Hold On, General

Chapter 17: 17

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Chasing people…


The early morning sun shone obliquely from Helan Mountain, and the soldiers and horses of the two countries were separated on both sides of the wilderness, and the drums of war were thunderous, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

General Gu is in the middle of the army, General Ma is the general on the left, and the other general is on the right. As a military commander, Bai Lian should have stayed in the middle, but this time he was uncharacteristic, insisting on asking for orders to go to the front and take the lead in killing the enemy.

Although he has some skills, General Gu was still not at ease. He was about to dismiss but saw Bai Lian turn his head to look at him lightly: “I’m going to kill, let me go, the consequences of not letting me go are very serious, I want to kill…kill…kill…”


“Let me go……”

“…” General Gu tried his best to turn the topic in a normal direction, “Don’t mess around, the sword has no eyes, as a military commander, in case something happens…”

Bai Lian didn’t wait for him to finish speaking and said, “Then I will die, it’s okay, just die, just die…just die…”

“…” General Gu suddenly remembered that when he came out of Xiao Wang Ye’s tent and passed by this man’s tent today, he saw him quickly running out of it, his always indifferent face actually collapsed a little, as if there was some mountain torrent beast behind him. 

He was startled slightly, and was about to ask questions, only to hear a whining voice from inside: “Xiaohua, I’m asleep, you have to be responsible for Lunjia~ah~”

General Gu: “……”

Bai Lian staggered, wishing to kill him.

Yun Xian walked out slowly with a smile, found a square scarf from nowhere in his hand, leaned on the tent and kept waving: “Daye (1), come and play often when you have time~”

General Gu: “……”

Bai Lian wanted to cry. What evil had he done in his previous life, and he would spread these two demons in this world!

General Gu regained his senses slightly, only to hear someone still chanting “Die, die”, he felt that he was crazy and almost obsessed, so he could only nod his head in response, but he didn’t forget to add: “Be careful.”

Bai Lian didn’t answer, so he rode forward and rushed straight towards the Sirius army. He was obviously quite resentful that the king of this tribe had brought such evil scourges to Beimo. General Gu took a look at the rear and sent a few people to protect the commander from the side.

As Xiao Wang Ye said, there was no suspense in this battle. The dragon of the Tuzhen race had no head, and the life and death of the king were unknown. They had no intention of fighting. They reluctantly fought based on the alliance and the form of persecution. The king of the Sirius clan was concerned about Yun Xian’s safety. In addition, today’s battle was originally instigated by Shenghua, and the confidant thinks tank around him disappeared again, so he didn’t know what to do, and the injury on the body of the king of the Vidan clan was not yet healed, even if he fought hard, he didn’t do much.

The army in front of them quickly collapsed. The two tribe kings glanced at each other and led their soldiers to press them one after another. They had already suffered a serious injury a few days ago, and they knew they were at a disadvantage, but they still didn’t want to lose their reputation for fleeing without a fight.

Today, Shenghua defeated it with little effort in the First World War. The three major tribes were defeated and fled. Bai Lian, among thousands of troops and horses, desperately grudged and captured the king of the Sirius tribe. After this battle, Ulla was even more seriously injured and was protected by the people of his own tribe and escaped.

Shenghua returned from a great victory and returned to the barracks in a mighty manner. General Gu and Bai Lian discussed this. They expected that Beimo would not dare to harass them again for several years after that, so they sent someone to the capital to send good news and then got up to see Xiao Wang Ye.

Bai Lian wanted to ask Xiao Wang Ye what he meant about how to deal with the kings of the two races, so knowing that Yun Xian was there at the moment, he still sighed sadly and accepted his fate.

Genius Long really made people a scarecrow. At this time, he was pulling Yun Xiao to the couch, the two each took a needle and had a great time piercing it. Wei Xiaoan was frightened by the grim smiles of the two of them and stood shivering outside and didn’t dare to enter. Muzi wanted to protect Xiao Wang Ye, but the last incident had too much impact on him, so this time Xiao Wang Ye asked him to stand down again. He did it without thinking too much, and there were only two people left in the tent.

“I’m tied, I’m tied, I’m tied, I’m tied…” Yun Xian hummed, glancing up at the person next to him, “Brother, nothing happened to you in the morning, right?”

Genius Long stared at him: “Are you okay to ask, who let you out? When I woke up, I almost thought I had slept with him all night.”

“Xiaohua thinks so too. You didn’t see his irritated expression and almost killed himself.” Yun Xian couldn’t help laughing. When he raised his eyes and saw that this person was still staring at him, he made an innocent face. “You said let me be careful in the future. Of course, I can’t offend facial paralysis.”

Genius Long glared at him again, bowed his head and stabbed the needle.

“Hey brother,” Yun Xian leaned over, “Is something wrong?”

“Nothing happened.” Genius Long said, suddenly remembering the scene in the morning, he really didn’t react at all, and when he saw him awake with facial paralysis, he asked calmly: “Are you still asleep?”

“…” He shook his head stiffly.

So someone calmly let him go, got up calmly, then calmly dropped the sentence “Breakfast is ready”, and then calmly went out, the whole process calmly as if it was not him who climbed into someone else’s bed.

Genius Long has never been attacked by anyone at night in his life, and the person who attacked him at night still took it for granted, and his shock can be imagined. And when he finally returned to his senses, he was the only one left in the tent: “…”

Yun Xian plunged the needle into the scarecrow: “By the way, brother, are we going back to the capital tomorrow?”

“Right,” Genius Long said, “The battle has been won, so what’s the use of staying here.”

“Then don’t you want to go back to the palace to live after you go back? I remember that Shenghua’s Xiao Wang Ye has been raised in the deep palace.”

“Oh, it’s okay,” Genius Long comforted him, “I’ll take you in with me.”

“Pull it down, what’s there to stay in the palace,” Yun Xian said leisurely. “There’s nothing to play with. There are still a lot of broken rules. So many beautiful women can see but can’t touch them. If you can’t control it, I’ll give you a hat that disturbs the palace. What can you do?”

“That’s true,” Genius Long rubbed his chin, “I have to think of a way out.”

“Don’t you know if you can go out of the palace and build a mansion?” Yun Xian was surprised, and then suddenly, “Oh, you really don’t know, brother, you can go out and build a mansion. You want to wait for you to have your own mansion and be a casual prince. A group of servants are waiting for you, and occasionally you can go out for a stroll. How nice.”

“That’s right,” Genius Long smiled. “Just do it and build it when I go back.” He paused. “But it took a long time to build a yard in ancient times. It’s better to find a nice yard to renovate, but even then I still have to stay in the palace for a while. It’s better…” His eyes narrowed and he smiled immediately, “Xiao Yun Xian~”

Yun Xian suddenly got up and stepped back: “What do you want to do?”

“Don’t be so nervous,” Genius Long got up and smiled kindly, “Think about it, how many places can you pass from Helan Mountain to the capital? I remember being able to cross Chang’an, and there was also Luoyang in Henan.”

Yun Xian instantly understood what he meant: “You mean you sent someone back to let them renovate the yard, and then you wandered all the way to the mountains and played in the water, and when you returned to the capital, the yard was almost repaired, right?”

“What do you think?”

“I think this idea is great~”

The two of them looked at each other and smiled, and the wind suddenly blew around them.

This was the scene that General Gu saw when he came in, and he couldn’t help but feel angry. Bai Lian followed closely behind, shaking when he saw it, he immediately turned his head and left.

“Xiaohua,” Genius Long squinted, “Your concubine is here, where are you going?”

Bai Lian’s body, which was about to go out, tilted, and hit the tent with a bump. He wanted to cry without tears. His family has been loyal for generations and has never done evil. Most of his ancestors have been smooth sailing. How come he is so miserable here.

Yun Xian smiled and lay back on the couch: “He came here just to ask the king of the Tuzhen clan what to do.”

Bai Lian couldn’t help but said, “No, there is also the king of the Sirius clan.”

Yun Xian was taken aback for an instant: “He was also captured?”

Bai Lian nodded and said the matter briefly: “Now the two races of Tuzhen and Sirius have no heads. Among them, Tuzhen suffered heavy losses in this battle. Although Ulla of Vidan was seriously injured, he has to wait for his recovery. It is difficult to guarantee that he will not do anything against the two races and take the opportunity to unify Beimo. If this is the case, he will definitely attack Shenghua in the future, but I don’t know if the two races have candidates who can succeed to the throne…It’s really hard to decide how to do it in the future.”

Genius Long asked Yun Xian: “What do you think?”

You are reading story Hold On, General at novel35.com

Yun Xian shook his head: “The heirs of those two races are still young and can’t get on the stage. It’s hard to say if they change to someone else to succeed. I don’t know about the Tuzhen clan, but I can’t find anyone in the Sirius clan who can compete with Ulla.”

Genius Long thought for a while: “Put the king of the Sirius clan back. In exchange, let him swear that future generations will not invade Shenghua’s territory. I have seen that person. He is a promise-keeping person. As for Douji,” He squinted slightly, “This person has the ability and the courage. Letting him go back is tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain. Don’t let him go back…The Sirius clan alone can’t stop Ulla.”

Yun Xian smiled: “Actually, you don’t know that although Douji is insidious, he is also a promise-keeping person. The people of the grassland value this very much, only Ulla is an exception.”

“Oh? That’s easy to do, let him swear to put him back,” Genius Long said. “Tuzhen made it too miserable this time. After Douji goes back, it will take a lot of effort to cultivate, and there will be no big waves for the time being, and when he recovers, the other two races will recover almost the same, and then let the three of them contain each other. Let’s control each other.”

Bai Lian responded and withdrew. Yun Xian’s gaze turned between them, and he left with interest. Only the two of them were left in the tent. Genius Long and he looked at each other for a long time, and finally couldn’t help but ask, “You… didn’t do anything strange in the morning, did you?”

General Gu was startled: “What?”

“It’s…that kind of thing,” Genius Long looked weird, “That kind of strange thing.”

“…” General Gu said, “No.”

Genius Long exhaled: “Then why are you holding me?”


Genius Long looked at him: “Just hug if you want?”


“…” The corner of Genius Long’s mouth twitched, and he silently sank onto the couch. General Gu was silent for a while, and when he used to sit next to him, Genius Long suddenly raised his eyebrows: “What?”

“Wang Ye, the emperor doesn’t know that you have lost your memory.”

“What does that matter,” Genius Long said, “Just say that I accidentally hit my head.”

General Gu looked at him strangely, and Genius Long looked at him with the same pair of eyes: “Why, aren’t you afraid of deceiving the emperor?”

“No,” General Gu stared at him, “Why protect me? You can obviously…”

“I can let my brother cut you off, right?” Genius Long leaned back lazily. “You haven’t gotten along with me for a few days. Don’t you know me? Am I like the kind of person who has fallen to the ground?”

“…” General Gu nodded in silence.

“…” Genius Long said, “Well, even if I am, this king has always been wise and has a clear distinction between the priorities. There is no need to cut down the important ministers of the court for this, understand?”

General Gu glanced at him deeply, nodded and said nothing. Seeing that he was not leaving, Genius Long raised his eyebrows and said, “Is there anything else?”


Genius Long looked at him: “Just want to stay with me?”


“…” Genius Long didn’t even have the strength to pump the corners of his mouth, so he went silently, “Here, look at it, you can look at it whatever you want, just remember to give money.”


Genius Long stretched out his hand: “Give the money first.”

General Gu was helpless, so he had to untie the jade pendant from his waist and put it in his hand. Genius Long took a look and praised: “It’s a good jade, how much does it cost?”

General Gu was silent for a while: “Don’t sell it.”

“Why? Family heirloom?”


“Oh, well, I’ll exchange this for you after I return to the capital.”

General Gu was silent, just staring at him. Genius Long was surprised: “What’s the matter?”

“I finished giving the money.”


Genius Long touched his face, no matter how thick his skin was, it was a little hot under this person’s calm eyes, and he said helplessly, “I said, you can actually change the way, don’t you chase people? Oh, chasing people means trying your best to get the person you like to be with you,” he said, looking at him and shaking his head, “You really don’t. I’m telling you, chasing people is technical. You have to do what you want. You can’t make people hate you. Proper romance is also very effective. Do you understand the meaning of romance?”


“Well, it’s about creating a good environment to surprise or move the people you like, and even keep it in your mind forever. Can you understand me when I say this?”

General Gu nodded: “What else?”

“What else…” Genius Long recalled the love history of his buddies when he was studying abroad, and unconsciously brought it in, “Oh, romance is going to be put in the back. You have to find out if the person you like has a good impression of you, and try to make that girl have a good impression of you as much as possible. Establish a relationship a little bit. In fact, in some cases, you can directly put a drug,” He remembered a few interesting things, “I’ll tell you, I know a guy who chased his wife(Laopo) with a drug.”

General Gu didn’t know the meaning of “wife(Laopo)”, but there was the word “chasing” in front of it. He thought it should be a name or a pronoun, so he skipped the word and asked, “What is a drug?”

“It’s just a tougher attitude,” Genius Long patiently taught, “such as a forced kiss, or directly dragged to the room, you do not look rude, some women still like this, learn, this is all experience, men are not bad, women do not love it, understand?”

General Gu couldn’t understand what he was saying, so he could only find a few keywords: “Forced  kiss?”

“Yes, you can try this in the future if you meet someone who is not easy to get rid of …… try ……” Genius Long suddenly stared, only to feel a softness on his lips.

A few seconds later…

“Ah Ah Ah, how could I forget you chase me Ah Ah Ah, no, I let you kiss didn’t say let you kiss me Ah Ah Ah,” someone buried his head in the pillow and instantly went crazy, “I lost my first kiss in this world. Ah ah ah! How do you want me to live! ah ah ah ah!”

“…” General Gu was silent for a while, “Wang Ye.”

Genius Long rose up to look at him, the cold light in his eyes flashing: “Give money, a thousand taels, one tael less and I’ll let my brother cut you down!”

“……” General Gu said, “You just said you are always wise, Wang Ye.”

“Bullshit wisdom!” Genius Long said angrily, “It’s nothing in front of 1,000 taels, if you don’t pay me, I’ll cut you down!”



1) 大爺 (Dàyé):  The respectful title for elderly male elders generally refers to those over 60 years old, regardless of their age, they are all of the same generation as their fathers. 【Example】: “Daye (dà ye)! How are you! You are very strong!”

 It also refers to men with high social status or arrogant self-reliance, commonly used in the old society. 【Example】: “Hey, don’t stand there stupidly, just like a grandpa (dà yé)!”

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