Hold On, General

Chapter 16: 16

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There was a suffocating weird atmosphere in the tent. Bai Lian hesitated for a long time, but after all, he didn’t go out. Instead, he silently found a place to nest. He intuitively thought that there would be a good show next because since someone announced that he was going to spend the night here tonight, and Xiao Wang Ye nodded in agreement, a certain general was silent.

General Gu stood in front of the soft couch, looking at the two people above steadily, without saying a word. Yun Xian soaked his feet contentedly, then took the ointment prepared by the general for Xiao Wang Ye and applied for the medicine. He hummed a little song comfortably in his mouth, looking in a good mood.

Genius Long endured it, endured it again, and still said, “Don’t sing anymore, it’s all out of tune…”

Bai Lian said in surprise: “Is he singing?”

Yun Xian: “……”

“Xiaohua,” Genius Long patiently taught, “Can’t people always be so honest, do you know? You see how hurtful your words are,” He touched Yun Xian’s head, “It’s okay, no one is perfect.”

“…” Yun Xian hummed for a long time, and finally handed the ointment to someone who had been silent, “Here, give it back to you, you can go,” He finished holding Genius Long and threw himself on the soft couch, “Brother, let’s go to sleep!”

General Gu’s eyes sank, and Bai Lian couldn’t help but feel cold in his heart, and he hardly dared to look at him. Genius Long looked at Yun Xian secretly, and even he couldn’t stand the low pressure emanating from his facial paralysis, but this person didn’t react at all.

Yun Xian glanced at him, guessed what he thought, and said with a smile: “I think I was in Gushu…” He only said that here, but Genius Long knew it. This person has been dealing with those people for a year, and he has probably seen all kinds of formations. He waved to the two of them: “It’s getting late, you all go and rest.”

General Gu glanced at Xiao Wang Ye in silence, and finally glanced at Yun Xian, but he really turned and left. Bai Lian naturally didn’t dare to stay longer and left quickly.

“Yo, it’s quite tolerable,” Yun Xian smiled on the couch, “Brother, did you say something to him?”

“What can I say to him,” Genius Long shrugged and squinted at him. “I know you deliberately angered him, but you’d better be careful in the future. Don’t look at him as honest. In fact, he has even done things that deceive you.”

Yun Xian couldn’t believe it: “Huh?”

“Really.” Genius Long then briefly recounted the matter, and Yun Xian suddenly chuckled: “People are really cheap, don’t post them upside down, wait until they don’t want you but chase them dryly,” He sighed, lazily changing his posture, holding his head with one hand, and was surprised, “Brother, it turns out that you also have the same name and appearance as before.”

Genius Long was surprised: “Are you too?”

Yun Xian nodded.

Genius Long couldn’t help pinching his chin and taking a good look: “You have such a beautiful face in modern times. There should be a lot of people chasing you, right?”

“What beauty face?” Yun Xian patted his hand away, “This is in ancient times. My hair is long, so it looks more like that. I was not like this before. Think about me as an ordinary student with short hair and glasses. I wear a white coat every day and go to the laboratory with a bunch of books. How gentle, temperamental, and cultured!”

Genius Long observed his face and thought silently for a second: “Iceberg…forbidden – lustful?”

“…” Yun Xian said, “Do you believe me to kick you to death?”

“I am very lively!” Yun Xian emphasized, “I play basketball and football. Who is the iceberg? I smile, and I laugh almost every day, okay?”

“Hmm…” Genius Long rubbed his chin, “But ah, the assassin you passed through shouldn’t laugh, right?”

“…what do you say?”

Genius Long spread his hands: “So you will become an iceberg in the future.”

“…” Yun Xian opened his mouth, “…my body.”

“Hello.” Genius Long stretched out his hand and shook it in front of him.

“…my body,” Yun Xian threw himself on the soft couch and collapsed instantly: “No, don’t treat my body like this!”

“…” Genius Long said, “What’s the matter with you all of a sudden?”

“What’s the swelling? The group of corrupt women in our class said, most of the iceberg is subject to it,” Yun Xian buried his head in the pillow, “Subject to it!”

“…this unlucky child,” Genius Long touched his head for a moment, and suddenly asked, “How did you die as an ordinary student? Car accident? Sick?”

“No…” Yun Xian calmed down a little, “It exploded. I failed the experiment and it exploded. I’ll be here when I open my eyes again.”

A certain picture flashed in Genius Long’s mind for an instant, and he tentatively said, “A top student in the Department of Chemistry of S University? The place of the accident is the test building in the Eastern District?”

Yun Xian was shocked: “How do you know?”

“It’s really you,” Genius Long was incredible. “It turns out that you are the one who exploded the laboratory into a pile of scum but miraculously survived. Hey, but when I saw this news, it was two months before my accident, and you have been here for more than a year. It’s been more than a year.”

“It is estimated that there is a deviation between the time here and there.”

“It’s very possible,” Genius Long nodded and asked, “Since you can even write the characters here, you should be familiar with history, right? What kind of history is this?”

“This is not our true history, but similar to parallel space,” Yun Xian said. “Let me give you an example. For example, Xuanwumen Change. In terms of our cognition, the winner is Li Shimin. Then there may be another space. The winner is Li Jiancheng. Then that space develops backwards for hundreds of years and becomes a new world that we are completely unfamiliar with, and the place we are in is disconnected from the Qin Dynasty, and Fusu here is not dead.”

Genius Long stared: “Not dead?”

“Well,” Yun Xian said, “After Qin Shihuang died, Fusu succeeded to the throne, and then in addition to Zhao Gao, implemented a benevolent government, the world returned to its heart, and developed for a hundred years, then changed dynasties, and slowly became what it is now after another hundred years.”

“I see, that means there is no series of dynasties such as Chu-Han hegemony, Han Dynasty, Three Kingdoms, etc. after the Qin Dynasty in this world?”

“Well, parallel space is amazing. If you look at so many forks in history, you can separate countless worlds, so Brother,” Yun Xian grasped his hand, “How difficult it is for us to meet here!”

Genius Long nodded movingly: “Hmm!”

Yun Xian smiled flatteringly: “If you really deal with me from now on, you have to remember to save me.”

“…” Genius Long felt that his feelings had been deceived, he shook his hand, “Sleep.”

Yun Xian moved aside knowing the current affairs. Seeing that he was really going to sleep, he couldn’t help but lean over and grabbed his sleeves: “Brother, you said you saw the news, how is my body now?”

Genius Long thought for a while: “Oh, your body was sent to the hospital for first aid and was already awake, but it is said that it was frightened and had a mental problem and was thrown into a psychiatric hospital.”

You are reading story Hold On, General at novel35.com

“…” Yun Xian collapsed again, my body ah ah ah!

Genius Long suddenly thought of a question: “Is he good at it?”

“The assassin is undercover, what do you think?”

“It’s okay, even if he’s angry, it’s okay,” Genius Long touched his head, “It’s not illegal to kill mentally ill people in our place.”

“…” Yun Xian collapsed again.

“Oh, do you have a mentor? It is said that he goes to the hospital to see you every day as if to get you out of there,” Genius Long stared at him, “Seriously, are you having an affair?”

“How is it possible,” Yun Xian denied, “My tutor is a man.”

“Oh,” Genius Long turned over to go to bed, paused and suddenly asked again, “This has nothing to do with men and women, right?”


Genius Long looked at him suspiciously, “Huh?”

“You don’t understand, that’s not an ordinary teacher. How do you think I can get something that can cause such a large-scale explosion as a student?” Yun Xian said, “Besides, what can blow up the laboratory? What do you think my mentor does?”

Genius Long opened his mouth: “…weapon?”

“I don’t know, I only know that the teacher is just his sideline,” Yun Xian said, thinking of the teacher who laughed wretchedly and deserved a beating, and thinking of the sentence “Iceberg forbidden – lustful”, he went crazy in an instant, “It’s definitely not good for him to get me back. Ahhhh!”

Genius Long looked at him sympathetically: “Why is your life so bitter?”

“…” Yun Xian looked at him unwillingly, and suddenly remembered something, and immediately became happy, “Brother, your body turned out to be the prince. It is estimated that if that person passes through, he will be thrown into a mental hospital, right?”

Well, he is mentally balanced!

“No, you don’t understand either,” Genius Long looked at him, “My body was in a nursing home when I died.”

“…” Yun Xian said, “I don’t think you look like a psychopath.”

“…I’m trying to avoid the pursuit, okay,” Genius Long said. “That hospital is a wonderful thing compared to the same kind, so that person may not be able to stand bullying, but this is not the point. The point is that I was being hunted down at the time. Do you think the killer would kill me again if he knew I was alive again?”

“…” Yun Xian was stunned and nodded slowly and heavily.

“…” Genius Long said quietly, “I think so too, how could Lei Yan let me go easily.”

“Lei Yan?” Yun Xian was surprised, “Is it the head of the Lei Group?”

Genius Long was also surprised: “Do you know him?”

“I don’t know, but my mentor seems to have something to do with him. He seems to have asked the mentor to do something, and then the mentor started to invest in research, and by the way, he caught my life…” Yun Xian said suddenly paused, silently looking at Genius Long with the same expression, and said for a long time, “Brother, so we were actually killed by the same person…”

“…” Genius Long nodded slowly in silence.

“…” Yun Xian sucked his nose, “I haven’t even seen the culprit who made me like this…”

Genius Long comforted him: “It’s okay, I’ll let them be villains tomorrow, write Lei Yan’s name, let’s be villains.”

Yun Xian nodded with tears in his eyes: “Hmm!” He paused, “By the way, what kind of person is he? All I know is that he doesn’t like to talk, why?”

The corner of Genius Long’s mouth twitched: “…do you really want to know?”


Genius Long wiped his face, then took a deep breath: “Good boy, let’s, let’s, let’s, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep!”

“…” Yun Xian was silent for a second before he reacted. That amazing Lei family head actually… turned out to be……

“Puff hahahaha…” He immediately pumped.

General Gu woke up early on the second day and hurried into Xiao Wang Ye’s tent. He saw that the two of them were sleeping soundly on the soft couch, and the quilt was kicked a little messy, but they could be seen wearing clothes.

He couldn’t help but exhale and walked slowly. After that year of rushing and steaming, Yun Xian was very alert. As soon as this person approached him, he suddenly woke up, and there was no drowsiness in his beautiful eyes.

General Gu was taken aback, and he was able to adjust his body to this level in such a short time. It seems that this military counsellor really cannot be underestimated.

Yun Xian saw clearly that it was one of his own, and he yawned without any changes, closed his eyes and rubbed against Genius Long’s side, grabbing him and continuing to sleep.

“…” General Gu looked at him holding Xiao Wang Ye’s hand in silence, wishing to chop it off immediately.

Yun Xian was all subconsciously reacting just now. At this time, he noticed the aura on his body, and suddenly remembered that this person had even done deceiving the emperor. For the ancients, it was almost fatal. He must not fight hard with such a person, so he hurriedly got up, pointed to the vacated position, and whispered: “Come, give it to you.”

After he said that, he turned his head and left. He went out to take a look around, asked someone about Xiaohua’s tent, and walked slowly over. The original owner of his body was an assassin with high martial arts skills. Although he has changed his soul now, it is completely okay to lie down and sleep next to him without alerting Xiaohua, so he passed lightly, fell down on the soft couch, closed his eyes, and fell asleep again.

Xiao Wang Ye’s tent was quiet. General Gu was squatting in front of the couch. Xiao Wang Ye slept very soundly. The curled eyelashes were properly brushed on his eyelids. It was a rare well-behaved person. He watched quietly for a while and couldn’t help but reach out and touch it. 

The temperature in the autumn morning was a bit low, and the clouds took away part of the heat. Genius Long couldn’t help but frown and shrank towards the bed. General Gu saw that he was cold and was silent for a moment. He looked at the vacated half of the position and struggled for a long time. Finally, he walked over and lay down, holding Xiao Wang Ye in his arms.

Genius Long’s frowning eyebrows gradually slowed down, he rubbed against him and continued to sleep.

So on this day, two people who were also unaware of the situation slowly woke up and saw the people next to them, their first reaction was that they were dreaming. The two closed their eyes hypnotically and opened them again after a long time.

“…” Genius Long froze instantly.

“…” Xiaohua’s eyes turned black, and he fell backwards and fell off the soft couch with a thump.

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