Hold On, General

Chapter 5: 5

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Idiot …

The army marched all the way from the official road outside the imperial city to camp in the evening.

General Gu has made every preparation in advance since he planned to abduct Xiao Wang Ye. Xiao Wang Ye is a relative of the emperor, and it stands to reason that his tent is bigger and more gorgeous than the average one, but the decree that came later only said that Wang Ye should be experienced, but he was not given an official and a half position. Even today, the emperor knows that his brother is not suitable for going to the battlefield, so it is clearly stated that he does not seek merit, nor does he care about making mistakes, as long as he is safe, everything else is easy to do.

So General Gu discussed with his confidants and felt that it was best not to reveal the identity of Xiao Wang Ye for the time being. First, almost no one except Beimo knew that Xiao Wang Ye was the weakness of the Shenghua royal family. If there was a leak at this time, Xiao Wang Ye would, unfortunately, be tied up by people from the other two countries. Ten heads are not enough for the emperor to cut off, and secondly, Xiao Wang Ye’s “reputation” is too high, and he is afraid of disturbing the military.

Finally, after thinking about it, again and again, Xiao Wang Ye’s tent is no different from ordinary ones, but there are no holes in it. The carpet is covered with a thick layer of carpet, and the soft couch is also covered with soft snow-white animal skins. It is warm and comfortable to step on it barefoot.

The carriage stopped directly in front of the tent. Genius Long got out of the carriage and walked in. Without saying a word, he took off his shoes and threw himself on the soft couch. He rolled around and yelled: “I’m exhausted. Ancient times were backward. The carriage is not as comfortable as a car, and the weapons are backward. I really want to fly a fighter plane over, and all the bombs will be solved…”

“…” General Gu stood motionless, his face paralyzed and calmly waiting for this person to change the subject.

Genius Long lay on it and thought for a while, and finally found someone still standing in the tent, so he stretched out his paws and waved, “I’ll sleep for a while, and call me for dinner later.”

General Gu could understand this sentence, so he turned around and went out in response.

It was a bit noisy outside the barracks, and Genius Long was so tired that he fell asleep quickly in such an environment. He didn’t sleep for a long time, but the quality of sleep was good, and he only felt refreshed when he woke up.

He got up and stretched out, thinking to himself that the army did not travel day and night, indicating that the border was not in a hurry. In addition, the emperor, who had always loved him, had the heart to send him out. It seems that Shenghua has a lot of confidence in this war. Is it enough? He thought slowly and was about to go out for a stroll when he saw the tent suddenly open and a young man walked in.

This man was dressed in a Confucian shirt and had a very scholarly air about him, which gave him the impression of being a gentleman and soft-spoken man, but his eyebrows were so handsome that even his ordinary looks brought out a certain amount of handsomeness that was unpleasant.

His movements were very light. He wanted to see if Wang Ye was awake, but when he raised his eyes, he saw that Wang Ye had already gotten up and stood in the tent. After a slightly startled look, he smiled and prepared to salute.

“All right,” Genius Long waved his hand and said, “no more formalities, you are not tired, I am tired of watching.”

The man was stunned again, seemingly amazed that the legendary Xiao Wang Ye did not have the slightest hint of royalty, and then returned to his senses and said, “The lower official Bai Lian.”


Bai Lian was puzzled: “…Wang Ye?”

“Oh, I mean, have you ever heard of the white lotus of the Virgin?”

“…” Bai Lian shook his head.

Genius Long explained: “It’s the kind of cold and noble, with a charm that everyone can’t resist. A slight smile can confuse all beings. She has a kind heart and dedicates countless love anytime, anywhere. She is constantly ambiguous and misleading the masses.”

Bai Lian thought for a while: “… is it a disaster?”

“It’s more terrifying than the water disaster,” Genius Long said sincerely, “If you really encounter it in the future, remember to take a detour. This kind of person is vicious, insidious, and seemingly innocent. In fact, she did all the bad things.”

“…” Bai Lian had a bunch of question marks on his head.

“Well, this is not easy to understand, but the other kind of person is absolutely easy to understand and distinguish. It is called the Little white flower of the Virgin~”

“…” Bai Lian took a breath, and suddenly understood that before he came, a certain general’s desire stopped and what the pity in his eyes meant.

He is one of the very few people who know that this is Xiao Wang Ye. He had never thought about coming to see him before, because he also regarded this person as a useless embroidered pillow, and even felt incredible that the emperor would agree for Wang Ye to follow. It was not until the general returned to the account and recounted to him the insights of this person during the day, that he finally put away his previous thoughts and couldn’t wait to come.

But no matter how conceited and smart he was, he definitely didn’t expect this to be the case.

Genius Long said seriously: “The so-called little white flower is very stupid and naive, both delicate and harmless, thinking that everyone has a kind and kind heart, even if you kill her if you repent and reform, she can forgive you…”

“…” Bai Lian was very surprised, “Is there really such a person?”

“It’s true, they are particularly touching, they can cry when they see a flower blooming, they often say things like ……” Genius Long said looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle and holding his chest, “I’m so touching and happy, what can I do, I’m so happy I’m going to faint, oh God, this is not a dream, if this is really a dream, then I’d rather never wake up! I’d rather never wake up!”


The calmness of Bai Lian’s face since he entered the tent has finally cracked a little. Those who know him well would never believe that he could be brought to such a state by a single word, and perhaps even he himself did not expect that an ordinary word, when spoken in such a tone of voice and embellished with a vivid expression by Xiao Wang Ye, would have such a powerful effect.

Genius Long glanced at him and spread his hands innocently: “Look, so this kind of person is also the best, always doing self-interest with ignorance, Qiong Yao’s classic heroine, like Bai Yinshuang, Crescent moon Gege…” He paused suddenly as he said, and finally pulled back to reality, shaking his head a little lonely, “I almost forgot, an ignorant fool like you, no matter how much I say, you won’t understand.” 

“…” Bai Lian couldn’t help but stiffen with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Genius Long blinked when he saw this, turned around him, and asked hesitantly: “Well… looking at your expression, wouldn’t it be that you have never been called a fool before?”

“…” Bai Lian was helpless. This was the most silent time since he was a child, but he really didn’t know what to do except for silence.

Genius Long’s eyes lit up: “Are you a smart person? Have you been extremely intelligent since you were a child, known as a “child prodigy” when you were a child, and you were dubbed a “talent” when you grew up?”

Bai Lian regained his previous calmness, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and bowed: “That is their love, and the lower official really dare not take it seriously.”

“It’s really wow, that’s a good thing,” Genius Long took him kindly and warmly, “Come on, come and sit down, yes, sit down, don’t be restrained, let’s have a good chat, let me see how clever you smart people are here.”

As he said, he pulled him onto the cushion and then turned his head to rummage through the cabinets. He remembered seeing the general with facial paralysis put all kinds of snacks here before going to bed.

“…Wang Ye?” Bai Lian sat there puzzled, it’s rare to be a little dazed. This Xiao Wang Ye doesn’t have the slightest shelf. Although he is approachable, his behaviour is weird, making it impossible to guess what he is thinking and what he will do the next moment. This is the first time he has seen such a person.

“Found it.” Genius Long happily brought all kinds of snacks and placed them on a small wooden table in the centre of the cushion one by one.

Bai Lian was shocked and hurriedly got up, joking. I am afraid that only the Empress Dowager and the Emperor have ever enjoyed the treats served by Xiao Wang Ye himself. But he didn’t have the courage to sit here calmly and watch Wang Ye bring things up. 

“Hey, why are you up and just sit down,” Genius Long took out the last plate and put it away. He sat on the cushion, kicked the food box to the side at will, and said with a smile, “Come on, let’s talk while eating. Oh, by the way, are you here to find me? Is something wrong?”

Bai Lian had the urge to burn incense and worship Buddha at this moment, but because the topic was finally normal, he sat down again: “Back to Wang Ye, the lower official came to Wang Ye to ask for advice on the strategy of retreating the enemy.”

“Retreat the enemy?” Genius Long raised his eyebrows, “It’s just a separation plan.”

“Yes,” Bai Lian said, “This subordinate is also thinking about countermeasures along the way. This subordinate thinks…”

Genius Long frowned and interrupted: “Stop, don’t always “subordinate”, just say “I”, otherwise I will sound awkward, you see that the general with facial paralysis is very good.”

“…” Bai Lian said, “Dare to ask Wang Ye what facial paralysis is?”

“It’s the kind that is expressionless all the time, no matter what you see, you won’t be moved,” Genius Long said, wiping his face, and said bluntly, “Look, like this.”


Genius Long squeezed a piece of dim sum: “Go on.”

Bai Lian was not a polite person at all, but the “facial paralysis” just now made him a little startled, so he coughed dryly: “Yes, I think the first time the three of them joined forces, it must be menacing, if we fight hard, it’s not impossible, but…”

Genius Long replied: “But it’s really unnecessary to kill a thousand enemies like that and lose 800 by yourself, right?”

Bai Lian said: “That’s exactly what it means. Although our Shenghua army is very strong and not afraid of the Beimo, I think it’s best not to meet its edge.”

“The best thing is to be wise,” Genius Long said slyly, “One man’s work is worth ten thousand bones, if we really fight it out, I don’t know how many people will die.”

“One man’s work will kill ten thousand bones,” Bai Lian murmured, and praised at the moment, “Wang Ye is so literary.”

“Ah, thank you, thank you” Genius Long was in a good mood when he praised him, “Come on, go on, you have to outsmart, but it’s best to solve one person before that.”

You are reading story Hold On, General at novel35.com

“One person?” Bai Lian thought for a while, “Could Wang Ye be referring to the Sirius counsellor?”

“Well, you don’t have to underestimate the power of the counsellor,” Genius Long said. “Often the key to the victory or defeat of a war is the words of the counsellor. Although I think that based on the current situation, the military counsellor is probably not much smarter, after all, he can convince the alliance of the three tribes. There is still eloquence. In case our strategy is seen through by him and appeased successfully, they will become more united, so it is best to get rid of him first.”

“Yes, I will find a way.”

“Well, then you can capture the military counsellor if you can, and kill him if you can’t. If you can’t kill it, you can do it. You can make some evidence to frame him for treason and complicity. It’s not a worry to get rid of the people of the three tribes. Since they have been fighting for so long, there must be a gap between them. Just provoke a little bit casually, for example–“

Genius Long thought for a while, “For example, when you are in a war, you can appropriately say, “Ah, it’s from the Sirius clan. The general has an order not to do anything to the Sirius clan.” And so on. If you can’t do it once, you can do it twice. The two tribes will always fight with them. After that, there will be nothing wrong with us. The alliance has been broken, so we can withdraw our troops and return to the capital, understand?”

“…” Bai Lian opened his mouth and couldn’t say a word. Before, he was surprised by the emperor’s decision, but now he feels that the emperor is indeed the wisest.

Genius Long ate another snack, squinted at him for a while, and then suddenly leaned over: “Since you are smart, let me ask you a few questions.”

Bai Lian smiled and said, “Please ask, Your Majesty.”

“Listen up, by the way, a fat man jumped from the tallest attic in the capital. What has he become?”

Bai Lian was taken aback. He had never heard of such a topic before, and after thinking about it, he said, “…dead?”

“No,” Genius Long looked at him with a smile, “It’s a fat man.”

“…” Bai Lian was dumbfounded for a while, but then felt enlightened.

“Well, let you get used to it, and I’ll say one more thing,” Genius Long said.”There were two people who fell into a well, the one who died was called the dead one, and the one who lived was called what?”

“…a living?”

“Wrong,” Genius Long said, “call for help.”


“A rooster and a hen, three words.”

“A riddle?” Bai Lian thought carefully, thinking that Wang Ye was not going to tell him to say “lay the chicks”, was he? He smiled bitterly and shook his head.

“Okay, the answer is two chickens.”

“……” For the first time, Bai Lian felt close to a meltdown.

Genius Long looked at him and shook his head: “I really embarrassed your ancients. Well, since you are interested in the art of war, let’s talk about it. By the way, there are two countries separated by a big river. One country is good at water warfare, and the other is not good at it. If you are the one who is not good at it, now the two armies are at war, what should you do?”

Bai Lian’s expression was cold. Shenghua was true across a dangerous river from another country. He pondered for a moment: “It’s best to go ashore.”

“The problem is that you can’t get on, you can only fight in the water, but you don’t have a navy.”

“Then there is no way to fight this battle,” Bai Lian turned his head, “Can Wang Ye have a way?”

“Well, you can connect the boats with iron chains. This is called a serial boat.”

Bai Lian was shocked for a while, and even stood up: “Excellent! It’s as smooth and stable, as it’s like being on land!” He looked at Xiao Wang Ye, inexplicably excited, Shenghua got this Wang Ye, it is really Shenghua’s blessing!

Genius Long looked at him for a while, secretly saying that he couldn’t blame him. Cao Cao was so happy when Feng Chu presented the timing to Cao Cao, after all, that kind of thing is no different from a modern aircraft carrier.

He looked at the person in good spirits and said regretfully: “If you attack like this, I will put dry wood on the clippers, pour oil, and hit you after igniting. What should you do?”

Bai Lian froze suddenly, and the previous excitement was swept away: “Then I…don’t I want to be annihilated?”

Genius Long responded and said again: “But if you make a live link between the boats when you connect them, if the other side doesn’t set fire to them, you can charge straight through, if they do, you can quickly untie them, then surround the attacking boats in the middle and attack them together. So how could you be annihilated?”

Bai Lian was startled again, he looked at Xiao Wang Ye with respect, and there were three tricks in between talking and laughing, this man is simply…

Genius Long looked at him sincerely: “Is it true that no one has ever told you that you are an idiot?”


General Gu waited in his tent and found that Bai Lian hadn’t come back, so he knew that Xiao Wang Ye had woken up, so he asked someone to make a pot of tea, brought it into the tent, and then he was stunned for a moment: “…Is this?”

Genius Long raised his eyebrows and looked at him: “It’s just in time, I’m thirsty.”

General Gu went over to pour tea for Wang Ye in silence, and asked tentatively, “You… have discussed it?”

“Yeah,” Genius Long said, “I’ve said everything I need to say, and he knows what to do now. Have you found out about that military counsellor?”

“It has been found that his name is Yun Xian. He was not originally from Beimo. He seems to have entanglements with the other two countries. The details are still being investigated.”

“Oh, Yun Xian… the name is pretty nice,” Genius Long said with a smile.”If you can capture him alive, I want to meet him, oh, then since they have a military counsellor, do you have, if not …… Do you see me into it? If so you can get me a feather fan by the way.”

General Gu said, “There is a military counsellor.”

“Wow?” Genius Long’s eyes lit up, “Where is he? I want to see him!”

“…” General Gu silently stretched out his hand and pointed. Genius Long looked in the direction he pointed. In the corner of the tent, Bai Lian was nestling on a pile of books, his eyes were red and he was reading hard as if he wanted to eat the pile of books immediately.

Genius Long: “……”

The scene was dead silent for an instant, and General Gu was silent for a long time before he said, “Dare to ask Wang Ye, what’s going on?”

“How do I know…” Genius Long muttered, “I just said that I should learn from you to read more books, and then I said that I brought a lot of books this time… But he ran over…”


Genius Long blinked: “He didn’t mistakenly think that these books were all mine, did he?”


“Is he really a military counsellor?


“…” Genius Long walked out lightly, “I’m going back to the trough. I’m telling you that you are not going on an expedition. You are going to hell. I won’t serve anymore…”

As he said, he opened the curtain and ran out. General Gu froze for a moment and hurriedly chased out. Xiao Wang Ye’s tent was behind the main tent, and there were several tents of the same size next to him. He strode out and chased a few steps without finding anyone. He turned his head and asked, “Where is the person who ran out just now?”

The little soldier outside pointed in one direction, and General Gu rushed straight over without saying a word. He still didn’t find Wang Ye’s trace and looked around anxiously.

There was a person squatting next to the second tent on the left side of Xiao Wang Ye’s tent. Due to the angle, General Gu didn’t notice it just now, so he missed a certain Wang Ye magnificently. This was not intentional by Genius Long, but it was really helpless.

“I wipe…” Genius Long got up with the tent, “What kind of broken body is this? I was so tired after running for two steps…Ouch, I’m going to faint…”

He continued to walk tremblingly holding on to something, feeling hungry, and looked up at the soldiers not far away who were lining up to receive the meal. He was overjoyed and hurried over to eat.

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