Hold On, You're Something Else

Chapter 2: CH 2

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Rong Jing thought that if one had to use force to break a melon off the vine, it won’t taste sweet1 so he had planned to find an opportunity to break up with Qi Ying and let him free.

But before he could even think of a reason, the other person had proposed it first. Wasn’t that just perfect? 

His silence due to his sluggish reaction was naturally misunderstood as sadness by Qi Ying.

He thought that Rong Jing was on the verge of breakdown even after saying that it was ‘okay’. No one knew better about what kind of terrifying power an Alpha’s outburst carried than an Omega.

Qi Ying straightened his back, and his tone became wary, “Rong—, Rong Jing, we’re cool right?”

Qi Ying looked at his own thin arms and legs. Rong Jing could flip him over with just one arm. One should never underestimate how strong an Alpha could be after experiencing a break up.

Rq Ssdt Kkdt nakle ckvvlazu yde clttle bkx vs nbydtl bkp xkde zkjl bl yzoyup eke kd vbl rypv, bl oswzed’v byhl vbswtbv xwnb ycswv kv. Jwv dso, bl bye yd kdekqqlaldv lmralppksd sd bkp qynl, yde bl prsjl zlpp. Tso nswze bl fwpv ydpola bkx okvb sdzu sdl osae?

Rv oyp yp kq bl oyp vyzjkdt ycswv psxlvbkdt vbyv byp dsvbkdt vs es okvb bkx.

Rv oyp yzalyeu ayal qsa pwnb yd Xxlty zkjl bkx vs pvssr esod vs bkp zlhlz yde ynnlrv bkx, ps bso nswze bl ynv ps kdekqqlaldv vs vblka calyj wr? Mbkp oyp fwpv vss xwnb!

Tl’p rascyczu bszekdt cynj. Tl xwpv cl alyzzu ydtau aktbv dso.

Ck Zkdt nswzed’v vlzz kq bl oydvle vs pll Ssdt Kkdt lmrzsel sa kq bl oydvle vs fwpv calyj wr rlynlqwzzu. Mbl xyd’p alynvksd oyp clusde bkp lmrlnvyvksdp.

Mbl yvxsprblal vwadle pvkqq. Ssdt Kkdt zssjle wr yv Ck Zkdt, vaukdt vs vlzz bkx okvb bkp pkdnlal lulp vbyv bl bye alyzzu ytalle, “Zlr, ol’al nssz.”

Ck Zkdt’p lmralppksd pbkqvle qasx nsdvlxrv vs ekppyvkpqynvksd vs pwcvzl ydtla.

Ssdt Kkdt yppwxle vbyv vbl rlsrzl kd vbkp osaze olal oyu vss ekqqlaldv qasx oblal bl nyxl qasx. Tl alnyzzle vbl xyd vbyv bl xlv kd qasdv sq vbl cyvbassxp, bso bl tsv pvyavzle clnywpl sq bkx, yp kq bl oyp psxl jkde sq qklanl clypv vbyv oswze yvvynj yv ydu xsxldv.

Qi Ying observed him more carefully before he was sure that Rong Jing sincerely agreed to the break up, however the man looked like he actually just didn’t care.

Even though he was the one who proposed their break up, he somehow felt a fire burning in his heart.

He was the flower of the Film and Television Academy’s Film and Television Art Design Institute’s Film Character Design Department. Awfully long, right? He got assigned to this department when he took the entrance exam. Except for the most popular Acting department, this department had the lowest admission score.

Extremely smart of Qi Ying to play this clever trick. As long as he went out and said that he was from the Film and Television Academy, outsiders wouldn’t even care which specific department he belonged to. In short, he had the very same opportunities to contact directors and screenwriters like others who came from different departments.

No matter which department he came from, he was still a very rare Omega and was treated as a beauty. Rong Jing spent years chasing him so how could he agree that easily?

Isn’t this quite odd?

He looked at the man across him drinking cappuccino while playing with a cat, as if indirectly telling him the answer to his question: It’s not odd.

Qi Ying was a bit unsatisfied. He wanted to say more, at least he wanted to see more reaction out of Rong Jing.

He had a lot of ways to deal with Alphas. This was also a skill he found pride in and had  cultivated for many years now.

Qi Ying, who was still sulking just then, soon turned into a sobbing mess, “I don’t want this to happen either, I swear. But look at you. You’re an Alpha, yet you don’t have the courage and charm that an Alpha should carry. Have you even accepted some of the good audition opportunities that were given to you before? How many times have you let me down?”

If the original owner of this body heard his words, he would have surely died of shame.

But Rong Jing’s thoughts had completely gone off at a tangent. What he saw in front of him was a man looking too soft and weak. He was at a loss on how to adapt to this situation.

He tried to tell himself that the way he viewed the world could still be fixed even if it was broken. Though it would be hard to accept six genders, he’d still be able to overcome this overtime.

In order to not embarrass the other person, he agreed courteously.

Seeing that it didn’t work, Qi Ying decided to strike again, “You’re so timid. Many Betas are living better than you!”

This sentence could be considered an insult to an Alpha. No Alpha would accept being compared to a Beta.

When Qi Ying said this, he looked under the table and glanced at Rong Jing’s socks which were filled with holes.

If the original owner ever heard this, he would have surely dug a hole in the ground by now. No matter how frugal he was, he wouldn’t want to lose face in front of Qi Ying.

But Rong Jing acted as if he heard nothing.

Qi Ying would never know that the person across him had a different dimension of thinking compared to him. He only knew that Rong Jing didn’t pick up on his cross-gender insult at all.

“You know what I’ve always wanted but you didn’t even try to audition. I don’t see a future for us…”

And just like that, what was originally Qi Ying’s problem gradually turned to Rong Jing being useless and disappointing, as if he had no choice but to leave. 

Rong Jing listened quietly to him and didn’t retort. Qi Ying suddenly thought that maybe Rong Jing just loved him too much so he thought to act insipidly.

Qi Ying went from picking faults to pouring out his bitterness, and sincerely talked about the difficulties he was facing in his life. During that time, Rong Jing also thoughtfully made a cup of coffee for him. Now he felt like Rong Jing really was a catch. He was so docile and compliant, where could he ever find someone like him again?

Rong Jing may look like he was being very attentive but in fact he was already lost in his thoughts. After he got reprimanded, his mind started wandering off to the person he had caught a glimpse of on the TV.

After speaking for a long time, Qi Ying finally stopped talking. He still wanted to tell him more about his grievances, but his ‘benefactor’ had made an appointment for him this evening for an audition of a new film. He couldn’t lose such a good opportunity.

No matter how good Rong Jing was, he was nothing but a lap dog who was hardly worth feeding, though it would still be quite a pity to discard him2.

He made no mistake by cutting ties with Rong Jing. It was only a matter of time before their relationship would end.

Qi Ying finally managed to bring his thoughts back on track when thinking about it like this.

Rong Jing looked at his phone and remembered what the waiter told him about the time the medicine would wear off. Seeing that it was almost the mentioned time, he got up and decided to settle the bill. 

Qi Ying knew that Rong Jing had always been thrifty and that the man lived a hard life. His socks were torn, even his clothes looked like they hadn’t been changed in a while. He tried to pay the bill himself but was stopped by Rong Jing.

“I’ll pay.”

Since he was finally able to get rid of one problem left by the original owner, Rong Jing breathed a sigh of relief. Though he’ll lose money because of this, he thought that he should still uphold his dignity as a man. 

Again with that concise yet powerful way of speaking of his. Qi Ying blushed slightly and stood in place, looking very obedient.

Why did Rong Jing suddenly look attractive? Was it an illusion?

The expression on Qi Ying’s face turned strange when he saw a few cats loitering near Rong Jing’s feet.

Rong Jing was his senior in university. There were stray cats in the school before but he never liked to be close to them.

He has been to this cafe a few times now so he knew that the cats here were a bunch of tsundere. Without giving them food, they won’t actively approach humans. The cats were hardly seen coming up to humans and following them  closely.

Qi Ying said, “They seem to like you a lot?”

Rong Jing looked at the orange cat lying on his feet and casually said “Ah.”

He was very popular with animals in his previous life so he didn’t feel anything wrong about this.

Before leaving, Qi Ying looked at Rong Jing’s despondent appearance and found a rare moment of pity for him.

He had an audition opportunity in his hand that he had given up on because he thought that the role didn’t fit him.

He asked the waiter for a pen and wrote down the time and place for the audition, then he put it on Rong Jing’s hand. “Stop fooling around. If you go on like this, no Omega will be willing to be with you. An Alpha like you also needs to grow up.”

Back in his previous world, Rong Jing was an accomplished person. Even if he disagreed with others, he was willing to listen to their beliefs and advice, and rarely embarrassed people to their faces.

But still, his nerve reflexes were slower than that of ordinary people. He answered by saying, “I’ll consider your words.”

In Rong Jing’s memory, the original owner’s boyfriend was unruly and hard to deal with so he planned today to just go along with whatever he would say. As the saying goes, it was easier to invite the devil in than to send him away. Now all he wanted was to send the devil first.

He spoke in a very casual way, yet to other’s ears, it sounded very serious and sincere.

Qi Ying felt like he had punched some soft cotton and the rest of the words of dislike that he was about to say remained unspoken.

Neither of them noticed that another Omega wearing red clothes, who also came to pay, was looking at Qi Ying with disdain.

When Rong Jing used the original owner’s ‘X’ card, he saw that the amount he owed on it had to be paid off at the beginning of next month before he gets charged with interest. A sense of urgency to make money immediately came over him.

The world has changed but how come ‘X’ hadn’t? He searched the names of all the celebrities back in his world but they didn’t appear here.

After paying the bill, his phone rang. Rong Jing looked at the caller ID causing his heart to jump slightly. He put his slippers back on the disinfection machine and walked out quickly.

As soon as he left, the Omega wearing red clothes stopped Qi Ying and said, “Hey, why were you so mean?”

The caller was the original owner’s mother. The voice on the other end of the phone was cautious, “Your father said that he would unfreeze your cards if you come back.”

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Ssdt Kkdt eked’v jdso bso vs ydpola qsa y obkzl. Fwnb pkzldnl oyp vbl pyxl yp vbl obyv vbl saktkdyz sodla oswze sqvld tkhl

Mbl svbla rlapsd sd vbl svbla lde oyp wple vs kv. Fbl nsdvkdwle okvb y hsknl nbsjle okvb pscp, “Usxl cynj blal yde pll xl, sjyu? Mbkp kp yzps uswa bsxl.”

Fsxlsdl sd vbl svbla lde sq vbl rbsdl pllxle vs rypp cu yde pdsavle obld bl blyae vbl osaep sq vbl xsvbla.

“Fkdnl usw vbkdj usw’al ps talyv, esd’v lhla vbkdj sq pvlrrkdt cynj blal! Zsw xktbv yp olzz ekl swvpkel! Zsw xyjl xl pknj!”

Ssdt Kkdt qasodle obld bl blyae vbspl osaep.

Mbl ydtla yde pyedlpp vbyv clzsdtle vs vbl saktkdyz sodla rswale kdvs bkp blyav. Tl oydvle vs pyu cynj y qlo osaep qsa vbl saktkdyz sodla, cwv ds sdl kd vbyv qyxkzu oyp okzzkdt vs wdelapvyde vbl saktkdyz sodla, ps bl tyhl wr.

Omrzydyvksdp yal qsa vbspl rlsrzl obs yal okzzkdt vs zkpvld, svblaokpl vblal’p ds rskdv hldvkdt uswa lxsvksdp.

Mbl saktkdyz sodla’p xsvbla oyp pvyavzle cu vbl hsknl clbkde bla yde qyzvlale, “Fl—, plnsde uswdt xypvla!”

After those words, there came a beep beep sound, and the call ended.

Whatever the circumstances were back in that home, it’s all inside the original owner’s memories. This phone call also meant that his running away episode has now come to an end, and he might receive another call later.

However, he was more worried about facing his mother, who’s most familiar with the original owner, than the embarrassing situation he might encounter back at that house. It’s going to be a problem if they found him strange, even though he has yet to debut in the film and television industry. 

He also didn’t plan to act like the original owner, even if only for a short time. It would be too cruel and unfeeling to act like another person for the rest of his life.

He returned to the cat cafe to say goodbye to Qi Ying but he saw that he still hadn’t left the cashier’s desk and was arguing with an Omega. Their voices were getting louder.

What happened?

This Omega also looked familiar. This person was the person who nodded at him.

This person, who was wearing a red t-shirt and looked androgynous, confidently ruffled his long curly hair, “I’m willing to take care of him, how old is he? And who told you that an Alpha is obligated to work? If you want someone mature, why don’t you become one yourself?”

Qi Ying, who had pride to protect, was annoyed at being rebuked and glared at the other person, “Wooow, I can smell your slutty little ass from here. This is between me and him. You’ve got nothing to do with it, please don’t get involved.”

The other person retorted, “You said it yourself, you asked for a break up. That means he’s single now! He’s free! You’re so annoying, you know that? You don’t even take off your sunglasses when you go indoors. You think you’re so famous? Excuse me, we don’t know you! Hahaha~”

Qi Ying was hit where it hurts the most. A fight between the two began, and the place became noisy and lively.

Rong Jing, who was the center of their conversation, tried to recall their demure and gentle appearance.

It is true that most of the time, Omega gives other people the impression of being sweet and charming. Even if Qi Ying’s quite rude, he’s still soft-spoken.

But when Alphas are not around, ohoo, they seem to show their true colors.

Rong Jing looked at them in disbelief and also found that the other Alphas around him also had a similar expression. Perhaps their inherent impression of Omegas had been shattered. Seems like although this world was different, their views can still be kind of shared.

One of the Alphas sitting in the distance looked at him and gave him a thumbs up.

An Alpha who can make Omegas fight over him is a wolf warrior in love.

Rong Jing, who was considered a wolf warrior in love, didn’t want to claim this title and silently withdrew from the ‘group chat’.

Amid the begging of several cats, Rong Jing left the cat cafe.

The medicine’s effect is almost long gone. He didn’t want to go to a hospital just to suffer. Also… He didn’t have much money left.

Rong Jing walked on the road in this new world while looking at the scenery and pedestrians. Even the cars here were the same one his previous world had. Actually, except the six genders, there’s not much difference between the two.

He thought of ‘that’ something that was on mind. He took out his phone and entered some words on the search bar.

He typed <Lou Ta’s 365 Days> that the waiter mentioned earlier. The results showed photos of the side profile of the lead actor, Gu Xi. On the picture, light illuminated his face, and only one of his eyes seemed to contain hope. The photo wasn’t very special but its idea was attractive enough.

The plot of the movie is about a person who was born into a poor family whose only source of living is through other’s good will. His parents abandoned them, and as the eldest son of the family, the protagonist, Lou Ta, had to take the burden of caring for his younger siblings, doing everything to provide for them.

When he grew up, his parents harbored wicked thoughts when they saw him doing well. The protagonist suffered and escaped covered with blood. Finally, he met the first noble person in his life. This person discovered his skating talent and helped him with a short-term systematic training.

But on the day he decided to leave the country, his sister got into a car accident. The protagonist, wrapped in blood-stained bandages, went to the evaluation stage, and did a wonderful ice dancing performance. 

But reality is always cruel. He didn’t do well because he was injured. He didn’t get accepted, and he was once again crushed into dust.

It wouldn’t be too much to say that this movie has become quite a classic because of the actor.

The movie and the lead actor worked together well and brought amazing results.

He remembered about the bragging of the waiter about the last scene of the movie. Rong Jing checked more of the stills of the movie. Even without seeing the movie, it was obvious that it was a hit.

Rong Jing looked through the comments. People said that this was Gu Xi’s first work after being silent for three years, yet it was a stunning, instant hit. This movie was undoubtedly a successful opportunity to bring him back into the public eye.

Some also said that this movie reflects Gu Xi’s childhood, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to portray so well the emotions of his character if he hadn’t experienced it himself. The screenwriter also said in an interview after the  movie’s release that it was indeed inspired after Gu Xi’s life.

However, some fans countered that this was simply because of Gu Xis’ acting skills. His talents couldn’t be simply measured by the standards of ordinary idols.

“Gu Xi… Gu Xi.” Rong Jing murmured these two words in a low voice.

Why did it sound familiar?

Rong Jing scratched his head. This feeling of having something on the tip of his tongue was quite annoying.

However, Rong Jing wasn’t the type of person that obsesses over things. If he couldn’t remember then forget  it.

He believes that people’s memory has many blind spots. Things that are not considered important are automatically put in the corner of one’s hippocampus. These things require a certain amount of stimulation to be recalled.

He didn’t like forcing himself.

In his SCL evaluation, Rong Jing scored F8 = 1.55 in the Paranoia section. A very low score, indicating that he is a person who almost never gets paranoid.

Since he had no idea why he feels so familiar towards that name, he didn’t want to think about it for the time being. There’s another problem that he should face for now, and that is related to whether he can integrate into this world or not.

Fifteen minutes later, a handsome, tall man sitting by a roadside flower bed, was watching the pedestrians with his pair of eyes.

For each noteworthy person, he would pause for a moment longer, and would look like he was thinking about some century-old problem.

Some Omega turned their gazes shyly, some Alphas felt like his gaze was a provocation and stared back angrily. Most of the people just passed by without feeling anything. Rong Jing guessed that these people should be the ones who are called Beta.

Yes. This human observer on the side of the road was Rong Jing. No matter how much data the internet could give him, he thought that field observations would still be better.

This was actually a stupid idea but he couldn’t help but do it. He can’t just ask someone he meets in the future what their ABO gender is.

He didn’t know why people in this world could easily perceive the six genders. It is easy to distinguish the gender between a man and a woman but ABO was confusing. After all, human beings were an ever changing race.

According to a search engine he used, 20% of the population were Alphas. Alphas were mostly strong and tall, which was easy to understand. He could use himself as a reference. 

Omegas are mostly weak and always in need of protection. They have glands at the back of their neck, and they usually are small in stature. 

But he remembered that the official profile he found about Gu XI showed that he was a bit tall, reaching some of the standards of a weak Alpha. Meaning, this data is not absolute.

Omegas account for about 6.5% of the population, far from even the threshold of 10. This makes it reasonable why the original owner was so happy he almost had a heart attack when Qi Ying agreed to date him.

O’s population was too small. Omega with excellent qualities won’t likely force themselves to be with mediocres Alphas. They have the right to pick and choose.

Qi Ying’s previous scoldings for Rong Jing was brought about  by this environment.


Betas, how about the Betas?

Rong Jing thought that he had missed it, and tried to look for it again. Oh, so it was in the corner.

Beta’s relevant information is terribly scarce.

Rong Jing tried to look for more info in disbelief, then he found a few forums that mentioned Betas.

Most of the comments said that Betas were mediocre, ordinary and plain.

So there’s sexism in this world, too? Aren’t Betas important too?

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