of death or doing business, and there are also a few who have fled. After Genius Long came out of the restaurant, he rented a carriage and travelled all the way to Helan Mountain via the small road. He held his chin in both hands and was thinking about the letter.

First of all, he can be sure that this letter was definitely written by Yun Xian. After all, he couldn’t think of anyone else who could do such a sharp and comprehensive insight. Again, Yun Xian himself said that he could unify Beimo first, but this person finally came to Shenghua. He knew that this person must have a reason to do so, and the last point, he vaguely felt that the relationship between Yun Xian and Beimo was not so solid. If you go to meet him, there may be unexpected gains, but he must not bring people around him, otherwise, it will be easy for others to see that his identity is not normal, and it will be troublesome at that time.

He changed his posture and thought about the risks this time. He thought about it for a long time. He felt that Yun Xian was under surveillance. He might have seen him commanding on it that day. In other words, Yun Xian wanted to see a think tank. That person didn’t know that he was Xiao Wang Ye of Shenghua. Now that Beimo is defeated, what can he do even if he catches or kills a Shenghua think tank, not to mention that he doesn’t have to think about it like this?

Everything has its pros and cons, and Genius Long felt that it was very necessary to take a gamble on this matter.

“Gongzi, this servant can only be sent here. There is Beimo in front of me. This servant really dare not go.” The coachman’s voice sounded outside, breaking his contemplation.

“Ok.” Genius Long returned to his senses, got out of the carriage and paid and left.

You are reading story Hold On, General at novel35.com

“Gongzi,” the coachman looked at him, “I think you are from an extraordinary background. It’s really not peaceful here recently. Be careful when you leave your relatives today, Gongzi.”

Genius Long nodded: “I will,” he looked at him, thought for a while and asked, “How about we change clothes?”


A few minutes later, Genius Long was wearing rough clothes and walked slowly forward, silently thinking about how far he would go to see Yun Xian. The ancient road was far less easy to walk than modern times, with potholes. It was the first time Genius Long had walked such a long road since he was a child, and he was still wearing a pair of straw shoes on his feet.

“Ouch, I wipe…” He sucked his nose and found a place to sit down. His feet were absolutely blistering. When he changed his clothes just now, he was still thinking about whether to grab a handful of soil and wipe it on his face, but now he knows that he is completely worried, because the few falls are enough to make him look like a refugee.

He glanced up at the sky. It took him some time to reach Helan Mountain from the city, and it took some time to walk. Now the sun is about to go down.

He sighed, if there is no one by night, then he will return the same way and never come again.

“Who is in front?” As soon as the voice fell, he saw a few figures rushing quickly, restraining him.

“It hurts, it hurts, my arm is about to break…” Genius Long screamed, “What are you doing?”

The people who held him down looked at each other. They obviously didn’t use much strength. One of them said, “Shut up, don’t talk if you don’t want to die!”

“Let me tell you, I have no money, and it’s useless to rob me. By the way, who are you?” 

The man’s voice was colder: “Shut up!” 

“Ah, it hurts, it hurts, it’s really going to break, it’s broken!” 

“Let go, he looks like he’s just a refugee,” a leisurely voice sounded, “What do you think, King?”

“Well, let go.” 

Genius Long only felt a lightness on his body, rubbed his arm and straightened up, two people walked slowly in front of him, one of them dressed in a typical Mongolian style, while the other was dressed in a white robe with long hair tied casually behind him, it was Yun Xian.

Genius Long’s body is sore, and now he hates this person so much that his teeth are itchy. If it weren’t for the wrong situation, he really wanted to go over and bite him twice. He looked at the two guards dressed up behind him and exclaimed, “You…who are you?”

“Bold, this is…”

The man was interrupted by the king before he finished speaking: “It doesn’t matter who we are, it’s you, what are you doing here?”

“Run for the life.”

“Run for the life?” The king looked at him. Although this person was shabby in his clothes, his exposed skin was extremely delicate. In addition, he had a pair of hands that had obviously not done rough work… He couldn’t help squinting.

Yun Xian glanced at him and secretly said something bad, so he took a step forward: “Look at your appearance …… should not have escaped from the small hermitage, right?”

Genius Long was taken aback from the bottom of his heart, knowing what this person wanted to express, he pretended to be alert and took a step back: “You…how do you…”

“How do I know if it is?” Yun Xian smiled and passed by, “I think you have fine skin and flesh… guess.”

Genius Long seemed very annoyed: “So what? If I had been sold to …… that kind of place since I was a kid. I rather go to war and kill my enemies now!” 

“Oh?” The king laughed, “On the battlefield? Who are you going to kill?”

“My mother taught me to serve my country since I was a child, but if I had to choose, I …… would,” Genius Long gritted his teeth, “kill those bastards at Shenghua the most!” He seemed so angry that he was shaking all over!

His eyes were bright and shocking. The king looked into his eyes and suddenly became excited: “Do you know who I am?” 

Genius Long pointed to Yun Xian: “I heard him call you the King …… so you are ……”

“I am the king of the Tuzhen clan.”

Genius Long was shocked to learn that this man was not the king of the Sirius clan. It seems that the letter from Yun Xian is correct, he is now under surveillance.

“It… it turned out to be…” Genius Long was a little scared, his lips shook, and then he clenched his fists as if he had made up his mind, “I…can I fight with you? I know you are fighting Shenghua, I don’t ask for anything else, I just ask for my enemy.” 

“Your enemy?” 

Genius Long nodded: “The villain’s family lives away from the city, with houses and fields, but the magistrate who left the city took a fancy to my mother and framed my father. My grandfather beat the drums and shouted about injustice, but he was beaten to death with a hundred sticks. My grandmother hated the world and hanged herself. In the end, I was the only one left. I was lonely and helpless, but the magistrate refused to rest. Seeing that I looked outstanding, he sold me into the Xiaochou Pavilion. After my mother learned of it, she couldn’t stand to live anymore and died…” He said with a cry at the end. It’s really pitiful.

Yun Xian couldn’t help being surprised in his heart, secretly knowing that this person could really make it up. The king and the guards were both resentful when they heard the words, and the king said angrily: “Is there such a thing as a pig and a dog?”

“Hmm!” Genius Long nodded with tears in his eyes, stretched out his sleeves and wiped away the nonexistent tears. There was a little dirt on his face, and all of it was wiped away, revealing a delicate face.

The king was stunned immediately, and it took a long time before he nodded: “Okay, you follow this king, wait for this king to capture Shenghua, and let someone catch the magistrate and let you deal with it.” 

Genius Long was delighted, ‘Am I supposed to kneel down and thank you for your kindness?’ He looked at Yun Xian and was about to kneel down, but Yun Xian took the hint and held him up in time and looked up and said, “Your Majesty, this is not a good place to stay, let’s go now.” 

The man nodded: “Military counsellor, you said you want to observe the terrain, can you have a good countermeasure?”

“I haven’t thought about it yet, let me think about it slowly when I go back.” 

“Then let’s go,” the king looked at Genius Long, “What’s your name?”

“Wei Xiaobao.”

“…” Yun Xian paused abruptly and asked tentatively, “You…what’s your boss’s name?”

Genius Long was surprised. Does anyone usually ask the boss? What’s crazy about this person? He groaned in his heart and replied, “Jin Yong.”


The king looked at Yun Xian’s appearance and frowned: “Why, do you know him?”

“Oh, no,” Yun Xian returned to his senses, “I suddenly remembered my childhood playmate. He was also sold. I want to ask if he is the same person who sold my playmate.” He looked at Genius Long, “My playmate’s name is Chu Liuxiang. He was sold by a man named Gulong. I wonder if you have heard of these two names?”

“…” Genius Long froze, I wiped, what did he hear?

The king frowned again: “Why, have you really heard of it?”

“I’ve heard of it,” Genius Long said lightly, “but I haven’t seen it.”

The king sighed for a while, sighed about the number of lives in the world, and finally said, “Let’s go, let’s go back,” he looked at Genius Long, “Follow this king in the future, this king will definitely not let you suffer any more grievances.”

Genius Long nodded with emotion, and a smile exploded on his face: “You are such a good person.”

The king couldn’t help being stunned, only to feel that this person’s eyes were cleaner than the clearest stream on the grassland. Genius Long was horrified by what he saw: “… the king?”

“Oh, go back.” The king said and turned around and walked back, secretly winking at the two guards. This person can stay by his side, but before that, he has to make sure that this person will not work hard and is not in danger.

Genius Long naturally saw his eyes, and he followed him obediently, not noticing that he raised his middle finger at someone.

——Yun Xian, I’m X your whole family. You chiselled me out and told me to save myself. What the hell! If he really makes Lao Tzu warm his bed, I will definitely let someone tie you to the bed and rape you a hundred times when I go back!

Yun Xian glared at him.

——Be content, if it weren’t for me to say that you are a refugee, how could you have the opportunity to play down, I saved you.

Genius Long also stared.

—-Shit, that’s smart!

Yun Xian stared unconvincingly again, so the two kept staring at each other and returned to the barracks in Beimo together.

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