Hold On, General

Chapter 8: 8

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Applying for medicine …

Genius Long blinked and blinked again, pointing at himself with an innocent face: “Me, undress?”

General Gu nodded: “I want to apply for medicine.”

Genius Long looked around, Wei Xiaoan probably saw the general carrying himself in and didn’t follow him. However, Muzi was still guarding the side conscientiously. Suddenly he felt that this piece of wood was extremely cute and pointed at it, “Let him come, you go and do your job.” 

Muzi, who was accused, then obediently stuffy his head.

General Gu looked at him and sat down on the soft couch, pointing at his face: “He is not weak, if he doesn’t know how to handle it, you will get hurt more.”

Genius Long got up laboriously and leaned over to take a look. The facial paralysis’ left eye had already begun to turn blue, and it should last for a few days. Thinking that facial paralysis would appear in front of the soldiers with this face, his anger disappeared for more than half of the time. He squeezed his chin with bad intentions and said, “A good face is ruined like this. I think you should also wipe out some medicine. Tweed, and let him wipe it for you.”

“I’ll finish it for you first.”

“No, let Muzi do it. I’ll tell him to be gentle. It’s too dangerous to let you rub it in.”


“No, it’s dangerous. ……”

Before Genius Long could finish, Muzi was on the verge of coming over, but when he looked up, he saw Xiao Wang Ye cupping the general’s chin, and they were close to each other, he was silent for a moment and cupped his fist and said, “I’ll leave.”

“……” Genius Long was incredulous, “Can I ask why? I thought my brother told you not to leave me alone?”

He said, “The emperor said that if there were only two people besides me, Xiao Wang Ye and General Gu, and they were less than half a step away from each other, then I would be allowed to leave on my own.”

“…” Genius Long suddenly wanted to know what kind of big brother he had on his stall.

Muzi said no more, turned around and went out.

“Hey, wait!” Genius Long shouted, quickly moving his body to distance himself from the facial paralysis, but he accidentally pulled it to his waist during the action, and he suddenly fell back with a “whoop”. General Gu’s eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he hurriedly stretched out his hand to hold him. At the same time, Muzi happened to turn his head when he heard the words, and the picture was instantly frozen.

Genius Long opened his mouth and couldn’t say a word.

Muzi looked at the posture of the two of them, and after waiting for a while, he still didn’t see what Xiao Wang Ye had to say, so he turned his head silently and continued walking, opened the tent and went out.

Genius Long: “……”

General Gu carefully let him lie on the soft couch, and asked in silence for a moment: “Wang Ye, will you take it off by yourself or will I take it off for you?”

Genius Long instantly returned to his senses and rubbed himself onto the soft couch: “No, I’ll have Wei Xiaoan wipe it for me tonight.”

“It’s best to do it now.”

“No, let’s do it at night, or you can call Wei Xiaoan in now.”

General Gu looked at him for a long time, then asked patiently, “Why don’t you let me do it? Do you hate me that much?”

Genius Long is not a tweaking person. Although he has received a good tutor, after several years of study abroad, he has no scruples about undressing in front of the same sex. He was as bold as he could be, but that was for his previous world, and now that he was somehow here, although his appearance had not changed, in the end, he was not the same young master as before, and the man standing in front of him was the one who was thinking of him in that way because of his changed nature, and he had to care.

He looked at the paralysis seriously: “Okay, let’s be clear, I’ve had some thoughts about you in the past, you know that, right?”

General Gu nodded his head in silence as his heart shook.

“But I don’t have it now, but you,” Genius Long, “you know you’ve been thinking about me in that way, don’t you?”

General Gu was again shaken and said in a long silence, “I don’t know.”

“Then I’m telling you now, you’re thinking about me.”

“How can you tell?”

Genius Long stared, “How do you want me to prove it?”

General Gu was silent again for a long time, but still said two words: “Don’t know.”

Genius Long suddenly put his hand on his forehead, and General Gu said, “Wang Ye, put on the medicine.”

“Go ahead, put it on,” Genius Long said, finally giving up his struggle and slumping into the soft couch, “You can help me take it off.”

General Gu then put the medicine aside, lowered his head and unbuttoned the two buttons of Xiao Wang Ye’s placket, then unbuttoned his belt downwards, and then the lining, layer by layer, revealing smooth and delicate skin.

Xiao Wang Ye is a bit thin, and the lines of his clavicle are extremely smooth and beautiful. His upper body is leaning on soft cushions, and his thin waist bends inward a little bit. It is both fragile and has a strange power, making people don’t want to look away at first sight. 

General Gu only felt a strange feeling suddenly flash in his heart, but he couldn’t grasp it for a while, and he couldn’t tell what it was. He had to suppress it and took the medicine next to him: “Wang Ye, turn around.”

Genius Long lazily responded, and just as he was about to move, he suddenly stopped, turned his eyes, and lay back with a big grin: “Just wipe it like this.”

General Gu was surprised: “Wang Ye?”

“Well, won’t your hand reach out from the front and rub it?”

General Gu was silent for a while and had to do so. He stretched out his hand and dipped some medicine, slid back from his waist, and slowly rubbed it up.

His strength is moderate, his palms are warm, and the little tingling he brings is not annoying at all. On the contrary, he feels very comfortable. Genius Long can’t help but close his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curl up comfortably.

Xiao Wang Ye was naked on his upper body, lying in front of him unreservedly, even the slight trembling of his eyelashes was clearly visible. He tilted his head sideways, a strand of hair brushed from his ears to his body, slid down from the clavicle, and his skin was amazingly white. General Gu looked at it without blinking, suddenly tightening his throat, only to feel that the feeling that was difficult to capture became clearer, and his heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably.

The temperature in the back of his waist increased a little, and Genius Long felt it vaguely, and he snorted softly in his throat, obviously enjoying it very much.

The voice was very light, and it slammed into his ears suddenly, and it quickly immersed in his internal organs like poison. It seemed that something exploded in his heart. General Gu was shocked for a while and even closed his breath. , His eyes sank deeply in an instant.

Genius Long felt the strength in his waist suddenly increase, and the temperature in his palms increased more and more. He finally raised his eyelids. He squinted at the person’s eyes for a while, then suddenly got up, and the hand hanging on one side leaned down towards his crotch without warning.

You are reading story Hold On, General at novel35.com

General Gu suddenly stiffened, and hurriedly grabbed his wrist. He was a little embarrassed for a while, and said in a dumb voice: “Wang Ye…”

Genius Long didn’t withdraw his hand in a hurry, but looked at him calmly: “Now…do you believe it?”

General Gu tightened the strength in his hand, letting this person’s hand escape his swelling desire. He raised his head to meet the clear eyes of Xiao Wang Ye, was silent for a long time, and said seriously: “I don’t have any disrespect for you…, I…”

Genius Long looked at him. The person in front of him was magnanimous and calm and firm. He was not at all like the killer with a gentle smile. He should have discovered it a long time ago. He looked at him and secretly said that even if he let this person decide for himself now, this person would definitely do it. He couldn’t help sighing. He was about to speak when he saw the tent suddenly open and walked into the three of them.

Since Bai Lian learned of what happened just now, he tried to pry out the beginning and end of the matter from Wei Xiaoan’s mouth. He was also shocked. He couldn’t believe that the general would deceive Wang Ye, but he also knew the general’s character. If the angry Xiao Wang Ye slashed the general with a knife at this time, the latter would have absolutely no complaints, standing in place and letting him cut.

He was not at ease, so he hurried here, but he didn’t expect to run into this scene. He even began to wonder, if he came a little late, would the general be pressed down on the bed?

Wei Xiaoan shrank behind him, and when he saw this, he opened his mouth wide. Your Highness, you actually touched the general’s place… Ah, Your Highness, you are finally heroic! Finally understood!

Muzi was still with that face, not squinting, he looked at the distance between the two of them and secretly said that if the two next to him went out, he should also retreat.

Genius Long first looked at his hand that hadn’t been withdrawn that grabbed by facial paralysis, and the forbearance on this person’s face, and then slowly turned to the three of them, choking: “It’s not what you think, you…Listen to me explain…”

“…” The three of them were silent, and the scene was almost condensed at that moment.

Genius Long shook his lips: “Listen to me, I’m really not strong-rape him… what is he going to do to me…”

“Oh…” Wei Xiaoan and Bai Lian responded blankly, while Muzi continued to be silent. The three of them invariably looked at Xiao Wang Ye’s sinful hand, as if to say: Do you believe it yourself?


Genius Long suddenly pulled back his claws like an electric shock: “I really…” He opened his mouth, and he didn’t know what to say. After struggling for a long time, he suddenly looked at facial paralysis and said angrily, “You said it yourself, it is your fault.”

General Gu was very embarrassed, but he was first disturbed by these three people, and then by the pitiful look of Xiao Wang Ye. The feeling in his heart was long gone, and the rushing desire quickly receded, nodding and saying, “Yes.”

Genius Long hurriedly looked at the three of them, his eyes full of expectation, Muzi was silent, and Bai Lian was still a word: “Oh…”

Wei Xiaoan endured it, endured it again, and reminded in a low voice: “Wang Ye, you’d better put on your clothes first, so as not to catch a cold…” He continued to feel that his Wang Ye was really heroic!

“…” Genius Long choked again, “You…do you think I undress and seduce him? If I can’t seduce him, I’ll reach out, right?”

Bai Lian looked at the sky with both eyes, Wei Xiaoan didn’t answer, but Muzi did. He thought to himself that Xiao Wang Ye was asking a question this time. If the master had any questions, he must tell the truth, so he was silent and answered honestly: “Reply to Wang Ye, Yes.”


The corners of Bai Lian’s mouth twitched, obviously he couldn’t help it. Wei Xiaoan looked at Muzi with admiration and secretly said that the eldest brother’s guard was so honest that he dared to say it.

General Gu’s head was confused just now, but now that Wei Xiaoan reminded him that he didn’t feel right, he hurriedly pulled the quilt to cover Xiao Wang Ye tightly. He looked at the person and coughed dryly: “Wang Ye…”

“No, don’t call me…” Genius Long broke away from him angrily, grabbed his clothes and put them on his body, “I don’t want to see you again in my life. In fact, I should have died a long time ago. I just came here by chance. I’m going to that hillside to have a look. Maybe I can go back. Now I would rather be chased by Lei Yan than let you watch jokes here…” He hurriedly put on his clothes, and because of his movements, he couldn’t help but hiss and draw his breath, “How can I spread such a broken shell!”

General Gu raised his hand to stop him and pulled the quilt over to cover everything he could, secretly saying that he should indeed believe it because at this moment he very much didn’t want others to see this person’s body.

Genius Long continued to be angry: “Let go!”

General Gu patiently persuaded: “Wang Ye, don’t move, the medicine hasn’t been wiped out yet.”

“Don’t wipe it!”

“No, it’s the root of the disease.”

Genius Long said, “…Then you go out and let Wei Xiaoan wipe it.”

General Gu looked at Wei Xiaoan in silence. His left eye began to turn blue, which seemed a bit funny at first glance, but after a long time, he would find that the momentum deposited on his body was undamaged, and the people who were still under pressure did not dare to take a breath. Wei Xiaoan’s scalp was numb at the moment, and he was so shocked that he didn’t know whether to step on his left leg first or his right leg first.

Genius Long glanced over: “Wei Xiaoan, come here for me!”

Wei Xiaoan’s legs trembled, and he obediently said yes. He took two steps forward and suddenly fell to the ground with a “whoops”. Before he could speak, Bai Lian behind him hurriedly squatted down: “What’s the matter with you?”

“Belly…stomach hurts…”

“Did you eat something bad?” Bai Lian said, picking him up and dragging him out quickly, “Let’s go and take you to the doctor.”

Muzi looked at the distance between the two of them, cupped his fists and said, “This servant retires.” Turn around and leave.

Genius Long: “……”

General Gu said, “Wang Ye, what do you think of this medicine?”

Genius Long was completely blown up: “Get out…”

So after that day, the eyes of Bai Lian and Wei Xiaoan looked at them with a more meaningful look, and General Gu was unable to see people due to the blue circle of his left eye, and he had to take on the heavy responsibility of wiping medicine for Xiao Wang Ye, so he naturally got into the carriage.

“Let me tell you…” Genius Long lay down in the carriage angrily, buried his head and yelled, “I will bear with you all the way, and I will never want to see you again after I return to the capital!”

General Gu was silent, bowing his head to wipe the medicine.

“When will I get better?”


“Have you said this sentence many times? My waist doesn’t hurt anymore, so I don’t need to wipe it, right?”

“No, wipe it for a few more days, don’t leave the root of the disease.”

Genius Long was silent for a moment: “…why do I always think you are lying to me?”


  The army marched all the way west, passing through Chang An City, and guarded Helan Mountain.

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