Hold On, General

Chapter 4: 4

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Soul Piercing …

Genius Long was awakened, and his eyes were on the dark roof of the carriage. He was slightly taken aback, hurriedly got up and looked around, and found that he was in a carriage, and he had no impression at all before. How did he get here?

He was silent for a moment, then cautiously rubbed over, raised the curtain and stuck his head out. The army lined up on the official road, and the armour rustled with neat steps, majestic, he was immediately dumbfounded, opened his mouth, and couldn’t believe it: “This is too spectacular…”

“Are you awake?” General Gu rode up to him and asked.

Genius Long nodded blankly, still not looking away from the soldier: “Are you going to war?”

General Gu nodded.

“I wipe it, it’s so realistic!” Genius Long was excited and in good spirits, “This is much more fun than playing games! It’s also much more interesting than your boring costume drama before, not bad, not bad if this kind of scene is indeed better than Hollywood!”

“…” General Gu has become accustomed to silence.

“Hey, do you have opponents too?” Genius Long continued to say excitedly, “Is it amazing?”

General Gu said: “The nomadic tribes have always been fierce.”

“Cut, what’s the use of being fierce,” Genius Long muttered, “You sent someone to set their grassland on fire, and they still fart? Those horses, cows, sheep, and sheep are out of grass to eat, and it is a problem for them to live.”

General Gu suddenly turned his head to look at him, with a look of surprise on his face and secretly said that this Xiao Wang Ye was not useless.

Genius Long touched his nose: “What are you looking at me for? You find windy weather and everything will be fine with a fire. It’s really not good. Is there any other way? Have you ever played a game? I mean the kind of strategy game on the Internet.”


He looked at General Gu’s paralyzed face: “Well, even if I haven’t played a game, there are no cheating tricks in the TV series. Just one “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” is enough for us. Just copy one. Even if it doesn’t work anymore, there is still a genius. With my superb IQ…huh?” As he said, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the building not far away and was shocked. He shouted, “Stop the carriage! Hurry up and stop the carriage!”

General Gu didn’t know what he was going to do, but he still made people stop. Genius Long immediately ran out. There was a pavilion there, a pavilion that was more famous in his cognition. He remembered that he had travelled here, but ah, the surrounding environment was obviously not like this!

He circled around the pavilion, then raised his head and looked in all directions without giving up, and finally froze in place. There was no modern sign. Even in the suburbs, it was impossible to see a wire or a high-rise building in such a large area. Is it possible? What’s more, he can still be sure that this pavilion is not imitated, uh, from this point of view, this……

General Gu rode over: “What’s the matter?” 

Genius Long turned his head stiffly and looked at the army and a certain general who was riding over. He had already thought of a possibility, one that could explain all the abnormal possibilities in the past few days. He finally had the courage to drag his outfit – a fake headgear, feeling the pain, and then pulled up a hair and took a closer look. He was sure it was not picked up. As soon as his shoulders collapsed, he sucked his nose and asked weakly: “You, you say I am Wang Ye?”

General Gu was startled: “But do you remember?”

“…can you speak more carefully?”

General Gu pondered for a while, turned over and dismounted, sat in the carriage with him, and told the story.

Genius Long was silent for a long time before slowly digesting this fact, and murmured: “It turns out that there is such a thing as crossing in this world. After a long time, I turned out to be soul-piercing. Then it is possible that the real body may have come to me, uh…I remember I was still in the nursing home, so if he said he was Wang Ye…” He twitched the corner of his mouth, “This time I’m really going to be treated as a lunatic, but Lei Yan might send someone to continue to kill him, oh, he’s much worse than me, hey, no, I’m Wang Ye now, no one dares to kill me, I can completely mix in this world…” He said and turned his head to look, “According to you, he…Oh, I mean I used to like you, right?”

General Gu shook slightly: “Yes, I didn’t care about it at first, but now… I don’t know what happened to me.”

Genius Long said, “I know what’s wrong with you.”

General Gu suddenly looked up at him.

Genius Long patted him on the shoulder: “You’re just a cheapskate, a typical criminal-cheap, who doesn’t want to pay for what you want, but chases after what you don’t want.”

“…” General Gu’s expression instantly condensed.

Genius Long comforted him: “It’s okay, don’t be too sad, there are always times in life when you are cheap.”


Genius Long glanced at him and suddenly raised his head: “What are you doing, what are you doing?! Lao Tzu is now Wang Ye, don’t you dare to touch me and try, Lao Tzu asked my brother to pull you out and find someone to rape you a hundred times, believe it or not? What? Believe it or not?”

General Gu suddenly raised his forehead in pain.

Genius Long was satisfied, and seeing the pain on his face that was exactly the same as the killer’s gave him the pleasure of revenge: “Why is this world so beautiful? Oh hahaha……”

He laughed wildly in the carriage, his expression was almost crazy, and General Gu had a solemn face. He always felt that Wang Ye’s condition was increasing compared to the previous few days. He watched in silence for a while and was about to ask the herbalist who was accompanying him to come in and have a look, but saw that this person’s voice suddenly stopped abruptly, and the blood on his face suddenly receded cleanly. He was taken aback, hurriedly leaned over, grabbed him to look left and right, and asked worriedly: “What’s the matter with you, are you unwell?”

Genius Long’s lips trembled: “You, you, you are going to war?”

“…” General Gu said, “Wang Ye, you have already asked just now.”

“I thought you were acting, who knew you were serious!” Genius Long shook even more severely, and countless bloody and tragic scenes in the TV series flooded together. He felt that his life was once again seriously threatened, “I don’t want to die, why are you going out to pull me up? What? Why is that?”

General Gu was somewhat guilty when he said that he couldn’t help but slow down his voice: “I will protect you thoroughly.”

“The ghost believes you!” Genius Long shouted, “You generals, you are foolish and loyal, I have watched a lot of things on TV, so it’s not necessarily who will save who when the time comes! I want to go back, I want to go back to be my Wang Ye, I’ll have good food and drink and a few beautiful women to hold, let me go back.”

Holding a few beauties… General Gu was unmoved at all and took out a letter from his arms: “Wang Ye, the emperor asked you to go to the battlefield to experience it. Do you want to resist?”

“…” Genius Long opened his mouth, “The gods of feudal society really hate it the most!”


After this major discovery, Genius Long was finally willing to face up to the previous script. Not only was he his face, but even his name was the same as his original body. The same is true of this General Gu. It’s really not an ordinary coincidence.

He broke his fingers to sort out the current situation. According to the little eunuch, the emperor is the brother of this body, and he still loves him very much, so he wears this hat of the emperor’s relatives, as long as he doesn’t break the law, he eats and drinks all day long, and no one dares to take care of him when he walks sideways on the road. The future is bright.

Of course, the premise is that he has to go back alive from the battlefield first. If he dies, everything will be in vain.

“Beimo?” Genius Long asked in surprise. After some side-by-side attacks, he found that what he was wearing was actually a dynasty that did not exist in history. This country was called Shenghua and its capital was Xuchang. Except for the familiar land under his feet, everything else is very strange.

There are four points in the world today, and now they are going to fight one of them.

There was a square table sideways in the carriage, full of snacks, fruits and vegetables. This Xiao Wang Ye had always been expensive, and in addition to General Gu’s guilty conscience, he ordered people to find all kinds of exquisite things to provide for him. General Gu stretched out his hand and poured two cups of tea, and explained simply: “There are many tribal families in the Beimo, and the situation has always been severe and chaotic.”

“Oh, I see,” Genius Long said, “You mean that Beimo is not actually a country, but a general term for that piece of ground by people outside. Am I right?”

This person really forgot everything, General Gu said: “Well, the Beimo is mostly grassland and desert, covering a huge area, it is difficult to unify and govern. Among them, the three tribes of Sirius, Weidan, and Tuzhen are the most powerful. In addition, there are many ethnic groups that have been in an ongoing dispute over the grassland.”

To put it bluntly, it’s a foreigner, the land of Inner Mongolia or Outer Mongolia, Genius Long thought to himself, holding up a teacup and drinking tea, the people there are really tough.

General Gu didn’t say anything when he saw him silent. He just answered this person’s question briefly. He never thought about letting this person go to the battlefield, let alone expecting Wang Ye to do anything.

You are reading story Hold On, General at novel35.com

His only hope is that Xiao Wang Ye can return to his original state during the period when he is out of the capital, that’s all.

Naturally, Genius Long didn’t know what he thought, but thought carefully, put down the teacup and said, “Since the Beimo has always been chaotic, how can they still send troops and horses to fight us? And since they fought, it means that there are definitely not a few soldiers and horses, so there must be a large tribe in it, but those tribes can survive to this day. Their king must not be a fool. If they send troops out, what should they do if the lair is taken away, unless…”

He turned his beautiful eyes and smiled: “Unless their alliance sends troops together, I guess there are at least two powerful tribes there, so even if the third one does not participate, he will never find it unhappy if the two join forces. Am I right?”

General Gu was secretly shocked, and couldn’t believe that these words came from the mouth of this Xiao Wang Ye.

Genius Long asked again: “Is it right?”

General Gu nodded blankly: “The military intelligence reported at the border said that all three major tribes were involved.”

“All of them?” Genius Long couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows, and then leaned back lazily, “If they are smarter, they should take advantage of this time to annex a few small tribes with good forces, win one or two battles, and their morale will rise, and then attack Shenghua again, but if they are smarter, this battle shouldn’t be fought now at all.”

General Gu stared at him strangely.

Genius Long glanced over: “Just say if you have anything to say, don’t look at me like that with that face.”

“…” Here we go again, General Gu couldn’t help but touch his face. He didn’t know how this face annoyed Xiao Wang Ye. In short, this person seems to be very unpleasant to him now. He still has a long way to go to achieve his goal. At least he has to make this person not hate him first.

“What do you want to say?”

General Gu said: “…they did destroy a few small families.”

“Oh–” Genius Long stretched his voice lazily, and suddenly asked, “Who made this happen?”

“It’s still under investigation,” General Gu actually talked to him unknowingly, “But it is rumoured that the Sirius tribe has a new military counsellor, which is as expected and omnipotent.”

“Military counsellor wow-” Genius Long blinked his shiny eyes, “There are really such things these days. What I like most is that they are smart people, like Zhuge Liang and Feng Hin. Oh, it’s a pity that the latter died early, otherwise, Liu Bei might not be able to reach that point. In fact, I think Cao Cao’s counsellors are powerful, like Jia Xu, they are very good, right?”

“…” General Gu was used to it. He renewed a cup of tea for himself, calmly took a sip, and then looked at him silently.

——According to past experience, as long as he remains silent, Xiao Wang Ye will change the subject after he speaks to himself. Although he may still not understand the topic, he firmly believes that as long as he remains silent, there will always be one he can understand.

Genius Long blinked, blinked again, looked at him for a second, and suddenly said in surprise: “You, you, you don’t know them?”

Look, he understood this sentence. General Gu recalled it and asked hesitantly: “What Wang Ye said about them refers to Zhuge Liang, Feng Hin, and…”

“There are also Liu Bei and the like, ouch, it’s useless to say this, don’t you even know Zhuge Liang?”

General Gu nodded: “Who are they?”

“What they are, who they are, and who they are now has nothing to do with you,” Genius Long was a little irritated. “No, wow, the Tang Dynasty learned to drink tea, and the Song Dynasty had chairs. These things are all here. How could it be that you haven’t experienced the Three Kingdoms…Although there is no such dynasty in history, it is also the land of China. Is it possible that history has been interrupted from it?”

“…” General Gu didn’t say a word, calmly renewing tea for Xiao Wang Ye.

Genius Long looked at him, coughed dryly, pointed to himself, and pointed to him again: “You… what do you call this?”

General Gu was startled: “What?”

“Hey, this is it,” Genius Long pointed back and forth on them, “It’s between two men, like this…” He said, reaching out and touching the back of General Gu’s hand, “Understand?”


Genius Long blinked, touched it again, and looked at him expectantly: “… do you understand? Is it possible that you want me to go over and kiss you to understand?”

General Gu’s voice was a little stiff because of the sudden incident: “…Long Yang?”

Genius Long’s eyes lit up: “Yes, Long Yang! In ancient times, there was a Long Yang monarch, who was said to be very beautiful and liked by their kings. After that, the relationship between men was named after this, you know?”

General Gu nodded: “Naturally I know.”

“That’s right. It seems that there is still a part of the history that coincides. That is, it was disconnected somewhere. Where did it break? Oh, my god, what kind of luck am I going? Poor mom and dad worked hard to pull me up, but they didn’t know that his son has already gone to another world, it is still a world that has not been in history…” Genius Long said, sucking his nose and slapping his chest at the carriage.

General Gu couldn’t help but said, “What’s wrong with you, Wang Ye?”

Genius Long said lightly: “I can’t talk anymore, I’m going to cry if I keep talking…”


“Now I can only hope that Lei Yan won’t kill me so cruelly in the past. After that person is discharged from the hospital, he can be filial to my parents, so that I can take care of his relatives and the country for him… It’s fair…”

Genius Long said that he was like the undefeated little man who could not be beaten, he refreshed his energy: “Come on, where did you just say? Oh, speaking of the Sirius clan, there is a military counsellor, right?”

His topic turned too fast, and General Gu nodded after being startled for a while: “It is said to be very powerful.”

Genius Long rolled his eyes, what’s the use of being powerful? Can he be as good as him? He is a genius, not to mention that he also knows the superb strategies of those schemers in the Three Kingdoms Period, so he is better than that person.

He rubbed his chin, thought for a while, and said, “Well, they have only known about the alliance after fighting for so long. It can be seen that either a wise king succeeded to the throne, or a tribe got a capable counsellor. If the former, he would propose it before he succeeded to the throne, so there is no need to wait until now, so the latter is very likely. Do you know what is the most commonly used method at this time?”

General Gu was surprised: “What?”

Genius Long narrowed his beautiful eyes, and the smile at the corner of his mouth actually brought out a hint of beauty: “The separation meter.”

General Gu listened to him quietly, looking at him without blinking.

No one in the capital knows that there is a delicate Xiao Wang Ye living in the palace. This Wang Ye has been in poor health since he was a child. Any small condition will be regarded as a major event by the Emperor and the Empress Dowager. Almost all the people in the entire palace revolved around him, for fear of knocking and touching, blowing and basking.

That is because the protection is too good, and this person does not often show up at state dinners. There are very few people who have really seen Xiao Wang Ye. If it weren’t for this person who had that kind of mind about him before, he would probably not pay attention.

Now that Xiao Wang Ye is at the age of building the mansion, he still lives in the palace and has no interest in the affairs of the court. Although the outside world has never seen Xiao Wang Ye, the rumours about this person are strikingly similar. In summary, it is nothing more than an embroidered pillow that is spoiled, weak, and only knows how to eat, drink and have fun. Even though he regarded this person as a canary in a cage, at this time, looking at the aura of the person in front of him, he suddenly had an idea.

Is that… actually a pearl…hidden in the deep palace?


1.北漠 (Beimo): Northern Desert

2. 龍陽 (Long Yang): male homosexual

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