Hold On, General

Chapter 7: 7

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Genius Long was awakened by a noise. He frowned and opened his eyes. The light in the tent was very dark. He didn’t know what time it was. He lay quietly for a while, then closed his eyes and turned over to continue sleeping.

The state of half-dreaming and half-waking made his consciousness a little blurred. The only clear impression was that the sound outside seemed to have never been interrupted. He couldn’t help sighing, struggling for a long time, and finally accepted his fate. Slowly got up from the soft couch.

The sky was glowing with blue and white light, and Genius Long secretly estimated that the time should be between four and five o’clock. Several tents not far away have been demolished. The soldiers are neatly dressed and gathered in twos and threes. There is a faint cloud of smoke in the straw shed where the food is served. It seems that after breakfast, the army will set off from the camp.

The identity of Genius Long spread throughout the barracks last night. Most of these soldiers have never read any books and respect the readers. In addition, this person has a delicate appearance and no shelf on his body, which makes people feel close. At this time, when they saw him coming out, they all stepped forward to say hello.

“Good morning, Master Zhuge” 

“…” Genius Long twitched the corners of his mouth. Your Master Zhuge got a few lights and played himself to death. He didn’t know how long he had been sleeping underground. It was a long time ago.

He groaned in his heart, smiled and nodded: “Good morning, you guys.” 

“Master Zhuge slept well last night?”

“Oh, it’s okay.” Genius Long said, thinking that today he must let the facial paralysis order and completely change his name. He took a breath of the morning air, only to feel a coolness in his chest and refreshed.

He looked around and visually measured the size of the barracks. He had the habit of running in the morning, but judging from the current condition of his body, would he be directly exhausted if he ran around the barracks?

Everyone wanted to get close to the new military counsellor, so they didn’t mean to leave, but stood beside them without moving, only to see this person suddenly wipe his face, stepped away with a righteous look, and ran up.

The soldiers were puzzled, walked a few steps to his side, and asked as they walked: “Military counsellor, what are you going to do?” 

“…I’m running.”

The soldier followed him at a walking speed, and asked hesitantly, “…running?” 

“…” Genius Long emphasized, “…I’m jogging.” 

“Oh…” A group of soldiers continued to follow, and then soon saw that the man was short of breath and sweaty on his forehead. He couldn’t help but ask worriedly: “Military counsellor, are you okay?”

“…” Genius Long stiffly looked at the group of soldiers who were walking with him, without taking a breath, and like no one else, suddenly became sad and angry. They were also human beings, but what is the point of this?

He grunts a good part of the run and jogs back the rest of the way, trying to adjust his breathing in the process, moving a little in place, then taking a step and exhaling slowly.

All the soldiers gathered around again, only to find that the military counsellor was really interesting and tight, and couldn’t help but ask, “Military counsellor, are you dancing?” 

“…” Genius Long almost spurted out a mouthful of blood, lying in the trough… Which eye of you saw Tai Chi like a dance? What? Which eye?

“…military counsellor?” 

“…I’m boxing. This is called Tai Chi. Exercise and cultivate yourself.” 

The soldiers were all incredible, and some even laughed and joked: “Military counsellor, don’t lie to people, how can this kind of soft fist defeat people?” 

“You don’t know what you’re doing, do you?” Genius Long stopped and crooked his finger at him, “Come here and try to hit me, oh, slowly, just to the point, understand? That means you have to move slowly and with less force, otherwise, you’ll have no one to teach you how to fight after you accidentally disable me.”

The soldier was still hesitant: “…… Really?”

“Yes, you try it.” Genius Long set up his stance and looked at him with a smile.

He was the only son of a large consortium, so his father had hired a combat teacher for him in order to prevent emergencies, his father’s intention was for him to learn to fight, and he owed his knowledge of Tai Chi to that teacher.

His teacher is a Western bruiser who especially advocates Chinese Kung Fu. One sentence that often hangs on his lips is: “I have been practising Tai Chi for three years, three years, and when I have practised for ten years, I will be able to become a kung fu master on TV.” Then he still use Sanda when he beat people, but the teacher really likes Tai Chi, so he used to spar with him every day before class.

In fact, he knew that the teacher was lying. Even if he had practised for ten years, the teacher would still use Sanda to beat people, because it was really cool to beat people with Sanda.

But then he got hooked on the computer and didn’t have time to practice. His skills can deal with one or two small thieves, three or four small thieves… Barely, five or six small thieves… Then he has to explain it.

Now that he has spread out this body, he feels that he is not even as good as an old man in his seventies or eighties. Only then did he suddenly think of his grandparents who played Tai Chi in the park, and he started to fight with a flash of inspiration. He comforted himself that it doesn’t matter if he can’t beat people, at least he can stay healthy.

The soldier looked at him and tentatively raised his fist and ran over. He was thinking of the counsellor’s order in his heart, but he didn’t dare to use force. Genius Long smiled, and with a move of four taels of gold, he not only defused his move but also made him retreat half a step involuntarily.

The soldier was taken aback, and everyone else was taken aback. Genius Long hooked his fingers again: “If you don’t believe in evil, you can try again. Oh, remember not to use force. My fragile little arm can’t bear it.” 

The soldier nodded, put away a little contempt and attacked again, the result was still the same as just now. Only then did everyone see a little doorway and praise: “It’s really amazing.” 

Genius Long thought to himself, what’s so powerful, if this man used all his strength, his arm would have been broken long ago, how could he fight back? He no longer believed that Tai Chi was used for beating people.

Sure enough… someone in the crowd hesitated: “Military counsellor if you attack with all your strength, is it still effective?” 

Genius Long coughed dryly: “If you can practice diligently, you will be able to become a peerless master in a few years.” Teacher, I can be regarded as inheriting your mantle and carrying it forward.

Everyone was in a daze for a while, and they wanted to learn one after another.

Genius Long nodded and said yes, and didn’t forget to say: “Don’t be naive enough to think that learning this kind of thing can be used on the battlefield. Don’t, otherwise, you won’t come to me to settle accounts if you die and become a ghost.”

Everyone was amused by his words and nodded and said yes.

So when General Gu came out of the tent, he saw his subordinates lined up in neat rows, under the leadership of someone…uh…dancing? And he danced quite happily.

“…” General Gu looked at him with a paralyzed face, secretly saying that these were all messy things.

“Ah, this…” Bai Lian also came out of the tent. At first glance, he was shocked at this scene. Are these people collectively crazy?

General Gu stepped forward and was silent for a long time before he found the appropriate words: “The military counsellor is so elegant.” 

“Ah, yes,” Genius Long replied with a smile, “I’ve got nothing better to do than to teach them boxing, although it may not be useful.”

“…” General Gu was silent, is this…boxing?

Bai Yan was shocked by the word “boxing”. He looked at the picture in front of him and then thought about the scene of these people slowly waving their arms to the battlefield to fight the enemy desperately.

“…” Xiaohua suffered a cerebral haemorrhage, and Xiaohua’s eyes turned black, and Xiaohua silently turned his head and walked back.

General Gu asked behind him, “What are you going to do?”

“Sleep,” Bai Lian said lightly, “I don’t think I woke up.”


The scene was still going on. General Gu was paralyzed for a long time, and he didn’t know what to do. He saw the soldier in charge of the guards rushing quickly and saluted: “General, someone outside the camp asked to see you, saying it was from the palace.”

General Gu was taken aback, turned around and walked over there, but came back after a long time, followed by two people, the one in front was slightly thinner, with a haggard face, as if he was on his way, and the one behind was tall, with dark eyes, restrained and quiet.

Genius Long looked up during the teaching process, and was slightly startled: “Hey, you are not…” Before he finished speaking, the person in front of him rushed over and threw himself to the ground: “Young master!” 

When the soldiers saw this, they stopped one after another, and Genius Long waved his hand to them: “It’s okay, errand boy.” He said, pulling up the person on the ground, “Wei Xiaoan, right, what are you doing here?”

Wei Xiaoan had just learned from the general outside the camp that he could not reveal the identity of  Wang Ye, so he said: “The eldest young master is afraid that you will not be used to living in the barracks. The special slave…the little one came to serve,” He said with tears in his eyes, “The little one has been on the road all night, and finally I saw you again, young master.”

“Well, knowing that you are not easy, go to bed.” Genius Long patted him and pointed to the tent not far away. Wei Xiaoan didn’t leave, but pointed behind him: “Young master, his name is Muzi, and he is the guard sent to you by the eldest young master.”

You are reading story Hold On, General at novel35.com

“Wow, wow.” Genius Long’s eyes lit up, and he hurriedly ran over and circled around the man. Muzi was not a talkative person at first glance, and he leaned forward with his fists: “I have met the young master.”

“Hey,” Genius Long responded and looked at him, “Are you good?”

Muzi said with a serious face: “This little one will protect you, young master, to the death.”

Who asked you this… The corner of Genius Long’s mouth twitched: “Well, you go down and rest too.”

Muzi stood still. Genius Long raised his eyebrows: “What? Not tired?”

“The eldest young master ordered that I must not leave the young master half a step.”

Genius Long was startled: “That means you want me to sleep with you?” 

General Gu’s brows jumped suddenly. Muzi obviously didn’t expect Xiao Wang Ye to say this, but he was not good at words, and he couldn’t say anything other than “The little one dare not”.

“Okay, I’m teasing you,” Genius Long waved his hand. “The army is about to set off from the camp. You two go down and take a break, so as not to lose your strength for a while. I will order meals for you, so you can sleep with peace of mind,” he said. Seeing that the man remained still, he felt that he should take advantage of his class advantage, so he added, “This is an order. If you don’t listen to me, you will treat it as if you want this young master to sleep with you.”

“…” Muzi froze for a long time, and finally had to leave. Genius Long was satisfied, and after teaching the soldiers a few more movements, it was time to eat, and then the army pulled out of the camp.

“Ah, not bad.” The feather fan, which had been sent to him by the paralysis after the army had travelled 20 miles, was very similar to the one he had drawn on the paper, and in his hand, he was immediately glowing.

“Xiaoan,” Genius Long fanned it twice, “do you think this young master looks like a military counsellor?” 

Wei Xiaoan nodded with a smile as he ate the treats Wang Ye gave him: “Yes.” 

“Hey, I shouldn’t have asked you,” Genius Long said, “you always obey me when I ask you something.” 

“No,” Wei Xiaoan said, “you look like anything, not to mention that the fan is a gift from the general, so you look even more like it.”

“What does this have to do …… with paralysis?” Genius Long said, baffled, “Did I like that general very much before? Of course, I mean that kind of like, you know?”

“Yes, you have always adored the general, and I am anxious for you.”

“Anxious?” Genius Long was surprised, “Why? Come on, tell me more.”

Wei Xiaoan thought that this might help Xiao Wang Ye recover his memory, so he knew everything and said everything. In the end, he was taken aback when he talked about rushing down the hillside. He hurriedly shut up. He has always avoided talking about this scene because he was afraid that Xiao Wang Ye would be guilty.

Genius Long shook his fan: “Oh, I get it, I lost my memory when I woke up, right?”

Wei Xiaoan looked at him and saw that he was not angry and said, “Yes, you don’t remember anything, and I don’t understand what you said.”

Genius Long thought to himself that the soul exchange between himself and the real Wang Ye should be at that time, but he always felt something weird. Wei Xiaoan tentatively said: “… Wang Ye?” 

“Don’t talk, let me think about it.” Genius Long frowned and pondered for a moment, then suddenly turned to look at him, his eyes were like a poisonous snake staring at a mouse.

Wei Xiaoan shook when he settled down: “Wang Wang Wang Ye…”

Genius Long nodded, turned around and grabbed his front lapel, squinted his eyes and asked in a low voice, “Wei Xiaoan, I was just going to see off and didn’t have the will to go to war. Why did my brother suddenly send me to the border? And I didn’t even see my brother’s shadow before I set off, and I still woke up in the carriage inexplicably. You can make it clear to me that I shouldn’t have been drugged at the time, right? And you and that general together… bullied this king, right?”

Wei Xiaoan trembled all over, and his face turned pale.

Genius Long sneered: “It seems that I guessed it right, you guys are so courageous.”

The last trace of blood was gone from Wei Xiaoan’s face and he opened his mouth to ask for mercy. Genius Long was quick to cover his mouth, “What are you screaming for? That piece of wood is right outside the carriage, do you want him to hear it and go back and tell my brother?”

Wei Xiaoan continued to shake, his mind was blank, and tears kept flowing down his face out of fear.

Genius Long said, “Come on, don’t cry, I didn’t say I’d punish you.”

Wei Xiaoan couldn’t wipe his tears and looked at him dryly: “You’re not angry, Wang Ye?”

“I’m angry at the sight of you now.”

Wei Xiaoan continued to cry.

“……” Genius Long held his forehead, who was the master here? He put his feet across the carriage and ordered, “Stop crying and pound the legs.”

Wei Xiaoan didn’t dare to disobey, so he beat it obediently. Genius Long squinted his eyes and waited patiently until the sun set and the army encamped in the village again. He got out of the carriage, looked at the facial paralysis coming this way, rushed straight over with all his energy, and gritted his teeth in a low voice: “I ask you, the letter from my brother…Did he send someone to deliver it when I got on the carriage? Hmm?”

General Gu was shocked suddenly. It was only along the way that he learned about the wisdom of Xiao Wang Ye, but he didn’t expect Wang Ye to see through his deception so quickly.

“Good, very good, very good.” Genius Long spun around like a beast, stopped and reached his arms out, bent on giving him an over-the-shoulder slam, his gaze was cold and he used all his strength, and then he froze.

General Gu’s mind was in turmoil, not knowing what he was going to do, but when he saw the person carrying one of his arms as if he was nestled in his arms, the lines on the side of his face came into view without any hesitation, he actually became a bit confused.

And in this moment of dead silence, Genius Long dropped his arm with a shaking hand and reached out with a weak paw: “Help, help me, I’ve hit my back ……”


When Wei Xiaoan and Muzi came forward, Genius Long raised his eyes and saw Muzi, and said through clenched teeth: “You, yes, you, hit him for me!”

Muzi was ordered by the emperor. During the outing, he only listened to the order of Xiao Wang Ye. He raised his hand with a sullen head and a punch. General Gu had all his heart on Xiao Wang Ye, and this punch was solid, and he was a little confused at the moment.

There was a sound of pumping around.

Genius Long nodded secretly, the left eye of facial paralysis was definitely blue, and he saw that Muzi was going to continue fighting, so he said, “Okay, stop it.”

Muzi stopped and turned his head to help him. Who knew that he was intercepted by the general halfway. General Gu carefully picked up Genius Long, strode to the tent in dead silence, and asked in a low voice, “Just one punch?”

Genius Long snorted: “It’s cheaper for you, but forget it. I prefer to be a military counsellor than to be mouldy in the palace. Your fan is doing well. I like it very much.”

General Gu continued to walk in silence.

Genius Long, however, seemed to have discovered a new world: “Hey, did you just laugh?”

“……” General Gu said, “No.”

“You absolutely laughed,” Genius Long crawled up on his body, “Come on, give this young master another smile, our account will be written off from now on, hurry up, don’t resist so much, I tell you…Hiss…” His movements were a little too big, and he suddenly took a breath, “I wipe, I really want to know how I lived to such a big age…”

General Gu said, “Your health has been bad since you were a child.”

“…” Genius Long wanted to cry without tears, “I can watch it myself, so I don’t need you to remind me.”

General Gu carefully put him on the soft couch, turned his head to find medicine, and then came back and looked down at him. Genius Long lazily raised his eyelids: “What are you doing?”

“Wang Ye,” General Gu said, “Please take off your clothes.”



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